show episodes

Is it worth it? The Film Review Podcast

Is it worth it? The Film Review Podcast

Craig Fields and David Long venture to the cinema to watch and review almost all the films being played.They bring you all the latest with the Oscars & Awards season, from BAFTA to SAG, plus the latest film reviews, news and general chat about the world of cinema and Hollywood.They then let you know what movies are worth it both from the cinema and from streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, MUBI, Disney +, Apple TV + and more.So if you love films, why not give this movie re ...
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show series
Congressman Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) discusses how states can hold the Biden Administration accountable for not securing our border, and the Senate failing to hold an impeachment trial for DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with FAIR's Executive Director, Julie Kirchner. ★ Support this podcast ★By Federation for American Immigration Reform
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Today we resume our study in the book of Ephesians in Chapter 4 with a message titled. "LIVING in the LIGHT!" Pastor Wayne Hanson will be sharing with us the JESUS personality and how we can begin to experience a NEW WAY of LIVING by doing the things that HE did in this world. We'll never reach perfection in these things but the process of disciple…
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Today's Message is called "Between RESURRECTION & RETURN," Pastor Wayne Hanson will study the amazing account in Luke's gospel of Jesus Resurrection and ultimately His ascension. We lean more about how God desires that we seek Him and that we will FIND HIM if we look for what He is doing in the world. JESUS revealed Himself to the disciples and gav…
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It's PALM SUNDAY! As we kick off Easter Week, Pastor Wayne brings a message from Mark 11 about "The King's Authority." Jesus has power and REAL authority to do what no one else can do. He will examine the conditions of His church, determine which tree is fruitful and He will correct abuse and error in God's House. Jesus has real authority and He ca…
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In the 2nd Chapter of Ephesians we see that God gives us an amazing GIFT of His Special Favor through Jesus Christ. ALL people are born with a sinful nature but God came to cure us of our problem with sin. Jesus' blood brings us near to God and He does this for ALL PEOPLE regardless of ethnic background or mistakes of the past. Jesus has reconciled…
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In the first chapter of the book of Ephesians we see that Paul encourages the believers at Ephesus to embrace the many blessings and wise truths that are offered to us through Jesus Christ. So many times, we have a hard time submitting to the LORDSHIP of Jesus because we think that we have a "better way." Unfortunately we are blind to the fact that…
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In Galatians 6, the Apostle Paul closes his letter with a loving warning of correction. We should do our best to restore brothers and sisters who are caught in sin, but be careful not to get caught up in the same temptations ourselves. We must remember that we will REAP what we SOW. If we SOW good things, then we can expect good things in return. i…
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Galatians Chapter 5 is one of the BEST loved chapters in the New Testament. As we compare and contrast the acts of our sinful nature versus LIFE in the HOLY SPIRIT we see that God begins to implant in us the very PERSONALITY of JESUS. The personality of Jesus are the FRUIT of the SPIRIT. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness,…
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Today as we continue our study in the book of Galatians we see the tremendous freedom that Jesus Christ has purchased on our behalf. We are no longer slaves to sin or to religion (Law-Keeping) but we have been set free by Christ through the power of His Holy Spirit. We no longer try to earn God's favor through ritual and rule-keeping. Rather, we ha…
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As we open Galatians 3 today we see that Faith in Christ can do for us what Law-Keeping could never do. The Old Testament and the many difficult rules and regulations only weigh us down and remind us of how much we fall short. Thank God, Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of sin and death. We will never be able to earn God's promise through…
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Today we will dig deeper into Galatians 2 as we see the controversy of Religious "Law-Keeping" versus the Free GIFT of God's Grace through the person of Jesus Christ. It's through JESUS' death, burial and resurrection that He purchased our redemption by His blood. We can never earn this gift, it can only be received by FAITH. Join us for this impor…
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Today, we kick off a brand new series of Paul's Letters to the Churches Titled: "Go Eat Popped Corn," covering the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. Today we dive into Galatians 1 and we remember that the Grace of Jesus is not something to be "paid for" nor earned. God's gift of GRACE is offered to us FREELY and God asks us…
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In this final day in our Gospel of John Study we look at John 21. Jesus finds the disciples back at the Sea of Galilee and He calls them back into the ministry again. Everything in the story comes full circle. Jesus challenges Peter and the other disciples to FEED His sheep and to take His good news all over the world. Today, Jesus is calling all o…
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Today, we will take a look at The Resurrection in John Chapter 20. It's amazing how the story of Christ's Passion goes from the deepest of sorrow at the cross to the most amazing celebration of the RESURRECTION of Jesus. Remember, "Because Jesus Lives, we LIVE ALSO!" What do you need God's help with in your life. What seems dead and needs Christ's …
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As we enter into the last three weeks of our study in the Gospel of John today we look at the Crucifixion. Having just finished the Advent season, we now turn our hearts towards Calvary and Easter time. Jesus came, to give His life as a sacrifice for many. He not only showed us how to LIVE for GOD but also how to die, even a brutal and terrible dea…
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No A.M. Service today! Instead, join us for a very special NIGHT of WORSHIP and Prayer; as we thank God for all that He's done in 2023 and we SEEK His Face for His Will and Favor in 2024. We'll have an extended time of worship and prayer with a mini-teaching on "Knowing God's Will" from James Chapter 4. Don't miss it!Join us IN-Person or ONLINE for…
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Don't miss a very special Candlelight Christmas Eve Service with Summit Church of Douglas County, Colorado. We'll have a great time singing old Christmas songs, with a live painting from MCT - Michael Thomas and a Christmas message from Pastor Wayne from Matthew 2 Titled: "Follow the Star!" If you come in person, bring some cookies for our annual c…
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Today is the 3rd week of Advent. We'll hear some special music from the kids of Summit Church and we'll sing some great Christmas Carols. As we get closer to the end of the Gospel of John today we see the arrest of Jesus. Jesus explains who He truly is, the very Son of God. Just as God appeared to Moses as the great "I AM." In this passage, Jesus r…
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As we study this DEEPLY intimate prayer of Jesus in John Chapter 17, we can see how much God TRULY LOVES you and me. Don't forget that all of God's Promises are true and that He can be trusted with your entire LIFE! Share this message with a friend, attend in person or online and we'll see you soon!Join us IN-Person or ONLINE for this ENCOURAGING m…
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Don't miss this vital teaching from the Gospel of John as we explore "staying connected to the vine" of Jesus Christ. We'll continue our Christmas Hymn series and challenge Summit Church to keep Christ the CENTER of Christmas. You'll be blessed and encouraged by this timely teaching from the Gospel of John!Join us IN-Person or ONLINE for this ENCOU…
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Today during worship we will begin our Christmas Hymnology series looking at the history of "Silent Night" and then resume our Gospel of John Series in Chapter 14. This message is titled: "Jesus is The Way." Some folks may find the exclusivity of the gospel offensive but keep in mind, JESUS invites EVERYONE to come to Him and He will never turn any…
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Today we'll take a pause in our Study of John for our annual Thanksgiving Celebration. Today, we celebrate the baptism of a friend from Alpha Course and finish the Small Group semester with a teaching titled: "How Does God Guide Us?" Pastor Wayne will also be sharing a brief explanation of the Thanksgiving Symbol of the Cornucopia, a symbol of God'…
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Today we will be studying John 13, the last supper as Jesus washes the disciples feet and sits down with them at the passover table to explain the New Covenant. The ministry of JESUS is STILL counter-cultural today! In our dog-eat-dog world and in American Corporate culture we are always trying to claw our way to the top. Jesus told us that with US…
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Today, we will be studying John, Chapter 12 and several key moments in the life and ministry of JESUS. We'll see His anointing by Mary in Bethany, the Triumphal Entry, the prediction of His own death and the unbelief of the people of Jerusalem. We must CHOOSE to walk in the Light of the SON. No one can FORCE you to believe in God. Jesus clearly tea…
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Today we will be studying John 11 with a message titled: "Lazarus, Come Out!" Sometimes its hard to understand what God is "up to." For instance, when Lazarus was sick and Jesus was told the news, He waited 3 Days and then only after Lazarus had died, He returned to Bethany, Mary and Martha in order to glorify God with an amazing resurrection. Lear…
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Today we're going to take a good look at John chapter 10. This message was delivered at the end of our Alpha Weekend Away up at Rampart View Ranch and continues our Chapter and Verse Study of the Gospel of John this fall at Summit Church. We are so grateful to have a savior that will leave the 99 and go after the 1 lost sheep. You'll be challenged …
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Today we're going to take a good look at John chapter 9. Today we'll see Jesus heal a man born blind. He goes on to explain how God can be glorified during times of suffering and defeat. He addresses the Spiritual Blindness of the Religious Teachers of the Law. Then we'll take a quick look how the WHOLE WORLD is in need of forgiveness!Join us IN-Pe…
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Today we're going to take a good look at John chapter 8. This is the famous passage where the teachers of the law bring before Jesus the Woman caught in the act of Adultery. He shows the religious leaders for the frauds that they were and offers the mercy of God. This chapter continues as Jesus engages in a heated debate over the messiahship of His…
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Today we're going to take a good look at John chapter 7. In this important Chapter in our Gospel of John series we can see that many people hated Jesus, even his own half-brothers DIDN'T believe in Him. We are called to follow God no matter what others think. Also today, we are going to hear a wonderful testimony from a church member named Jackson …
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Today we're going to take a good look at John chapter 6. In today's study we'll take a look at two of the most amazing miracles of Jesus, the Feeding of the 5,000 and His walking on water at the Sea of Galilee. At the end of this chapter we find Jesus reminding the crowd that HE IS God's sacrificial offering for sins. It's only by receiving his bro…
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Today we're going to take a good look at John chapter 5. In today's study we see that JESUS heals a blind man and enters into the religious controversy of Jerusalem. Many people today think of themselves as religious or spiritual, but JESUS didn't die for Religion. He lovingly laid down His life so that we could have a friendship with God as our Fa…
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Today we're going to take a good look at John chapter 4. In today's study we see that JESUS announced his Messiahship to outsiders FIRST in the FIRST Christian Revival in Sychar, Samaria. He starts with a Samaritan Woman at the well and he goes on to heal a governor's son. Jesus came for all people! And He loves you very much! Don't miss this heart…
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Today we continue our study in the Gospel of John as we look at JESUS' first miracle in Cana of Galilee. Turning water into wine may seem like a trivial place to begin, but let's take a deeper look. Perhaps God truly cares about our family celebrations and the godly pleasures that He wants us to enjoy. Today we will also receive communion together …
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Today we launch a new chapter and verse study of the Gospel of John. This fourth of the synoptic gospels is one of the most loved for discipleship and it's poetic language. Today we'll see that JESUS Christ is the Light of the World and the very Word of God made flesh. Join us for this powerful chapter and verse study of the Gospel of John.Join us …
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Today we continue our Gospel Colors series with the color: GOLD. Today, we'll enjoy a special treat, hearing from a dear friend of Summit Church, pastor, missionary and evangelist: John Struve. Our friend John will be bringing a special word about being ready for Heaven as we wrap up our Gospel Colors Series today at Summit Church!Join us IN-Person…
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Today we continue our Gospel Colors series with the color: GREEN which represents New Life in the Holy Spirit. When we invite God into our heart we welcome the Spirit of Jesus to take charge of our lives. He gives us Spiritual Gifts and we begin enjoying spiritual growth in God's family, the local church. Join Pastor Wayne and Summit Church for thi…
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Today we continue our Gospel Colors series with the color: BLUE which represents faith and the waters of Baptism. Pastor Wayne will be doing a chapter and verse study of the "FAITH CHAPTER" in Hebrews 11 and will remind us that JESUS is COMING SOON! Grab your bible and join us for this life-changing study of God's word.Join us IN-Person or ONLINE f…
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Today we continue our Gospel Colors series with the color: WHITE which represents the HOLINESS of JESUS. We'll be studying Romans Chapter 8 and exploring the concept of the Substitutionary Atonement... in other words a Righteous that comes from Christ and NOT us!Join us IN-Person or ONLINE for this ENCOURAGING message and bring a friend along with …
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Today we continue our Gospel Colors series with the color: RED which represents the perfect blood of JESUS. That blood solves 3 Major problems for every believer. Turn to the book of Hebrews to start and join Pastor Wayne shares a powerful, bible based message about the Power of the BLOOD of Jesus!Join us IN-Person or ONLINE for this ENCOURAGING me…
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David and Craig are back in the saddle with a total of five films receiving the Is It Worth It treatment. After a catch up about life, film and current events the episode kicks off with the box office rundown. With plenty to discuss a theme begins to emerge about contemporary film; is profit becoming more important than content? The lads discuss th…
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Join us today for a special message with Brother Don Durant (The President of the Local Chapter of CMA - Christian Motorcyclists Association in Sedalia, CO). Don will share a message titled: The Wheat and the Tares. A study of Matthew 13. We are entering into a time when good and evil are growing further and further apart. Join us for this encourag…
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Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06), Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs on the House Oversight Committee discusses a hearing his subcommittee held on the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Report, which raises red flags about the “unsustainable” methods of staffing at Customs and Border …
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Join us today for a special message about "What to do when God Changes Your Plans." We'll take a look at Genesis 4 and how Cain and Able reacted to God's acceptance and rejection of their sacrifices. How react and choose an attitude of teachability during challenging times in extremely important to God.Also, mark your calendar for our Summer Outrea…
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