Rev Dr Cecil E Barry public
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What Is Faith – The issue is not do we have faith; we show faith every day. We have faith in the things of the world, in ourselves, in our knowledge, in others, and some of us even have faith in God. The question is not do we have faith, the question is, what are we placing our faith in? We will experience trouble when we misplace our faith in the …
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Come As You Are – is a teaching about remembering how we came to Jesus. Many times, we get a little lost, we get caught up in religion and forget the condition we were in when we came to Jesus. We start believing we came to the Lord, already saved. We forget how bad things were when we came to the Lord. We have been saved and pulled out of darkness…
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The Impossible – When we are young, we believe all things are possible for us, anything we put in our hearts and minds we can do, we can achieve it, it can come true. As we get older, we come to understand that some things are bigger than us and require help from others. As we connect with Christ Jesus, and start to pattern our lives after him, we …
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Fully Tested – Not many of us like being tested. To show that we are competent in the things we speak of, sometimes we must go through a time of testing, where we show ourselves approved, in life and with God. It’s one thing to say we know God’s Word, to speak God’s Word to others to encourage them and to correct and teach. It’s another for God to …
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Arm Of God – Is there anything the Lord cannot do? Is the arm of the Lord too short to save? Is there anything we have done, if we repent, the Lord will not forgive, and restore us? Is there anything too hard for God? If we believe this is true, why are we still depending on ourselves and others to save us? Why do we live our lives as though the ar…
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Anointing Power – As we continue our journey to reach the place of maturity that the Lord is calling us, a step we must take in our lives is to become anointed servants of God. Not many are willing to go this far in their faith because it means living a life totally devoted to God. Why is it important we receive an anointing from the Lord? It is th…
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Temple Of God – Once we were a temple of the world, everything we did made us a product of the world. We treated our bodies as an instrument of sin, teaching our bodies to love the sinful pleasures of this life. When we give ourselves over to God, it includes our body, mind, spirit, and soul. Just like our behaviors begin to change under the influe…
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On That Day – What is our understanding regarding the return of Christ Jesus? Do we believe that he is coming? Will it be a day of gladness and joy or a day of fire and brimstone? What is our understanding of what will happen just before and after Christ returns? When Christ returns, how sure are we that he will welcome us into God’s Kingdom? The t…
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Our Calling – God wants everyone to be saved; he calls for all of us to come. But he knows we will not all come, he knows not all of us are going to obey, and not all of us are going to remain faithful to the end. Some he calls to be leaders, and others to be a guide. Some he calls to boldly speak his Word, and some he calls to show the power of hi…
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Sent By God – We live in dangerous times; many are bringing forth that which God spoke about regarding falsehood that would enter the world, as it is occurring today. People are misrepresenting themselves at all levels in society today. From the everyday person, who tells lies about who they are and what they have done, to the minister who teaches …
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Made New – We all came from the world, that is not the question. The question is, where will we end up? Many know a change is needed but are we willing to allow change to take place, to take hold in us? The way we live, talk, act, and carry ourselves, is it of a mature Christian? Many are not willing to be made new through Christ Jesus, or willing …
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God’s Solvency – In our minds and in our faith, we must remember, God does not need us, we need God. God is solvent, he is complete, and he does not need anything or anyone. What he desires is to have those who love him, come before him, so he can bless and protect those who believe in him and put their faith in him. Everything is created by God, i…
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God’s House – As the world keeps turning and changing, we must continue to respect and honor God’s House. I am not talking about church leaders, I am talking about how we approach God’s House, about how we need to show reverence to that which is meant to be Holy to God and us. The purpose of God’s House is not for us to come to just pay tithes and …
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Sanctified Life – We must always believe and have faith in God, His Word, Son, and Spirit. We must apply God’s Word to our lives and live by it. We must not change, add, or modify God’s Word. We don’t use God’s Word to gain riches for ourselves. We must always seek the Lord and live by the truth, not allowing ourselves to be deceived. We must work …
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have tried drinking from worldly riches, but we are still thirsty. We have tried drinking from worldly knowledge, but we are still hungry. We have tried drinking from worldly pleasure, but we are unsatisfied. We tried to bless ourselves, working things out on own, working long hours and days, but we are still in want. We think once we become rich, …
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Swept Clean – Have you ever had something that you loved and cared for, but it would not stay clean? You do everything you can to care for it, to protect it. But no matter what you do, it always gets dirty again. Before sending his Son into the world, that is how God saw mankind. No matter what God did to teach us the right path, the easy road to k…
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Seeing As God Sees – We are so much alike, yet different in every way. It takes a God to be able to deal with all our differences. Not one person on this planet thinks alike, we all have our different views, beliefs, and forms of truth. The Lord knows the more we stay away from his Word, Son, and Spirit, the more we would see things differently. No…
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Guard Over Yourself – In today’s world, there is much fear, though we know in Christ, we should not fear or worry about anything. Life can and does throw us curves, the devil is working hard to destroy us, and our faith is being tested every day. While leaning on the loving arms of Christ Jesus, we will experience tremendous pressure in our life. I…
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Breaking Faith – is a teaching about how we need to continue in our faith and stop breaking faith with God every time a situation comes up in our lives. Many times, after we come to know God the Father and our Lord Christ Jesus, we start doing good things, and we have a desire to serve. But life seems to always cause us to take a different path tha…
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Blameless and Righteous – teaches about how God is calling for us to go deeper into his Word, so we are enlightened by his Spirit. We think that which has been spoken, does not apply to us today. If we are honest with ourselves, we know there are many things we need to overcome so we are useful to God. We heard the call, now we need to draw closer.…
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God’s Rest – is a teaching about how the world keeps turning, we keep running, and when do we get a chance to rest? Through Christ Jesus, we are offered many things from God. Some we desire such as riches, possessions, and houses on a hill. Others we only think about as an afterthought, such as peace, love, freedom, and rest. But if we don’t have t…
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Judging – As we continue to grow in our faith and be changed along the way, there are things that we use to do, that we must ensure we no longer do. For some of us, this list can be quite long, for others, the transformation may not be as dramatic. No matter if our list is short or long, there are some common things we must all work to overcome. On…
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What Matters – What we do, and how we think, are determined by what matters to us. Where we spend our finances, and where we spend our time, depends on what is important to us. When it comes to God, the same is true. How much time we spend praying, seeking the Lord, reading God’s Word, growing spiritually, and doing what pleases God, is based on wh…
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A Blameless Walk – When God introduced this teaching to me, I thought this was an impossible task for me. How can a human walk blamelessly before God? The Lord said let me teach you, then share what I have spoken with others. Everyone God calls, he calls for the person to take a spiritual journey with him that leads the person to a righteous and bl…
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Brothers And Sisters – is about how as Christians we understand that we must love our brothers and sisters, the question is who are our brothers and sisters, and how should we treat them? We must learn to love one another as commanded. From the beginning, God sought to have a family of believers, who develop deep and caring relationships with the L…
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Giving God Our Best – What does it mean to give God our best? Is our best what we decide, or is it what God requires of us? If it’s the latter, do we give God our best day in and day out? God wants us to give him our best. If we want to be blessed with the best from God, then we must be willing to give God our best. Giving God our best is not easy;…
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Taste And See – is about how the world has a way of tricking us, getting us to think what it offers is good for us. It’s only till we suffer, be disappointed, and feel the hardness of life that we learn not everything in the world should be tasted. There are many things in the world we should never place our hand on, never allow into our thinking, …
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The Father And Son – is about keeping the truth straight about God the Father and his Son Christ Jesus. Either we tend to deny the one, or we think they are the same. However, God’s Word teaches us that the Father taught Christ everything. It does not matter what we want to believe, what matters is what God has spoken and revealed. Christ Jesus cam…
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Never Alone – It’s interesting as Christians how we can fall into a state of feeling lonely, even though we have others around us. In most cases, loneliness comes from a disconnected relationship with someone, it could be our spouse, family, children, or even God. We get this feeling of not being part of that which we felt so connected to. God want…
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Walking With God – is about our journey to achieve all God has promised, we must walk in a way that allows us to mature in the things of God. We must have a strong desire to walk before God in love and truth. How we walk before God will determine the strength of our faith, and how mature we are in Christ Jesus. Walking with God will require a lot o…
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God At Work – scripture teaches us that the Father and the Son is always at work, always providing a way for those who love and fear God. We all have a part to play in carrying out God’s Work. Though the Lord could use a rock to do his will, he wants us to be useful in carrying out his plan to help and save his people. The work we do for God must b…
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Hearing From God – Being able to hear God is not as easy as it may sound. There are many things that deaden our ability to hear the Lord. There are many things that distort what we hear. As sin continues to increase, it makes it harder for us to hear the voice of the Lord, produces the wrong kind of desires, and makes us seek things contrary to wha…
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Knitted Together – is a teaching about how we are all held together by something. How we operate with each other shows what we believe holds us together or keeps us apart. Some believe love is the key that knits us all together, while others believe finance or race is what knits us together with others. When we are knitted together with others, we …
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Spirit Of God – There is nothing like knowing the spirit of a person. We can pay attention to what someone says, but that seems to not always hold true. We can look at a person’s actions, but not all their actions tell the true story. If we come to know the spirit of a person, that is when we know the person's heart and intentions. It is by one’s s…
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Honor And Glory – Which is better to give honor and glory, or to receive honor and glory for ourselves? If we apply the scripture that says it is better to give than to receive, then we would live our lives to give honor and glory to God for all the things he has done and will do in our lives. Many are raised to work hard to receive fame, honor, an…
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God’s The Same – This teaching is about how God looks at us and the way we look at each other is very different. We have many differences that allow us to see and interact with each other differently. Many believe these differences are godly, which allows them to justify their actions whether they are just or unjust, loving or hateful. God is the s…
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Holiness – I can confess, when I gave my life to Christ Jesus, I did not think the Lord was calling me into a life of holiness. I thought, once all my sins were washed away by the blood of Christ, I just needed to be a good person. Then the Lord started teaching me about his holiness, and his desire for a holy people of God. I did as many Christian…
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Bound By God – As we mature in our walk with God, we come to understand just how bound we were to things of the world that kept us from growing and maturing. We had to allow the Lord to break every chain, so our bond to things in the world is broken, and we wholeheartedly bind ourselves to God. It’s important we understand what bound us to the worl…
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Being Fulfilled – is about how each one of us has a desire to be fulfilled. We go through life trying to achieve a sense of fulfillment, so we can feel good about our life. For some, we achieve this level of comfort for a little while, then it disappears, for others we never get to experience it. Being fulfilled is a moving target for most of us. T…
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In To Win – is teaching to remind us why we are seeking the Lord, why we are willing to believe and separate ourselves from the world to live for God. It must be clear to us, how we win to receive God’s Favor and win the prize that Christ Jesus holds in his hand for those who live their lives faithfully to God. We all desire to win. The most import…
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Spiritual Vision - As Christians, we are called by God to enter his presence so we can see the things of God, and gain insight into what the Lord has planned for us and the world. This takes us having spiritual sight and receiving spiritual visions. For the Lord to reveal things to us, we must have spiritual sight to see the things of God clearly, …
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Angels of God – is about understanding how Angels of God work and what their role is in bringing us closer to God. What do you think about angels, are they real, what do they do, do they really exist? It seems far from our mind that there are angels of God whose job is to minister and carry out the work of God. They do exist and have a purpose in h…
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No More Me – is teaching how we must continue to make progress in growing and maturing our faith, so our attitude about things in the world becomes like Christ Jesus. As scripture teaches us, we must allow the work of the Spirit to continue ridding ourselves of things that displease God. We must reach a level of faith, where there is no more me, an…
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Being Offended – Many things in life these days offends us, even God’s Word offends us based on our beliefs and religion. We have become people who are easily offended, we won’t take much from someone. God’s Word is intended to cut at the heart, to go deep to touch our very soul. It will offend us because the way we think, our desires, the way we t…
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Spiritual Transformation – No matter how we look at it, living our lives in Christ Jesus is going to require us to change. Our desires, plans, heart, body, and mind must be spiritually transformed into the likeness of Christ Jesus. Many of us are willing to change a little for the Lord, but not many of us are willing to change in large degrees for …
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Spiritual Discernment – is teaching about receiving discernment from God so we avoid false things of the world and religion and know the difference between sin and evil. Without spiritual discernment we are easily misled, how do we know the truth without spiritual discernment from God? We need the Lord to bless us with spiritual discernment so we h…
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Spiritual Battlefields – is about recognizing the battlefields that are warring within us, so we can mature and be victorious as Christ Jesus helps us fight the spiritual battles within us. There are many types of battlefields some are internal, and some are external. Jesus promised he would defeat the enemy, so we don’t have to worry about the ext…
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Grateful – There are some things in life, we only come to understand after we have gone through an experience. Learning to be grateful is one of those things. I have found where there is pride, you will not find a grateful heart. Where there is no peace and love, you will not find a thankful spirit, only trouble, and blame. When we accepted Christ …
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Anointed Life– is about being anointed by God and living an anointed life. It’s not something we take upon ourselves because we desire to be over others, or in a position of influence and power, or to become rich. Living an anointed life is a serious matter we should take seriously so many lives are changed by what God the Father and Christ Jesus a…
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The Family Of God – Not many of us have an opportunity to decide which human family we are born into. We must accept the situation we have been given, whether good or bad. We don’t get to decide our family members, who our sisters and brothers are, who our parents are, whether good or bad. We don’t get to decide if our parents will show us love or …
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