Weekly sermons from Redeemer City Church in Madison, Wisconsin, which seeks to renew our city through the gospel. For more information, visit our website at redeemercitychurch.org.
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This passage shows us how we can become people who face suffering and death with a poise, honesty, and a certain hope as we look to Jesus.
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n this passage, Jesus is cornered with the question of his identity. He answers with clarity, compassion, and courage and invites us yet again to trust.
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In this passage, Jesus identifies himself as the good shepherd which lays out an incredible picture of the kind of relationship Jesus offers, and the one we absolutely need.
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In this passage we see how we are all Spiritual blind without Jesus giving us sight.
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In this passage, Jesus shows us that he came to set us free. Resources: The Gospel According to John, NICOT, Morris. Gospel of John commentary, Bruner, "I am" Sermon, Dick Lucas, "2 Humanities" Sermon, Tim Keller.
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In this passage, Jesus makes an extraordinary claim to be the light of the world and offers us to no longer walk in darkness.
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Paul shows us the goal, experience, and source of renewal in this passage. Ephesians Pillar NT Commentary, Campbell. "A Call to Spiritual Reformation" DA Carson.
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In this passage, different people are trying to figure out who Jesus is. Jesus reveals that He is God in the flesh. Resources: FF Bruce: Gospel of John commentary, Matt Carter and Josh Wredberg: Christ-Centered position Exalting Jesus in John, New Testament class notes from RTS.
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Jesus the light-bearer dispels darkness and brings clarity, hope, and a calling.
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This text shows us the Identity and the Mission of Advent, and how we to respond. Resources: The Gospel According to John, NICOT, Morris. Gospel of John commentary, Bruner. "The Incarnation" Sermon.
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The Bread of Life
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How is Genuine faith formed by being tested? Faith is formed through testing; Genuine faith is formed by resisting the temptation to follow Jesus on our terms; Genuine faith is formed by seeing Jesus as the 2nd Moses. Resources: Tim Keller: Encounters with Jesus. Matt Carter and Josh Wredberg: Christ-Centered position Exalting Jesus in John, Coin S…
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Jesus makes an audacious claim that must be responded to. Resources: The Gospel According to John, NICOT, Morris. Gospel of John commentary, Bruner.
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ohn shows us through this healing, the deeper healing we all need and how we can experience it.
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John shows us through the healing of the official's son how faith is cultivated. Resources: The Gospel According to John, NICOT, Morris. Gospel of John commentary, Bruner. “The Healing" Tim Keller Sermon.
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Only Jesus can quench our spiritual thirst.
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ohn shows us the knowledge, authority, and love of Jesus so that we might entrust our entire lives to him.
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John shows us what it means to be born again, and how we can experience it.
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John shows us in this passage that Jesus is the true King and Temple who comes to reorder our lives in true worship and make available deep communion with God.
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Jesus has the power to transform water into wine, which means Jesus has the power to transform people’s lives. Resources: FF Bruce: Gospel of John commentary, Tim Keller: A wedding party encounters Jesus, Matt Carter and Josh Wredberg: Christ-Centered Exposition Exalting Jesus in John, George R Beasley-Murray: John.…
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John shows us in this passage both the path to becoming a disciple as well as what it means to be a disciple.
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John continues to show us the identity of Jesus by unpacking the paradox of Jesus and showing us how to be transformed by Him.
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John shows us the identity and glory of Jesus, as well as why we reject him, and how we can receive him.
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Pastor Ben Hacker concludes our Madison Multiply sermon series "Discipleship Realities"
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Pastor Nate Rusticus looks at historical examples of church leaders fearlessly going and sending to make disciples
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Houston Tucker continues our series on Madison Multiply and what it means to follow Jesus
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Zach Neilson begins our series on Madison Multiply and what it means to follow Jesus
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Elder Mike Lorenz concludes our sermon series in Acts: Journey of the Gospel
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Pastor Jon Payne continues our sermon series through the book of Acts.
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Pastor Nate Rusticus continues our sermon series through the book of Acts.
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Guest speaker, Thom Desmond shares from the Apostle Paul's sermon to the city of Athens.
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Through the Holy Spirit, Paul and Silas start the church in Philippi." Pastor Nate Rusticus continues our sermon series through the book of Acts. Resources: The Message of Acts, Johnson. The Book of Acts F.F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles Ben Witherington III. A Woman, a Slave and a Gentile by Tim Keller…
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Pastor Nate Rusticus continues our sermon series through the book of Acts. Resources: The Message of Acts, Johnson. The Book of Acts F.F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles Ben Witherington III
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Pastor Scott Gaskill continues our sermon series through the book of Acts.
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Pastor Nate Rusticus continues our sermon series through the book of Acts. Resources: The Message of Acts, Johnson. The Book of Acts F.F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles Ben Witherington III
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Pastor Nate Hobert begins our sermon series through the book of Acts. Resources: The Message of Acts, Johnson. ESV Study Bible notes. "The Ascension" sermon, Tim Keller.
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Pastor Nate Hobert, concludes our sermon series Pass it On.
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Pastor Nate Rusticus, continues our sermon series Pass it On. Resources: "Lessons from 2 Timothy" Redeemer resource. NICOT 2 Timothy Commentary.
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Pastor Nate Hobert, continues our sermon series Pass it On.
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Pastor Nate Hobert, continues our sermon series Pass it On, looking at how to guard the Gospel. Resources: "Lessons from 2 Timothy" Redeemer resource. NICOT 2 Timothy Commentary. ESV Bible Study notes, "The Able Teacher" Dick lucas
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Pastor Nate Rusticus, our sermon series Pass it On, looks at the resources bound up in the Gospel that enable us to pass it on. Resources: "Lessons from 2 Timothy" Redeemer resource. NICOT 2 Timothy Commentary. ESV Bible Study notes.
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Pastor Nathan Hobert continues our sermon series Pass it On looking at the resources bound up in the Gospel that enable us to pass it on.
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Pastor Nathan Hobert beings our sermon series Pass It On looking at the resources bound up in the Gospel that enable us to pass it on.
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Pastor Nathan Hobert concludes our sermon series Come to Him as considers both the plausibility and implications of the resurrection of Jesus. EGNT Commentary, Bock. "The Resurrected God" sermon, Bart Garrett.
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Pastor Nathan Hobert continues our sermon series looking at the anatomy, root, and antidote for shame.
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Pastor Nathan Hobert continues our sermon series looking at how the presence of the good shepherd meets us in our anxiety. Resources: Psalms Commentary, Interpretation, Mays. Psalms Commentary, Kidner.
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Pastor Houston Tucker from East Side Church continues our sermon series looking at how to take our anger to God.
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