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Jhon Simba

Puntos que llamaron mi atención, sobre la Escuela Politécnica Nacional Cover art photo provided by MD Duran on Unsplash:
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This podcast tells stories of individuals and groups changing their communities in innovative ways to inspire you to do the same as well as interviews with nonprofit professionals about developing your career in the public good.
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no sé

Ale Trejo

Holaa Se trata de la legislación ambiental en México y en el mundo Cover art photo provided by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash:
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We are bilingual fellowship of Spanish & English speaking Christians; we seek to encourage one another by ministering His love, life and healing power; to reach the world for Christ one person at a time. We are a multicultural group of people from highly diverse backgrounds and nationalities united by love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and a desire to share that love with those around us, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Somos una congregación bilingüe de cristianos que hablan español e in ...
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Notes in Spanish Intermediate

Notes in Spanish Intermediate

Ben and Marina bring you real Spanish conversations on real-world topics, designed to help take your Spanish up to the next level. This is the genuine Spanish you will never find in a text book or classroom. See for more info and accompanying worksheets.
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Wine for Normal People

Elizabeth Schneider

A podcast for people who like wine but not the snobbery that goes with it. I talk about wine in a fun, straightforward, normal way to get you excited about it and help you drink better, more interesting stuff. About half the shows feature guests and are informal but educational discussions between me and a passionate wine friend –they aren't interviews. All guests are personal friends or friends of friends in wine so like any conversation between friends, we’ll talk back and forth, interrupt ...
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Welcome to the Hillsboro School District's weekly Hot News podcast. We are the fourth-largest public school district in the state of Oregon with 35 schools serving more than 20,000 students from preschool through twelfth grade. Now you can listen to the District’s top news on your phone, in your car, or wherever is convenient for you.
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Chiki & Bella Podcast - Información y Comentarios y que se piquen los que quieran picarse ... Lima - Perú Peru Music from "Main Theme (The Grand Score)" by Alexander Nakarada ( License: CC BY ( Music from "Terra Mater" by Alexander Nakarada ( License: CC BY ( Music from ...
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show series
Febrero es el Mes Nacional de la Educación Técnica Profesional (CTE, por sus siglas en inglés), una campaña anual de concientización pública patrocinada por la Association for Career and Technical Education, que nos invita a celebrar la importancia de CTE, así como las contribuciones de los programas y maestros de CTE en todo el país. En Hillsboro,…
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Puede ser que la primavera aún no haya llegado, pero nuestros grupos teatrales de las escuelas preparatorias han estado trabajando arduamente y están listos para presentar sus producciones del segundo semestre. Venga y acompáñelos en una de sus próximas actuaciones! Mas:
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This week, I'm joined by Patron and friend Steve Tocco is the wine buyer and manager of a fine wine store near Boulder, Colorado -- Atlas Valley Purveyors (yes, I've been there!). He is great at what he does -- creative, community oriented, great palate -- basically he is the wine guy we all want! I asked him to come on the show to share tips on ho…
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El Distrito Escolar de Hillsboro logró la mayor cantidad de estudiantes graduados a tiempo de su historia en 2024, donde el 87.55 % de los estudiantes senior de todo el distrito lograron graduarse dentro de los cuatro años posteriores a su primer ingreso a la escuela preparatoria. Dos preparatorias del distrito, Century y Glencoe, superaron el umbr…
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Hillsboro School District graduated more students on-time than ever in 2024, with 87.55% of seniors districtwide achieving graduation within four years of their first entry into high school. Graduation rates at two high schools, Century and Glencoe, crested the 90% threshold - a first for Glencoe and just the second time for Century since Oregon be…
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This show features an overview of an essential place in the wine world: South Australia. There is much to learn here but I try to break it down into what is important to know. The show is somewhat heavy on history, since that is an essential part of why South Australia is important today. South Australia is an Australian state located in the centra…
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February is National Career and Technical Education Month, an annual public awareness campaign sponsored by the Association for Career and Technical Education, which encourages us to celebrate the value of CTE and the achievements of CTE programs and educators across the nation. Here in Hillsboro, we have much to celebrate as we continue to expand …
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Touriga Nacional is, beyond a doubt, the most important, praised, and discussed red grape in Portugal. An essential part of Port and the dry wines of the regions of Dão and Douro, this powerful grape has spread throughout Portugal and has captured the imagination of winemakers from Australia to South Africa to California and more. Photo: Touriga Na…
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Febrero es el Mes de la Historia de la Raza Negra, y si bien estudiamos y celebramos la diversidad y las contribuciones de las personas de raza negra/africana/afroamericana durante este tiempo, estas conversaciones y lecciones no se limitan al mes de febrero sino que se llevan a cabo durante todo el año. Cuando la diversidad de nuestros estudiantes…
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February is Black History Month, and while we do study and celebrate the diversity and contributions of Black/African/African Americans during this time, these conversations and lessons are not limited to the month of February - they take place throughout the entire year. When our students’ diversity is appreciated and visible, they all thrive from…
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In this episode we hear all about the work that goes on behind the scenes to support our district at night! These great staff work around the clock, literally, to keep the district running smoothly. Let’s take a look into what happens around the district after dark and celebrate the accomplishments of our employees who fulfill the duties of these u…
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Bandol is arguably the most important appellation in Provence at the southeastern tip of France. Although it makes white, this very small region is known for its ageworthy reds and rosés made mainly of Mourvèdre, Grenache, and Cinsault. In this show I review the long history of Bandol from the Greeks to the real estate agents of today, and talk abo…
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Un componente fundamental de nuestro Plan Estratégico 2023-2027 es la incorporación de las voces de nuestros constituyentes. Hemos trabajado arduamente para asegurarnos de que las oportunidades para compartir opiniones y comentarios sean variadas, significativas e impliquen un alcance intencional a los grupos focales identificados y poblaciones his…
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A key component of our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan is the incorporation of constituent voice. We have worked hard to ensure opportunities to share thoughts and feedback are varied, meaningful, and involve intentional outreach to identified focal groups and historically underserved populations. This includes our annual student survey in the spring, mee…
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I start by asking for a big favor!! I haven’t asked in about 10 years – but if you get a moment, could you drop a positive review for WFNP on iTunes, or a good rating on Spotify, or tell a friend who you think would like the show? Thank you in advance! This show is part of the effort to refresh the WFNP catalog, based on the ideas of Patron Chris C…
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¡Enero es el Mes de Agradecimiento a la Mesa Directiva! Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer sinceramente a nuestros siete miembros electos de la Mesa Directiva por su servicio voluntario al distrito y a la gran comunidad de Hillsboro: la presidenta Ivette Pantoja, el vicepresidente Mark Watson y los directores See Eun Kim, Erika…
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