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At the intersection of two major Christian traditions - Catholic and Orthodox - Byzantine Catholics have a little bit of both worlds. Hence, their unique view upon the world, that waits to be rediscovered as meaningful for the 21st century.
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show series
"As Mary could not hold on to the Jesus she had known, so we cannot hold on to the lives we have always known. To Golgotha we must go, bearing the cross of this pandemic with us, but where we are going is to the empty tomb, proof that death is not the end of the story. For, you see, Christ is risen—and so are we." +John Michael Botean --- Music: Sc…
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Fear is a movement of the sensitive appetite. We experience it every day in different forms. Probably one of the greatest human fears is of the unknown - of death. How do we deal with that? Listen to this episode by Fr. Calin Tamiian to find out the answer. Music: Kevin MacLeod ("Our Story Begins", "In the Hall of the Mountain King", "Almost New"- …
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Can you imagine a world in which kindness would be on everybody's lips as a result of the way in which people guide themselves daily? If kindness would be the currency that we use in every single relationship? Kindness is not just something that happens to us overnight. It is the result of many such efforts that can have a "butterfly effect" in the…
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This week's word is "revenge". How many times have you thought about "paying back" to someone who has heart you? What if there is another way, a better way to cope with this? Listen to Sr. Theresa's answer in overcoming her own challenge of dealing with the desire to take revenge. Music: Kevin MacLeod Visit us at…
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Welcome to Refreshing Bread and our series, “The Mission of the Church Today”. Here is Father Calin Tamiian. This is Father Calin Tamiian again welcoming you to the series “The Mission of the Church Today”. We’re going to speak about liturghia. Liturghia is a Greek word that speaks about the praise and the worship that we are due to God. We use the…
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”Nu te teme, turmă mică.” Acestea sunt cuvintele lui Isus. Ele apar în Evanghelia Sfântului Luca (12:32), cuvinte pe care le-am ales ca moto al episcopatului meu cu douăzeci și unu de ani în urmă. Poate, acum, meditând asupra acestui moto, ați fi tentați să răspundeți "Dar de ce să nu ne temem? Trăim în momente înspăimântătoare!" Într-adevăr, lumea…
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"Fear not, little flock." So go the words of Jesus from the Gospel of St. Luke (12:32) which I chose as the motto for my episcopal ministry twenty-one years ago. Perhaps, now, thinking about my motto, you might be tempted to ask, "Why not be afraid? We live in frightening times!" And indeed, the world seems a scarier place than it did this time las…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca meditates upon the simple but often forgotten truth: Jesus has come to call sinners and heal them. Those who are well are not in need of healing. Since we are all sinners in one way or another, Jesus calls us, you and me. How do we respond to his call? In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, …
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca reminds us that dishonesty equates victims. In contrast, God is fair and right and expects the same from us. God is perfects and expects us to be perfect. Loves honesty and integrity and will bless us if we are just and fair. Proverbs 10:31 – 11:12 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (incom…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca makes an insightful analogy: imagine receiving two invitations to dine at different restaurants. The first is in the best restaurant in town, the second is a place almost shut down by the health inspector. Which one will you accept? Similarly, in our reading wisdom’s invitation to humanity is…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca speaks about wisdom as a “treasure of blessings.” Wisdom offers us life in God’s favor. This is the abundant life, this is the best life, this includes eternal life. Wisdom is knowing the perfect will of our loving God for every aspect and choice of life. It is the ability and knowledge of ma…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca meditates upon wisdom as a personified being who invites us all to be attentive to her words and influence in human society, calling out people from all walks of life. Wisdom is the voice who stands among the people and demands attention; she is the guiding force to all human affairs. Wisdom …
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean is reflecting on the importance of our community. Just as in the case of ants or bees, a Christian life lived as a group where each member works for the good of the community not just themselves, is ultimately a life wisely lived. Proverbs 6:3-20 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (inc…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian explores further the wisdom of God, one that does not change from one season to another, from one generation to another. This understanding will enable us to make our life more pleasant, prudent in regards to our temptations, and compassionate with our brothers and sisters in their realities…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian is reflecting on the focus we place on our material and spiritual security. Security is of great importance to all of us. Yet, all the dimensions of our security, including our future are encompassed in the wisdom of God. Consequently, an easy heart is one that puts not its hope and faith in…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian is reflecting on God’s wisdom and our foolishness. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Fools despise wisdom and instruction. We are fools when we are full of ourselves. Yet in the fear of the Lord we will find the true knowledge. Are we humble enough to let God guide us in th…
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Meditation by Fr. Cristian Laslo Today’s reading presents us part of the Testament that Christ left for his followers. After His passion, He anticipates the apparition of false witnesses; He reassures his disciples about the end of the ages, and he impels them to a virtuous life, for “all things are lawful, but not all things are helpful. All thing…
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Meditation by Fr. Cristian Laslo The Roman soldiers are taking Jesus up to Golgotha for the supreme sacrifice. For them it was only an amusement, for the Jews a revenge, but for the rest of mankind it was an act of kindness and mercy, the supreme act of love for the humanity. In the praetorium, or the Pilate’s palace court Jesus is stripped of his …
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Meditation by Fr. Cristian Laslo Today’s Gospel is inviting us to reflect upon our Savior who is brought in front of the world’ rulers to be judged for revealing God’ love for mankind. Trying to interfere as little as possible in Jewish community, Pilate offers them to choose between Jesus and Barabbas, a killer. And they have chosen the killer. Je…
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Meditation by Fr. Cristian Laslo In today’s Gospel we meet Jesus praying in Gethsemane garden, where He is found by Judah and the Temple’s guard. Through a kiss Jesus is identified, caught, and brought in front of a illegitimate court. They are bringing him false testimonies, but He doesn’t collaborate with the vicious men. Revealing Himself as the…
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Meditation by Fr. Cristian Laslo “This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord, throughout your generations you shall observe it as an ordinance for ever.” (Book of Exodus 12, 14). Chapter 14 from the Gospel of Mark contemplates of the Last Supper, and Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. It also reve…
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Meditation by Fr. Cristian Laslo In today’s Gospel Jesus is ready to enter in Jerusalem as the true Son of Man, like the old kings of Israel. His disciples are preparing the colt on which no one has ever sat, the crowds are spreading their garments on the road, and leafy branches, crying out loud “Hosanna!...” The King is bringing the new life to t…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates on the way we give. When we don’t have but give, it is not the amount that counts, but the heart or intention behind the giving. Similarly, when we have more, we don’t have to always do the math, but rather focus on God’s and our own satisfaction for the help that we have provided. …
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates upon the only extravaganza Jesus made in his life – accepting the ointment poured on him by the woman. When we do something to please God, even if it looks like a waste, it is not. God deserves our best, because God is the best. Mark 14:3-9 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (inc…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea encourages us to be attentive moment in and moment out, because we know not when the end is coming. Being prepared through confession, prayer and good relationships enforces us to constantly consider the two directions of our lives: developing our relationship with God and our relationship wi…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates on how those who believe in the gospel and try to live accordingly to their beliefs are being rejected and persecuted by the society or even by their own families. Society’s focus on individualism seems to be in contrast with Jesus' teaching of loving one's enemy. Mark 13:9-13 Music…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca meditates on the need for persistent prayer in our lives both during the good times but especially during the difficult times. As we pray we begin to realize that ultimately what we want is what we need, and what we need is to bring our thinking, dreams and ambitions totally in line with God’…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca reminds us of our ephemeral nature. One day the great buildings and structures of our lives will fall. The very things we built our trust upon to give us identity, meaning and security will eventually collapse. Life changes, loved ones die, relationships break up, bodies get sick. Nevertheles…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca invites us to think about the two major commandments Jesus gives to the Scribe: love your God and love your neighbor. One cannot exist without the other. The question is how do we apply it in our daily living? Mark 12:28-37 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (…
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In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca challenges us to consider the difficult times when just like the Sadducees we are tempted to ask Jesus trick questions and doubt his presence and influence in our lives. In this situation, remembering the times of consolation, when Jesus' was a felt presence is a powerful exercise to remind o…
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