Episode 18: Complexity in Instructional Activities
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Episode 18: Instructional Activities
Seedhouse, P. (2010). Locusts, snowflakes and recasts: complexity theory and spoken interaction. Classroom Discourse, 1(1), 4–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/19463011003750624
Neubauer, D. (2022). Chinese Language Instruction with Novice Learners: Target Language Topic Development, Engagement, and Comprehension in Online and Hybrid Classrooms. In: The University of Iowa. https://search.proquest.com/openview/4404f8257451ba7a5d4999aa1718c590/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
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VanPatten, B. (2017). While we're on the topic: BVP on language, acquisition, and classroom practice. Alexandria, VA: ACTFL.
Seedhouse, P. (2004). The interactional architecture of the language classroom: A conversation analysis perspective: Language Learning.
Intro & outro music selected from "23 Light Years" by CavalloPazzo
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