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Legally Clueless

Legally Clueless

Legally Clueless is a weekly podcast by Kenyan media personality & social activist: Adelle Onyango!! Here, she documents her raw human journey as an evolving unapologetically African woman. The podcast is a space where people get to know just how okay it is to not know or not have it all figured out. It is also a space where Africans share stories from their lives; stories that teach, make us cry, make us laugh - real, authentic African stories. The #LegallyClueless hotline is +254768628790
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Writing on walls, trains and other surfaces is something that people do worldwide. Toy Division graffiti podcast includes stories about being a clueless graffiti writer; how to live a healthier lifestyle and other related subjects. It's not about your latest local commission street art mural; Banksy book; or the latest photorealistic legal mural paid for by a large company. Listen and open your mind to learn more about supposedly mindless vandalism; as well as other points of interest in rel ...
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Bob & Eric Save America

Maverick Broadcasting Network

New show. New mission. Long-time show hosts Bob Dunlap, a businessman from North Carolina, and Eric Matheny, a criminal defense attorney in Florida, have moved to the Freedom First Network to deliver weekly patriotic brilliance. Formerly of “Weekly Wrap-Up With Bob & Eric," the outspoken duo are ready to take it to the next level. America is at a crossroads. Bob and Eric are here to keep people informed about the right directions to go. Catch them every Saturday at noon Eastern as they discu ...
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show series
Here's another Mid-Week Tease and in this episode Adelle shares 3 questions aimed at helping women let go of shame and start to live a real & authentic life. Remember to join us at our upcoming 3-part group therapy program coming up on the 1st of March. We have partnered with Shamiri health on this, who are an organization committed to you actualiz…
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Here's another Mid-Week Tease and in this episode Adelle shares 3 questions aimed at helping women let go of shame and start to live a real & authentic life. Remember to join us at our upcoming 3-part group therapy program coming up on the 1st of March. We have partnered with Shamiri health on this, who are an organization committed to you actualiz…
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On August 28th, 2000, Danny Stewart got on the subway to meet his boyfriend Pete Mercurio for dinner in New York City. As he was exiting the station, he noticed something on the ground. It looked like a baby doll wrapped in a shirt. And then he saw the doll's legs move. Pete Mercurio's children's book is Our Subway Baby. His forthcoming memoir is c…
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故事FM ❜ 第 835 期 提到脑瘫患者,你可能会想到电影《小小的我》里的主角刘春和,电影向观众展现了他在生活上碰到的困难,以及在成长过程中遭遇的歧视。故事的最后,刘春和没有走向巅峰,成为世俗意义上的成功者,而只是跌跌撞撞地过上了一个普通人毫不费力就能过上的生活。但这部电影激励了万千脑瘫患者,同时也深深打动了许多健全的观众。 我们今天的讲述者也是一位脑瘫患者,他希望讲讲自己如何站起来走路、打篮球得分、用键盘鼠标挣钱的故事。 出于疾病的原因,尽管讲述者已经非常努力地清晰表达,我们通过适当的剪辑,尽量让故事听起来顺畅,但难免今天的故事会存在个别字词听不清楚的情况。您可以移步故事FM的微信公众号,找到本片故事的推送,结合文字一起收听。 /Staff/ 讲述者 | 朱和平(脑瘫患者) 主播 | @…
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A threatening message leads a papyrologist into the shadowy world of online antiquities trading. On a September morning in 2017, Dr Roberta Mazza opens her WhatsApp to find menacing messages and warnings to "watch her back". How did a respected academic specialising in ancient texts find herself at the crossroads of biblical scholarship and antiqui…
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RISK! is thrilled to present this episode of What’s Ray Saying?, created by our dear friend and one of our favorite storytellers, Dr. Ray Christian. To better understand the treatment of the ills, injuries and minds of Black Americans, Ray reflects on his first experience of going to the doctor. To learn more about listener data and our privacy pra…
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In this episode, Kyle opens up about his emotional journey through career shifts in trucking, from navigating job transitions and agricultural hauling to the fallout of a career-altering accident. The hosts dive into the intricacies of trucking, from delivering spent grain to dairy farms to the economics of agricultural transport. They also explore…
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Nina Polak | Die geestelijke gezondheidscrisis waar alsmaar over gesproken wordt, suggereert dat er iets mis is met de psyche van jongeren. Die gaan de crisis te lijf met de enige middelen die onze cultuur ze aanreikt: diagnoses, zelfhulpgoeroes, psychologen. Maar juist die therapiecultuur is onderdeel van het probleem. Over het beeld: Voor dit stu…
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Bienvenue dans Les Fabuleux Destins, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, plongez dans le fabuleux parcours de Battling Siki, cet incroyable athlète qui battait tous les records. Premier champion du monde de boxe noir en catégorie mi-lourd, il défi les limites des règles d’un sport qui à cette époque était do…
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A l'occasion de la Saint-Valentin, découvrez ces couples qui ont crevé l'écran. Ils nous ont fait rêver ou simplement réfléchir à notre conception de l’amour. Plongez dans l'intimité des plus beaux couples d'acteurs et d'actrices avec Alice Deroide. Leur union fut une des plus critiquées de l'histoire du cinéma. Une passion inattendue et intense, e…
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Anjali tells of a childhood experience that left her with cravings. If you would like to learn how to tell your BEST story - head on over to our website and fill in the form to send us a 2 - 3 sentence synopsis of your story - We will be in contact! Everyone has a story to tell.…
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When Dannielle Miller became a teacher, she was given the classes no one else could handle. She was given a whistle on her first day, to call for help. She didn’t need it — in fact, she had something in common with some of her students. Dannielle Miller is the CEO of Enlighten Education and Director of Education for Women's Community Shelter. As a …
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Adeel Afzal comes back on The Pakistan Experience to discuss Podcasting, Internet Culture, Why People attack Engineer Mirza, Zameer Akhtar, The Baloch University Scandal, Attacking Women, Notions of Ghairat, Daily Vlogging, TV Dramas and Internet culture.Adeel Afzal is a Pakistani actor, screenwriter and social media personality.The Pakistan Experi…
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From Shaam Idrees vs Ducky Bhai to Ducky Bhai vs Talha Reviews, we look at the civil war on Youtube happening and how we got here.This video was recorded last week before the podcast between ducky bhai and talha reviews.Chapters:0:00 Introduction3:41 Talha Reviews being Targeted4:31 Ducky Bhai and Rajab Butt selling courses6:10 Return of Shaam Idre…
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Der Oberfränkische Zweisternekoch und sein Food-Scout geben spannende Einblicke in ihre "Hexenküche". Mit haltbar gemachtem einheimischem Gemüse mischen sie die Kochszene, auch in New York auf. Wie gut sie nicht nur in der Küche harmonieren bewiesen die beiden auf der Blauen Couch on Tour.
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In Episode 7 of 'Of Heroes and Villains' we look at the murder of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti and Balochistan. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan through conversations. Please consider supporting us on Patreon: support the channel:Jazzcash/Eas…
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In today's episode we discuss NAB going after Malik Riaz, the PECA Law, the Blasphemy Gang story, Trump Watch, Dhaka, Sri Lanka and India.Uzair Younus and Shehzad Ghias do the round up of this week's news in our new show 'This Week in Pakistan. The Pakistan Experience is an independently produced podcast looking to tell stories about Pakistan throu…
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For almost a dozen years, 34 Black women gathered monthly around a big dining room table in an orange house on Orange Street in Oakland, CA — meeting, cooking, dancing, strategizing — grappling with the issues of eviction, erasure, gentrification, inadequate health care, and the sex trafficking of Black women and girls overwhelming their community.…
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Sie war auf dem Weg, eine Profitänzerin zu werden, die gebürtige Dänin Julia F. Christensen. Dann verdarb ihr ein Sturz im häuslichen Umfeld diesen Lebenstraum. Nachdem sie den doppelten Schmerz verarbeitet hatte, sattelte sie um, studierte Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften und arbeitet heute am Max-Planck-Institut in Frankfurt.…
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A soon-to-be college grad, raised in Appalachia, calls in to talk about his next adventure—moving to Antarctica. But as he and Gethard dig deeper, it’s clear this journey is about more than just travel. Life’s thrown a lot at this caller, but he’s put in the work, and come out the other side. Now, with med school on the horizon, he’s taking a detou…
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It’s a compelling hang with the iconic comedian, actor, and renaissance man who takes a deep dive on a myriad of topics, including philosophy, physics, and fire prevention. His new sitcom, Shifting Gears, can be seen on ABC Wednesdays at 8PM. Big thanks to our awesome sponsors Download the CFO’s Guide to AI and Machine Learning fo…
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На записи юбилейного, 500-го выпуска лаовайкаста, собрались основатели Сергей Литвин, Александр Мальцев, Максим Иванов и в компании продолжателя их дела Альберта Крисского ответили на вопросы слушателей: В 43 выпуске подкаста (на 30-й минуте) Александр Мальцев обещал дать ответ на вопрос «Зачем летают китайские космонавты на Луну» в эфире Лаовайкас…
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A lot of people are wondering if things in LA would look different if Rick Caruso had won the mayoral race against Karen Bass in 2022. If he had been mayor when devastating fires began in the city last month, would he have prevented them from consuming about 40,000 acres, which is more than twice the area of Manhattan? At the time he ran, many quie…
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British historian Helen Fry joins Rhiannon Neads for the first installment of a two-part dive into one of the most crucial, but little-known intelligence forces of the Second World War - MI9. Charged with facilitating the escape of Allied POWs, MI9 employed various ingenious tactics - including, but not limited to, a chocolate gun. Yes, really. You…
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In honor of the 100-year anniversary of the Nome Serum Run, Maine musher Jonathan Nathaniel Hayes is recreating the run. And he’s doing it with a team descended directly from Leonhard Seppala’s original dogs. Today, Hayes joins host Mike Corey to talk about the inspiration and preparations to travel hundreds of frozen miles across Alaska. Hayes is …
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A young man searching for acceptance and purpose falls into a life of crippling addiction and loses his son to CPS and the love of his life to a violent psychopath; but among the shattered pieces of his life, he finds a path to recovery, forgiveness and joy. Today’s episode featured Daniel Hearn. This episode is part of a two-part mini-series, feat…
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Six and a half years ago, in the wake of the #MeToo movement, we asked our listeners how they think about manhood–how to be, what’s hard, where they feel lost. Fast forward to 2025, and the norms and trends around manhood are even more varied and complicated. So we thought it would be a good time to revisit the stories from 2018 and provide updates…
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If it’s Tuesday, the phone lines are open and operators (me) are standing by. Today we’re talk to callers from Honolulu to North Carolina about everything from worrying to working as an extra on Hallmark movies to existential crises. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Every Tuesday, we grab a past question from the Facebook group, then Meredith and Scott answer it and read some of the answers given by other listeners. The question for this episode: What overused word or phrase are you sick of? Links for this episode: Corporate jargon: Meredith’s episode about how cuss …
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En Perú se puede criticar cualquier cosa —menos la gastronomía nacional. En nuestro sitio web puedes encontrar una transcripción del episodio. Or you can also check this English translation. ♥ Aquí estamos y no nos vamos. Hoy, más que nunca, confirmamos nuestro compromiso contigo: narrar con el mejor periodismo que podamos América Latina y las comu…
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In this gripping episode of 'The Only One in the Room,' host Laura Cathcart Robbins speaks with Lisa Phillips, a former international Ford model and Epstein survivor, about her harrowing experiences and why she felt compelled to return to Epstein after her initial abuse. Lisa opens up about her multicultural upbringing, her modeling career, and the…
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