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Do you think Bible is boring? King David, in one of his psalms, said the Scriptures were so sweet they were like "drippings from the honeycomb." Perhaps it's time that we take a few minutes out of our busy lives and look at the Bible through fresh eyes! Join us on a weekly journey to find these "sweet drippings" as we walk through the books of the Bible by studying selected key verses through which we can glimpse the whole theme of each book! We will look at stories you might not have heard ...
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How should fallen humans approach the Holy God to worship Him? Of course, humans should worship God; that is obvious, but how? How can sinful beings come before the perfect, holy, and all-powerful God without being immediately consumed? This was one of the many problems that impacted humanity as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve in the garden. Th…
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What is the ultimate consequence of sin? Is it a guilty conscience? Is it public embarrassment? Is it broken relationships, hurting others, or perhaps even loss? It could be all or part of these but are any of these really the ultimate consequence for sin? The reality is that there is only one ultimate consequence for sin, and that is separation fr…
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Everyone knows the story of the fall. A creepy snake tempts Eve into eating some fruit from some tree in some garden that God had made, and just like that, sin, death, and destruction become part of the world we know and live in today. But is that really all there is to the story, or does the sin that caused the fall go deeper than Eve’s actions? T…
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“Let us make man in our own image.” How can we even begin to understand all that those simple words contain? We, as humans, are made in the image of God! What are the implications of such a reality? If we are made in God’s image, what does that say about us? What does that say about Him? What does it say about our uniqueness? What does it say about…
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The creation account. It’s more than just the first sentence of the Bible. In truth, Genesis 1:1 is a worldview packed into ten words. At its core, it is the declaration to all creation of who God is. It tells humanity that God is all-powerful, sovereign, unrivaled, and the one true God. In order to create all that is, God must be a being that is “…
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Are you ready to jump into the book of Genesis and see the truths God has revealed to His people within its pages? Before we begin this incredible journey, we pause to take a look at the foundations of this incredible book: the truths from which it derives its overwhelming authority. We pause to consider the man that God selected to write these wor…
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Throughout the Old and New Testaments, there is a recurring theme that consistently appears whenever humans encounter the Divine: they fell at His feet. This posture of humility showed their humility and worship of God. It showed the incredible disparity between the position of man and the position of God. However, there is a distinct difference be…
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Let’s be honest: humans love to be comfortable. We strive for comfort by building comfortable homes, comfortable vehicles, and comfortable furniture. We love to come home at the end of the day and trade in our work clothes in favor of comfortable clothes. We like to be comfortable in our jobs, relationships, and community. In fact, we do just about…
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Nothing calms the anxiety and fear of the human heart more than knowing the end of the story. Some of us, and you know who you are, read the end of every book before reading the book from start to finish! However, joking aside, it makes sense that we, as humans, want to know the end of every story. We want to know how it will all turn out. Will it …
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Do you have hope? Hope is a powerful force. It can give us strength to push through trials, endure suffering, and overcome hardships. Hope can ground us even in the darkest of days. When nothing seems to be as it should be, where is your hope? What is it that you look forward to that keeps you going even when everything seems hopeless? The Christia…
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What is the evidence of ultimate love? Is it affection? Is it romance? Is it loyalty? Is it commitment? Something else? The answer can be found in one person. He was the only person to exemplify ultimate love in all of its beauty and radiance. His name is Jesus Christ, and with His life, or perhaps more accurately, His death, He demonstrated the ev…
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Obedience to God is not easy, specifically because it requires self-sacrifice. However, obedience to God is always worth it. God is good. Please do not misunderstand that statement. God does not just do good things or act in good ways; God is good. We know what good is because of God. Without God, there is no good and nothing good. Since this is tr…
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The truth of the matter is that no one enjoys suffering. Suffering is uncomfortable, inconvenient, painful, and discouraging. In fact, humans take incredible measures to avoid suffering. Humanity will exert effort, spend money, and invoke creativity, going to nearly any length to remove potential suffering from life. However, Jesus and His disciple…
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Is it possible to be free AND a servant? Is it possible to gain more freedom through deeper service? In humankind's darkened thinking, the answer seems to be, "No!" However, God's ways are not man's ways, and His thoughts are higher than man's thoughts. The Apostle Peter understood the "freedom paradox," and he wanted his churches and all the gener…
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When God raises someone who was dead in their sins to life, He gifts them with a new heart, a living heart! At that moment, the affiliation of the believer's soul is forever changed. As the redeemed sinner begins to walk with God and learn about who God is, this living heart causes the believer to understand that the earth they have always known as…
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The Apostle Peter, like all great pastors and teachers of the Word, took every opportunity to remind his audience what was truly important. Peter understood that the cares of this world often overwhelm and distract believers, causing them to focus on things that are not of eternal value. Peter wanted believers to grow in their faith, to be strong, …
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We live in a crumbling world. Everywhere around us, we are reminded of the decay that started when man first rebelled against God. People and animals age and die, buildings crumble, nations fall, and empires are destroyed. This cursed world is in a constant cycle of ruin, destruction, and decay. Throughout history, humans have tried to create somet…
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When someone becomes a Kingdom follower, the power of God raises them from eternal death to eternal life. This supernatural change also carries with it a God-given command for the Kingdom follower to pursue holiness. The apostle Paul would put it like this, “You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (1 Co…
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Christianity is not a new religion. In fact, it's not 2,000 years old. The truth is that Christianity is as old as the world itself. It has been the only true faith since the creation of the world. It has had different names, but Christianity's core principles have never changed since its inception, recorded in Genesis 3. Faith in God to provide a …
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Peter wrote to churches that were enduring the scourge of persecution. He wasted no time in pointing them back to what was important; the hope that Christ-followers have in the finished work of Jesus Christ, especially His resurrection. Peter wanted the Church to understand that it makes no difference what trials, tribulations, persecutions, or har…
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Who was the man believers know as the Apostle Peter? Before we dive into his letters of teaching, reproof, and exhortation to the church, we wanted to pause and learn more about this man who Jesus Christ chose to be the earthly foundation of the Church. Peter would go on to become the Church's first pastor, a fierce defender of the gospel, a fearle…
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The book of Ruth details the sovereign work of God in the life of Ruth that brought her from a destitute Gentile widow to the wife of a godly man who would provide for her, love her, and give her a position of honor in the nation of Israel. Through the redemption of Boaz, God also gave Ruth a hope for the future. Like Ruth, Jesus Christ, our Kinsma…
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Boaz, through his wise plan, revealed in an indisputable way that he was the only true redeemer that could redeem Ruth. He didn’t act carelessly or casually in regard to Ruth’s request. Instead, he took her seriously, committing all of his resources to the task of securing her redemption. Jesus showed by His incarnation, life, death, resurrection, …
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Ruth was helpless, yet from her position of helplessness, she humbled herself to cry out for help. She did not cry out randomly; instead, she directed her cry towards the only one who could help her situation, Boaz. Boaz, as a kinsman redeemer to Ruth, was in the position to hear her cry and answer her needs. He had already begun to assume the posi…
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Boaz showed Ruth, a widowed gentile, extravagant kindness. Ruth would have been an outcast in early Jewish society, shunned because of her ethnicity, despised for her marriage to a Jewish man, and rejected as an unsuitable marriage partner for any man in Israel. Yet, in spite of all this, Boaz showed her love, compassion, and kindness. Boaz is a pi…
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One of the most amazing parts about the Bible is that, while it was written over hundreds of years by multiple authors, it has one main theme which is Jesus Christ! Every part of Scripture points to the Son of God, the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Savior of the world! As the calendar approaches the time of year where Christ Followers celebrate H…
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Were humans made to worship? It seems that throughout history, humankind has displayed a deep need to worship something. In fact, it could be argued that there is a void within the hearts of humans that can only be filled by the act of worship. However, what is the best object of man’s worship? Observing history shows us that, while the right kind …
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The agony of the cross that Jesus suffered during His crucifixion is so much more than just the physical pain of death. In fact, while the physical pain was intense, there is evidence to suggest that this was not the primary source of Jesus’s suffering. In the Scriptures, we do not have any record of Jesus crying out in pain, however, there is a re…
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One of the most convicting truths of the sacrifice of Jesus comes with the realization that, throughout the entire crucifixion event, Jesus had a means of escape. At any moment, the power to walk away was within His grasp. So what kept Him from walking away from the pain and suffering of the cross? The answer to that is found in Jesus’s own words w…
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When Jesus Christ returns as King at the end of the age, He will judge the nations. What will that look like exactly? In Matthew 25:32, Jesus sets the scene for His disciples. He depicts this event in the context of a great royal court, where every person who has ever lived will be summoned to appear before Him to stand in judgment. Join us as we l…
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Can the pursuit of good things become an idol that causes humans to fail to worship God? Jesus showed that this was precisely why the people who died in the flood ignored Noah and his warnings. They were caught up in the "daily schedule" of personal gratification. The truth is that the same issue exists in today's world as well. Like before the flo…
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Is the Church today more enlightened than the Church of yesterday? Were those who came before just backward thinking, foolish, and sheltered? Would today's generation have fared better in their place? Jesus had some surprising things to say on this subject, and the words that He spoke to the Jewish leaders some 2,000 years ago carry a sharp warning…
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Darkness will always flee from light. Truth will always overpower lies. Divine wisdom will always silence earthly wisdom. The Pharisees asked Jesus many questions during His ministry. They did this specifically to attempt to trick Him into saying something foolish, blaspheming, or discrediting Himself in front of the crowds, but Jesus always had an…
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Why did Jesus perform so many healing miracles? Was it just because He had compassion for people? Was it because He wanted to display His power? Was it more than that? Join us as we take a deeper look at the purpose behind the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and what we as modern-day believers can learn from these healing miracles. Support the sho…
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Why would a crowd try to silence people in need? Could it have anything to do with the sinfulness of the self-centered human heart? The truth about humans is that all too often, we treat those who have the greatest needs with the highest level of scorn. This kind of behavior isn't unique to today's culture. It has been happening ever since sin ente…
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Jesus taught that the wealthy would only enter the Kingdom of Heaven with difficulty. Why did He teach this? Could it be that a persons wealth could prohibit them from entering heaven, or was Jesus talking about something more? Join us as we explore the truth behind Jesus’ teaching about wealth and the heart attitudes His followers must have toward…
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How important is it for Kingdom followers to forgive those who have wronged them? How many times must a follower of Jesus forgive others? Jesus had some very strong teaching about forgiveness, and more than that, what a person’s attitude towards forgiveness says about the standing of their own heart before God! Since the teachings of Jesus included…
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How important is the transfiguration of Jesus Christ to the Christian faith? To summarize it, it is the cornerstone of the evidence behind the reality that Jesus was and is fully God and fully man. Without this eyewitness account of the unveiling of Christ's Divine glory, everything else that Jesus accomplished in His life would be diminished. The …
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Jesus had strong words of warning for His disciples about the false teachings being spread by the religious leaders of His day. It would be foolish of us as believers in the modern-day to think that Jesus would not have strong words of warning for many teachers leading the church if He were walking the earth today. Like leaven, false teaching perme…
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Many people believe that God is concerned about their personal needs. What does the Scripture have to say about this? Is an all-powerful God, who is master of all the created realm, attentive to and interested in meeting the needs of His creatures? The Bible confirms, both through stories and teaching the absolute truth that God is acutely aware of…
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How should Kingdom followers respond to the storms and trials of life? The world says we should focus on our circumstances and take control, but what do we do when the circumstances are beyond our control? Where can hope be found when we find ourself in a hopeless position? Join us as we look at what Scripture has to say about the ultimate source o…
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What was the purpose of all of Jesus’ teachings? Couldn’t He have just trained His disciples and let them take the gospel to the world? Was there really a foundational reason behind the three-year teaching ministry of Jesus Christ? Join us as we take a deeper look at these questions and ask, “What did Jesus reveal to humankind through His teachings…
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Did you know that the words you speak play an important role in your eternity? Jesus said that the words of a person would either justify or condemn them. What did He mean by this statement? How should this teaching affect our lives on a daily basis? Join us as we explore the inextricable link between the heart and the mouth, and why the words we s…
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Will God really punish those who reject Jesus? During His ministry, Jesus had some incredibly harsh words for the cities and towns of Israel that rejected Him. He went as far as to say that the city of Sodom would be judged less harshly than Capernaum, the city where He lived during His ministry! How could this be? How could cities in the nation of…
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How long should believers continue to witness to someone who rejects the gospel? In this episode we explore the command of Jesus to his disciples to “shake the dust from your feet” and seek what that means for us as modern day believers. We want to be effective witnesses of the gospel and so it is imperative that we understand the instructions for …
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Is the Old Testament still relevant for modern believers? If we have been given the New Testament, why do we still need the Old Testament. Since Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, wouldn’t it be better if the church just did away with it, or is there a reason that the Old Testament is still relevant? The truth is that the Old Testament is joined to…
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How can we define ultimate authority? By what standard can we determine if an entity has ultimate authority? What kind of situation would need to be recorded for us to see the evidence of ultimate authority? The Scriptures claim that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the one true God, is the ultimate authority. More than just possessing authority, G…
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In Matthew 7:15, Jesus issues a warning against false prophets. This warning is applicable to the church today and was echoed by the Apostles to the churches they planted. How can we as believers take steps to be on guard against the false prophets and teachers that Satan sends into the church to try and destroy it? Believers must be vigilant in st…
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In Matthew 6:32, Jesus teaches that pursuing the physical needs, desires, and possessions of this life is a pagan activity. Why would pursuing the needs of life, such as food, drink, and clothing, be pagan? After all, Kingdom followers need food and clothes just like everyone else! What is Jesus really getting at in this passage, and how should tha…
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