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Kelzenberger Predigten zum Nachhören

Kelzenberger Predigten zum Nachhören

Der Gottesdienst am Sonntag ist unser Mittelpunkt! Egal, was in der Woche passiert: Sonntags um 10 Uhr wird Gott gefeiert! Alltagstaugliche Predigten, die zu denken geben. Musik, die Freude macht. Viele, die mit machen. Unser Ziel ist, dass alle Menschen, die in Berührung mit unserer Gemeinde geraten, im Lauf der Zeit in der Begegnung mit dem Auferstandenen ihren Lebensmittelpunkt erleben.
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Sooner Cast

sooner.de | Pure Cinema

Soonercast – Eine Bühne für die Köpfe hinter der Kamera. Wir sprechen mit den SOONER Filmschaffenden über künstlerische Prozesse, Filmstudium und die Fragen, die unsere Zeit prägen. Ob gesellschaftlich relevante Dokus oder mutige Spielfilme – im Soonercast findest Du kluge Gespräche, tiefgehende Analysen und persönliche Filmtipps, die die Grenzen von Kino neu ausloten. Von Sophie Linnenbaum bis zu Pola Beck - wie kamen sie eigentlich zum Film, warum wir mehr Kurzfilme schauen sollten, welche ...
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[email protected] [email protected] @brainfoodrecords Radio mixes from 2013-2018 on Mixcloud & Hearthis. Rob Zile's first EP was released in September 2009 on Artefekz Muzik. Following this EP many doors were opened; from being asked to remix other artists to forging great relationships with other dj’s, producers and record labels from around the world. It also gave him the opportunity to play his first international gig at the WMC Techno Marathon in Miami in 2010, sharing the bil ...
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There’s more news and less comprehension today than any historical period that didn’t involve literal witch trials, and trying to stay on top of it all can feel like playing a game of telephone with 30 people, except everyone’s speaking at the same time and like a third of them are openly racist for some reason. From Cracked co-founder Jack O’Brien, THE DAILY ZEITGEIST is stepping into that fray with some of the funniest and smartest comedic and journalistic minds around. Jack and co-host Mi ...
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Von einem kleinen Unternehmen passionierter Dokumentarfilmer hat sich OVALmedia zu einem transmedialen Portal mit Dokumentarfilmen von Weltrang, Interviews mit hochrangigen Experten, Büchern der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten und vielem mehr entwickelt. In einer Zeit, in der die Mächtigen Fehlinformationen nutzen um die Gesellschaft medial zu spalten, wird das Verstehen von Zusammenhängen zu einem Synonym für Selbstermächtigung. Wir bieten unserem Publikum ein Spektrum an Informationsque ...
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In diesem Podcast geht um die unerschütterliche Reise zum Glück. Ich unterstütze Unternehmerinnen und Führungskräfte dabei eine überdurchschnittliches energisches Level zu erreichen, mehr Lebensfreude und viel mehr Zeit für sich und die Familie zu haben. Wenn du auch jemand bist der finanziell und emotional frei sein möchte, dann ist dieser Podcast für dich. Du findest hier Übungen, Meditationen und Interviews. "Erfolg ist kein Glück, sondern nur das Ergebnis von Blut, Schweiß und Arbeit..." ...
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Test IO Open Mic Podcast Series is about QA testing, manual testing, and the life of Test IO Community. It discusses testing issues and gets the most value from real people, real cases, including technicalities and career tips.
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BJÖRN BLAIN,SHADOWFALL, ,RUI SILVA ,REMIXALISTIC und CHRIS WEINGART sind eure wöchentlichen Residents bei Turntable Reloaded Residents, Moderatoren und DJs der wöchentlichen Club Show Turntable Reloaded bei FRESH Remixalistic,Rui Silva,Shadowfall und dazu jede Woche die besten Djs in the Mix in unserer Gastsession. Jede Woche die heissesten Tracks und angesagtesten Djs sowie Internationale Gäste für euch in der Sendung. Björn belebte die in den 1990er Jahren über die Grenzen von Deutschland ...
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Travel to London beyond time and place with London expert, writer and historian Philipp Röttgers. Weekly new episodes in English and German! "Talks beyond time and place": Every episode features another Londoner as a guest, and Philipp and his guest chat about how London influences their lives. "Tales beyond time and place": Dark, strange and mysterious London-tales "Deutsche Episoden": Wir bringen euch London auf die Ohren - und lassen euch eine Reise unternehmen ins London jenseits von Ort ...
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EMW Podcast #

Electronic Music Wars

"Electronic Music Wars" - for friends of electronic music !!! Facebook: facebook.com/ElectronicMusicWars Mixcloud: mixcloud.com/timschonagel Soundcloud: @electronicmusicwars Hearthis: hearthis.at/emw/ Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/emw-…ast/id963914542 Next stop's 2025: ----- Schönagel Bros. aka "Tim und Holger Schönagel" & Shirley May: 06.01.2025 - Evosonic Radio - Diva Disco Electronic Art Edition 01.02.2025 - TBA 03.02.2025 - Evosonic Radio - Diva Disco Electronic Art Editi ...
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Patrick König

Welcome to the L1FE Podcast, hosted by one of the founders and Personal Trainer Patrick König. On this podcast you'll find insights into the world of training, health and nutrition.
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The Stammtisch Podcast

Kenneth B. Sweet & Friedl Mayerhofer

A German language learning podcast with two super hosts: One speaking native German and one speaking English. Ken is a beginner and Friedl is helping him learn over a few drinks. Subscribe to The Stammtisch Podcast for a relaxing offbeat way to learn some Deutsch.
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"MMmmm" Mindful midday mantras

MJ (Michael Johnson) 엠제이 ❤️

MJs Mindful midday motivational mantras! The Podcast that makes you say, "MMmmm". Here with you everyday, in every way, to assist U in manifesting the exceptional reality you've been dreaming about! Created to help give you an energy boost & give you a spike instead when you feel you're plateauing!
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Rainbow Heaven (ENG/GER)


Welcome to Rainbow Heaven! I'm Victoria Mine(They/them) and here in Rainbow heaven, I talk with different Guests about everything and nothing as well as current World Events. Join me and Colin in our 4th Season coming soon Important links: https://mineentertainment-spg.com/rh Rainbow Heaven is a Mine Entertainment Podcast produced by Mine Podcasting.
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Hiermit heißen wir dich herzlich willkommen bei deinem Podcast "Schmerzfrei durch Bewegung" . Wir helfen dir dabei, deine Schmerzen und Verspannungen aufzulösen und körperlich gesund und fit zu halten. In diesem Podcast findest du alles, was dir dabei hilft, einen gesunden Körper zu bekommen. Wir sprechen mit Ärzten, Osteopathen, Physiotherapeuten uvm. um dir den besten Überblick zu geben was deine körperlichen Probleme angeht. Mein Ziel ist es - dich aufs nächste Level zu bringen und dir zu ...
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Dieter Kalt - Mentor & Leadership Coach

Was ist das Geheimnis erfolgreicher Menschen? Was machen sie anders als die meisten und was können wir davon lernen? Ist es ihr Champions Mindset, ihre Einstellung, die den Unterschied ausmacht? Mein Name ist Dieter Kalt und ich war über 20 Jahre Pro-Eishockeyspieler mit der Nummer 74 auf meinem Rücken. Ich hatte die Ehre in internationalen Championship-Teams zu spielen und mehrmals bei Olympischen Spielen antreten zu dürfen. Erfolg beginnt im Kopf Dieser Podcast ist für Menschen, die Inspir ...
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show series
🎙️ Test IO Open Mic Podcast | Folge 4: ❝Work Smarter, Not Harder❞ Verschwendest du zu viel Zeit beim Testen? In dieser Episode teilt Markus seine besten Strategien für effizientes Zeitmanagement und zeigt dir, wie du typische Zeitfresser vermeidest. ⚡ Zeitsparer der Episode: - Smarte Nutzung der Duplikaterkennung - Der 20-Minuten-Test-Check - Effiz…
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In this edition of Ski-bi-dibby-dib, yo-da-dub-dub… I'm The Zeit Man!, Jack and special guest co-host Bryan The Editor discuss Trump freezing federal aid programs, the Las Vegas ICE Cream Patrol, Microsoft and Kroger trying to bring "surge pricing" (AKA price gouging) to a grocery store near you, Pete Hegseth's confirmation, Christopher Walken's sh…
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In episode 1814, Jack and Miles are joined by comedian, Zahra Noorbakhsh, to discuss… Remember When Putin Bombed Those Apartments To Consolidate Power? Remember How 9/11 Was Used To Strip Away Our Civil Liberties? Remember How These People Want To Take What’s Left Of Our Rights? AI Is Making True Crime Even Worse and more! Catch Zahra at the Sahiyo…
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In this edition of The NYT Games App ConnecTrend, Jack and Miles discuss Trump getting OWNED by Elon's young child, an ICE raid update, Joe Rogan's analysis of the current political climate, a Trump fealty update (feat Google and Disney) and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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In episode 1813, Jack and Miles are joined by comedian, Pallavi Gunalan, to discuss… Welp...President Got Cucked, Google Maps Has Always Been Trash, The Fake Anti-Kanye Ad and more! WATCH: Elon Cuck Trump (Clip) Google Maps Has Always Been Trash Google Maps updates Gulf of Mexico name for US users Google Maps accused of deleting Palestine – but the…
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In this edition of Elon Musk's Trendboi Army, Jack and Miles discuss Google's cheese lies, a "leopards ate my face" update, inflation rising again (thanks, Biden), that new (and apparently mid) Captain America movie and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.By iHeartPodcasts
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Miles is BACK! Miles and Jabari were pleased to be joined by NBA analyst Esfandiar Baraheni on the latest episode of Boosties. The trio discussed the rest of the trade deadline and the fallout from a rare rescinded trade, All-Star weekend expectations and the state of the Toronto Raptors now that Brandon Ingram has agreed to a 3-year, $120-million …
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In episode 1812, Miles and guest co-host Andrew Ti are joined by comedian, Lydia Popovich, to discuss… The Democrats Really Let The DUMBEST People Alive Waltz On In..., Despite All This Winning Kid Rock’s Life Is Still Shit And No One Likes Him, The Pandemic Turned Raw Milk Into A Right Wing “Symbol” and more! Rename Nashville International Airport…
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Brain Food Radio hosted by Rob Zile/KissFM/11-02-25/#1 ROB ZILEhttps://kissfm.com.au/show/brainfoodPART 101 - Fluxion - Berlin (Original Mix)02 - Nepotek - Sexy People (Original Mix)03 - Gidoco & Nael - Abyssal (Original Mix)04 - Aaron Udy - Staring Out A Mouse (Original Mix)05 - Marco Piangiamore - Visioni (Original Mix)06 - Marco Rota - Storm (Ro…
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In this edition of Red White And Trend Land, Miles and special guest co-host Andrew Ti discuss Trump bringing back plastic straws, inefficient lightbulbs and more, a Trump fealty update (feat. Paramount, ABC, and Google), John Larson experiences a BSOD during a speech on CSPAN, the tragic passing of Duolingo's mascot, Luigi Mangione's GiveSendGo le…
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In episode 1811, Jack and Miles are joined by comedian behind the comedy special Live from the Big Dog, Blair Socci, to discuss… The Floodgate Is Still Wide Open, Trump Announces More Tariffs, Gold Prices Continue To Rise, Big Weekend For Shelved Movies and more! Schumer: We will win! We will win! We won't rest! We won't rest! Trump Announces More …
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🎙️ Test IO Open Mic Podcast | Folge 3: ❝Work Smarter, Not Harder❞ Welcher Test-Typ bist du? In dieser Episode erklärt Markus, wie du deinen persönlichen Teststil findest und damit deine Erfolgsquote maximierst. Erfahre, warum strukturiertes Testen und Kreativität kein Widerspruch sein müssen! 🧠 Highlights der Episode: - Die verschiedenen Tester-Per…
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In unserer aktuellen Podcastfolge haben wir mit der Dokumentarfilm-Regisseurin und Journalistin Jasmin Astaki Bardeh gesprochen. Ihre facettenreiche Karriere zwischen Dokumentarfilm und journalistischer Berichterstattung eröffnet eine ganz besondere Themenviefalt – von ihrer Arbeit an politischen Dokumentarfilmen bis hin zu atmosphärischen soziolog…
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In episode 1810, Jack and Miles are joined by actor, educator, and creator of the podcast Caucus: After The Fall, Teja Arboleda, to discuss… DEI Is To Blame For Everything That’s Wrong…? Because Marginalized People Control It All? Oh Thank God, An Asteroid Could Hit Earth In 2032 and more! Rubio accuses South Africa of ‘anti-Americanism’ and snubs …
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In this edition of Super Bowl HalfZeit Show, Jack and Miles discuss Kendrick's upcoming Super Bowl Halftime Show, Elon Musk's popularity dropping among republicans, Netanyahu and Trump exchanging gifts, lung cancer rates going up among non-smokers (more at 11!) and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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In episode 1809, Jack and Miles are joined by writer and co-host of Yo, Is This Racist?, Andrew Ti, to discuss… Is Gold Secretly Behind Every Unhinged Donald Trump Policy This Week?? Oh, There You Are Democrats! This Is What No Win Looks Like, The NFL’s “End Racism” Messaging Will Be Removed For This Year’s Super Bowl and more! What Does Trump Real…
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In this episode, Jack and Jabari were excited to be joined by comedian and NBA podcaster Sean Keane for today's episode. The trio discussed the outcome of a WILD Saturday night as the league and fans responded to the news of the Luka/AD trade before transitioning to the 3-team deal between the Spurs, Bulls and Kings! See omnystudio.com/listener for…
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In episode 1808, Jack and Miles are joined by host of Creature Feature and co-host of Secretly Incredibly Fascinating, Katie Goldin, to discuss… The Kids Are Not Alright, Speaking of Robot Girlfriends… and more! Unmasked: Musk’s Secret DOGE Goon Squad—Who Are All Under 26 Elon Musk and DOGE are hacking the government Can anyone stop President Musk?…
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Brain Food Radio hosted by Rob Zile/KissFM/04-02-25/#2 BENGOA (GUEST MIX)@bengoahttps://kissfm.com.au/guest-mix/bengoa-guest-mix-04-02-2025-brain-food-radiohttps://kissfm.com.au/SHOW/brainfood01 - Brawther - Sundials feat. Nathan Haines (B’s Dub)02 - Lex & Locke - Atenas Blues03 - Cabin Luv Affair - Look I Told You04 - Those Guys From Athens - Be W…
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Brain Food Radio hosted by Rob Zile/KissFM/04-02-25/#1 ROB ZILEhttps://kissfm.com.au/SHOW/brainfoodPART 101 - Byegas - Everything Takes Time (Original Mix)02 - MYR & Taylor - Capture (Dub Mix)03 - Sammy Alexander - Unmarked Cash (Radio Slave & Thomas Gandey Last Communication Piano Remix)04 - Leigh Macneil - She’s Burning High (Kelly Reverb Remix)0…
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In this edition of PunxaTrendy Phil, Jack and Miles discuss Trump "winning" his "trade war", RFK Jr. getting backing from doctors (but only the disgraced ones), Joe Biden signing with CAA, the new Fantastic Four trailer, David Lynch inspiring people to quit smoking, a belated Grammy update (feat. Kendrick, Beyonce, Kanye, etc) and much more! See om…
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In episode 1807, Jack and Miles are joined by co-host of Popular Cradle and 5-4 Pod, Rhiannon Hamam, to discuss… Can He Do That? What Are Those Pubic Wigs Up To This Week? Love Canada’s Fighting Spirit, Groundhog Day Sucked In New Jersey This Year and more! Can He Do That? Raptors fans latest to boo American national anthem as trade war looms Groun…
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In this edition of Guess Who's Back, Back ATrend, Jack and the one and only Miles Gray discuss their respective weekends, that Luka/Lakers trade, Trump's very dumb trade war and much more! https://x.com/TheMavsQueen/status/1885936773429108875 See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.By iHeartPodcasts
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🎙️ Test IO Open Mic Podcast | Folge 2: ❝Work Smarter, Not Harder❞ Warum werden deine Bugs abgelehnt? In dieser Episode erklärt Markus, wie du durch richtiges Lesen der Testanweisungen deine Erfolgsquote drastisch steigerst und keine Zeit mehr verschwendest. ⏱️ Das "5-Minuten-Paradox": Erfahre, warum 5 Minuten Vorbereitungszeit dir 30 Minuten Frustr…
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In episode 1806, Jack and guest co-host Blake Wexler are joined by stand-up comedian, Marcella Arguello, to discuss… RFK Jr. Confirmation Hearing, The Pentagon Has Decided That Black History Month Isn’t A Thing Anymore, Netflix Makes Its Pitch For Not Canceling Netflix and more! The Pentagon Has Decided That Black History Month Isn’t A Thing Anymor…
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In this edition of Carmen ElecTrend, Jack and special guest co-host Blake Wexler discuss the American Airlines mid-air collision in Washington DC, OpenAI being furious DeepSeek might have stolen all the data OpenAI stole from us, the trailer for the new season of 'White Lotus', Tarantino declaring movies are dead and much more! See omnystudio.com/l…
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Did “rainbow parties” really exist? Langston and David sit down with Miles Gray (The Daily Zeitgeist) to talk about this sex-based conspiracy theory. How many lipsticks were involved? Was this another moral panic in America? Who attended these parties? Also, who made boomers in charge of oral sex culture? Of course, Oprah and Shaunie O'Neal are inv…
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Jack and Producer Jabari were pleased to be joined by actor, comedian and podcaster Jacquis Neal for today's episode as the three of them discussed the All-Star starters, EC playoff race and potential player movement ahead of the deadline. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.By iHeartPodcasts
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In episode 1805, Jack and guest co-host Pallavi Gunalan are joined by creator and writer of The RedDot Comic, Kim Winder, to discuss… Of Course Private Equity Was Responsible For Making The Wildfires Worse, Not Now, Doomsday Clock! Aquarium Sharks Prove Jeff Goldlum’s Jurassic Park Character Right, Roseanne Threatens To Make Another Sitcom and more…
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Brain Food Radio hosted by Rob Zile/KissFM/28-01-25/#1 ROB ZILEhttps://kissfm.com.au/show/brainfoodPART 101 - Mayen & Ryan McCormack - Banyan Tree (Nick Muir Remix) 02 - Jovonn - Party Nights in Berlin (Original Mix)03 - Quenum - Movement (Original Mix)04 - George Vidal - Out From Obscurity (Danny Tenaglia Remix) 05 - Fiorella - Rebel Echoes (Origi…
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In episode 1804, Jack and guest co-host Andrew Ti are joined by poet, lawyer, and co-founder and Executive Director of Partners for Justice, Emily Galvin-Almanza, to discuss… Executive Orders: Now That They Seem to Run the US… How Do Those Work? NYTimes Trying to Manufacture Consent for Trump Policies? Kroger X Microsoft Collab To Make Surge Pricin…
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In this edition of Zeit Risk, Jack and special guest co-host Andrew Ti discuss their respective weekends, China's new ChatGPT competitor 'Deep Seek AI', Dr. Phil livestreaming ICE raids, Mel Gibson's new film 'Flight Risk', the return of the New Jersey drones and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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🎙️ Test IO Open Mic Podcast | Folge 1: Work Smarter, Not Harder Wie wählst du die profitabelsten Tests aus? In dieser Episode spricht Robert mit Markus, dem Community Lead von Test IO, über clevere Strategien zur Testauswahl, die dir Zeit sparen und dein Einkommen maximieren. 🎯 In dieser Episode lernst du: - Die wichtigsten Kriterien für die Testau…
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In episode 1803, Jack and guest co-host Jacquis Neal are joined by musician, comedian, author of The Advice King Anthology and host of Cold Brew Got Me Like, Chris Crofton, to discuss… Biden’s Last Minute ERA Statement Was His Whole Presidency In A Nutshell, Maybe It Would Have Been Smart to Stick with the “These Guys Are Weird” Thing? And more! Bi…
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In this edition of Amelia PerTrendz, Jack and special guest co-host Jacquis Neal discuss Trump's anti-DEI order, Europe's response to Elon's nazi salute, a man who got a Jan. 6 pardon getting arrested immediately on gun charges, the new absurdly named TV show 'FBI: CIA', the Academy Award nominations and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for p…
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In episode 1802, Jack and guest co-host Pallavi Gunalan are joined by podcaster and writer of Double Acts in Pop: An Incomplete Survey, Molly Lambert, to discuss... The New Mission: Impossible Movie Is So Good It Might Kill You, According To The Director and more! The New Mission: Impossible Movie Is So Good It Might Kill You, According To The Dire…
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In this edition of High At The InauguraTrends, Jack and special guest co-host Bryan The Editor discuss Elon geeking at the inauguration, CryptoBros feeling a bit of regret for putting Trump on, the trailer for Ayo Edebiri's new cult movie 'Opus', "Netflix and Chill" getting a little more expensive and much more! WATCH: Scott Cheggs on X: "I think E…
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