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A podcast about how we plan and design cities for people. Tune in and join listeners from 140 countries. I am Mustafa Sherif, an Urbanist and Studio Manager based in Sweden. In this podcast, I talk to people working in urban planning and design about projects, processes, methods, handbooks, challenges, leadership, and their passions in life. It's not only about the projects but also about the people behind them. In collaboration with AFRY (Urban Planning and Design Section in Stockholm)
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show series
I det här fortsatta samtalet med Emilia Poole Jönsson, ordförande för Sveriges Arkitekter Studenterna vid LTH, samt Andréa Caceres Ramirez och Axel Larsen från KTH, dyker vi djupare in i studenternas perspektiv på arkitekturutbildning och karriärmöjligheter i branschen. Vi diskuterar frågor som: Vad är nästa steg för er studenter? Vad uppskattar ni…
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In this episode of Urbanistica Podcast, host Mustafa Sherif sits down with⁠Cristina Söderberg⁠, a leadership expert, public speaker, and founder of Skill Insight Sweden AB, to explore a key career dilemma: should professionals aim to become technical experts or pursue managerial roles? With a diverse background spanning business management, behavio…
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I det här avsnittet samtalar jag med Märit Jansson, docent och universitetslektor i landskapsplanering vid SLU. Märit forskar och undervisar om landskapsarkitektur, stadsutveckling och barns tillgång till kvalitativa utemiljöer. Hon har lång erfarenhet av att arbeta med förvaltning och governance av grönområden och hur dessa kan bidra till socialt …
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I detta avsnitt gästas jag av Krista Nikula, Operativ samordnare för Samverkan i Huddinge. Tillsammans dyker vi in i det BID-inspirerade arbetet som syftar till att stärka Huddinge genom samverkan mellan fastighetsägare, kommun, näringsliv och andra aktörer. Vad är ett BID? BID, Business Improvement District, är ett sätt att organisera och formalis…
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I detta avsnitt intervjuar Mustafa Emilia Poole Jönsson, ordförande för Sveriges Arkitekter Studenterna vid LTH, samt vinnarna av idéutlysningen "Stadsbyggnad Genom Samarbete" – Andréa Caceres Ramirez och Axel Larsen från KTH. Vi pratar om idéutlysningen som hösten 2024 bjöd in arkitektur- och stadsbyggnadsintresserade studenter att ta fram nytänka…
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I detta avsnitt av vår podd samtalar vi med Karin Ahlzén, projektchef för Fokus Järva inom Stockholms stad. Fokus Järva är en omfattande satsning på stadsutveckling i Järvaområdet, med målet att skapa en socialt och ekologiskt hållbar stadsdel genom nya bostäder, förbättrad utemiljö och stärkt kommunal service. Under intervjun pratade vi om bakgrun…
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How can urban planners address climate change while creating cities that thrive socially, economically, and environmentally? In this episode of About Buildings and Cities, we talk to Cléa Daridan, Head of Arts and Culture at Community Jameel, about integrating climate actions into urban planning. Cléa shares insights into the challenges and oppor…
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Lina Dahlander (General Manager Bolt Rides, Sweden) In this episode, we explore the story behind Bolt, a global leader in shared mobility with a presence in over 600 cities across 50 countries. Founded to revolutionize urban transportation, Bolt offers a range of services such as ride-hailing, micromobility, car sharing, food delivery, and more. We…
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في هذه الحلقة الخاصة من البودكاست، نتحدث مع منى جابر، طالبة هندسة معمارية شجاعة ومتميزة، عن تطبيقها العملي في مشروع الراحلة زها حديد في مبنى البنك المركزي العراقي. حلقة ملهمة تسلط الضوء على الشجاعة، الطموح، ودور العائلة في دعم الأحلام. استمعوا لتجربة منى لتتعرفوا على قيمة مواجهة التحديات وتحويلها إلى فرص نجاح. أبرز المحاور: 🌍 البداية: تعرفنا على من…
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Rosa Danenberg (PhD, Stadsplanerare, Stockholm, Sverige) Vilken roll spelar bottenvåningar och hur kan planering, design och förvaltning främja skapandet av anpassningsbara och resilienta huvudgator? Rosa pratar om sin doktorsavhandling "Main streets as resilient public spaces: Zooming in on ground floors in Stockholm". Avhandlingen försvarades vid…
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Helena Godotter Karlberg (Expert inom platsinnovation, Professionell föreläsare och moderator med journalistbakgrund inom press, radio och TV I Topp 100 - Sveriges populäraste föreläsare och moderatorer 2024)Platsinnovation är ett begrepp och koncept för designdriven helhetsutveckling av attraktiva samhällen, besöksmål, regioner och andra sorters p…
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Aytan Huseynli , an architect with over 13 years of experience in Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Sweden, has built a career marked by excellence and perseverance. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, supported by the prestigious Azerbaijan Government Education Grant, a Master's degree i…
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في هذه الحلقة، نستكشف مفهوم "إشراك المجتمعات" في عملية تطوير المدن، ودوره في بناء مدن أكثر عدلاً واستدامة. سنناقش أبرز الآليات التي يمكن استخدامها لإشراك المجتمعات المحلية في اتخاذ القرارات المتعلقة بالتخطيط الحضري، وكيف تختلف هذه الأدوات بناءً على طبيعة وحجم المجتمع. نتعمق في التحديات التي تواجه إشراك المجتمعات في العالم العربي، مع تسليط الضوء على…
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Sara C. Bronin is a Mexican-American architect, attorney, Cornell University professor, and policymaker whose interdisciplinary work focuses on how law and policy can foster more equitable, sustainable, well-designed, and connected places. She is the author of Key to the City: How Zoning Shapes Our World, and she founded and directs the National Zo…
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Fabrice Mary (Tennies coach, VD och Grundare till Dome Sweden) Vi pratar om projetket The Dome Sweden, en arena för framtidens idrott ochkultur. Idrottssektorn och alla som hör talas om projektet inser att det kan ge ett stort bidrag till socialt välbefinnande genom både personlig utveckling och utveckling av lokala samhällen. Sport och sociokultur…
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About the initiative: Celebrate Your Local Jane Jacobs, a campaign dedicated to acknowledge and honour women who have made substantial hands-on contributions to their communities. In a world where the recognition of women’s achievements is often limited, we believe that those who have devoted themselves to civic engagement, participatory planning, …
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We are excited to have @charles_landry Landry back at Placemaking Week Europe! Known for introducing the Creative City concept in the late 1980s, Charles has been a key figure in urban transformation. His work focuses on how cities can foster creativity to address challenges and unlock potential. This idea has since evolved into a global movement, …
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Laska Nenova (General manager BG Be Active Association/Placemaking Europe board member) In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://pwe2024.sched.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ _____ Let's connect and talk further about this episode ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Mustafa Sherif Linkedin⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Episode 3 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture. About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture: Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance. Urban acu…
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Episode 2 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture. About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture: Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance. Urban acu…
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Episode 1 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture. About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture: Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance. Urban acu…
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Tayana Panova, PhD, is a psychologist and researcher turned urbanist. She previously worked at Strong Towns and is now contributing thought leadership at the Social Life Project, collaborating with Placemaking pioneers Fred Kent and Kathy Madden. Tayana advocates for better urbanism and healthier places through her TikTok account, @dr.tpanova, and …
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Rosanna Vitiello (Bureau Chief + Founding Director, The Place Bureau, London, England, United Kingdom) Links to Collective Place Futures Toolkit: https://www.theplacebureau.com/toolkit Natural Futures book: https://www.theplacebureau.com/insights/natural-futures-is-live Short about Rosanna's workshop during Placemaking Week Europe in Rotterdam: Wat…
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Marcello Cabezas (Placemaker/Experience Architect, The Fifth Group, Canada) During Placemaking week Marcello presented cases from Canada. Short BIO about his presentation:This was a 30-minute presentation that highlighted exciting, award-winning lifestyle placemaking projects and destinations that have changed the game in Canada. They successfully …
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Betty Chemier - ReURBE – Panamá - https://www.reurbe.org/@reurbe_ Milagros Hurtig - Urbanismo Vivo – Argentina www.urbanismovivo.com.ar@urbanismo_vivo @milihurtg Ma. Elena Rodríguez - PLURAL / Asilvestrar – Ecuador www.ciudadesmasverdes.com Adriana Sansão Fontes - LabIT-PROURB – Brasil About their panel in the placemaking week:The panel will presen…
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Nina Eschenröder (Hospitality Professional )Nina is an accomplished hotelier with 15 years of experience in hotel management in international hotel chains. She holds degrees from the Hotel Management School Maastricht and Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, bringing a strong expertise in business development. Her work is centered on …
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Dr. Thieu Besselink, PhD, Founder of the Academy of Place and the Townmaking Institute, ass. prof. at Utrecht University Thieu Besselink is an urbanist, philosopher and educator. He learned to love the complexities of place during his research with prof. Richard Sennett at the LSE Cities Program and went on to establish two organisations that aim t…
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Jia-Ping is the founding Chairperson of PLACEMAKING Malaysia, under the auspices of the Malaysian Institute of Planners and a member of the Board of Advisors for PlacemakingX. With her current role as co-chair at PLACEMAKING Malaysia and her position as a director of POLLIN8, a place consultancy, she actively shapes, drives, and grows the placemaki…
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Julia Barashkov(a) (PhD Candidate at Delft University of Technology) and Mihal Ronko (Practising architect at Schaffer Architects) About their workshop during Placemaking week: Our workshop, “Common Ground: Game Plans for Neighbourhood Co-Creation,” brought together an incredible group of urbanists, designers, researchers, and community leaders and…
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Tímea Szőke (PhD Fellow at UIC Barcelona) and Elena Enrica Giunta (Design director at Studio Shift; Adjunct professor at School of Design - Politecnico di Milano and Libera Università di Bolzano) BIO about their workshop:City Flows - Discovering the City with our Senses. This participatory walkshop is designed to explore the connection between the …
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Ko Koens has been involved in sustainable tourism for over twenty years. His work focuses on understanding the impact of urban tourism and designing it in ways that maximize benefits for all. Over the years, he has authored over 30 academic publications and is one of the authors of the UNWTO report on overtourism. Currently, he leads the "Expertise…
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Josef Conning (Urbanist and strategist, Sweden) andKristen Zupancic (Founder, Plot Twist Placemaking, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands) Kristen and Josef facilitated a session where they promoted the concept of the "1.5-minute place", and in the workshop participants created dynamic and vibrant places based on that concept. Bringing the core p…
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Koos Fransen (Founder of STR.AAT, Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium)Koos is currently employed as project leader for Projectbureau Ruimte (city of Ghent), specifically working on transdisciplinary, complex spatial projects. He is also the founder of STR.AAT (www.str-aat.be) - an urban think tank on storytelling, public space and co-creation, where he …
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Nourhan Bassam Ph.D. (Feminist Urbanist, Ph.D Urban, Design & Placemaking, Founding Director The Gendered City, The Gendered City Author, FEM. DES. Network Creator) The Book ⁠https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPB49Y4D⁠⁠https://genderedcity.org⁠ The NetworkFEM. DES ⁠https://genderedcity.org/fem-des⁠⁠https://femurbanatlas.com⁠ Nourhan Bassam is a feminist …
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Naser Hasso (Stadsplanerare & student vid Karlstads Universitet) Vi pratar om Nasers examensarbete. Studien undersöker hur lekplatser i urbana miljöer kan anpassas för barn med synnedsättningar. Nedan kan ni ta del av de rekommendationer som studien har kommit fram till. Alla rekommendationer och parametrar är viktiga att ta i beaktning vid planeri…
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Seunghoon HAN (City DesignerAffiliation : Chaire ETI (Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation) at IAE Paris Sorbonne University) The "Happy Proximity" concept is an idea in urbanism that emphasizes the benefits of having essential services, amenities, and social interactions within a short distance from where people live. It revolves around designing…
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Luciana Renner (Fundación Placemaking México Architect, Radio Host, & Music Selector) Instagram https://instagram.com/lucyrenner/Lucy is an Architect, radio host, and music selector. She explores the relationship between musical expressions and the urban spaces where they emerge. Her sets are characterized by nostalgic soundscapes and melodies rang…
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In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more ⁠⁠⁠https://pwe2024.sched.com/⁠⁠Guest: Andrew Coward (Director/Co-founder of Reactivate Consulting + Sydney District Council Chair of the Urban Land Institute) Andrew is an urban strategist, placemaker and engagement professional, based in Sydney Australia, working on projects…
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Joanna Messmer (Projektchef, Open House Stockholm)Open House Stockholm syftar till att involvera allmänheten i stadens utveckling och stimulera intresset för arkitektur och samhällsbyggande. Open House Stockholm är en del av det globala nätverket Open House Worldwide samt har ett treårigt samarbetsprojekt med Open House Europe. Utforska Stockholms …
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Book a 30 min podcast session now, email Mustafa on⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠[email protected]⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Urbanistica Podcast, hosted by urbanist Mustafa Sherif, spotlights placemakers by exploring their projects, challenges, and passions. With listeners from 140 countries, the show features special episodes from Placemaking We…
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Martynas Germanavičius (International project manager, head of Open House EU, Lithuania) and Joanna Messmer (Executive officer - Open House Stockholm, Sweden) We are talking about Open House EU. Open House Europe is a cooperation project that connects different Open House festival organisers across Europe and enables their collaboration and knowled…
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Robin Cox (Cultural explorer and city photographer, based in The Hague, The Netherlands). We are talking about: Robin's mission is to make today’s cities more human. How does creativity contribute to bringing people together within urban environments? Good Place podcast Links: Photography - rcxmoment.com Good Place interview series - goodplace.cc C…
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David Andersson (Arts & Culture Team at Bloomberg Associates, Brooklyn, New York, USA) ABOUT THE ASPHALT ART INITIATIVE: Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Asphalt Art Initiative responds to the growing number of cities around the world embracing art as an effective and low-cost strategy to improve street safety and create vibrant public spaces. The initiat…
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Helsingborg City in southern Sweden has transformed into a playful city. Over the past decade, the city has invested in numerous thematic playgrounds. These have encouraged school students, kindergarteners, and adults with their children to explore different parts of the city, breaking out of their usual social and neighborhood "bubbles." What a sm…
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Hélène Chartier (Director of Urban Planning and Design at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group) We are talking about: -C40 cities- The design guidance for green and thriving public spaces About C40: C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis. Mayors of C40 citie…
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Daniel Casas Valle (Urban designer/planner, Researcher, Director, Porto) We are talking about: - The book The Future Design of Streets - How do we imagine future streets, and space more as a balanced mix of what? - How can we improve existing streets to make these spaces more valuable for people and nature? Order the book here: https://thefuturedes…
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Ann Molin (Secretary General & CEO of Hack for Earth, Author of Dream! Hack! Build! Book)We are talking about:-Using hackathons as a method to involve citizens in finding impactful and innovative solutions.-The Hack for Earth Foundation Hackathon.-'Dream, Hack, Build': A book about how you can organize hackathons in your organization About Hack for…
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Gustav Magnusson (Urbanist, FPR/MSA, Book auther, Europe 40under40 urbanist, Malmö, greater Copenhagen, Sweden). we are talking about his new book. "keynote conversations," is a book not found in every bookstore. it has been described as an urban pechakucha festival in the shape of a book and features insights from 100 global urban experts. Order t…
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Angela Woda (Senior Urban Designer, Kjellander Sjöberg Studio) and Stefan Sjöberg (Founding Director, Kjellander Sjöberg Architects London-Stockholm - Malmö) We are talking about: - Urban Planning and Design projects in the UK compared to Sweden- How do we measure the success of our city planning and design? _____ Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving…
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