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Heart of the Story

Nadine Kenney Johnstone

Author and holistic writing coach Nadine Kenney Johnstone shares interviews with today's top women writers and wellness experts about how to navigate life when things don't go according to plan. Past guests include beloved and bestselling authors like Emily P. Freeman, Laura Tremaine, Jenna Blum, and Linda Sivertsen; meditation instructor Susan Piver; renowned astrologist Heidi Rose Robbins; and publishing industry expert Jane Friedman, just to name a few. Nadine also shares her own stories ...
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Listen in as author Linda Sivertsen (aka Book Mama) brings together the world’s most beloved bestselling authors to chat about writing, publishing, deal-making, spirituality, activism, and the art of romancing creativity. Now streaming on American Airlines, these up-close conversations are a fan favorite, downloaded millions of times, and frequently profiled on “Best Podcast” lists (i.e., The Motley Fool’s “10 Best Podcasts for Women”) while gracing the "Popular Podcasts, Books" (formerly Li ...
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Journeys Through Change inspires women to step into change with ease and grace. Your host, Noelle Van, an empowerment and change management coach who spent years coaching innovators and leaders at Apple and Sony, brings a fun and engaging perspective on how to navigate change along with inspiring and provocative conversations with women who have taken a leap into the unknown to create a life of greater joy, fulfillment and success. Whether you’re contemplating a change in your career, relati ...
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show series
We talk a lot on the podcast about listening to those subtle whispers that call to us to step into unfamiliar territory and see what’s on the other side. For some, these whispers come out of nowhere leading them to make sweeping changes. For others like Linda Sivertsen, they may have been there since childhood, increasing in volume as they grow clo…
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For any of us who have experienced a pivotal moment in our past and made a decision that (over time) proved to be of greater significance than we ever thought possible, we understand what true transformation feels like. Today’s guest is no stranger to this feeling after her decision to get sober mixed with her sheer drive and determination led to a…
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Have you ever noticed how a single negative thought can create a cascade of self-doubt, crushing your courage and curiosity and derailing everything in its wake? That’s because our mind is SO powerful. One of the biggest tenets of becoming a changemaker is mastering your mindset. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m sharing how to create a min…
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Content Warning: This episode has a brief mention of suicidal ideations and sexual assault. When you think about your life, do you ever wonder how many twists and turns got you to where you are today? Thinking about the richness of our lives is not often easy. But if you were to recognize some of the experiences you've had along the way for what th…
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161 Nadine will be traveling and on a break for a few weeks. Now's the time to catch up on any episodes you've missed and to sign up for Nadine's newsletter so you'll be the first to hear about all of her adventures. Also, if you'd like to get on the waitlist for her upcoming workshops and retreats, you can do so here. About Nadine: Download Nadine…
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160 Beach days and BBQs, farmers markets and drive in movies--these idyllic visions of summertime can inspire us but also set up unrealistic expectations. If your summertime reality usually looks like bored kids and an anything-but-restful break, this episode is for you. Nadine shares 6 steps for approaching summer with intention so that you can ex…
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One of the first key tenets of becoming a change maker, or in other words, someone who invites possibility into your life, is being able to make and keep a commitment to yourself to make it happen. Keeping a commitment is one of the most important things you can do to strengthen your resolve and start building the muscle you need to stick with the …
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159 What does real self care actually look like? What are the practices that truly bring us peace? Nadine shares the books and principles that have made a lasting difference in her life. She also shares the delightful details of her recent trip to Nashville as well as the unexpected events that put her inner-peace practices to the test. About Nadin…
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Content Warning: This episode mentions sex trafficking, sexual assault, and violence. Sex trafficking, sexual assault, and violence are an all too common reality for individuals working in the adult entertainment and sex work industry. After hearing the stories of countless individuals in her chair as a hair and makeup artist, today’s guest Joy Hoo…
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158 If you've ever felt alone in your suffering and uncertainty, this episode is for you. Bestselling author Sara Avant Stover shares her own story of serial heartbreaks and the steps she took towards repair. Through IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapy, Sara discovered how to acknowledge, understand, and heal her parts. Covered in this episode: T…
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We talk about change all the time on the podcast and listen to other women’s stories of change, but hearing others' experiences is one thing, and learning to navigate change in your own life is quite another. That’s where the Change Maker Series comes in! This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m giving you a preview of my 6-week series designed to…
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157 So many of us yearn to stay in a home, job, or relationship "forever," and there can be deep shame when we don't. And yet, we all know that in order to grow, change is necessary. To be human is to realize that permanence is a myth. So why do we still buy into the forever fallacy? And what do we do when the myth is busted? Nadine explores these …
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Content Warning: This episode discusses thoughts of death as a result of a traumatic brain injury. When we think about “having it all” it brings to mind being at the pinnacle of our career or at an ultimate high in our life where we feel we have reached the summit. But nothing in life is promised and what happens when that all comes crashing down l…
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156 How to we go on in the wake of deep loss? How do we overcome the fear of our own mortality? In this deeply vulnerable episode, Nadine shares a personal essay that is an excerpt from her book, Come Home to Your Heart, and was recently featured in Good Grit Magazine. She also discusses the life event that prompted her to write the essay, and what…
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Understanding your drive type is important, especially as you create an action plan for change. Knowing what motivates you is the first step in choosing the behaviors or activities that keep your mindset, engagement, and stamina strong when you need them most. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m talking about unlocking your motivation by disc…
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155 As a champion of women writers and entrepreneurs, communications expert Heather Adams has helped launch over 100 NYTimes Bestsellers. Her special sauce is in helping women discern and embrace their unique offerings. If you want to share your story or biz with the world, but you're overwhelmed, self critical, or unclear, this episode is for you.…
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When women prioritize their joy, they become more magnetic and create greater fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Today on the podcast, Megan Walrod joins me to share how she came to terms with what was missing in her life and took the leap to find ultimate joy by stepping into her truth. Walking us through her personal journey from living her…
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154 So many of us want to live more intentionally, but our rote habits are only producing the same inauthentic results. Today's episode is a nudge to mix things up by making small and big changes to experience different outcomes and to live in more alignment. Nadine shares what recently inspired her to make some changes, what she has been doing dif…
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When we talk about change, we often refer to something we self-initiate to make our lives better or to push us forward toward our goals. But what happens when change hits us unexpectedly from behind? These changes can come in the form of a diagnosis, relationship change, lifestyle shift, the list goes on. Whatever it is, the way you cope with these…
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153 Many of us have carried at least one hard story for years, suffering under the weight of secrecy and silence. But what if you didn't have to carry it anymore? What if writing or telling it could not only free you, but deepen your relationships with your loved ones? Melanie Brooks--author of Writing Hard Stories and A Hard Silence--is here to he…
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I bet if we were to see a show of hands with our listeners, there would likely be a significant amount of self-proclaimed overachievers. Whether we were born with that relentless drive or it’s something we learned along the way - the internal pressure we put on ourselves to do – do – do, can often feel relentless. This week on Journeys Through Chan…
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152 At some point, each of us must decide whether to stay in or leave a space (a job, friendship, community, home, relationship, etc.) While no one else can choose for us, there are key questions that help us decide from an aligned space. That's why Emily P Freeman's newest book, How to Walk into a Room (which immediately landed on the bestseller l…
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Monumental change is typically born from something simple– an inkling, an urge, or a feeling that something is not quite right and needs our attention. Paying attention to these feelings can lead to the courage to take that step toward something that can truly be transformational. I certainly found this to be true over 12 years ago when a faint lit…
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151 While Nadine usually hosts Heart of the Story, this week she got to be a guest on one of her favorite podcasts for female entrepreneurs: The Branding Business School Podcast. Here's the description from the TBBS podcast page: This enlightening conversation with the extraordinary Nadine Kenney Johnstone, takes you on a journey through her life's…
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What happens when your dream comes true after years of work? What happens when that dream twists into what feels like a career-killing nightmare? In this episode, I'm telling the truth like never before—solo, my first in nine years—and it's the most real, vulnerable, and perhaps ill-advised show I've ever done. Catch it quick before my Vulnerabilit…
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Sometimes life shows us that the experiences we’ve had were the building blocks to get us to a place we are meant to be. Our guest today shares her story of how an idea can come out of nowhere, leading us toward alignment with what we know we were meant to do and living on purpose with ease and flow. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest L…
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150 Want to see your words in print but don't know where to begin? Or maybe the rejections are racking up and you don't know why. The world of publishing can feel illusive at best and cutthroat at worst, but once you know the unspoken rules, you can get published in no time. Learn how Nadine has gotten her writing in top mags and how she's helped h…
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Have you ever wondered how many lessons there are left to learn until you’ve gained the power you need to live your life to its fullest? The truth is, none of us know. Internal strength often results from time, experience, and sometimes adversity throwing us into challenges we never thought we’d ever have to face– let alone overcome. This week on J…
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149 There's so much you want to do but you don't have enough hours in the day, and every time you try to develop a habit, it goes to the wayside after a week. If this is you, Nadine offers great tips for looking at habits differently and doing what you love without over-extending yourself or waking up at the crack of dawn. If you'd like a fresh per…
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As you may know, this podcast is about actively creating change in our lives. Some of us know we’re ready for change; others might be hesitant but are interested in exploring it further. Regardless of where you fall, this podcast is a place of exploration, not obligation. This week on Journeys Through Change, I am talking about building the foundat…
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148 Whether you've left behind a job, a city, a relationship, or an entire identity, it's not so easy to move forward if you don't know what's ahead. So what do we do when we've left one shore but we're swimming blindly towards an uncertain future? Nadine shares the life-changing advice she received when navigating her own murky middle. Covered in …
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Have you ever felt so captivated by an interest or pastime that it drew you in and wouldn’t let you go or toyed with the idea of creating something bigger out of it, only to shake your head and pass it off as an unrealistic dream? Life can take us on a wild, yet rewarding ride when we surrender to the persistent little tug inside of us, even when t…
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147 So many of us slip into unwanted habits and patterns without even realizing it. Or, once we acknowledge we want to change, we spend a lot of time thinking about doing something different but don't take action. In this episode, writer Maria Warner talks about how to successfully interrupt our patterns. She also discusses her sobriety journey and…
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Have you ever felt like you “know” something, even though you can’t explain how you know it? That’s your intuition at work! This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Karen Hager and I discussed how she left seminary to become an intuitive guide. Sharing a gift she’s had since childhood, we talk about tapping into your intuition and following y…
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146 Often times the deep void we feel is the one of missing ourselves, which is why solo time is a necessity, not a luxury. Craving solo time doesn’t mean you don’t still love your people. Instead, it’s a realization that YOU are part of “your people,” and that self-attention is crucial. Nadine shares all the benefits of solo time, as well as how t…
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The dictionary definition of hope is the feeling of trust or expectation- a desire for something to happen. When we think about hope, we can often feel like it’s an aspiration or yearning but in reality, hope is the first step in becoming a believer in your ability to overcome life’s challenges. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Rebecc…
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We start back up Feb 11 with a star-studded line up and deeply intimate heart-to-hearts! You won’t want to miss it. Now’s your chance to catch up on any past episodes you missed before we dive into our next season! About Nadine: Her new book, Come Home to Your Heart, is available on Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. Award-winning author Nadine …
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Sometimes it takes us several detours to set us on the path we know we were meant to travel and listening to our bodies is part of the journey. It’s not always easy but it can be so critical when it comes to recognizing what truly brings us joy and fulfillment. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Sarah Tamaya and I are talking about how …
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Most people go into marriage believing that it is going to last forever but statistics show this is not the case. 40% of families in the US are step-families and 70% of blended families include partners with children from previous relationships. Even in thinking of “traditional” family dynamics, we often laugh at how complicated these relationships…
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There is always purpose in pain. Today’s guest knows this first hand as her breast cancer diagnosis halted her modeling career and shifted everything she once believed about external beauty and what she was living for. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Christine Handy and I are talking about how surviving her own battle helped her find…
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The Laws of the Universe have truly allowed me to view the things that show up in my life in a different light. I’ve come to realize that when it comes to creating change in our lives, the way you show up has a huge effect on how successful you will be at achieving the outcomes you desire. The laws I cover today offer a perspective that can be extr…
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About Nadine: Her new book, Come Home to Your Heart, is available on Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. Award-winning author Nadine Kenney Johnstone is a holistic writing coach who helps women develop and publish their stories. Her articles and interviews have appeared in Cosmo, Authority, MindBodyGreen, HERE, Urban Wellness, Natural Awakenings,…
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It’s often difficult to connect the dots when it comes to the family dynamics that shaped us into the adults we are today. Whether we had parents who were hands-on, hands-off, physically present or absent, the relationships we have with our mother and father as well as the role models we had within our family set the foundation for who we become la…
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143 An encore episode featuring Nadine’s favorite exercises for reflecting on the year that was and being intentional about the year to come. About Nadine: Her new book, Come Home to Your Heart, is available on Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. Award-winning author Nadine Kenney Johnstone is a holistic writing coach wh…
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Do you ever take the time to think about how our upbringing molds and shapes us into the people we are today? Some of us end up following in our parent’s footsteps when it comes to our careers, others carve out a life that looks completely different, and others let the seed that was planted long ago lead them down a path that honors both of their p…
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142 Want to journal, write, or publish in 2024? Nadine explains her exciting new offerings. About Nadine: Her new book, Come Home to Your Heart, is available on Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. Award-winning author Nadine Kenney Johnstone is a holistic writing coach who helps women develop and publish their stories. H…
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We’ve talked before about recognizing the beliefs that can hold us back but we also need to take a closer look at the relationships we have in our lives and how they can either help us make important leaps to continue to make improvements or subtly drag us down and get in the way of progress. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m sharing how in…
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Ep 141: What were Nadine's favorite conversations and solo episodes of 2023? Get all the behind the scenes info about what episodes made the list and why. About Nadine: Learn more about Nadine's 2024 classes here. Her new book, Come Home to Your Heart, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Bookshop. Nadine Kenney Johnstone is a holistic writi…
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Although common, infertility isn’t the only reason someone might find themselves childless- not by choice. There are endless reasons someone might be grieving the family they had longed for and are struggling to find community, understanding and support.Today’s guest shares how she pulled from her own experience grieving the children she hoped to h…
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