The newest sermons from Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
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Ezra 9:5-151. God is gracious is spite of our sins.2. We are sinful in spite of God's grace.By Stuart Ireland
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Christ, Our Supreme High Priest, part 2 - Hebrews 5:5-10.1. Christ's Qualifications2. Christ's Efficacya. Of our Supreme High Priest's Prayersb. Of our Supreme High Priest's Obedience3. Christ's UniquenessBy Dan Fincham
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1. Christ's Qualification2. Christ's Efficacy3. Christ's Uniqueness *The start of the sermon was not recorded. To see the full video, go to: Dan Fincham
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1. Report of Unfaithfulness.2. The Response to UnfaithfulnessBy Stuart Ireland
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God uses his hand to:1. Gather His People (1-20)2. Protect His People (21-36)By Stuart Ireland
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1. The High Priest's Origin2. The High Priest's Work3. The High Priest's Sympathy4. The High Priest's Sin5. The High Priest's CallingBy Dan Fincham
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1. His Word (14)2. His Ordinances (15-24)3. Church Discipline (25-26)By Stuart Ireland
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1. The Covenantal Nature of the New Testament Sacrifice2. The Covenantal Context of the New Testament Sacrifice3. The Covenantal Function of the New Testament SacrificeBy Dan Fincham
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1. The Reformer's Credentials (7:1-6)2. The Reformer's Mission (7:7-10)By Stuart Ireland
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1. Responding with Assurance of God's Favor (31-34)2. Responding with Assurance of God's Love (35-39)By Stuart Ireland
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Celebrating Deliverance - Esther 9:20-10:3.Elder Stuart Ireland1. Celebrating Purim2. Celebration of MordecaiBy Stuart Ireland
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The Problem of Favoritism, Part 2James 2:3-13by Rev Calvin TuiningaGod shows no partiality:1. In His plan of redemption2. In His perfect law3. In how He kept it perfectly4. In His mercyBy Calvin Tuininga
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By Stuart Ireland
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Today is the Day of Salvation, Mark 5:1-20.Rev. Matt Tuininga.By Matthew Tuininga
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Esther 8:3-17.The proper response of people living in the interim - rejoice in the hope of our deliverance.1. Esther seeks deliverance2. Mordecai decrees deliverance3. The people rejoice in deliveranceBy Stuart Ireland
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In order to fulfill prophecy concerning Christ's birth, to emphasize his redemptive purposes in it and to herald the good news of Christ's birth:I. God Orchestrated the Inner Workings of an Earthly Empire.II. God Coordinated the Minute Details of History.III. God Mustered the Angelic Hosts of Heaven.…
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1. The Terror of the Wicked2. The Judgement of the Wicked3. The Loss of the Wicked.By Stuart Ireland
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1. Our Great High Priest's Supremacy2. Our Great High Priest's SympathyBy Dan Fincham
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The Seed of the Serpent Will Surely Fall Before the Seed of the Woman1. The Sleepless Sovereign2. The Honored Hero3. The Falling FoeBy Stuart Ireland
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Hebrews 4:12-13.1. In His Word God is Personally Present2. Through His Word God Powerfully Acts3. By His Word, God Penetrates the HeartBy Dan Fincham
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Esther 5God Opposes the Proud and Gives Grace to the Humble1. The Omen of Esther's Favor2. The Omen of Haman's FallBy Stuart Ireland
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Psalm 78:191. Sin2. God's Anger and Mercy3. Need for a King who is JesusBy Calvin Tuininga
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1) Esther's Oblivion2) Esther's Apprehension3) Esther's ResolutionBy Stuart Ireland
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1) The Doctrine of Sabbath Keeping2) Objections to Sabbath keeping3) Uses of Sabbath KeepingBy Dan Fincham
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1) The Nature of the Conflict2) The Sanctioning of the Conflict3) The Crisis of the ConflictBy Stuart Ireland
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1) The Way of Entering the Soul's Present Rest.2) The Foundation of the Soul's Present Rest.3) The Urgency of Entering the Souls Present Rest.By Dan Fincham
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1) God Placed Esther in a Position as Queen2) God Placed Mordecai in a Position as an OfficialBy Stuart Ireland
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1) Fear of Not Entering God's Rest2) Remaining Promise of Entering God's Rest 3) Failure to Enter into God's RestBy Dan Fincham
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1)Honor the World and it Will Honor You2)Dishonor the World and it Will Punish YouBy Stuart Ireland
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1) Rebellion in the Wilderness.2) Warning against Unbelief.By Dan Fincham
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Fall Theology Conference 2024 - Q and A #2By Rev. Lacy Andrews
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Fall Theology Conference Session # 6By Rev. Lacy Andrews
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Current Church Planting in the PSE: Lessons Learned
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57:20Fall Theology Conference Session #5By Rev. Lacy Andrews
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1. Placement of the Psalm2. The Biblical Theological Foundation for the Psalm3. Exposition of the Texta. Yearning of the Soul for the Worship of Godb. Safety in God's Housec. Joy of Pilgrimaged. Protectione. Joy of the Worship of GodBy Rev. Lacy Andrews
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Fall Theology Conference 2024 - Q and A #1By Rev. Lacy Andrews
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Testimonies of God's Work in the PSE: Lessons Learned
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55:25Fall Conference 2024 Session #3.By Rev. Lacy Andrews
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The Early History of the PSE: Lessons Learned
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51:16Fall Theology Conference Session 2.By Rev. Lacy Andrews
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The Early History of the OPC: Lessons Learned
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1:03:30Fall Conference 2024 Session 1By Rev. Lacy Andrews
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1. God's Providence Offers the Hope of Forgiveness2. God's Providence Offers Compassion3. God's Providence Offers ComfortBy Sterling Tyler
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1. Rejoicing in God's Presence (16-18)2. Rejoicing in God's Redemption (19-22)By Stuart Ireland
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1. Consider Jesus as God's Faithful Representative2. Consider Jesus as Superior to MosesBy Dan Fincham
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1. Providence Works Through the Actions of Men2. Providence Watches Over God's People3. Providence Brings Good Out of Evil4. Providence Accomplishes God's Decree(s)By Stuart Ireland
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1. New Identity2. New Family3. New CitizenshipBy Dan Fincham
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1. The Instrument of Preaching2. The Nature of PreachingThe Effect of PreachingBy Stuart Ireland
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1. Insignificance of the Nations2. Significance of Zerubbabel and his Service to IsraelBy Stuart Ireland
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Why Christ Had to Suffer as a Man (Part 1)
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53:001. Christ Had to Suffer to Fulfil the Father's Will a. The Thesis Stated b. The Thesis ConfirmedBy Dan Fincham
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1. The World to Come is Not Subjected to Angels2. The World to Come is Subjected to the SonBy Dan Fincham
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1. An Unclean People2. A Gracious GodBy Stuart Ireland
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1. The Exhortation Delivered2. The Exhortation Expanded3. The Exhortation EnforcedBy Dan Fincham
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Hebrews 4:4-141. The Son has a more excellent name than the angels.2. The Son is worshipped by the angels.3. The Son is highly exalted over the angels.By Dan Fincham
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