show episodes
Welcome to the mess! This podcast is about mental health and being yourself. We should all embrace our goofy selfs, even if we think that people think we are alians. #surviverisethrive
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Join me, I'm Joseph, a 25-year-old entrepreneur with a passion for exploring life's perspectives and impulses through interviews. This podcast is your source of positive energy and unwavering support as you chase your dreams in business and life. Let's put aside thoughts of deadlines and to-do lists and simply tune in with your headphones to understand the journeys others have taken.
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show series
In dieser inspirierenden Episode unseres Podcasts fรผhrt Joseph Wieduwilt ein tiefgehendes Gesprรคch mit Liza Leiss, die als erfahrene Business-Mentorin und Fรผhrungskraft ihre reichhaltigen Erfahrungen teilt. Liza beleuchtet, wie ihre zahlreichen Reisen und Begegnungen mit verschiedenen Kulturen nicht nur ihre Geschรคftsmethoden, sondern auch ihre spiโ€ฆ
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In dieser faszinierenden Episode begrรผรŸen wir Keiho Meckhaus, einen charismatischen Unternehmer aus der Finanz- und Modebranche. Tauche ein in ein Gesprรคch, das Unternehmertum, persรถnliche Wachstumsprozesse und die Kunst, das Leben bewusst zu gestalten, beleuchtet. Von der Balance im Geschรคftsleben รผber die Bedeutung der Selbstliebe bis hin zu emotโ€ฆ
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Welcome to a no-holds-barred journey into the life of Diego Stranger, a trailblazer who's redefining what it means to chase dreams and smash goals. In this raw, unfiltered podcast, we dive deep into Diego's world - from his daring move from Chile to Canada, then to Norway, to his transformation. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿšต Diego's story isn't just about career shifts or gโ€ฆ
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In dieser Episode tauchen wir tief in die persรถnliche Reise von Salman Tรผmay ein, die von den grundlegenden Erfahrungen der Selbstfindung bis zu den Herausforderungen des Unternehmertums reicht. Wir erkunden, wie die Verรคnderung und Weiterentwicklung oft durch schmerzhafte Momente und intensive Selbstreflexion ausgelรถst werden. ๐Ÿš€ Warum du diesen Poโ€ฆ
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In dieser Episode nehme ich dich mit auf eine inspirierende Reise mit Renรฉ Bรถth. Hast du dich jemals gefragt, wie es ist, das volle Potenzial deines Lebens zu entfalten? Nun, dieses Gesprรคch ist genau das Richtige fรผr dich.Ich fรผhre dich durch eine tiefgrรผndige Unterhaltung, in der wir nicht nur รผber Renes tรคgliche Routinen sprechen, sondern auch tโ€ฆ
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Mรถchtest du wissen, wie es ist, aus dem Nine-to-Five Hamsterrad auszubrechen und eine unternehmerische Reise zu beginnen? Dann ist dieses inspirierende Gesprรคch mit Lukas Janik genau das Richtige fรผr dich! Mit gerade einmal 23 Jahren hat Lukas bereits seine eigene Unternehmensberatung gegrรผndet die FIBEKA GmbH. Schlรผsselerkenntnisse: Mut und Antrieโ€ฆ
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Hallo ihr Cutiepies, ich hoffe euch gehtโ€™s guti. Mir geht's wieder etwas besser, I am back on track und ich freu mich, neue Podcast Folgen aufzunehmen und meine Rises und Falls mit euch zu teilen. Eine meiner grรถรŸten Erkenntnisse aus dem letzten Down, inklusive der Dark night of the Soul, durch die ich durchgehen musste/durfte und รผber die ich in Eโ€ฆ
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Hallo ihr Lieben, heute gibt es wieder eine neue Podcast-Episode aus der Reihe der klinischen Stรถrungsbilder. Kurzes Update: Das Lernen fรผr die Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapie Prรผfung ist mittlerweile vorbei, ich habe meine Prรผfung dann leider nicht geschafft - schriftlich hatte ich nur 1 Fehler nur leider hat es dann mรผndlich nicht geklappt weil icโ€ฆ
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Hello beautiful people, I hope you are doing well. *TRIGGER WARNING* in this episode I talk about suicidal thoughts, so don't listen to it if you don't feel up to it. My life is complete mess right now and I usually go into "hiding" when that happens. I realized that whenever I do something in life that does not align with my own values and beliefsโ€ฆ
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Hello beautiful people, I hope you are doing amazing! Sorry, I am still a little sick, you can definitely hear that on this episode. This episode is about not trading authenticity for validation and reclaiming our self-empowerment. We are never our life's victims, we can always choose to take responsibility and become director of our lives. You heaโ€ฆ
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Hallo ihr Lieben, ich hoffe, ihr seid wohl auf. Laut dem Psychologen und Begrรผnder der gewaltfreien Kommunikation Marshall B. Rosenberg haben wir zu den physischen Bedรผrfnissen (z.B. nach Maslow) psychische Bedรผrfnisse. Er zรคhlt z.B. das Bedรผrfnis nach Spiel, Lernen oder Selbstverwirklichung zu diesen. Eines der Bedรผrfnisse ist auch das Bedรผrfnis nโ€ฆ
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Hallo ihr Lieben, ich hoffe, euch geht es sehr gut! Da ich gerade fรผr meine Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie Prรผfung lerne und dafรผr alle klinischen Stรถrungsbilder kรถnnen darf/muss, dachte ich mir ich mache eine Episoden-Reihe, wo ich die gรคngigsten Stรถrungsbilder erklรคre. Ich habe jetzt mal bei den Persรถnlichkeitsstรถrungen (F6 im Diagnosebuch ICD-10) โ€ฆ
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Hallo liebe Leute, ich hoffe, euch geht es super! In der heutigen kurzen Folge habe ich einen Powertalk fรผr euch aufgenommen, der euch unterstรผtzen soll, positive Affirmationen in eurem Alltag zu integrieren. Wir sind so vielen Einflรผssen aus unserer Umgebung ausgesetzt, die negativ fรผr uns sind. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dort wo es mรถglich ist, "cutโ€ฆ
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Hallo ihr Lieben, ich hoffe, euch geht es super gut und ihr hattet ein schรถnes Wochenende! In dieser Podcastfolge gibts zum ersten Mal eine Meditation zu negativen Glaubenssรคtzen und wie man diese auflรถst und durch positive Glaubenssรคtze ersetzt. Glaubenssรคtze bestimmen meist unbewusst unser Leben, deshalb ist es sehr wichtig, sich diese anzusehen.โ€ฆ
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Hellooou, ich hoffe, ihr seid alle gut in das neue Jahr gerutscht :-) Ich wรผnsch euch ein wundervolles neues Jahr, mรถgen all eure Wรผnsche, Trรคume und Ziele wahr werden. Dabei hilft vielleicht diese Episode, da es genau darum geht: Wie manifestiere ich richtig? Wie kรถnnen Glaubenssรคtze dabei blockieren? Wie setze ich Ziele sinnvoll und realistisch? โ€ฆ
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Hello beautiful world, I hope this episode finds you well, considering the cold winter here in Austria. This Episode is about how we should trust in vibes because especially if we are sensitive, we can feel, how the other people feel. When what they say and the vibe you get is not coherent, then it is important for us to act on what they say becausโ€ฆ
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Hello beautiful people, I hope you are doing amazing! Here's another episode in English, coming straight from the heart. Purpose is what got me through all of my mental despair and what I strongly believe is something all of us need to get through the taff times in life. I'm telling you my story towards purpose in this episode and I hope you are inโ€ฆ
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Hallo liebe Leutis, ich hoffe, es geht euch super gut! In der heutige Episode geht es darum, dass wir andere Menschen nicht verรคndern kรถnnen, sondern immer nur uns selbst. Wir kรถnnen unsere Liebsten durch unser Verhalten versuchen positiv zu beeinflussen, ob sich jemand dann schlussendlich verรคndert, liegt aber immer bei der Person. Worรผber wir Konโ€ฆ
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Hallo ihr Lieben, ich hoffe, euch geht's gut! In der heutigen Episode geht es um Selbstheilungskrรคfte und was wir fรผr unsere Gesundheit tun kรถnnen. Jeder von uns ist selbst verantwortlich fรผr unser psychisches, kรถrperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden und kann aktiv etwas dafรผr tun. Es wird unsere aktuelle Einstellung zu Gesundheit hinterfragt und โ€ฆ
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Hallo zusammen, in dieser Folge geht es wieder um Bindung, dieses Mal etwas ausfรผhrlicher. Es wird die Bindungstheorie erklรคrt, mit den vier Typen: sichere Bindung unsicher-vermeidend unsicher-ambivalent und unsicher-desorganisiert und wie sich diese Verhaltensweisen auf Kinder und spรคter uns Erwachsene auswirken. Zudem gibt's ein paar Tipps, um meโ€ฆ
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Hallo Leutis, willkommen zu einer neuen Podcastfolge zu einem super wichtigen Thema: Bindung. Wie wir gebunden sind entscheidet รผber alle Beziehungen, die wir in unserem Leben fรผhren, inklusive der Beziehung, die wir mit uns selbst haben. Wir entwickeln unser Bindungsverhalten zwischen 0 und 3 Jahren bzw. bis 7 Jahre. Kinder beziehen absolut alles โ€ฆ
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Hallo ihr Lieben! Heute geht's darum, dass Fehler OKAY sind und Perfektionismus einfach Angst in einem schรถnen Kleid ist (Zitat von Laura Malina Seiler). Was ist schon perfekt? Menschen, die Fehler machen sind sympathisch und authentisch, also go hard, go wrong, wir sind hier um zu lernen! Das heutige Further Material ist zum einen das Buch "Gesprรคโ€ฆ
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Hello beautiful frรคndos out there! I hope this new podcast episode finds you well. If you're currently feeling a little stuck in misery and self-pity then episode #25 is perfect for you. Sometimes when we are in very stressful situations (I was organising a really big event) and then they're finally over - we fall ill. That is exactly what happenedโ€ฆ
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Hello world, welcome back to the mess! I hope you're doing super good and you're feeling content and fulfilled. Summerbreak is over, it's time for more MESSNESS (huuuuy!). I am back with really (really, really) great news: I finally took another steps towards my life mission and started my own company. It's called littlehappymess (I know, this mustโ€ฆ
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Hello guys, I hope you are doing super well today! Since I got a few things on my mind that I want to figure out and generally want to dedicate my summers to self-care and envisioning new projects and ways to go with littlehappymess I will take a summer break. Episode#24 will mark the start of season 3 of MESSNESS and will go online on the 30th of โ€ฆ
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Hello beautiful people out there, I hope you are well, you are feeling blissful. Episode #23 is about being okay with not being okay and cutting ourselves the slack to feel our emotions. Emotions want to be felt and whether we like it or not, they will find there way out - sometimes in the form of OUTbursts or OUTrages.. Often, the time and place iโ€ฆ
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Hello guys, I hope you're doing amazing today! Episode #22 is the follow up episode on #21 where I talk about all my life style changes or adaptations in order to keep my mind and soul healthy. I talk about my morning routine, meditation, affirmations, gratitude, visualization, journaling, Yoga and breath-work. Since I find myself stressed lately, โ€ฆ
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TRIGGER WARNING - I talk about SUICIDE, so only listen, if you feel in the right mental place to do so. Hello beautiful people, how are you today? This episode is not as fun as usually as it talks about a very serious topic: suicide. I had been struggling with suicidal thoughts for a long time and my life changed after an attempt in 2020. After my โ€ฆ
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Hello beautiful world! I hope you guys are doing well! Today in episode #20 I talk about how to go out there and live your childhood's dream. We tend to do what our education and parental raising has taught us to do and choose career paths that "make sense" that are "secure" and "stable". But we all just want to make the world a better place and chโ€ฆ
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Hello peeps, how are you today? Here comes another episode about a topic many of us have experienced but often don't know they have. It's called gaslighting. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation, leaving it's victims questioning their own reality, as they are constantly told that their perception of things is wrong. It often causes depression, anxโ€ฆ
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Hello, beautiful people out there! How are you doing? Here we go with a new episode about very important topics, all of us think about. I underwent a small crisis all about success, external validation and acceptance and want to share my learnings with you. Success is something we usually run after, just like a carrot in front of our face, that we โ€ฆ
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Hello peeps, I hope you are doing well and having a blissful time! Episode #17 is about crisis. We all experience crisis at some point in our lives and usually they completely shatter our believes and the way we used to look at life. Crisis are hard, crisis are challenging. But usually they come with the gift of transformation and they often come wโ€ฆ
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Hello happy people out there! Today's episode is about happiness and why we cannot chase it. Happiness is not tied to goals or lies anywhere in the future. It happens NOW and is really a state fo being. Further material: "A monks guide to happiness" - Gelong Thubten:โ€ฆ
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Hello you unique people out there, how are you doing? Today I want to talk about embracing your uniquNESSness (or goofyness) and how we should all stop pleasing people around us and do what we feel called to do. I wish to connect more with my intuition and inner wisdom and I wish that upon everyone else too. We all feel insecure and seek for externโ€ฆ
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Hello guys, how is life treating you? This episode is about never being satisfied with what we have and the constant pressure of having to achieve more and gain more. We all know this attitude where we have to be better than the competitor and compare ourselves to people around us. Without acknowledging our efforts we will never reach a state of peโ€ฆ
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Hello people, what's UP? Today's episode is about the entire movement of self-optimization and how it's a dangerous though to think, the way you are right now is not enough. The "only when I reach this I am okay/smart/complete/.." attitude is not healthy and will always leave you frustrated, feeling incomplete and unfulfilled. We can push us withouโ€ฆ
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Hello everybody, I hope you're all WELL! This episode is about social anxiety and how I kept up on making excuses on how I avoided meeting people or social events. When the Corona crisis started, I felt all goofy with all the different measurements and became an awkward penguin (Who knows the 9gag meme?), never knowing how to behave. I was scared tโ€ฆ
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Overworking, overthinking, depression. My way back! Hello people, I hope you are doing well! You haven't heard from me for AGES, actually more than a year and I am really sorry for that. I was not feeling well, I was overworked and in urgent need for a break. In this episode I tell you what happened and give you 4 learnings from my emotional rollerโ€ฆ
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Life is very short, and you should start learning to enjoy it in different ways in all the details. Welcome to the Wieduwilt-Brothers Podcast, where today we host Emely Fischer as she encourages us not to put pressure on ourselves and be very brave in our lives and be curious and confident. Emely gives an inspiring message on being who you are as iโ€ฆ
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Welcome to Wieduwilt-Brothers Podcast. Joining us today on the show is Caroline, the owner and founder of a new start-up clothing brand, a streetwear brand. Caroline shares her passion for traveling as she operates her clothing business from all over the world. She gives an inspiring story on what sparked her interest in traveling, the experiences โ€ฆ
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๐ŸŽง๐Ÿ“…๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ๐ŸšŽIf you followed the podcast throughout the last 6 months, you will probably have noticed, that I was traveling to Costa Rica, and Mexico. During that journey, I was fortunate to make unique experiences that will always stay on my mind. Yet I also discovered that always being on the move is not the perfect match for my personal space, my workโ€ฆ
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Welcome to Wieduwilt-Brothers Podcast. Today on the show, we are joined by Jason who gives insights about himself and his experience. Jason is currently the co-founder of a startup gravity, an organization dedicated to building a more empowering social platform. In this episode, Jason shares his career journey, interest, and experience in travelingโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ”Žโ“โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ฐYou might have encountered the following questions, or if not, you will probably have to deal with them at some point: ๐Ÿ‘ฃโžก๏ธ๐Ÿซ๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ‘ถWhat's the next step? I am not sure what is coming nextโ€ฆ.. How can I deal with this uncertainty? Where does it come from? What stage of life am I at? (Uni, end of Highschool, change of work) What does that mean for me? โ“โ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸŽ™๐ŸŽง๐Ÿ‘ฅ100 Episodes Wieduwilt brothers โ€“ What happened behind those numbers? โœจ๐Ÿ›ฃ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“ˆThis episode is a very special one to both of us, as it is not just a milestone in our podcast output, but it also captures large parts of our personal journey during that time. ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ™๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ’กTo celebrate that occasion, we decided to do an interview with each other, and to unraveโ€ฆ
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โŒ๐ŸšŽโœˆ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฌAre you familiar with this? You encounter a certain situation or challenge. You might have just missed your bus or flight, how do you go about it? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธโžก๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคฌ/๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ”Ž๐Ÿš–๐Ÿšดโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธYou might get mad at some things, complain a little bit, why the train was delayed, or why the alarm did not go off correctly. But the single most important piece to remind yoursโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ค๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‘ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ I am very happy to introduce today's interview partnerPhilip Peroni from the north of Italy. We got to know each other 3 years ago in Thailand, collecting intense memories, including amazing sights, as well, as a motorcycle crash. So, we really went through both ends of the joy-scale, which has led towards a short, but intense phase of getโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿค”๐ŸŒƒ๐Ÿ’ญDo you know those moments, when you are in a place, where you can see all the lights of the city. All the little windows, car lights, streetlights. Those are moments where you can reflect very well, and that's what I did in this podcast episode. ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ”Ž๐Ÿ’กโžก๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฅI decided to reflect on the topic of sharing light. How do you share light? Do you pass a torchโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘ฑ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿค๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ทIn today's interview episode, I am very happy to feature Aude. We met in 2018 when my family started hosting Workawayers, and Aude happened to be one of them. So in connection with the podcast, and also to catch up in general, I reached out to her to make this interview happen. Being born in Benin, living in several African countries uโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿค”โš™๏ธHola de Costa Rica, this is another episode recorded here. It really focusses on my experience of arriving in a different place, and adjusting to new environments. ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿ”„๐Ÿข๐Ÿง‰๐Ÿ”Our body is great at adapting to those new situations, along with all the different people, and places you encounter. Yet it is not only the body which needs to adjust, it is โ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ›ฉ๐Ÿ–๐ŸŽ’Costa Rica, the beautiful country, both of us were, fortunately, able to visit this year, quickly emerged as the main topic in this episode. While Franz visited Costa Rica early this year collecting incredible experiences, and amazing friends, Joseph is looking for his own adventures right now. ๐Ÿง“๐ŸŽ™๐Ÿง”๐Ÿผโ“As we interview each other we dive into our โ€ฆ
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