show episodes
My Fellow Americans, Life is actually just a microscopic, deluded moment in time, so let's cut to the freakin' chase. One look at our impending election debacle can solidify my case. It has been my contention since birth, that the answer to every difficulty we encounter on this sacred yet demented Stone, can be revealed with ultimate clarity through the ultra neurotic engagements of Music, Art, Literature, Film, Poetry and a good Pastrami sandwich. Why would any sane human spend so must time ...
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You Can’t Eat the Sunshine is the podcast of Esotouric, the offbeat Los Angeles company that turns the notion of guided bus tours on its ear. Each week, join Kim Cooper and Richard Schave on their Southern California adventures, as they visit with fascinating characters for wide-ranging interviews that reveal the myths, contradictions, inspirations and passions of the place. There’s never been a city quite like Los Angeles. Tune in if you’d like to find out why.
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KCSN 88.5-FM / Matt

Matt brings you an hour of thematic free-association through spoken word and the best music from Portland, from around the world, from across the century. It's neo-beatnik, it's post-surreality, it's your guide through the Singularity.
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In a society where we are constantly re-defining what it means to be a man, Brad Gage brings you a podcast that asks guests to be vulnerable about masculinity and gender issues - looking at who they are now, who they aim to be, and the space in-between.
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The Coffee Buzz

Too Much Coffee Man

The world is a playground for the subconscious mind. This podcast explores a wide range of topics on personal development. Every Monday join Brad for a new episode. Whether you want to know more about the law of vibration, a plant based diet or exploring the the power of your subconscious mind this is the podcast for you.
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IQ Knowledge Junkie

Kenneth Jon Dixon

Welcome to the IQ Knowledge Junkie podcast, where enlightening ideas come from. Stay Tuned for #WEIRDOPETOUR🌎 W/ (CEO) DATREESE THOMAS.. We’ll be traveling the world telling our Testimonies! Google (THE MELANIE DOLLS) & @ilmaoKJ on YOUTUBE #StayTUNED -7x Author -ACTOR -CREATOR OF WEIRDOPE BOARD GAME VOL 1 -INVENTOR OF MANY IDEAS -APPEARED IN MAGAZINES -ARTICULATOR -ON 2K24 i SCORED 74pts in the REC w/ 92% from 3 Point% (22/24) -I'D OWN A NBA TEAM & A AMUSEMENT PARK -NEVER COMPLAIN & NEVER EX ...
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The Deepfakes Podcast

Ishan Sharma (Deepsync Technologies)

A podcast about Deepfakes, produced entirely using the synthetic audio of the host's voice talking about its potential good and harm. We also share tips on how to produce high-quality audio using our technology and how to create short-form podcasts with it. Brought to you by , a pioneer in synthetic voices and short-form audio. Deepsync usually requires at least 10 hours of audio to generate a high-quality replica. This voice was produced from just 2 hours of the host's old recor ...
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show series
Marianne Evelyn Gabriel Faithfull has boarded The Mystery Train at 78. In the 70's she was anorexic, homeless and addicted to heroin. At the time of her passing she had acquired the status of legend. Marianne was a genuine, brilliant artist in a sea of impostors. Sleep Well in that ocean you struggled so hard to master regardless of the merciless t…
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Henry St. Claire Fredericks, Jr., aka Taj Mahal is 82 years of age, and like that monument in Agra, he stands as an ageless edifice of blues - rock grace. On his latest recording he croons in that familiar rasp: “I’m too young to be this old,” and there’s no denying the truth of that declaration. As the years have passed, it’s gratifying to contemp…
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PLEASE JOIN US AT DIG THIS!!!!! A MESSAGE FROM STAX RECORDS PRODUCER, SONGWRITER AND VOCALIST DAVID PORTER: To say I am saddened about the loss of Sam Moore would be an understatement. You see, it was the finality of the last living connection I had to God’s gift to all of our careers. The exper…
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This recording, composed and performed by the criminally underestimated Rick Nelson and his right-hand man James Burton, is a tone poem of psychedelic disorientation. It lopes along, taking its sweet time, floating in mid-air, then seeps out through the singer’s enthralled brain in a sensual vortex. It reminds me of my virgin night of acid enlighte…
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Lucasfilm has about a dozen Star Wars movies in various stages of development. One of them is a prequel from James Mangold that will tell the origins of the Force, the mysterious energy field created by life that binds the Star Wars galaxy together. In a recent interview with MovieWeb, Mangold opened up about what convinced him to make a Star Wars …
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This is a difficult artistic puzzle to sort out: a) Why is this, Doris Day’s signature song, the only cover that Sly ever recorded?; and, b), Is its delivery of “cheerful fatalism” a positive or a negative? The motto, cribbed by song writers Jay Livingston and Ray Evans for the Hitchcock film THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, from another film THE BAREFOO…
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Brad Gage talks about working in the world of masculinity, mental health, and NAMI with Hannah Ho, the founder of Address Teen Stress. Address Teen Stress is a non-profit and podcast committed to creating a safe, welcoming space where young people can share their struggles, access vital resources, and build the resilience needed to navigate life’s …
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Dustin Milligan is a man very in touch with his masculinity, and if you caught him recently as one of the winners on RuPaul’s Celebrity Drag Race - you’d see he’s clearly in touch with his femininity just as much. You might know Dustin from TV shows like Schitt’s Creek or Hot Frosty, but the guy I know above all is one who genuinely looks at the im…
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AT THE HOTEL BOHEMIA WE BELIEVE YOU CAN'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING UNLESS YOU KNOW WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN. 2025 COMIN' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN. CAN YOU DIG IT? Drummer Buddy Rich died after surgery in 1987. As he was being prepped for surgery, a nurse asked him, “Is there anything you can’t take?” Rich replied, “Yeah, country music.” Lucky Luciano was a mo…
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This cut, from Julie London’s album of the same name, became a camp classic. It’s undeniably bawdy, with the torch songstress purring like a mod Mae West, with tongue solidly in cheek. The original, generated by neutered, pre-fab bobble heads, The Ohio Express, is a prepubescent rocker, lacking any lubriciousness whatsoever, but, emanating from Jul…
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Dedicated to Chemayne Halverson (1/6/1967-12/23/2020) This is a haunting song by Rodgers and Hammerstein, which expresses the indefinable mysteries of romantic love. An interesting word I learned which describes this feeling is “limerence,” which the Oxford dictionary defines as “the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typica…
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Maybe late-night TV shouldn’t be called “late-night TV” anymore, with so many viewers consuming it in clips the morning after, on their phones. Yet the genre’s hallmarks — the avuncular host, the sidekick, the band, the monologue, the desk, the guests — linger. Most were stamped on America’s consciousness by Johnny Carson. A new biography about an …
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You remember that anachronistic Sea Chanty internet meme a couple of years ago? All over the world people were recording themselves singing “The Wellerman”, proving the endurance of the Anglo folk tradition. You can thank Bert Lloyd (1908-1982) in the UK, for being the folklorist and song collector who documented and compiled many of these ancient …
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Okay. No one wants to spoil the party. But according to the American Psychological Association, 89% of US adults reported feeling stressed during the 2023 holiday season. It's a good news, bad news situation much like this podcast which is truly a conflicted search for the highway to heaven, if such a utopia indeed exists. At least we make an effor…
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When I peek under the hood of a lot of content I see right now, it leads me to the wonder - do men actually just hate women? They seem to truly want to stop the progress of women's rights at every turn. But clearly, to me, it's not about biology, or MeToo, or the anti-men POV right now in the dating world. I think the actual reason is the toughest …
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I miss Amoeba Records in Hollywood. When I was working a few blocks north of there, I’d visit a few times a week during my lunch break. They had a warehouse full of oddities of all mediums and genres, books, films and memorabilia. It was on one of these mid day excursions that I came across an album entitled: “The Rough Guide to Psychedelic Africa”…
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From Bill: Reflecting upon the recent death of Alice Brock, the lady who lived in the bell tower of the abandoned church in Stockbridge, MA, along with her husband, Ray, (and Vacha, the dog) -, and who hosted the now legendary Thanksgiving feast attended by young Arlo Guthrie, that time when he got arrested trying to do his hosts a solid by dumping…
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It’s jangly and jarring, but irresistibly hypnotic. Mark E Smith chants this incantation as if he is literally crawling out of his skin. The performance is teeth grinding punk rock in its distilled essence. a portrait of a poet in service to anarchy. And, funny. Deeply biting and ironical, this was DJ champion, John Peel’s favorite group. The lyric…
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Quincy Jones Receives Posthumous Oscar, and Daughter Gives His Speech At the Governors Awards, Rashida Jones spoke on behalf of her father, who died earlier this month at the age of 91. Before his death two weeks ago, the musician and producer Quincy Jones wrote a speech he intended to deliver at the Governors Awards, where he would receive an hono…
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I’M ALWAYS DRUNK IN SAN FRANCISCO by Carmen McRae (Atlantic, 1968) Here’s my San Francisco story: In the 1980s, Chemayne and I went there on our honeymoon, spending a week before flying to Hawaii. We stayed at The Red Victorian, a reconverted townhouse in the Haight run by a dedicated, middle aged hippie, Sammy Sun-Child. It was adjacent to the Red…
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George Jones’s New York BY JAMES BARRON George Jones Live At The Bottom Line- New York City- 1981 1 Ragged But Right 2 The Race Is On 3 Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms 4 Bartender's Blues 5 Grand Tour 6 Tell Me My Lying Eyes Are Wrong 7 You Better Treat Your Man Right 8 White Lightning 9 Once You've Had the Best AND MORE! Hardly anybody would have …
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Any self respecting devotee of fuzz and farfisa will genuflect at the mention of Talk Talk by The Music Machine, the brain busting bombshell that exploded in 1966 at the height of the garage band culture. Along with Psychotic Reaction by The Count V, and 96 Tears by ? And The Mysterians, The Music Machine ruled the airwaves that year. My middle sch…
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I’d like to say that this is one of the best love duets ever recorded, but I demur from superlatives generally. However, I can say with certainty that it’s one of my favorites. Maybe it’s the simple, straightforward vocal delivery of these two raw-boned, pioneer types that makes me cry every time they ease into the sinuous harmonies of the chorus. …
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Breaking News! FILM PREMIERE Maureen Gosling's THE 9 LIVES OF BARBARA DANE "The amazing story of Barbara Dane, a powerful radical citizen-artist whose magnificent voice and uncompromising dedication to freedom, social justice and global liberation, continues to ring." --Danny Glover, Executive Producer WATCH TRAILER…
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I discovered this track on a WB compilation set named “My Mind Gets High”, and boy… upon hearing this cut did I ever started experiencing flashbacks. In 1968, The Holy Mackerel was explicitly created as a vehicle for young, up and coming singer-songwriter Paul Williams, whose heavily processed vocal, along with the sitar, places this psychedelic ar…
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Last May, my son Jasper and my daughter-in-law Hannah asked me what I would like for my birthday. I said what I always say: “Surprise me.” But then Hannah suggested that they get me an 8 track because she knows I collect them. She wanted to know which genre or artist I like. Also, she didn’t know how, or where to buy one. “Ebay,” I said, and jumped…
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A note from Bill: Rich says I'm too modest about discussing my Acting career - could be. But, today I have a story that I felt compelled to share about my "brush with greatness" with one of the greatest American actors of the 20th century: the titanic James Earl Jones, in a Shakespearean production of the rarely produced Timon of Athens. It's one t…
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John Fahey (1939-2001) was a singular folklore musicologist, archivist, and record label entrepreneur who played his instrument like no other person alive. He made weird, earthy, mystical music, and lived a life to match. Bill and Rich are pleased to offer this excerpt from a 1979 Halloween concert given by Mr. Fahey in San Francisco at the famed G…
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Haven’t we all wanted to just get away from the complexities of modern life? Escape the city, quit our jobs, and hit the hammock on some island in the South Pacific? This has been a predominant theme of Ray Davies’ lyrical output. Life today is too stressful; the past was more orderly and harmonious. In this song Ray goes WAY BACK to an imagined ed…
  continue reading This singing-songwriting, blues legend carried the standard of the Chicago masters such as Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, James Cotton, Junior Wells, and many others beyond the Midwest, to a whole new audience of flower children in California and beyond, when he fronted Mike Bloomfield's foundational "All American" band, Th…
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I scored this green plastic 4 track cart of musical magic on Ebay, along with Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel, and The Live Adventures of Bloomfield and Kooper, Vol. 2. I needed to acquire an antiquated device through which to hear them because 4s don’t play on standard 8 track machines, so I tracked down a heavy wooden Muntz cabinet model that sti…
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Sixty-five years ago, “Kind of Blue”was recorded and performed by a young group of talented musicians —before they were jazz legends — under the leadership of the visionary trumpeter Miles Davis. Initial sales were slow after the August 1959 release, but then the album caught fire, becoming the best-selling jazz album of all time. So why has “Kind …
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I have always been drawn to fables of underdogs and the unrecognized. This affinity was engendered early on in childhood, and marinated throughout 30 years in the acting trade, where I’ve seen many of the finest talents of my generation wither on the vine of show biz obscurity. This catchy girl-group number from the Cameo catalogue is spunkily deli…
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This goofy confection of Sunshine Pop was so at odds with the popular music of the day that it seemed doomed from the start. The Dedrick family, (Chris, Sandy, Bruce, Ellen, and Stephanie), were so unhip that the classical-jazz compositional genius of Chris Dedrick and the sublime sibling harmonies on display were incomprehensible to the rock intel…
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I was Inspired by My Lord and savior Jesus Christ & Datreese Thomas (CEO) of "The Melanie Dolls" (Google Her) Ms. Thomas inspired me to create WEIRDOPE Museum which will be the number one tourist site in America. The purpose of WEIRDOPE Museum came from the desperation of Treese always emphasizing the importance of how God’s people perish from the …
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What if your Amazon packages could talk? What if they had palpitating, expectant hearts as they sped to your house? And, what a let down, after you’d ripped them open, shredded them, and left them for the recycler. What ingratitude, after their selfless commitment to your happiness. Tool-maker, turned bassist Gary Unwin brings this anthropomorphic …
  continue reading Texas born actor, singer, songwriter, producer, and entrepreneur, Johnny Nash (1940-2020) was a driven visionary that, undaunted by commercial challenges in the U.S. marketplace, relocated to Jamaica, founded JAD Records, discovered and signed Bob Marley, and helped grow Reggae's popularity around the world - first by coverin…
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ALL HAIL NEW ORLEANS' ROYALTY! The boys pay homage to one of the greatest voices - (and most spiritual human beings) - ever to grace the earth. And, you can read the recently released memoir that reveals his triumphs and tribulations. Tell It Like It Is – OUT NOW! Aaron Neville shares his story, complete with stories of ov…
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Blame it on the Bossa Nova’s magic spell that the Samba craze swept the nation in the mid-‘60s. And, two of the main proponents of this joyful, sun-splashed celebration were Sergio Mendes and Herb Alpert. Herbie had the record label, A&M, and Sergio had the secret sauce, not to mention the lovely lead singer Lani Hall, who later became Mrs. Alpert.…
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“Bless the Weather” by Iain David McGeachy, OBE (1948-2009)— known to the public as John Martyn, is an emblem of the unfathomable mysteries of the universe: How could music so divinely comforting have emanated from one so troubled? Of course, treading the path of this maestro’s biography we find the familiar signposts of drug addiction, marital abu…
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Domingo Samudio (b.February 28, 1937), better known as "Sam the Sham" is a quintessential American entrepreneur: a huckster with limited vocal ability, who took a simple, Show biz concept: - a corny, lovable, Rock n Roll persona - a TexMex Pharaoh in a turban, created a raft of top 10 smashes, and in the process became immortal. In 1965, Wooly Bull…
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Raymond Barretto Pagan was born to Puerto Rican parents in New York on April 29, 1929. When he was barely four years old, his father decided to leave home and return to Puerto Rico. His mother settled in the South Bronx and raised her three children by herself. From an early age, Barretto was influenced by two styles of music: Latin and Jazz. Durin…
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She’ll Return it is an obscure, minor league number from the Animals catalogue, a B-Side to their Ma Rainy cover of See See Rider. I first heard it on the album Animalization, which, along with Animalism are my two favorite collections by that band. It’s just a simple, 12 bar, blues progression, with basic lyrics insistently repeating one central p…
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The story of Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street" has it all: a troubled, ambivalent creator, an unforgettable sax riff whose ownership has spawned controversy for almost 50 years, and a mysterious, compelling lyric. One of Scotland's leading artistic lights, Rafferty, who started as partner to the beloved comedian Billy Connolly in The Humblebums, went…
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Redd Foxx was one funny motherfucker. And, hell on wheels. Apparently, he was the scourge of taxi drivers in Las Vegas, where he lived, worked, and is buried - because he would either throw up in the backseat of their cabs, or refuse to pay his fare, or both. As the “King of the Party Records”, Redd made 50 dirty albums (I have a few on 8 track) - …
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There was something magical about Rosemary Clooney: the girl next door with the velvet tones. A 1950s dreamboat that you imagined might bring you cocoa on a chilly evening, and rub your temples after you had labored for hours, toiling to create the perfect arrangement for her. A game lady. I admit I may have been dazzled by the Show Biz glow reflec…
  continue reading The Splendid Bohemians are taking you back to 1962, a time when technology held so much promise for a more peaceful tomorrow. Telstar, the communications satellite was launched, linking one side of the globe to the other; Kennedy announced the good news…
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