The weekly sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor at Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA.
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Pastor Mike preaches on Jesus being brought into the temple and how it is the return of the long absent Divine presence and how Jesus partook of flesh and blood to be our faithful high priest.Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, Year C: Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke…
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Pastor Mike preaches on the Christian relationship with politics and governmental authority and how we should strive to live at peace so that Christ may be by Mike Stoll on UnsplashBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the similarities and differences between John's baptism and Jesus' baptism and how being given the gift of the Spirit transforms us/Baptism of the Lord, Year C: Isaiah 42:1-9; Acts 10:34-38; Luke by falco from PixabayBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the Magi's journey to find Christ, how that mirrors our journey towards Christ, and the things that try and bar the way. Epiphany, Year C: Isaiah 60:1-9; Ephesians 3:1-13; Matthew by Silas Barr PhotographyBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the the story of the Holy Innocents from Matthew 2:13-18Holy Innocents, Year C: Jeremiah 31:15-17; Revelation 21:1-7; Matthew by Satyaban Sahoo from PixabayBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the joy rooted in the Lord's promise to return based on what he has done, what he will do, and how his peace preserves us as we await his coming.3rd Sunday of Advent: Micah 5:2-5a; Hebrews 10:1-10; Luke Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on how St. Paul's question on his coming to Corinth frames the same question to us as we await the Lord's second advent ,as well as how we are to imitate the saints of the church as we prepare our hearts.2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C: Malachi 3:1-5; I Corinthians 4:8-21; Luke 3:1-6…
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1st Sunday of Advent, Year C: Zechariah 14:3-9; I Thessalonians 3:6-13; Luke 21:25-33Pastor Mike preaches on the return of Jesus, how we are tasked to live as we wait, and the patterns Jesus says will mark his second Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Jesus' kingship, his royal titles, and his activities on our behalf.Christ the King, Year B: Daniel 7:9-14; Revelation 1:1-8; John by AJ jaanko from PixabayBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the destiny of redeemed humanity, the necessity of endurance, that God will keep his promises, and the things that mark false christs.26th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: Daniel 12:1-4a; Hebrews 10:31-39; Mark by WikiImages from Pixabay…
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Pastor Mike preaches on the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath and how she as an outsider trusted in the God of Israel and how she was rewarded with bread to sustain her and her family in time of famine. 25th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: I Kings 17:8-16; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark by …
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Pastor Mike preaches on three things that All Saints reminds us of: This life is not all there is, we have been given life in the age to come, and that Jesus will heal and comfort all those who died in him. All Saints, Year B: I Kings 17:8-16; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark…
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Pastor Mike preaches on James and John's request to Jesus and how in Jesus' kingdom the path to glory lies in humble service22nd Sermon After Pentecost, Year B: Isaiah 53:4-12; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark by Bronisław Dróżka from PixabayBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the rich man who asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life, how Jesus doesn't turn anyone away, and how people don't leave Jesus because he sends then away but because they don't like what he asks them to give up. 21st Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: Amos 5:6-15; Hebrews 3:1-6; Mark…
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Pastor Mike preaches on the Pharisee's challenge to Jesus regarding divorce and the Torah, how divorce is the tearing apart of what God has made one, and how Jesus being made like us keeps us from tearing ourselves away from God.20th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: Genesis 2:18-24; Hebrews 2:9-18; Mark…
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Pastor Mike preaches on the role of angels and their ministry centering on the glorification of Jesus. St. Michael & All Angels, Year B: Genesis 28:10-17; Revelation 12:7-12; John by Julia Kadel on UnsplashBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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19th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: Wisdom 1:16-2:1, 2:12-22; James 3:16-4:6; Mark Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the centrality of the cross of Christ and how when Jesus is lifted up he will draw all to himself. Holy Cross, Year B: Isaiah 45:21-25; Philippians 2:5-11: John Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on how Jesus' disciples eating with unwashed hands challenged the religious leader because man made traditions meant to safeguard the keeping of the Torah became seen as just as important to the religious leaders as the Torah itself.15th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: Deuteronomy 4:1-9; Ephesians 6:10-20; Mark 7:1-23www.gofund…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Joshua's three instructions to Israel: serve the Lord with reverence, fear, and faithfulness, put away the foreign gods, and choose whom you will serve.14th Sunday After Pentecost: Year B: Joshua 24:1-2, 14-25; Ephesians 5:15-6:9; John…
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Pastor Mike preaches on how wisdom calls out to the simple and leads to life and how the table she sets is the table where we are fed with and by Jesus Christ, the living bread from heaven.13th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: Proverbs 9:1-6; Ephesians 5:3-14; John…
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Pastor Mike preaches on what the transfiguration teaches us about encountering Christ and how that relates to veiling, witness, prayer, and ultimately beauty.Transfiguration: Exodus 34:29-35; II Peter 1:13-21; Luke Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on St. Paul's words to the Ephesians on how God has revealed to them and the Gentiles of the mystery of Christ and how it moves him and them into doxology.10th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: II Kings 2:1-15; Ephesians 3:8-21; Mark…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Mary Magdalene's role as the first ambassador of Christ's resurrection as the first to see him and deliver his words to the Apostles.Mary Magdalene, Year B: Judges 4:4-10; II Corinthians 5:14-20a; John Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on God's purpose for us: being predestined for glorification and how that ties in with God's calling and sending of his people to accomplish his purpose.8th Sunday After Pentecost, Year B: Amos 7:7-15; Ephesians 1:1-14; Mark Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on God's mission to save and redeem his rebellious people even when they refuse to listen to his messengers.7th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B: Ezekiel 2:1-7; II Corinthians 12:2–10; Mark 6:1– by Gabriel Komorov on UnsplashBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the raising of Jairus' daughter from the dead and the healing of the bleeding woman and how both showed faith and how Jesus confronts and deals with death and its forces.6th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B: Deuteronomy 15:7-11; II Corinthians 8:1-15; Mark by Markus Spi…
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Nativity of John the Baptist: Isaiah 40:1-11; Acts 13:14b-26; Luke Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on what St. Paul means when he calls our bodies tents, how we groan to be further clothed in life, how the Christian hope is not disembodied, and how faithfulness effects when we stand before Christ's judgment seat.4th Sunday of Pentecost, Year B: Ezekiel 31:1-6,10-14; II Corinthians 5:1-10; Mark…
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Pastor Mike preaches on sin and shame and how shame drives us to either withdraw from God and others or to try and twist sin into virtue instead of seeking the healing and reordering of our lives that salvation offers us. 3rd Sunday in Pentecost, Year B: Genesis 3:1-21; II Corinthians 4:13-18; Mark…
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Pastor Mike preaches on the Pharisee's conflict with Jesus and his disciples over what they saw as work on the Sabbath, how Jesus responded, and how the Sabbath is a gift of rest.2nd Sunday of Pentecost, Year B: Deuteronomy 5:6-21; II Corinthians 4:1-12; Mark by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Nicodemus' misunderstanding of Jesus' words on how one enters the kingdom of God and how salvation is still misunderstood in our own time.Trinity Sunday, Year B: Exodus 3:1-6; Romans 8:12-17; John Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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On Pentecost, Pastor Mike preaches on the experience of God and how that relates to the Holy Spirit being the Spirit of truth. Pentecost, Year B: Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 2:1-21; John 14:8-17 Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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7th Sunday After Easter, Year B: Acts 1:15-26; I John 5:6-15: John Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on why Jesus ascended into heaven and what it accomplished. Ascension of Jesus Christ, Year B: Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the perfect and perfecting love of Christ and how it gives us confidence to stand before him in the day of judgment.6th Sunday of Easter, Year B: Acts 11:1—30; I John 4:7-21; John by Jon Tyson on UnsplashBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on St. Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch and how Jesus is made manifest to us through the Scrptures and the guidance of the Church.5th Sunday of Easter, Year B: Acts 8:26-40; I John 3:11-24; John Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on how Jesus demonstrates the four tasks of a good shepherd.4th Sunday of Easter, Year B: Acts 4:23-37; I John 3:1-10; John by Adina Voicu from PixabayBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the healing of the crippled man by Peter & John as a picture of what awaits those who have fellowship with Christ and how the spreading of that fellowship leads to our joy.3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B: Acts 4:5-14; I John 1:1-2:2; Luke by Romy from Pixabay…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Thomas' unbelief upon hearing of Jesus' appearance to the rest of the disciples and the invitation Jesus gave him to touch his wounds as the invitation to a deeper life in him.2nd Sunday of Easter, Year B: Acts 3:12a,13-15,17-26; I John 5:1-5; John by Jenise Cook fro…
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Pastor Mike begins by preaching on what the resurrection isn't before focusing on what it is, what happened as explained by St Peter's sermon, and why it matters. Easter Sunday: Year B: Isaiah 25:6-9; Acts 10:34-43; Mark by Silas Barr Photography…
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Maundy Thursday: Year B: Exodus 12:1-14; I Corinthians 11:23-34; John by Silas Barr PhotographyBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on how we are to cultivate the mind of Christ by following his example of humility: the incarnation and his death upon the cross.Palm Sunday, Year B: Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark by Silas Barr PhotographyBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on Jesus' words that conclude his public ministry and how as we follow him, even to death, we will bear much fruit and become sons of light. Feast of St. Patrick (5th Sunday of Lent): Year B: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:1-10; John…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Jesus' cleansing of the temple in John's Gospel, how it points to the re-sacralization of sacred space and humanity, and our work to re-sacralize the world. Third Sunday in Lent, Year B: Exodus 20:1-21; Romans 7:12-25; John & Outro music: Parallel by Hotel Pools & oDD…
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Pastor Mike preaches on the testing of Abraham and why we react negatively to the story, what testing does, and how we can respond when we are tested. 2nd Sunday in Lent, Year B: Genesis 22:1-14; Romans 8:31-39; Mark & Outro music: Parallel by Hotel Pools & oDDlingPhoto by Martin Jernberg on…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Christ's baptism and testing in the wilderness and how through those acts he saves us and sets the pattern for the Christian life.1st Sunday of Lent, Year B: Genesis 9:8-17; I Peter 3:18-22; Mark & Outro music: Parallel by Hotel Pools & oDDlingPhoto by Martin Jernberg …
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Ash Wednesday, Year B: Joel 2:1-2,12-17; II Corinthians 5:20-6:10; Matthew 6:1-6, & Outro music: Parallel by Hotel Pools & oDDlingImage by Grzegorz Krupa from PixabayBy Sermons from Rev. Mike Landsman, pastor of Zion's Stone UCC in Northampton, PA
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Pastor Mike preaches on the call to ascend the mountain of the Lord, to encounter him, and descend renewed.Quinquagesima, Year B: I Kings 19:9-18; II Peter 1:13-21; Mark & Outro music: Parallel by Hotel Pools & oDDlingImage by StockSnap from Pixabay…
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Pastor Mike preaches on Jesus' healing of Peter's mother and the people, how miracles are a picture of our salvation, and how salvation leads us to service. Sexagesima, Year B: II Kings 4:8-21, 32-37; I Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark & Outro music: Parallel by Hotel Pools & oDDling…
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