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New Mission Career Transition

Christopher Kaprielian

A military career transition podcast with lessons learned from former service members in their civilian careers and those that help service members transition to new careers. Chris Kaprielian, an active-duty Marine, and Alexandra Kaprielian, a talent/people management specialist with SYPartners, host The New Mission Career Transition Podcast. Disclaimer: Opinions provided by the podcasters or interviewees on the New Mission Career Transition Podcast are their own and don’t necessarily repres ...
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In this podcast episode, Chris and Alexandra interview Jake Brown and Daniel Pierce, former Marine Corps officers who transitioned into the consulting and recruitment space. They discuss their military backgrounds, the challenges of transitioning to civilian life, and the founding of their company, Brown and Pierce Consulting. The conversation delv…
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00:00:00 - Introduction à la discussion sur le diabète00:02:15 - Marine Chambureau : parcours et spécialisation00:05:30 - Différences entre diabète de type 1 et type 200:08:45 - Risques associés au diabète et hérédité00:12:00 - Diagnostic du diabète de type 100:15:30 - Diagnostic du diabète de type 200:18:00 - Gestion du diabète de type 1 vs type 2…
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00:00:00 Introduction de l'épisode sur le jeûne avec Axel00:01:15 Présentation d'Axel Sedano, diététicien00:02:30 Définition du jeûne00:04:00 Types de jeûne expliqués00:06:45 Popularité du jeûne intermittent00:09:00 Impact du repas sauté dans le jeûne intermittent00:11:30 Effets similaires du jeûne et de la restriction calorique00:13:45 Jeûne pour …
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🏰 Engineers Up!! 🏰 In this engaging conversation, Chris Kaprielian reconnects with Joseph Kenyon, a retired Master Sergeant in the Marine Corps, to discuss his journey from a small town in Massachusetts to a successful career in project management within the construction industry. They explore Kenyon's military background, the challenges of transit…
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0:00:00 : introduction 0:00:50 : présentation Jérémy 0:01:34 : définition « psycho-nutritionniste » 0:02:40 : la différence entre psychologue et psycho-nutritionniste 0:03:30 : l’importance de la formation 0:08:15 : évolution de la pratique au fil des années 0:12:05 : nuance autour des plans alimentaires 0:13:40 : ça veut dire quoi une prise en cha…
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📢 Q: Is there a practical “personality test” for helping a service member transition? 📢 Q: How can we apply our military leadership in a private company? Our guest, Mike Vincent, answers these questions and more. Mike is a retired Marine Corps logistics officer who now supports business operations at his family’s company, Liber Heating and Air Cond…
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0:00:00 : introduction 0:01:30 : pourquoi avoir écrit un livre sur les produits laitiers ? 0:04:00: parcours scientifique de Vassilis 0:07:55 : boire du lait à l’âge adulte ? 0:08:47 : on ne buvait pas de lait à l’époque paléolithique 0:10:55 : les études sur le lait sont financées par les industries laitières et ne sont pas recevables 0:12:55 : le…
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0:00:00 : introduction0:01:08 : présentation Nouchka0:02:35 : comment évaluer les besoins des sportifs ?0:04:55 : les erreurs les plus fréquentes0:06:40 : déséquilibre en macro nutriments0:08:35 : plans alimentaires0:10:30 : l’hydratation0:15:10 : consommation de café0:18:05 : la supplémentation chez le sportif (article de l’ANSES)0:19:50 : quels c…
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0:00:50 : présentation Duncan0:02: 34 : définition de l’obésité0:03:45: le syndrome métabolique0:04:35 : une prise en charge diététique avec Duncan0:06: 15 : cause de l’obésité0:10:45 : importance des marqueurs biologiques0:12:45 : limite entre le diététicien et le psychologue0:15:20 : définition de la santé (charte Ottawa)0:17:05: la place de l’al…
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📢 Q: How do you start a fitness company and scale it? 💡 A: Create an app and service that unites all similar business owners and potential customers. 🤔 When Mike Cragholm told me about it, it sounded a bit crazy. After hearing his explanation, I realized he created a profitable win-win-win scenario for his company, fitness business owners (jiu jits…
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📢 There are many available jobs in the federal government…look beyond the DoD. 😒 I know. That statement isn’t a surprise, but you may be surprised that the job you want and are qualified for is open in the USDA, DHS, FBI, OPM, Department of the Treasury, etc. AND...they will consider work experience if you don't have a degree. 🧐 AND…it may be avail…
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📢 Military transition is also about closure…in the clinical sense. That’s one of many big takeaways our guest, Corie Weathers, provided us on this episode. Corie was the 2015 AFI Military Spouse of the Year and is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Board Certified Coach, and author of “Military Culture Shift: The Impact of War, Money, and Generatio…
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“A Marine and Soldier walk into a bar…” …and they devised a plan to start a non-profit veteran-scholar initiative focused on the holistic wellness of veterans (and first responders) battling the moral, psychological, and spiritual impacts of war through the thoughtful application of Regenerative Rhetoric. 😳 What? You expected a joke?? 😅 Ramiro Metz…
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0:00:28 : présentation Charlotte 0:01:20 : premières démarches pour l’installation en activité libérale 0:04:00 : numéro RPPS 0:05:05 : le statut de micro-entrepreneur 0:06:15 : la comptabilité et les impôts 0:9:40 : les autres charges 0:13:05 : visio ou présentiel ? 0:15:40 : se faire connaître 0:17:50 : les cartes de visite 0:22:50 : Google my Bu…
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Ever thought about learning to code? Our guest, Jimmy Ferrara, is a prior-service Intel Marine, OIF veteran, software engineer, and technical program manager with experience in coding and project management at small and large tech companies. In this episode, Jimmy told us about... ✅ True romance...or lack thereof in Fayetnam (🤣) ✅ Getting Started i…
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“You don’t have to have it all figured out.” Why? Because the path to the next career is rarely a straight line. Our guest, Samantha (Sam) Gassman, told us how she went from being an AFSOC Navigator to becoming a Senior Manager of Communications for a Fortune 100 Company and a published author. Hint: She did not take a straight path to her current …
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📢 Want to know what you have that companies need? 📢 Answer: L.O.C.K.E.D. 😳 (OK...I'll explain below...) Our esteemed guest, James D. Murphy (or as many know him, 'Murph'), brings a wealth of experience as a USAF and ANG F-15 instructor pilot, Founder and Chairman of Afterburner Inc., Managing Partner of Afterburner Capital, and author of several bo…
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Looking for the SkillBridge alternative or supplement? 😬 Check out FourBlock! In our latest episode, Mike Abrams, Founder and President of FourBlock and Marine Corps Reserve officer, discusses his non-profit organization's programs for transitioning service members, veterans, and military spouses. On this episode, Mike talks about… ✅ Creating Conne…
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🧐 Who in the military community transitions multiple times? 🤔 Answer: Military Spouses! Our guest, Edith Lizalde, is a prior-enlisted Sailor and Marine Corps spouse who tells us about her experiences transitioning to new employment and environments after every PCS. Edith and her family are preparing for her husband’s Marine Corps retirement. During…
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0:00:30 : présentation Clément0:02:00 : qu’est ce que la sécurité alimentaire ?0:05:30 : définition additif0:06:30 : la réglementation autour des additifs alimentaires0:09:30 : l’effet cocktail0:10:40 : étude chez les animaux0:13:20 : réévaluation0:15:20 : pourquoi les additifs font peur ?0:19:00 : chimique / naturel0:22:30 : se fier à la longueur …
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💥 💥 “Don’t let fear get in the way.” 💥💥 Our guest, Patrick Holcomb, made a big pivot after he retired from the Marine Corps. Patrick, a Mustang and logistics officer, focused on writing a novel in hisfirst year out of the military. After finishing his final draft (there were quite a few 😳…oh…yeah…that’s normal 😅) of his novel, “Where the Seams Meet…
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0:00:25 : présentation Sébastien 0:01:05 : les alimentations végétales 0:04:00 : végétaliser son assiette concrètement 0:06:40 : les recommandations officielles 13:30 : végétaliser l’alimentation dans restauration collective 0:16:30 : chiffres végétariens / végétaliens 0:19:55 : 2 fois moins de viande auparavant 0:21:30 : les protéines 0:28:00 : le…
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💪 Leverage your military experience and knowledge for a tech development career. 📡 That's what our guest did after retiring from the Marine Corps. 👨🏻‍💻 Brady Petrillo, a combat engineer officer, retired from the Marine Corps in 2023 after his final tour with Special Operations Command Africa. He now works as a program manager for Corvid Technologie…
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0:25 : présentation Marie1:03 : qu’est ce que le SOPK1:50 : kystes ?2:39 : symptômes du SOPK3:44 : critères de diagnostic6:32 : évolution SOPK9:27 : phénotypes SOPK11:02 : biologie sanguine12:50 : prise en charge diététique16:50 : petit déjeuner recommandé20:15 : charge glycémique25:56 : résistance à l’insuline23:44 : bienfait activité physique26:4…
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🤔 To work in corporate or a start-up…THAT is the question! 🤔 Our guest, Pat D'Amico, served as a military police officer in the U.S. Army. After his military career, he transitioned into pharmaceutical sales, recruiting, marketing, training program development, and product development before starting his own company, About-Face Development LLC. (Ab…
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BAMCIS works in Business! 🤯 That’s “Troop Leading Procedures” for my Army sisters and brothers! 😉 (I’ve got you!) Our guest is Zachary Leyden, a prior Army infantry and reconnaissance leader who used what he learned in the military, combined it with his passion for horsemanship, and grew his business into something special in the San Francisco Bay …
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0:25 : présentation Céline0:45 : définition microbiote3:30 : le rôle de la maman enceinte pour le microbiote de son enfant5:45 : pluralité de consommation9:20 : rôle des oméga-311:00 : l’avantage de l’accouchement par voie basse16:00 : les bienfaits de l’allaitement22:20 : lien microbiote et cerveau27:00 : comment savoir si son enfant a un bon micr…
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Thinking about applying your leadership and knowledge as an educator after your military career? Are you a parent of a child still in primary or secondary school? If so, you’ll want to listen to this episode. Our guest is Matthew Dreier, a retired Marine Corps Engineer Officer who co-founded the Pace Academy in North Chesterfield, Virginia. Pace Ac…
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Pine Stand Coffee Co: It's more than coffee... it's about providing refuge with a recognizable cup of goodness. Our guest is Nick Hagood, enlisted and officer Marine veteran, a former Marine spouse and "dependent," a most righteous dad, and the founder and co-owner of Pine Stand Coffee Company in Camp Lejeune, NC, and Cedar Point, NC. Nick is our h…
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0:25 : présentation Coralie 1:00 : qu’est ce que l’alimentation émotionnelle 1:50 : comment identifier un rapport compliqué à la nourriture ? 3:30 : influence des réseaux sociaux sur le comportement alimentaire 6:10 : grignotage par ennui 8:20 : une envie passe en 20 minutes 10:15 : différence entre envie de manger et faim 14:00 : petit déjeuner ob…
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0:20 : présentation Mirana0:55 : qu’est ce qu’une pâtisserie diététique1:30 : densité énergétique des pâtisseries2:24 : se déshabituer du goût sucré3:40 : produits allégés7:00 : adapté pour les diabétiques ?7:20 : quid du sucre blanc8:40 : les sucres « naturels »13:20 : sucre de coco15:30 : les catégories des sucres19:00 : les édulcorants intenses …
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There are over 4,000 franchises in the U.S., most of which don’t involve fast food. Some of them you can manage from your phone! If you are thinking about becoming a business owner but aren’t sure what kind of business, you should consider the significant upsides of becoming a franchisee. Our guest, Stephen Rotay, is a prior-enlisted Marine, busine…
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Ressources : Linkedin et Facebook : Célia Mores Nutriradio : « la sphère Neuro » Instagram : @celiamores7506 Livre : « ama» Thierry Thomas : "Mon Programme anti-stress en 7 jours" ___________________ ETUDES : Etudes myrtilles rats :Duffy KB, Spangler EL, Devan BD, Guo Z, Bowker JL, Janas AM, Hagepanos A, Minor RK, DeCabo R,Mouton PR, Shukitt-Hale. …
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"Who's Going to Carry the Boats, Son!" If yoga was good enough to heal David Goggins, it was good enough for me, and it may be good enough for you to maintain fitness and mobility following your transition. Our guest, Danielle Talley, owner of Sky's the Limit Yoga Co and The Caffeinated Yogi in Norfolk, VA tells us the details behind her businesses…
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What do we mean by “strategy first"? We mean to know yourself and what you want before applying the many tools available to help you with your career transition. Our guest, Amy Lee Miller, lays out more detail on how to get strategic about your transition, find confidence in your transition process, and achieve results. Amy Lee Miller is a highly a…
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Imagine you get to pick an assignment that plays to all your training, education, experience, and strengths. When you deliver a quality product or service, you are rewarded…with a financial incentive. That’s what happened to Sheridan Conklin after he transitioned from the military. Sheridan served briefly in the U.S. Air Force and spent most of his…
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Tancrède Albertelli est diététicien-nutritionniste et a pratiqué au sein d'une structure hospitalière dédiée à l'accueil d'adolescents présentant un TCA.-------------------------------0:40 : présentation3:00 : signes qui alertent5:00 : personnes touchées5:30 : changement du comportement7:00 : vigilance des parents8:10 : associations spécialisées8:5…
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Can you spot a toxic work environment? Aleha Ingle can, and she teaches us how to find out if the company we’re applying to has a healthy work culture before we accept an offer. Aleha retired from the U.S. Air Force, pursued a doctoral degree at Nebraska Methodist College, and started her consulting company, Work Culture Works. She is passionate ab…
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Have you considered the jobs behind a glass of water? In this episode, our guest Freddy Armijo deeply delves into career opportunities in “Water Works.” Freddy is a retired Marine; holds a doctorate in business administration; serves as the Chair of the Veteran Engagement and Transition Committee, American Water Works Association (CA-NV Section); a…
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0:15 : présentation2:05 : le déficit calorique4:30 : les régimes hypocaloriques9:00 : adaptations métaboliques de la perte de poids rapide15:30 : pertinence de l’IMC18:00 : d’autres outils23:20 : le comptage de calories29:00 : modèle MyPlate34:00 : calcul des besoins des patients39:30 : les portions46:10 : l’avantage de l’entrée de crudités53:00 : …
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Want a future career with purpose? How about working for a non-profit organization supporting wildlife conservation, access to outdoor therapy, or veterans? Trevor Hubbs, a prior Army Airborne Infantry Soldier, discusses his work with the Armed Forces Initiative (AFI) of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA). AFI introduces active duty service member…
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Do you know what's better than an excellent informational interview? A dedicated mentor in your future career field! Eric Brew, a prior Marine and retired Army Infantryman served as the Military Outreach Manager for American Corporate Partners (ACP). ACP ( is a non-profit organization that connects transitioning service members, mil…
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0:15 : présentation 0:40 : pourquoi la micro nutrition ? 1:22 : comment intégrer la micro nutrition dans les consultations 3:00 : utilité de la micro nutrition pour tous ? 3:47 : les micro nutriments souvent déficitaires 5:35 : le travail avec les médecins 8:43 : les dosages demandés 13:30 : les hormones thyroïdiennes 18:10 : le rôle de l’activité …
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James Geri, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and prior US Navy Corpsman (aka, “Doc”) tells us… - How to Become a Therapist - Being Patient with Ourselves - Mental Approach VA Disability - The Importance of Small Wins …and much more. James served as a US Navy Corpsman, later specialized in neuropsychiatry, and now has his own practice. We’re v…
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You've probably thought about going on an adventure...or at least a great vacation after transitioning from the military. Our next guest describes how he did that: Sailing across the globe for a year with his family. Kris Faught, a retired Marine Aviator now a Chief Product Officer for Sapient One tells us about... How to Save $$ Easily Getting the…
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Maxime Leblanc est diététicien-nutritionniste dans un service hospitalier d'oncologie. Il partage son expérience de terrain, ses anecdotes et conseils autour de l’accompagnement de patients atteins de cancer. 0:30 : présentation Maxime 1:16 : les types de cancer pris en charge 2:40 : intervention à tout stade de la maladie 3:20 : définition de « l’…
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Have you been able to take care of service members' personal & admin needs? You may be an excellent fit for Human Resources! Our guest is Misty Moreno, a retired US Air Force HR Professional, Human Resources Business Partner and Lean Manufacturing Coach with Continental, PMP Boot Camp Instructor with Vets2PM, and author of “Get Your Shit Together: …
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Your separation rank doesn’t matter…you can become a major airline pilot! Nik Fialka, a US Navy Reserve pilot, major commercial airline pilot, and Aviation Career Coach with Spitfire Elite Consulting describes how to use your veteran’s education benefits to pursue a new career in commercial aviation. He tells us about… - Training Requirements - Avi…
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Grant Hatfield, a prior service Marine and Embark Specialist used his newfound faith as a source of strength to overcome challenges during his transition from the military. He is now enjoying life as a carpenter with Sean's Cabinetry LLC ( in Cokato, Minnesota. You can contact Grant on Instagram at https://www.instag…
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Élise Vanderelst est diététicienne et athlète spécialiste du demi-fond (championne d'Europe en salle du 1 500, athlète belge la plus rapide de tous les temps sur 1 000 m outdoor et 1 500 m indoor et outdoor et sur le mile). 0:30 : présentation Elise (athlète) 1:10 : une semaine d’entraînement pour Elise 2:17 : Elise en tant que diététicienne 5:00 :…
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