show episodes


FRANCE 24 English

An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world. Every Saturday at 10:10pm Paris time. Or you can catch it online from Friday.
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Learn French naturally through topics that matter . You can find all the transcripts at Do you enjoy our podcast? Let us know!
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Mondes Persistants

Mondes Persistants

Mondes Persistants est un portail de référence sur les MMORPG. De nombreux podcasts seront bientôt disponibles, d'ici là vous pouvez découvrir le podcast francophone d'EVE online, orchestré par EVE-MP !
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Mac Brydon, William Tatlock Green, & Diánna Martin

WELCOME, music lovers! WAX CHATTY brings together three dear friends who listen to an album - chew on it - then gather to have a lively discussion about it - while having a whole lotta fun in the process. Our tastes are varied and our music selections span a myriad of genres and decades. All of our selections can be found on Apple Music, Spotify, Discogs, YouTube, and most places you find your ear candy, as well as good old-fashioned brick-and-mortar music stores. Please rate us and hit "sub ...
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Learn French with MOI ! This is a course on pronunciation and comprehension with a 22 episode-course and over 30 tests for pronunciation and a lot of comprehension episodes A and B level . Listen , learn and send me your recordings and I will reply and correct your pronunciation! Thank you for your support! A bientôt Christine Christine
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Guest Corner

Guest Corner

Do not miss any more opportunity to rent your apartment on Airbnb* thanks to our services! Welcome your travelers in the best conditions from €19.90 including tax. * As well as all other short-term rental sites.
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Lucky Day business podcast

Dikom BAKANG-TONJE et Bakang BAKANG-TONJE pour Lucky Day Media

Lucky Day est le podcast fait par des entrepreneurs, pour des entrepreneurs et créateurs de contenu. Dikom et Bakang décortiquent les sujets pertinents dans les les secteurs du business, de la finance, de la culture ou du mindset à travers le prisme de d'entrepreneurs aguerris. Tout au long de la conversation, ils souligneront, débattront et parleront aux entrepreneurs les plus créatifs pour en tirer le meilleur. Pour nous contacter: Merci !
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Planet Of Sound Podcast

Planet Of Sound Podcast

Discussion centered around the music of Pixies and Frank Black Francis, as well as many other related artists. Entertaining commentary and banter from hardcore music fans, for fans and newcomers alike.
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Learn French with Gaëlle, an experienced French teacher. 99% in French and designed for students with a basic level (A2) or lower intermediate (B1). Gaëlle speaks slowly to make it easier to understand. If you have an intermediate level, you can always increase the playback speed in your app. Each week, you’ll improve your French whilst also learning about French culture, society, history, and much more. Go to to read an interactive transcript of each episode as you ...
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Essential listening for anyone who cares about the printed word and developments in publishing. From independent publications, new forms of print media and graphic novels to little-known niche magazines, ‘The Stack’ is Monocle’s take on the world of print, focusing on everything from the glossiest fashion title to the grittiest local newspaper.
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Positive Leadership

Jean-Philippe Courtois

Positive Leadership has the power to change the world. By focusing on trust, empathy and wellbeing, leaders can energize their teams to achieve success for individuals, their organization, and society overall. But it is still something that is relatively unknown outside academic circles. Join Jean-Philippe Courtois, a member of the Microsoft executive senior leadership team, as he brings Positive Leadership to life for anyone who acts in a leadership capacity, both personally and professiona ...
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Just Lose the Glasses

Just Lose the Glasses

Just Lose the Glasses is a weekly podcast brought to you by a Northern Irishman and an Englishman. We talk films and film-related news, and maybe a bit of TV. Welcome to the podcast that, like geeks and nerds in films everywhere who lose their glasses to become the handsome/beautiful one that is suddenly really popular because they're good looking now. In such a way we, lose our metaphorical glasses to bring you sometimes funny, sometimes insightful film and film-related opinions and hot-takes.
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Depuis 2012, le label indépendant Freaksville Records propose des podcasts. Anciennement baptisé Radio Rectangle, Freaksville propose un bouquet d'émissions dédiées aux musiques pop — des plus populaires aux plus underground — et plus largement aux cultures pop et alternatives qui en découlent. Since 2012, the independent label Freaksville Records has been offering podcasts. Formerly called Radio Rectangle, Freaksville offers a range of programmes dedicated to pop music - from the most popu ...
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Learn French by Podcast is an exciting series of French lessons for everybody. Work with high-quality audio podcasts in your own time and at your own pace. Want to clarify some details? Something you couldn't quite understand? Then download comprehensive PDF Guides which elucidate all the finer points. Learn French the fun way.
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The PROUD Project

Broadcastability is a podcast by, for, and about persons with disabilities in the workforce. / Broadcastability est un podcast par, pour, et à propos des personnes handicapées au travail. Broadcastability is created by The PROUD Project at the University of Toronto, Scarborough. / Broadcastability est réalisé par Le Projet PROUD à l'Université de Toronto, Scarborough. To support Broadcastability, please donate at: [email protected]. Pour soutenir Broadcastability, veuillez faire un don ...
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show series
La basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde à Marseille a achevé sa restauration, redonnant éclat à ce monument emblématique. Traduction: The Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde basilica in Marseille has completed its restoration, restoring shine to this iconic monument. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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Le Festival du film fantastique de Gérardmer a décerné son Grand Prix au film "In a Violent Nature" du Canadien Chris Nash. Traduction: The Gérardmer Fantastic Film Festival awarded its Grand Prize to "In a Violent Nature" by Canadian Chris Nash. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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Un éboulement en Savoie a bloqué plus de 10 000 automobilistes pendant plusieurs heures, nécessitant des opérations de déblaiement importantes. Traduction: A landslide in Savoie stranded over 10,000 motorists for several hours, requiring significant clearing operations. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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De fortes précipitations ont provoqué des inondations importantes dans l'Ouest de la France, touchant des milliers de foyers et perturbant les transports. Traduction: Heavy rainfall caused major flooding in Western France, affecting thousands of households and disrupting transportation. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'infor…
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We speak with Steve Watson from Stack about print trends in 2025 and the popularity of titles dealing with sex and relationships. Also on the programme: we chat with Chris Kontos from ‘Kennedy’ magazine on his new wine bar in Athens and the world’s only publication about sign-painting. See for privacy information.…
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FRANCE 24 brings you a special report on the new Hong Kong, with the freedom-loving former British colony undergoing a severe political, social and economic takeover by the authorities in Beijing. In what was until recently the last island of freedom in China, the Chinese Communist Party is imposing its rules and its model of society.…
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What does it mean to be an engaged citizen and a positive leader? Eric Liu, CEO of Citizen University, has dedicated his career to answering this question. Through his work, he empowers individuals to embrace civic leadership, take action, and shape a stronger, more inclusive democracy. In this episode, Eric shares how leadership isn’t just about p…
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Le tourisme en France rebondit en 2024, avec un afflux massif de visiteurs étrangers, redynamisant l’économie locale dans les régions touristiques. Translation in English: Tourism in France rebounds in 2024, with a massive influx of foreign visitors, revitalizing the local economy in tourist regions. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pou…
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The Wax Chatty trio are joined by special guest Tina Casolino from the charity organization CHiPS, as they embark on a journey through "Deloused In the Comatorium" by The Mars Volta (2003). --- intro/outro music credits: * "Hustle" by Kevin MacLeod License: CC BY * "C-mol blues" by Jazz at Mladost Club License: CC BY-NC-SA Thanks for listening to W…
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Les tribunaux français sont submergés par un nombre record d'affaires en attente, mettant en lumière la nécessité de réformes structurelles pour accélérer les procédures et désengorger les dossiers. Traduction: French courts are overwhelmed by a record number of pending cases, highlighting the need for structural reforms to speed up proceedings and…
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La tempête Herminia a provoqué des crues majeures à Rennes, entraînant l'évacuation de 400 habitants et la fermeture de routes. Une décrue est espérée en fin de semaine. Traduction: The Herminia storm caused major floods in Rennes, leading to the evacuation of 400 residents and road closures. A decrease in water levels is expected by the end of the…
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Each year, we sit down and look at the year ahead and, inevitably, end up discussing the books we are looking forward to. This year we invited long time friends of the podcast Charlie Jane Anders and Ian Mond to join us. During a lively conversation it became clear that, no matter what else is happening in the world, there's a lot of wonderful work…
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This week on ‘The Stack’ we visit Shreeji News and Magazines on London’s Chiltern Street. Then: we discuss ‘Pina’, a magazine that works as an exhibition space in the form of a print title. Plus: we finally discover why the Spanish are so good at comic books. See for privacy information.…
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In the aftermath of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians rushed to military recruitment centres to defend their country. Almost three years of war later, the momentum has stalled. Our correspondent Gulliver Cragg reports.By FRANCE 24 English
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Vu de l’étranger, les Français ont la réputation d’être allergiques au travail. Semaine de 35 heures, vacances à rallonge, retraite généreuse, sans parler des interminables pauses déjeuner et des grèves à répétition… Pourtant, on entend aussi qu’ils sont parmi les travailleurs les plus productifs au monde. Ils auraient réussi à trouver l’équilibre …
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In this episode, Gaelle focuses on what happened to an iconic French building: the cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. In 2019 a terrible fire destroyed its roof and spire and a mad bet was then taken: the cathedral would rise again in all its glory in 5 years. So learn about this incredible reconstruction work that was made possible thanks to the gener…
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Le Congrès américain certifie la victoire de Donald Trump, officialisant son retour à la présidence des États-Unis. Traduction: The U.S. Congress certifies Donald Trump's victory, confirming his return to the presidency. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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We take you to sunnier climes in this week’s edition of ‘The Stack’. We look at ‘Greece: The Monocle Handbook’ with its editor, Chiara Rimella. Plus: we discuss ‘In Palma’ with its editor, Iván Terrasa, as it celebrates its 20th anniversary with the release of a book. See for privacy information.…
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While significant progress has been made globally in curbing the spread of HIV, the Philippines has one of the fastest-growing infection rates in the world. Despite opposition from the Catholic Church and other social challenges, activists are fighting to improve access to prevention and treatment. Nejma Bentrad and Alban Alvarez report.…
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Un sourire sincère a le pouvoir de transformer une journée. Il transmet chaleur, espoir et connexion, créant des liens invisibles entre les cœurs. Sourire est un acte universel. Traduction: A genuine smile has the power to transform a day. It conveys warmth, hope, and connection, creating invisible bonds between hearts. Smiling is a universal act. …
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When Erin Meyer set out to explore how cultural differences impact leadership and communication, she uncovered profound insights that have transformed the way global leaders connect, collaborate, and succeed. Her groundbreaking book The Culture Map and her work at INSEAD have made her one of the world's leading experts on cultural intelligence and …
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Le ciel nocturne, parsemé d'étoiles, nous rappelle notre place dans l'univers. Il inspire des rêves, des questions et une profonde admiration pour l'immensité cosmique. Traduction: The night sky, scattered with stars, reminds us of our place in the universe. It inspires dreams, questions, and profound awe for the cosmic vastness. Hébergé par Acast.…
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L'eau est la source de toute vie. Préserver cette ressource précieuse est essentiel pour garantir un avenir durable pour les générations actuelles et futures. Chaque goutte compte. Traduction: Water is the source of all life. Preserving this precious resource is essential to ensure a sustainable future for current and future generations. Every drop…
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La lecture ouvre des mondes infinis, permettant à l'esprit de voyager à travers le temps, les cultures et les idées. Un livre peut changer une vie en un instant. Traduction: Reading opens infinite worlds, allowing the mind to travel through time, cultures, and ideas. A book can change a life in an instant. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez…
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Les forêts abritent une biodiversité inestimable. Chaque arbre, chaque insecte, joue un rôle vital dans l'équilibre fragile de notre planète. Respectons et protégeons ces écosystèmes essentiels. Traduction: Forests host invaluable biodiversity. Every tree, every insect, plays a vital role in the fragile balance of our planet. Let us respect and pro…
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For those who might have been hoping our 2025 podcasts might get a little more focused and coherent, our apologies. Following up on several discussions on social media about how to learn about overlooked but deserving novels (mostly fantasy), we speculate on the factors that help a book or author gain and keep some sort of traction. Reprint program…
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With Israel and Hamas on the cusp of a ceasefire in Gaza, our reporters investigated the strategy of the United Arab Emirates in the region. The oil and gas-rich Gulf monarchy – a Middle Eastern heavyweight which has a strong rivalry with neighbouring Qatar – is spreading its influence and preparing for the period after the war, when the bombs will…
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Pour bien commencer l’année 2025, quoi de mieux que de prendre un moment pour réfléchir à nous-mêmes et à nos relations ? Dans cet épisode, Ingrid vous propose d'explorer dans la théorie de l’attachement, un concept clé de la psychologie qui éclaire nos liens affectifs et leur impact sur notre vie. Découvrez les origines de cette théorie, ses diffé…
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This week’s episode is mostly about books—how do you get them, where do you put them, and how to get rid of them when you need to. You’d think that questions such as the best way to shelve books would be pretty uncontroversial, but apparently that’s not always the case. We also touch upon the differences between collectors, acquirers, and accumulat…
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