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When there are misunderstandings, hurt, and conflict we must seek to repair the problems without ever compromising our integrity before God.By Mike Fabarez
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We must be especially attuned to the state of our conscience, making sure it is rightly calibrated to God's truth, and then faithfully followed by God's grace.By Mike Fabarez
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We must employ the divinely sanctioned means of comfort modeled by the Apostle Paul to experience God's strength and hope in the midst of difficult times.By Mike Fabarez
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If we are cognizant of the ways God helps us through our trials, we can then become skilled at helping other Christians through their seasons of suffering.By Mike Fabarez
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The Basis of Real ComfortWe should be prayerfully confident that God will orchestrate and apply comfort to our hearts as we draw near to him and each other in the midst of difficult times.By Mike Fabarez
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We, as Christians graciously saved by God's grace, ought to sincerely and resolutely aim at living a life that pleases the Lord.By Mike Fabarez
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Rethinking God's CornerstoneBy Mike Fabarez
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We should be comforted and encouraged by God's announcement of his ancient plans to bring about our salvation through Christ just after Adam and Eve first sinned.By Mike Fabarez
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We should joyfully submit to King Jesus knowing he redeemed us and will one day vanquish all rebels, ushering in a kingdom of peace.By Mike Fabarez
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We must see the paramount importance of forgiving others always mindful of the far-reaching effects, even, or especially when it is difficult.By Mike Fabarez
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We must understand our Christian requirement to forgive, and God's appeal for us to forgive willingly, sincerely, and fully as we are reconciled with our brothers and sisters in Christ.By Mike Fabarez
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We must understand our profound connection with each other because of our union with Christ.By Mike Fabarez
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We must diligently keep investing in all that is important to God, faithfully and wisely dealing with people, and rightly handling God's word until the work of the church is done.By Mike Fabarez
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Like Paul, we must be wise about our words with others, knowing that as Christians in a fallen world we will always need to seek to excel in our communication.By Mike Fabarez
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We must draw the connection between God and his gracious provisions in our lives and, for his glory, make the most of all that he has set before us.By Mike Fabarez
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We must have confidence in the veracity of our Bibles, knowing how God miraculously authenticated the Apostles and Prophets he used to relay his written revelation to us.By Mike Fabarez
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God's promises to us must be believed with a tenacious, God-fueled confidence no matter what might tempt us to doubt them.By Mike Fabarez
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We as Christians should understand the important role God has graciously allowed us to currently have in preserving, protecting, and improving the concentric spheres in which we live.By Mike Fabarez
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Confident in God's Indomitable Plan
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1:01:52We ought to care about the people around us and the culture we live in, boldly relaying God's revealed wisdom to them, knowing his indomitable plans will surely be carried out.By Mike Fabarez
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The Christian life will be filled with various difficulties which can be endured with great courage as we cling to God with an accurate understanding of who he is.By Mike Fabarez
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Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.Questions in this session:1. If we pray with any doubt at all does God hear our prayer?2. Did Jesus have a part in the creation of the universe?3. What are your thoughts on "altar calls?" What are your thoughts on Jeremiah 29:11? How can you surrender to Jesus when life is throwin…
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Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.Questions in this session:1. Should we believe in a "young earth" or "old earth?"2. How do we communicate what it means to be a "slave of Christ?"3. Is addressing someone by their preferred pronouns somehow sinful or a compromise of my Christianity?4. What does it mean in Matthew …
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Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.Questions in this session:1. How do we discern pride in ourselves and others?2. Where did all the different ethnicities come from after the flood.3. What is the biblical view on the "age of accountability"4. How does Satan have any authority on earth if dominion is giving to Jesus…
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God is a protector of his people, and Christians should always seek to detect his gracious deliverance in its varied forms, knowing God is worthy of our humble praise and generous response.By Mike Fabarez
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When life is hard we must purposefully seek the Lord, knowing he is responsive to our pain and that he will give us the hope and courage that we need.By Mike Fabarez
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While many will vehemently resist the biblical gospel, we must see through their biases and double down on the authenticated message God has commissioned us to share persuasively.By Mike Fabarez
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We must be faithful to fulfill God's purpose for our lives by obeying the clear vocational and ministry calling for our lives.By Mike Fabarez
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We must strategically employ the powerful evangelistic tool of our personal testimony as a supplement to our sharing of the gospel facts.By Mike Fabarez
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Just as Paul was brought before earthly tribunals to be examined, we need to be sure by faith we avoid God's tribunal and prepare to stand to give an account before Christ's tribunal.By Mike Fabarez
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While we will always have opposition as Christians in this world, we must never fear but only trust God and proceed with wisdom, as we continue to live our lives for him.By Mike Fabarez
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We should give thanks for all of God's kind provisions as we patiently and uncompromisingly stand up for Christ in our increasingly hostile culture.By Mike Fabarez
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We must respond to anti-Christian accusations against us with a respectful, positive, and well-reasoned defense, doing all we can to represent Christ in a dignified manner.By Mike Fabarez
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We can expect in our day all sorts of opposition for being faithful to Christ and biblical truth, but we must remember our calling and courageously endure whatever comes our way.By Mike Fabarez
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We'd all prefer to call the shots and be in charge of our own lives, but the resurrected Christ is King of all, including your life and mine.By Mike Fabarez
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Good Friday ServiceBy Mike Fabarez
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Even in our fallen messed-up world we must recognize and respond to God's sovereign use of governments to accomplish his will for his people.By Mike Fabarez
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Though God's plans for our lives will involve some fearful circumstances, we must be unafraid and resolute about fulfilling God's calling on our lives as we hold on to his promises.By Mike Fabarez
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The Christian hope is to be firmly fixed on our participation in Christ's coming kingdom, which provides us the strength and courage to face all the current challenges in the here and now.By Mike Fabarez
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God is at work on us, using a variety of means to bring us into increasing holiness in the Christian life.By Mike Fabarez
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God has planned and is always at work in and for his children to move them across the finish line of the Christian life and into the promised kingdom.By Mike Fabarez
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We must consider how God has been at work from long before we can imagine, leading us into the path he would have us obediently walk.By Mike Fabarez
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Given the various and conflicting views of water baptism, we must seek to digest and rightly understand all the related biblical data on this important ordinance.By Mike Fabarez
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God graciously works through a variety of means to bring us to repentance, both at the outset of the Christian life and throughout it, so that we might walk in fellowship with him.By Mike Fabarez
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We need to understand God's amazing grace and sincerely respond to it with our whole hearts in light of the sinfulness of our sin.By Mike Fabarez
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We must make all of life's decisions with a resolve to do what pleases the Lord, as stewards, knowing that godly choices yield God's blessings and eternal dividends.By Mike Fabarez
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Get the deeper meaning of those Christmas carols we sing each year, but maybe don't pay as much attention to as we should. There is great theological depth that we too easily sing over without giving much thought to. Gain a deeper richness and enjoyment to some of your favorite Christmas carols in Pastor Mikes Christmas Eve message called More Song…
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Just as God sent his Son at the first advent right on schedule, we should be assured that he will also dispatch his Son to establish a world of righteousness at just the right time.By Mike Fabarez
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We must reconsider the profound reality and far-reaching implications of the incarnate, fully-human, fully-divine Christ.By Mike Fabarez
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Indignation: Living in a World That Makes You Mad
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58:58The increasing sin in our world will provoke anger in Christians, but we must be careful and restrained to never allow our emotions to propel sinful words or actions.By Mike Fabarez
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When we recognize our sin before a holy, just and loving God, we will feel the pang of sorrow for our offense. But the happiness of knowing we are forgiven through repentance and trust in Jesus, our savior, should bring joy.By Mike Fabarez
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