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The Protestant Libertarian Podcast explores the intersection between protestant Biblical studies and libertarian philosophy. We will discuss the Bible, history, culture, economics, philosophy, and current events from both protestant and libertarian perspectives. Questions, comments, suggestions? Please reach out to me at [email protected]. You can also follow the podcast on Twitter: @prolibertypod. If you like the show and want to support it, you can! Check out the Protestan ...
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Actualités Protestantes

Fédération protestante de France (FPF)

Tous les mois, 28 minutes de décryptage au cœur de l'actualité du protestantisme et de la Fédération protestante de France. Reportages, interview et flash info avec des chroniqueurs et des invités, c'est le magazine d'information diffusé en podcast et auprès des radios protestantes.
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Russian Protestant Church's Podcast

Russian Protestant Church

Библия как карта для нашей жизни. Духовные законы существуют, ты можешь жить хорошо или плохо зависимо от знания и понимания как работают законы царства Божья. Бог уже приготовил для тебя судьбу, благую, угодную и совершенную. Узнай Бога, прими жизнь во внутрь себя через Иисуса, тогда ты сможешь слышать голос Бога в своем сердце и жить в соответствии его плана. Ты сможешь жить в соответсвии Божих законов и иметь благословенную жизнь.
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Barely Protestant

Brother James

This podcast seeks to explore what sets the Anglican Catholic Tradition apart as a unique gem in the Christian Faith. Like us on Facebook!
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Les Radios Protestantes vous propose cinq grands débats festifs d’une heure la semaine du 31 mai au 4 juin sur la FM ou en vidéo sur les réseaux sociaux. La radio est en fête ! Pour l’anniversaire des 100 ans de la radio en France et les 40 ans de la libération des ondes, le Ministère de la culture encourage les radios à commémorer l’évènement. Il n’en fallait pas plus pour que la Plateforme protestante des radios s’organise et vous propose durant cette semaine une heure d’émission spéciale ...
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This series traces a movement that redefined key Christian beliefs, resulting in the split of Christianity into Catholicism and Protestant groups. On 10 December 1520, Martin Luther provoked the Catholic Church by publicly burning Pope Leo X's papal bull, "Exsurge Domine." A century later, a group of English settlers known as the "Saints and Strangers" set sail from Plymouth Sound, England. They arrived at their new home, Plymouth Harbour, on 16 December 1620, bringing Protestantism from Eur ...
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show series
In this episode, I discuss the problem of unclear economic thinking in Biblical scholarship. Terms like ‘capitalism’ and ‘socialism’ are often left undefined by the scholars who employ them, and the vague cultural notion that ‘capitalism’ is about evil and greed while ‘socialism’ is about virtue and charity characterizes the use of economic languag…
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Right before the pandemic, in February of 2020, I took on the role of interim student ministries director at my church. Then the world shut down. I hosted seven weeks of group online, and I recorded a series of videos about the basics of our beliefs for my students to watch before our weekly meetings. These short video introductions to important Bi…
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In the long-awaited third installment of my Ludwig von Mises vs. a Christian Scholar series, I take on the big dog himself, N.T. Wright. Wright is the world’s most famous New Testament scholar and theologian and is known for his pioneering work on the ‘New Perspective’ on Paul, Paul and empire, and the historical Jesus. I explain how his own theolo…
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durée : 00:29:31 - Solaé, le rendez-vous protestant - par : Jean-Luc Gadreau - Rencontre avec le président de la Fédération protestante de France, le pasteur Christian Krieger, à l’occasion du week-end des acteurs fédératifs à Sète. Une occasion de parler des enjeux et défis de la FPF pour cette année. - réalisation : Thomas Jost…
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In this episode I talk with Dr. Wafik Wahba, professor of global Christianity at Tyndale University in Toronto, Canada. His brand-new book Global Christianity and Islam: Exploring History, Politics, and Beliefs (out February 2025 on IVP), explores the complex history of the relationship between Christianity and Islam, how they have shaped the moder…
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Hace cinco siglos, un grupo de creyentes en Zurich dio el paso de bautizarse como adultos y con la firme convicción de poner en práctica los principios del evangelio y seguir a Jesús. A pesar de la violenta persecución que se desplegó hacia aquellas primeras comunidades de fe, pudieron sobrevivir hasta el día de hoy, dejando una herencia que ahora …
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