A daily short podcast covering the highlights of Hacker News. You can support the podcast on https://www.patreon.com/orschiro
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Episoden der heute-show und extra 3.
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Short stories from On Being, Brain Pickings and others.
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Oliver Sacks on Nature’s Beauty as a Gateway into Deep Time and a Lens on the Interconnectedness of the Universe
Thank you, Brain Pickings. https://archive.org/download/2018072207.40.44/2018-07-22%2007.40.44.oggBy Or Schiro
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Thank you, Brain Pickings. https://archive.org/download/2018072118.12.45/2018-07-21%2018.12.45.oggBy Or Schiro
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Thank you, On Being. https://archive.org/download/2018072117.48.32/2018-07-21%2017.48.32.oggBy Or Schiro
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PeerTube, the “Decentralized YouTube”, succeeds in crowdfunding — The Wrong Abstraction (2016) — and The Octonion Math That Could Underpin Physics
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Farewell, Google Maps — and Simone Giertz – Back from brain surgery
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European Commission fines Google €4.34B in Android antitrust case — and YC Startup School 2018: a free, 10-week, online course
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Assembly Language for Beginners [pdf] — and My adventures getting Disney’s Moana island scene to render well with Pbrt
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You can read the story yourself here. https://archive.org/download/SoundRecord20180717135541/SoundRecord-2018-07-17-13-55-41.wavBy Or Schiro
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Prime Down: Amazon’s sale day turns into fail day — Keeping a plaintext “did” file — and Why Gov.uk content should be published in HTML and not PDF
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Async and Await in Rust: a full proposal — When You Watch Sports, Your Brain Thinks You’re Playing — and Taking Go modules for a spin
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Learn how to design large-scale systems — Digital Exile: How I Got Banned for Life from AirBnB — and Foundations Machine Learning
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“I'm basically giving myself a permanent vacation from being BDFL” — and MacBook Pro with faster performance and new features for pros
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Unified access to the best community-driven cheat sheets repositories — and The San Franciso Fire Department makes its own wooden ladders by hand
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Thailand cave rescue: all 12 boys and coach successfully rescued — and Goodbye Microservices: From 100s of problem children to 1 superstar
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Nissan Admits Internal Emissions-Test Data Was Falsified — and Simple, correct, fast: in that order
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The Bulk of Software Engineering in 2018 Is Just Plumbing — A div that looks different in every browser — and Having Alzheimer’s at 38 (2015)
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Bertrand Russell on what makes a fulfilling life, an illustrated celebration of the many meanings and manifestations of love, an immigrant’s tale
Make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.” Appreciation to Brain Pickings. https://archive.org/download/russel-brainpickings/russel-brainpickings.mp3By Or Schiro
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MacOS Mojave removes subpixel anti-aliasing, making non-retina displays blurry — and Learn C and Build Your Own Lisp (2014)
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Mark Zuckerberg and his empire of oily rags — Show HN: Hacker News job trends — and Things That Happen in Silicon Valley and Also the Soviet Union
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EU copyright law proposal rejected — and California law requires businesses to let you cancel your subscription online
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Police search homes of Zwiebelfreunde board members and OpenLab in Augsburg
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Founder to CEO: How to build a great company from the ground up — and Please stop asking me to use the app
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Below the Surface – Finds from an archaeological project in the River Amstel — and Ask HN: Who is hiring? (July 2018)
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here are the highlights on hacker news for monday of week 27.
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Here are the Hacker News Highlights for Saturday.
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Hacker News Highlights for Friday of week 26.
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Hacker News Highlights for Thursday.
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Hacker News Highlights for Wednesday
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https://archive.org/download/SchrderUndLafontaineKommtEsZurVershnungClassicsverzeihmir102/Schr%C3%B6der%20und%20Lafontaine%20-%20Kommt%20es%20zur%20Vers%C3%B6hnung-classicsverzeihmir-102.mp3 Seit mehreren Jahren sind die einstigen Verbündeten erbitterte Feinde. Carsten van Ryssen unternimmt alles, was in seiner Macht steht, damit es endlich zur Ver…
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https://archive.org/download/180613SendungAjo1496kP20v14180613SendungAjo1496kP20v14/180613_sendung_ajo_1496k_p20v14-180613_sendung_ajo_1496k_p20v14.mp3 Diese Woche berichtet das auslandsjournal von Auto fahrenden Frauen in Saudi-Arabien, nordkoreanischen TV-Stars und von der Stimmung in Russland vor der WM.…
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https://archive.org/download/TV2018061322132300.hqTV2018061322132300.hq/TV-20180613-2213-2300.hq-TV-20180613-2213-2300.hq.mp3 Katja Kreml auf der CEBIT; Die verrücktesten Fußballplätze Deutschlands; Ein Linker erklärt die Linken; Die Sendung mit dem Klaus: Politische Talkshows – Christian Ehring zeigt den Irrsinn der Woche…
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https://archive.org/download/HeuteShowVom8.Juni2018HeuteShowVom8Juni2018100/heute-show%20vom%208.%20Juni%202018-heute-show-vom-8-juni-2018-100.mp3 Oliver Welke berichtet über parlamentarische Sternstunden und verschwiegene Erfolge, sinnlose Gipfel, die Titelverteidigung und Neues vom Handelskrieg.By Or Schiro
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https://archive.org/download/TV2018060622141000.hqTV2018060622141000.hq/TV-20180606-2214-1000.hq-TV-20180606-2214-1000.hq.mp3 Henning hilft: Ein neuer Damm für Sylt; Realer Irrsinn: Geysir-Kreisel von Monheim; Schlegl in Aktion: Diesel-Fahrverbote in Hamburg – Christian Ehring zeigt den Irrsinn der Woche.…
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https://archive.org/download/TV2018053022365500.hqTV2018053022365500.hq/TV-20180530-2236-5500.hq-TV-20180530-2236-5500.hq.mp3 Denkmalschutz an der Uni Kiel; Dieselfahrverbot-Experte Heinz Strunk; Trumps Tagebuch (5); Reporterin Katja Kreml im WM-Trainingslager – Christian Ehring zeigt den Irrsinn der Woche.…
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“Spontaneous activity is the one way in which man can overcome the terror of aloneness… for in the spontaneous realization of the self man unites himself anew with the world — with man, nature, and himself.” In appreciation of Brain Pickings. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0026-erich-fromm-on-spontaneity-as-the-wellspring-of-in-58…
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“Love After Life: Nobel-Winning Physicist Richard Feynman’s Extraordinary Letter to His Departed Wife” by Maria Popova
Where the hard edge of physics meets the vulnerable metaphysics of the human heart. In appreciation of Brain Pickings. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0025-love-after-life-nobel-winning-physicist-richard-44891.mp3By Or Schiro
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This is a great summary of what it means to find yourself and what role poetry plays inside this find. You can read the article on Brain Pickings. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0024-the-trouble-with-finding-yourself-by-maria-pop-37486.mp3By Or Schiro
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An exploration of the role of an artist perceived by James Baldwin. Read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0023-the-doom-and-glory-of-knowing-who-you-are-by-mar-36942.mp3By Or Schiro
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If we want to hear our voice, we must raise or lower it. You can read the story online. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0022-the-poetics-of-protest-and-prayer-by-maria-popov-36595.mp3By Or Schiro
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The second part of a short story about equality, fairness, class differences, and that we shall not forget about others. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0021-gooseberries-by-anton-chekhov-part-2-36392.mp3By Or Schiro
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A short story about equality, fairness, class differences, and that we shall not forget about others. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0020-gooseberries-by-anton-chekhov-part-1-36359.mp3By Or Schiro
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A short story on the question of what is god. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0019-the-story-to-end-all-stories-by-philip-k-dick-36358.mp3By Or Schiro
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A short story about dreaming, phantasies and longing for excitement in life. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0018-the-chemists-wife-by-anton-chekhov-36325.mp3By Or Schiro
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A wonderful story that can teach us not to worry even in the most severe situations. You can read the story yourself here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0017-the-old-man-at-the-bridge-by-ernest-hemingway-36033.mp3By Or Schiro
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A very funny story on how luck can sometimes just make someone truly great in the eyes of others. You can read the story at here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0016-luck-by-mark-twain-35754.mp3By Or Schiro
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In this short story, a man with fading memory is going to search for his spouse. You can read the story at here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0015-my-beloved-edith-by-tom-gillespie-35574.mp3By Or Schiro
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This story dwells into the horrors of war, punishment and how one might experience his last moment close to family. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0014-an-occurrence-at-owl-creek-bridge-by-ambrose-bie-35486.mp3By Or Schiro
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A beautiful short story poem on the marriage between an owl and its pussy-cat. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0013-the-owl-and-the-pussycat-by-edward-lear-35403.mp3By Or Schiro
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This short story tells us what people do for each other out of love — especially when thinking about Christmas presents for each other. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0012-the-gift-of-the-magi-by-o-henry-35284.mp3By Or Schiro
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A beautiful story about caring for other people and almost forgetting about yourself. You can read the story here. http://shoutengine.com/ShortStories/ShortStories-0011-the-last-leaf-by-o-henry-35211.mp3By Or Schiro
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