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Imagine if Keir Starmer, the UK Labour leader, had said, let’s not get too obsessed with government debt. If we go down that road we won‘t be able to provide the public services we need, our infrastructure will crumble further and we’ll simply see the country’s productivity erode further by the day. Unfortunately, he didn’t say that. Instead, he ha…
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There’s been a debate brewing post-pandemic about how much inflation has been elevated by companies increasing their margins. The evidence of that is the increased profits, not just in the tech sector, which has helped increase the share prices of these companies, evidenced by record levels across the US share market indices. This week Steve Keen s…
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The UK is heading to the polls on July 4th and the Conservative Party is heading for annihilation. Yet, when it comes to espousing sensible ideas from textbooks, Rishi Sunak had the making of a good Prime Minister. For example, tackling productivity by building the necessary infrastructure, investing in education and building cities and regions whe…
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Steve is on hols this week, so Phil takes a look back at a couple of Debunking Economics podcasts from just before Donald Trump took office. In many ways he stuck to his promises. He tried to cut immigration, he introduced protectionism with hefty tariffs on China and he cut taxes. Now he’s promising more of the same, although Biden might have beat…
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Should we tax wealth more? The UK’s Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reevs wouldn’t be drawn o the question at an FT forum recently. She said the UK is already a high taxing country. But around the world the wealthy are getting wealthier. Is that a bad thing? Some would say that if they are making money creating growth for the economy, then why would you w…
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UK Labour leader Keir Starmer has said if he wins the next general election, within 5 years he will have re-nationalised Britain’s railways. Phil asks Steve whether it naturally follows that this will lead to an improvement in services and lower fares? Steve reckons you any need to look at government run services elsewhere in Europe to answer that …
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The new industry is struggling to survive, with far reaching consequences on public accountability and democracy. Steve says part of the problem could have been fixed with a suitable micropayments system, so readers could consume articles without subscribing to papers in full. Phil’s not so sure, pointing to the fact that an increasingly large prop…
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There are two types of people who buy gold. Speculators who see it as a risk-adverse asset class to buy when other investments look a little shaky. There are also those who hold onto gold because they believe paper money has no intrinsic value and is therefore susceptible to collapse. Zimbabwe, who’s paper currency has been undergoing decades of in…
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Sadly for Donald Trump, America seems to have been doing quite well in his absence. It has weathered the pandemic and inflation better than most. GDP pr capita is rising faster than most places and consumer spending is on the up. In fact, the main reason the Federal Reserve isn’t cutting rates is because the economy is doing so well they don’t see …
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For a while now Dr Edgar Feige has been a proponent of an automated transactional tax. The idea is that we get rid of all taxes – income tax, sales tax, corporate tax, excise, capital gains, import and export duties, inheritance – and replace it all with a tax on all transactions Every transaction, which can be easily identified through bank accoun…
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There’s been a lot of speculation lately about the role of immigration and its impact on inflation. Does a flood of foreign workers push down wages, which contains cost and keeps prices down? Conversely, did the low immigration levels post-COVID add to the wage pressures because, combined with sickness from COVID, there were a lot less people for e…
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The Bank of Japan has just lifted interest rates for the first time in 17 tears. The central bank has kept rates in negative territory in the mistaken belief that it would encourage banks to lend an people to borrow, helping to boost their flagging economy. Steve Keen says it’s based on the mistaken belief that banks lend money from their reserve a…
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One analogy that economists like to use is that of the Capitol Hill Babysitting cooperative in Washington DC in the 1970s. Government workers set-up a babysitting group, where they to it in turns to babysit each other’s children, so they could enjoy nights out without paying for childcare. There were quite a few on the group, so payment was formali…
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The UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered what is almost certainly his last budget, promising the usual stuff – more investment, more jobs, better public services and lower taxes. And, miraculously, all of this will be achieved by lowering government spending. Despite the rubbery figures, Steve Keen argues that the budget ignores the key principle, t…
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The UK Debt Office has started selling bonds to retail investors through the primary market Previously the only way you could buy government bonds was through financial institutions, through ETFs, for example. The reason giving for opening it up to consumers is that it will allow them to “contribute more significantly to meeting the overall financi…
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Elon Musk has his fingers in many pies. Social media, space travel, internet access, AI. Even tunnel drilling. He’s grown from developing a modest series of online city guides, to being one of the richest men on the planet. Is he a genius, or simply a Trumpesque style wheeler and dealer? This week phil – not a big fan – asks Steve – massive fan – w…
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The concept of American Exceptionalism has been talked about for decades, mainly by Americans. Now the term is back in vogue because the US has shown the fastest recovery from the pandemic and subsequent inflation. It’s also a period of intense speculation in US shares, driven by phenomenal rises in the value of big tech stocks. Is this something t…
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Rishi Sunak, like most politicians, is adamant that he can grow the economy by getting businesses to be more productive. But can businesses really grow the economy by themselves, if the government just gets out the way? You might think that by employing more people, or creating more widgets, you are helping the economy. But there’s one big constrai…
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Have central banks waited too long before dropping interest rates. Over the last week or so we’ve had Jerome Powell, the Governor of the Fed, saying inflation is coming down but they want to see more data before they’re convinced enough to drop rates. The Bank of England’s Andrew bailey said pretty much the same thing. And the ECB. But, as Phil and…
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Yanis Varoufakis joins Steve nd Phil this week to talk about the thinking behind his new book technofeudalism. The ‘cloudists, as he calls them, aren’t operating in the market, they have replaced the market. They learn from us tell us what we want to buy and then sell it to us. Their capital is the algorithm they have developed, but also the inform…
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If Trump has one sensible policy its his drive to reindustrialise America. Since he left the Oval Office we’ve had global supply chains challenged by the pandemic, wars and a downturn in economies we used to rely on for cheap goods. The financial advantage of outsourcing to Asia is losing some of its gloss, and the uncertainty of supply has to be a…
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Is it right that the growth opportunities of businesses are determined by the vagaries of the finance markets. Companies wanting to raise debt through bonds or bank loans face higher costs right now because of the rise in interest rates. Someone with a great idea could be held back because of the cost of borrowing. Whether its borrowing or issuance…
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As you’ll hear at the start of this week’s podcast Warren Buffet isn’t a big fan of private equity firms. He says they lie, so they are not a good choice for investors, like pension funds, for example. But they are even worse for the companies being acquired by private equity funds. Morrisons is an example. A successful supermarket chain with a lon…
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The UK government has been refusing the pay demands of young doctors in the UK who held a series of strikes in 2023. Their argument is that pay has been declining in real-terms since 2008. Unless pay catches-up there will continue to be a drain of new recruits, which will impact patient safety and put undue pressure on those left working in the NHS…
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Our podcast listeners often ask which economics books they should read to get up to speed on some of the discussions we have, and to understand more about the way the economy really works. This week, for those with a wad of book tokens gifted to them at Christmas, we look at a selection that are worth getting stuck into over the holiday period incl…
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Central banks assume there is a natural rate of interest – a point of equilibrium at which the demand for loans matches the supply of loans. They believe if interest rates have been too low, they risk over-heating the economy, risking inflation. But does it work? Steve suggests that interest rates should be fixed, with control of the economy manage…
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Keir Starmer will be the UK’s next Prime Minister. Few things in life are more certain. So why did he see the need to write an opinion piece for the Telegraph extolling the virtues of Margaret Thatcher. He said she had freed up Britain’s entrepreneurial spirit. Really? She also created massive private debt, driven by a tax-incentivised housing bubb…
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In his election pledges President-Elect Javier Milei promised the people of Argentina two things. First, he would do dollarize the economy. He’d ditch the Peso and replace it with the, already widely used, UD dollar. Secondly, he would abandon the central bank, who he blames for the rampant inflation, which is one part of many fronts of destruction…
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Last year net migration in the UK reached 745,000 people. A new record, which amount to more than 1% growth in the population. It’s an unsustainable population growth but Steve Keen argues growth on the planet as a whole is unsustainable. He worries that as climate change destroys food production migrants and UK locals alike will be queuing for rel…
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George Osbourne was the UK Chancellor wedded to austerity. “More cuts, more difficult decisions” he said at the start of 2014, as he struggled to get the British budget back into surplus. But regular listeners to this podcast know that a government budget in surplus is sucking money out of the economy. Steve Keen reminds us of the logic that shows …
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Last Wednesday Optus phone, mobile and internet users in Australia went without and sort of service for a full working day, starting from about 4 in the morning. At he same time, Thames Water in Surrey were slowly connecting back customers who had not had water supplies since the previous Saturday morning. Why are things we have always assumed we c…
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Everyone is talking about AI right now. Rishi Sunak’s new best friend is Elon Musk, who has been over in Britain to talk about it and the danger it presents. ‘Civilization destruction’ is how he described it. But, whilst that might be a long-term concern, isn’t the short-term danger of more concern. Liker deep fakes. Or the rising use of energy by …
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Marc Andreessen is the brains behind the Mosaic web browser, that paved the way for the web interfaces that made the Internet useable. He’s, quite rightly, a billionaire. You could even say he has delivered a social surplus, in that we have all benefited from his invention to a value many more times than we was rewarded with personal income. Well d…
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Entrepreneur Nick Hanauer says he is one of the richest 0.1% of people, but he’s a defender of the people. That’s why he’s exposed the lies we are fed in his latest book ‘Corporate bullshit - exposing the lies and half-truths that protect profit, power and wealth in America’. Once you realise it’s not about facts, it’s about power, it changes how y…
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A simple challenge on the podcast this week – how do you fix world poverty? When he was President of the World Bank Jim Yong Kim set a target of ending world poverty by 2030. In 2019 just 8.4 percent f the global population were living in extreme poverty. Sadly, the pandemic added another 70 million people live below the extreme poverty line, lifti…
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Rishi Sunak is seemingly proud to have cancelled the only real nation building project Britain has had for decades. Instead, the money will be spent on sticking-plaster solutions to existing infrastructure, without any business case or overarching strategy. The reason? It all got too expensive. The other reason, Mr Sunak obviously thinks it’s a vot…
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Economists like to believe human behaviour is predictable. Otherwise, they probably wouldn’t have a job. Steve Keen argue that we do tend to behave like the rest of the herd, but how many herds are there? Phil asks if economists need to develop the sort of demographic segmentation modellers that marketers use? It’s certainly a long way from the bas…
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Liz Truss is back. She kept a fairly low profile after very short tenure as the UK Prime Minister, but popped up again for a speech at the Institute for Government, arguing that she was right about supply side economics and the need to fight against 25 years of economic consensus. She seems to think if everyone had read Milton Friedman the world wo…
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The US dollar is creating real problems right now. Speculators are buying it up as US Treasuries (bonds) offer higher yields at lower prices than other forms of sovereign debt. US shares are also proving popular as talk of a US soft landing intensifies, suggesting they’ll be more scope for company growth in the US than just about anywhere else. All…
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There’s a vain hope in investment circles, and amongst politicians, that we can still enjoy economic growth on the road to NetZero. There are those who believe that we can decouple our economic growth from our consumption of fossil fuels. In other words, we can continue to enjoy growth driven capitalism whilst avoiding the impacts of catastrophic c…
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Are we earning too much? Many of us are now spending less than we earn on day-to-day consumption items We’re putting our excess income into our future earnings, through our pension funds, who use a chunk of that the money to buy non-productive assets, liking investing in shares on the secondary market, to no-benefit of the companies we invest in. P…
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If he managed to stay out of gaol and makes it to the White House, Donald Trump has proposed a flat 10% tariff on all goods coming into America. He’s called it the Ring Around the Collar of America – which has led some to suggest the policy is a nasty stain that will be difficult to get out. But as phil Dobbie discovers, Trump has one supporter in …
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Recently Steve was commissioned to write a report for Carbon Tracker, an independent think tank offering in-depth analysis of the impact of climate change and energy transition on the finance industry. Inside “Loading the DICE Against Pensions” he looks at the reasons why pension funds have vastly underestimated the impact of climate change on inve…
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There has been lots of speculation about BRICs countries working to develop a new trading currency, to enable trade without the reliance on the US dollar. There’s also talk that maybe this new currency will be backed by gold? Many suggest this will be a challenge to western fiat money. There’s a suggestion that such currencies will lose value again…
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QE was big news before the pandemic. Then, as governments issued bailouts to keep us at home, central banks went into overdrive, buying up the mushrooming bond issuance from government. In some ways, it was a sort of People’s QE, because the money was finding its way directly into people’s bank accounts. So, how does that compare to the QE before w…
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Phil and Steve return to the well-worn path of talking about house prices. Why? Because, despite the downturn during the pandemic, followed by sharp rises in interest rates by central banks around the world, house prices are again edging up. Clearly, nothing can stop the march higher, even though an increasing proportion of the population simply ca…
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The UK is recovering slower than just about anyone from the pandemic. The UK’s GDP is flat compared to where it was four years ago, whereas most countries have recovered from the pandemic, and then some. Inflation rose faster than most comparable economies and is taking longer to come down. So why is the UK struggling so much. This week Phil asks S…
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One of the biggest problems Britain faces is that so much of the wealth is concentrated in the southeast. And it only seems to be getting worse. The country has shifted from a Prime Minister who promised to level-up the economy, to a fiscal conservative who wants to cut government spending and reduce real wages, meaning there is less spending power…
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The UK Chancellor and the Bank of England Governor have called for increases in productivity as a way of helping to brig down inflation. So, not only should workers expect wages to fall in real terms, people should also be doing more per hour worked. Are they dreaming? This week, Steve Keen says you can’t increase output without increasing investme…
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We last had a financial crisis in 2008 (ignoring the pandemic years), and if we’re not in another crisis now, we’re well on the way to it, with mortgages rising, taxes increasing and the price of everything continuing to rise. Your spending power is being hit in three directions. But, isn’t that what central banks want? So we spend less and inflati…
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