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Hebrew Voices #184 – Creation vs. Evolution: Raw and Unedited


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In this episode of Hebrew Voices #184: Creation vs. Evolution: Raw and Unedited, Young Earth creationist Kent Hovind of explains to Nehemia about the errors of evolution, dinosaurs on Noah's Ark, and the formation of heavy elements in stars. Nehemia's most controversial guest to date, Hovind describes himself as a "lowly high school science teacher with a non-accredited degree from a Christian school who happens to believe [the Bible] is true and evolution is not only stupid it's dangerous."

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Hebrew Voices #184 – Creation vs. Evolution: Raw and Unedited

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon’s Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at

Nehemia: Okay. Is this being recorded? Got it. Alright, I think we’re recording. Alright, let me just jump into it, and we’ll just have a conversation here. What is your timeframe? I’ve done interviews everywhere from 25 minutes to 7 hours, so, just to warn you!

Kent: Well, I have to preach tonight at 7:00 o’clock.

Nehemia: Okay, we’ll be done by then.

Kent: Okay.

Nehemia: If it’s okay, we’ll just go naturally. Like I said, it might be half an hour, it might be as long as it goes.

Kent: Okay.

Nehemia: If it’s longer, we’ll probably break it into multiple episodes.

Shalom and welcome to Hebrew Voices! I’m here today with Kent Hovind, who, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say is the most controversial guest I’ve ever had on the program! Shalom Kent!

Kent: Hey, shalom, very good to be with you!

Nehemia: Is it okay if I call you Kent?

Kent: Sure! I get called a lot worse than that on the internet, you would not believe.

Nehemia: I can imagine! So, Kent is, I think, probably one of the most famous Young Earth creationists in the world. Let’s start with, what is Young Earth creationism? Because some of my audience won’t be familiar with that. But in one sentence or in one phrase, you’re opposed to evolution, is that right?

Kent: Well, yes. I have been a Baptist preacher for 50 years. I taught high school science and math for 15 years. And I started a ministry back in 1989 called Creation Science Evangelism, defending the Bible as being scientifically accurate.

The Bible says God made everything in six days, but our kids in public school textbooks are being taught dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Well, somebody’s lying. I mean, big time lying! I believe the Bible is true. God made everything in six days, and if you add up the dates in the Bible… if you look at the Bible, Genesis chapter 5, it says Adam was 130 when Seth was born and Seth was 105 when Enos was born. The dates are all right there in Genesis 5. After the Flood, you go to Genesis 11, and there’s more dates given of how old they were when their kids were born. Anybody can add them up. It comes to about 6,000 years for the age of the Earth.

So, I started traveling and teaching about the Bible being scientifically accurate. God made everything. And animals always bring forth “after their kind”, “after their kind”, “after their kind”, there are no exceptions. These evolution charts that they’re teaching our kids in school, where they have the sunflowers are related to frogs; this is not only propaganda, it is flat stupid.

I’ve done 351 debates now with atheists at universities. The most famous one… I was debating three atheists at the same time at Embry-Riddle University, south of Jacksonville, Florida, and one of them asked me, “Where did God come from?” And my two-minute answer has 900 million views. Two minutes long. Type in, “Where did God come from?”

Nehemia: What’s the answer? Give us the 30-second version.

Kent: Well, the question is invalid. If I said, “Why are elephants orange?” How would you answer that? They’re not orange. I can’t answer your question about why they’re orange because they’re not orange! To ask “where did God come from” assumes God had to come from somewhere. God’s not limited by time, space, or matter; we are. He created time, space, and matter. “In the beginning,” there’s time, “God created the Heaven,” there’s space, “and the Earth,” there’s matter. He’s outside of time, space, and matter. We’re the ones that are stuck in time, space, and matter, not God.

So, the question is invalid. “Where did God come from?” “Where” involves distance. He’s already everywhere. “Did” involves time, past, present, and future. God’s already standing at your funeral. He’s not limited by time. “Come” indicates He’s not there already. No, He’s already everywhere. So, the whole question is invalid.

Nehemia: So, I feel like my job here is to sort of be the devil’s advocate, no pun intended, because people can Google your videos and see hundreds of hours… and I hope the conversation we have is that I’m offering maybe a… coming from a Jewish perspective, maybe I’m throwing questions at you that… well, in the debates I’m sure you had all these questions. I’m sure I’m not going to say anything you haven’t heard a million times.

So, you said that to say that the world is millions of years old, when Genesis says that the first man was created about 6,000 years ago, that somebody’s lying. And so, I want to discuss the word “lying”. Does it have to be a lie? There are things in the Bible that, you’ll agree… or maybe you don’t agree…

Is everything in the Bible meant to be taken literally? Let’s start with that. Maybe that’s a much more important question.

Kent: Yeah, there are obviously parables and allegories, such as “like” and “as.” There are parables in the Bible, certainly. But when it talks about things like the Creation, it says very clearly that God created everything in six days. And he wrote it on the Ten Commandments with his finger. God said, “Honor the Sabbath, for in six days, the LORD made Heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is.” That’s really inclusive. Everything was made in six days. He said it again in Exodus 31. God made everything in six days. And again, in Deuteronomy. So, the Bible’s clear. Whether it’s true or not, the Bible does clearly teach that God made everything, which would have to include dinosaurs, in six days.

Nehemia: So, I asked your staff to send me a thumbnail photo, and it shows you riding on a Triceratops, or something like that. And I understand that’s to be cute and everything, but is it your contention that humans and dinosaurs lived side by side on the Earth, let’s say before the Flood or something?

Kent: Oh, they had to. It’s no big deal. See, reptiles, like snakes, lizards, et cetera, never stop growing; it’s called indeterminate growth. Humans grow to be 16 or 18 years of age and then they stop growing, but they keep living after that. Reptiles don’t do that; they never stop growing.

Well, the Bible says that before the Flood came, people lived to be 900. What would happen if a lizard could live to be 900? It’d be 50 feet long! The dinosaurs were simply big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve. They were not millions of years ago. And then Noah would have taken them on the Ark.

You say, “Dinosaurs on the Ark?” Well yeah, he took two of every kind. Not two of every species, two of every kind. There’s only about 30 different kinds of dinosaurs. And Noah was 600 years old when he built that boat. He’d be smart enough to figure out, “I don’t have to bring the big ones. I’ll bring two babies. I’ll be sure to bring a pink one and a blue one.”

Nehemia: I’m not a biologist, and so I really don’t know the answer to this question, but snakes in the Amazon rainforest; why don’t they grow to be the size of dinosaurs? You’re saying reptiles continue to grow forever until something kills them…

Kent: We have in our science center here… we’re in Lenox, Alabama. Good luck finding that on the map; it’s 70 miles straight north of Pensacola. Somebody gave us an old gravel pit, 140 acres, straight north of Pensacola 70 miles in. We called it Dinosaur Adventure Land; it’s awesome! Come visit. It’s all free. People come from all over the world. We have, in our science center here, a 24-foot snakeskin that a friend of mine sent me. He’s a missionary in the Amazon. He said, “My natives just killed a big snake. Would you like the skin?” “Yeah!” There have been 50-foot snakes killed down there. So, snakes… they may reach the point where they’re so big, and they get cumbersome; they will keep growing as long as they’re living. That doesn’t prove that they’re going to keep living forever. Somebody might kill them, or something may kill them. They’ve got enemies too.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: But yeah, they never stop growing.

Nehemia: Interesting. So, I read somewhere on the internet… and I don’t believe half of what I read on the internet. Especially when there’s a lot of what I call ad hominem attacks, people attacking other people. I’m sure you’ve had a lot of ad hominem attacks, but it said on one website that you claim that Tyrannosaurus Rex ate plants only. Talk to me about that.

Kent: Yeah. If you read Genesis chapter 1 and 2, God said to Adam and Eve and all the animals, they’re all going to be vegetarian. He said, “I’ve given you every herb for food.” Now later, after the Flood’s over, Genesis chapter 9, God says to Noah, “now you can eat meat”. And if you look at the evidence… you can get these charts on our website,, before the Flood they’re living to be 900. And after the Flood something changed; they dropped off to 400, then 200, then 100. And today hardly anyone makes it to 100.

So, back here before the Flood, the Bible clearly teaches they were all vegetarian. People say, “Well, look at those ferocious teeth.” Yeah, look at the teeth on a panda bear who lives on bamboo. Maybe they had those big teeth to chomp giant watermelons, I don’t know. But the Bible says they were vegetarian.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: And after the Flood, the humans were allowed to eat meat. The assumption would be, if everything changed, and I cover that on my video #2… you can get my whole video series for $50, it’s 18 hours on all this kind of stuff. But video #2 is about what made them live to be 900? And what changed? Why don’t we live to be 900 today? So, yes, if somebody showed you, and they think it’s controversial that I said that the T-Rex was a vegetarian, I confess. I believe the Bible is true.

Nehemia: Do you believe lions and bears were vegetarians before the Flood? Is that what you’re saying?

Kent: Yeah. During World War II, the British had a hard time getting meat for their zoos because they’re giving it all to their soldiers. And they had a lion named Little Tyke. You can Google it. And they gave it nothing but vegetables for the whole time of the war. It did fine. Changing from a plant-eating lion to a meat-eating lion is not a very big change.

Evolutionists want to believe they changed from an amoeba to a lion. You want to go from an amoeba to a lion, now that’s a big change. Going from plant-eating to meat-eating is nothing major. They get all bent out of shape over that stuff. It’s the pot calling the kettle black.

Nehemia: Let’s go back to the issue, if it’s okay… You said either the world is millions of years old or it’s 6,000 years old; someone’s lying. And I’d asked you if there’s metaphor and parable in the Bible. So, look, the people who… not all of them, because I interviewed a really interesting guy named Dr. Gerald Schroeder, who is an MIT physicist. He said that the world is both literally billions of years old, but also 6,000 years; something to do with time dilation. I had an hour-long conversation with him, and I didn’t understand a single word. But he’s a physicist, and much smarter than me in that field for sure.

So, my point is, maybe there are other possibilities. It seems like you’re saying there’s a binary here. Either the world is 6,000 years old or it’s millions of years old. And somebody’s lying, or maybe they just have a different interpretation than you.

In other words, there are definitely people who believe in the Bible devoutly. And you might disagree; you could say they don’t believe devoutly. But I think there’s people who believe in the Bible devoutly, certainly in the Jewish world, who would say, “Well, the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day, so, maybe the first three days were millions or billions of years.” So, tell me why that’s wrong.

Kent: Well, the Bible says in John chapter 1, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” It’s talking about, “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the word was God. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” Obviously, this is talking about Jesus. And Jesus said, “By him were all things created in heaven and in the earth.”

So, the Bible is claiming that Jesus created everything, which I agree with. I think Jesus was God in the flesh, and the Jews missed it. He came on a donkey proclaiming himself king; three days later they crucified him. But Jesus said, “He answered and said, ‘Have you not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female?’” Here’s Jesus claiming the beginning was when he made Adam and Eve. He’s talking about marriage and divorce. The same thing in Mark 10:6, “From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” This is what Jesus said. He was there, he did it.

The Bible says clearly that man brought death into the world, “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin.” “Since by man came death… in Adam all die…” The Bible’s clear. Jesus said the creation of Adam and Eve was the beginning and nothing died until Adam sinned. And “In six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is…” This is what it says, and Adam was, “the first man”, and Eve is “the mother of all living”.

So, I don’t think a person can claim to believe the Bible and believe the Earth is millions of years old, because all you’ve got to do is add up the dates. Adam was 130 when Seth was born; Seth was 105 when his son was born. The dates are all given. Read Genesis chapter 5, add them up, 130 plus 105, et cetera, et cetera.

And then after the Flood, in Genesis 10 and 11, more dates are given. Let’s see, Shem was 100 years old when Arphaxad was born. And it gives all the dates; you can make a chart. I’ll send you one if you like.

Nehemia: I’ve done that, and I’ve seen it. Look, so, you introduced a lot of theology, which is totally legitimate, because you’re coming from a religious perspective. And most people who are listening to this program are coming from a religious perspective, which is totally fine. I try to approach things… there’s the faith side of things; that’s a better word than religious. A faith side of things, and there might be a factual science side of things.

There was this great series when I was a kid. I think his name was James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed. Did you ever see that?

Kent: I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t seen it.

Nehemia: It’s a really good series. He talks about how in the Middle Ages people were required to believe certain things about… I want to say it was geocentrism or something like that. The sun went around the Earth. I don’t remember exactly; it’s been decades since I saw it.

But when they were firing their cannons, they used the Copernican system because it worked. And look, today, when you fire a rocket into space, you use Newtonian physics even though the same physicists will tell you, “Well, actually Newton was wrong, and Einstein was right. The Newtonian model is false, but it works under certain circumstances.”

So, the way I’m trying to approach this is, when I use my phone, I’m assuming on some level that what mainstream science is telling me is correct. Whether it is or not, I don’t know, but I know my phone works.

And it seems you have a lot of heavy lifting, because you’re trying to explain all of science through the lens of a book that I believe that God revealed to my ancestors 3,500 years ago. We have this principle in Judaism, “God speaks in the language of men”. He’s speaking to us in terms that we can understand.

Kent: Right.

Nehemia: Talk about that. Why does it have to be a lie if somebody interprets the Bible differently than you? Maybe they’re just wrong, or maybe you’re wrong. Maybe we’re both wrong.

Kent: True.

Nehemia: And I’m not saying I’m taking one side or the other. I’m trying to flush these things out.

Kent: No, no, I understand. Well, there’s two ways to look at it; the biblical way clearly teaches about 6,000 years. I don’t think anybody’s going to argue with that. The scientific way to look at this… But first you’ve got to understand these big numbers they throw out, like 13.8 billion years ago. The human brain cannot absorb this.

Let me put it in perspective for you. Let’s say you’re walking across the street in Boston, and we’re going to say every inch you move is 285 years. Here we are today in 2024. Columbus discovered America 500 years ago.

Nehemia: Yeah.

Kent: That’s a few inches ago. This is Columbus discovering America. Jesus died in 28 AD, roughly. Noah’s Flood was about here, and Creation would be about here, 4,000 BC. That represents 6,000 years of human history, not even walking across the street. Now you want to see what 13.8 billion years looks like? Well, that’s going from Japan to Boston. If every mile is one and a half million years, that shows 13.8 billion years, every foot… I’m sorry, I said inch. Every foot is 285 years. It takes 24 years to go an inch, to go across the United States; that’s 3,000 miles. Well, if the Earth began as a hot ball of rock 4.6 billion years ago, that’s what that represents. So, when they say 4.6 billion, that’s from the Pacific to Boston, every foot being 285 years. There’s the hot ball of rock beginning. So, every mile is one and a half million years. This line shows what 4.5 billion looks like. So, just to get across South Dakota is 2,572 million years. These numbers simply get lost in the human brain.

Here you are back in the street in Boston. Here we are today. That’s Columbus discovering America. That’s Jesus dying on the cross. There’s the Flood, and there’s Creation. So, there is no possible way to prove the Earth is billions of years old.

On my video series… I’ve been covering every Friday night on our channel… we’re on about nine different channels; if you go to they’re all listed there. But go on YouTube to Genesis Baptist Church. Every Friday night we’ve been talking about different scientific ways to show the Earth cannot be billions of years old.

If I told you my Bic pen is 5,000 years old, you could say, “Come on now, Hovind, it’s a ballpoint pen. The ballpoint wasn’t invented until 1888.” Just that one scientific fact proves my claim of 5,000 is wrong. There was no ballpoint pen until 1888. And then you could say, “It’s made of plastic. Well, plastics weren’t invented until 1907.” Well, you just proved my claim wrong again. And you say, “Wait, it’s Bic Corporation. Bic didn’t even become a company until after World War II, 1945.” So, you can’t claim your pen is 5,000 years old, I’ve disproven that three different ways. I still don’t know how old the pen is, and I don’t care, but it’s after 1945.

So, if someone says this Earth is billions of years old, I say, “Guys, I’ve got a couple of questions for you. Forget the Bible, let’s just look at the science. Would you agree the moon is going around the Earth about every 28 days? Would you agree that all the scientists say the moon is getting further away from the Earth?” The moon is leaving us about an inch and a half a year, and I can bring up all the slides on that to prove it if you like. NASA… everybody agrees the moon is leaving us, they call it the lunar recession problem. Well, if the moon is leaving the Earth an inch and a half a year, that would mean it used to be closer. And bringing the moon closer creates a problem, a couple of problems.

If two objects are attracted to each other, like two magnets or something like that, when you take them to one-third of the distance, you take that fraction, one-third, flip it over, and square it, it’s nine times the gravitational pull; it’s called the inverse square law. Bringing the moon back into one third of the distance makes it nine times the gravitational pull. They’ve done all the math on this many times and say, “Guys, look, if you bring the moon back one billion years ago, it snaps together. The Earth-Moon system cannot be more than one billion years old.”

Okay, then why are we telling everybody the Earth is 4.6 billion years old? It’s not possible. Forget the Bible, just the science says it can’t be more than one billion. It’s like my Bic pen here. You say the Earth is spinning; except for the flat-Earthers, we all agree with that, the Earth is spinning. But the Earth is slowing down a thousandth of a second every day. They know why; lunar drag, Coriolis effect, tidal friction, et cetera. We know why. The fact is, it’s measurable.

Every year and a half they add a second to the clock. It’s called leap second. I think it’s every year and a half because the Earth is slowing down. The clocks are going off, but who cares, it’s a thousandth of a second. But whatever it is, some number, they add a second to the clock. I don’t think any scientist is going to argue with you, “Yes, you’re right, the Earth is slowing down.”

Okay, well then, I’ve got a question. Does that mean it used to be going faster? Well, yeah. How far back in time, in your imagination, can you go before this becomes a problem? If you speed up the spin of the Earth, not only do you affect the daylight hours and the nighttime hours, you create a problem called the Coriolis effect. The winds are circulating around because of the different speeds of the different latitudes. The Coriolis effect wind patterns would be horrible. The Earth would bulge out like a pancake. Then you would have a flat Earth, if it was billions of years old.

So, I think you can look at probably 50 different scientific indicators that say it’s not billions. Now, that doesn’t tell you when it was created, but just the moon tells me it’s not 4.6.

Nehemia: I’ve got to say, when you bring all of this scientific information, and I don’t have the skill set to know if any of this is correct or not, so, I’m going to ask people in the comments to come, people who know more about this science. If what Kent is saying is wrong, then guys, post something in the comments or come and debate him.

Kent: Yeah!

Nehemia: But I’ve got to say, it’s far more impressive to me when you quote this scientific information than when you’re quoting to me… And look, I’m not a Christian. I’m Jewish, so, certainly when you’re quoting what Jesus says, it doesn’t convince me. But even when you’re quoting Genesis, Genesis is obviously interpreted in different ways.

There’s a famous rabbi, Rabbi Schneerson, I believe it was; he died in 1994. He was the Lubavitcher Rebbe. From what I’m told, he said, at least, is that when the Earth was created it was mature. So, Adam wasn’t an embryo when he was created, he was a 30-year-old man. And when the trees were created, they might have looked like they were 5,000 years old. And when the mountains were created, maybe they looked like they were billions of years old, because that’s what a mountain is. So, from a Jewish perspective, that’s not controversial and that’s not a lie, it’s just a different way of interpreting what the Bible says.

Now, since Adam was born, there you’ve got a really good point, that we’re at the year 6,000 range. I’ll agree with that. We’re making a bunch of assumptions about the chronology, but let’s call it 6,000, or 10,000, or whatever.

Kent: Yeah, yeah.

Nehemia: That’s neither here nor there, but it’s not billions. But I think it’s much more convincing when you bring the scientific stuff than when you say, “Well, the Bible says this, and there’s no other way to interpret the Bible other than this literalistic way.”

But you’re the first one to admit, I think you are, that when it says, “Eve is the mother of all that lives,” she’s not the mother of dogs, and she’s not the mother of caterpillars. She’s the mother of all humans. So, it’s a matter of how we interpret these texts within their context, using common sense. And for me the context is historical context. God wouldn’t reveal something that the ancient people couldn’t understand. I guess there are some things they couldn’t understand. But overall, it would have to have been comprehensible in a way that they could wrap their heads around it, otherwise what was the point of it? And if He would have said, “Well, there were billions of years,” they wouldn’t have understood that, I think. I don’t know. I’m kind of thinking out loud here, so, go ahead…

Kent: Well, slide #41, this is in the Ten Commandments, Exodus chapter 20. God wrote this on the rock with his finger and handed the rock to Moses. Moses went down, got angry and smashed it. He broke all Ten Commandments at once, the worse sinner in the world. He goes back up and God says, “Moses, this time you write them down.” So, the same thing. The Ten Commandments are written down on a rock the second time. It talked about the Sabbath in Exodus 20, “In six days the LORD made heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is.” How can you not interpret that to be that He made everything in six days?

Nehemia: Well, because in Psalms it also says He stretched out the heavens like a curtain and a tent… you don’t believe that do you? Or you do?

Kent: Oh, yeah. See, if you look at the Creation account in Genesis, God made the Earth first. He made the stars on day four. He made the sun, moon, and stars on day four. He made the Earth first. And then 17 times, not just in Psalms, 17 times in the Bible it says God stretched out the heavens.

I think that’s why, when we look at the stars through our telescopes, we see a red shift. It’s called the Doppler effect. If you’re standing by a train track and a train’s coming by, as it comes closer, it squeezes the soundwaves together and raises the pitch. As it leaves you, it stretches them out, or refracts them, and it lowers the pitch. So, you’re sitting there, and the train goes, “raaa-aa-aww”, it drops in pitch. The train is making the same noise, but you’re hearing it differently because it’s being compressed or refracted.

Well, the same thing happens with light. If an object is producing light, but that object is moving away, it’ll be stretched out; the light will be stretched. And if you look at it through a spectroscope, it’ll give what’s called a redshift. You can Google that. And astronomers look at the stars in all directions, and they say, “Wow, they’re all giving a red shift. That means they’re all moving away.” I would say that’s probably a reasonable conclusion. And then they say, “Well, that would mean they used to be closer.” I would agree. And then they’ll say, “See, that proves the Big Bang.” Oh no, the fact that they’re moving away doesn’t prove they’ve been moving away for billions of years.

I think God made the Earth, then He made the stars, and then He stretched them out. So, everybody’s asking the question, how did the light from the stars get here if it’s only 6,000 years old? Well, that’s the wrong question. “How did the star get from here to there?” is the question, not “how the light gets from there to here”. God made them all in six days, stretched them into place, and they probably are billions of light years away. I wouldn’t argue about that. But a light year is a distance, it’s not a time. A light year is a distance. It’s just a way to prove some big number in a single sentence, light year. How far can light go in a year?

Nehemia: So, does it go faster than light? Is that what you’re saying?

Kent: Well, the star is moving.

Nehemia: Right.

Kent: Even in their Big Bang Theory. They say in the Big Bang Theory a dot the size of an atom exploded and has traveled millions of times faster than the speed of light. That’s what the Big Bang Theory says.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: To have matter going faster than light, I think, is a real problem. To have light go faster than light, they’ve been doing that for years. At Princeton University they did an experiment and they got light to speed up to 300 times the speed of light; they’ve been able to speed light up, slow light down, they slowed it down to…

Nehemia: Okay guys, this is a beautiful opportunity, because I don’t know the first thing about this stuff. But someone out there knows if… well let’s put it this way, they don’t know if it’s right or not, but if there’s a refutation to the claim that Kent is making, come in the comments or contact his website and debate him on that.

Kent: Sure.

Nehemia: Because I think that whether it’s true or not that light can go faster than the speed of light, that I don’t know, but someone can verify or refute whether Princeton University makes that claim. And I honestly don’t know; that’s really interesting. That’s really fascinating.

Look, the redshift is a real thing that nobody disputes. That’s the beauty of it. There’s where I love what you’re doing. You’re bringing information that probably the average person doesn’t realize, that mainstream scientists are saying that the universe is speeding up and stretching out. And then you’re offering, actually, a really interesting literalistic explanation of what, to me, seems straightforward as a metaphor; that God stretched out the heavens. You’re saying, “No, that’s literally true.” That’s really interesting!

Kent: Well, if you watch my video #7, I tell people, “If you watch my whole video series, 18 hours…” I used to loan my videos out. I learned right away, Christians especially don’t steal, but they borrow and never return! So, you can buy it for $50. When you’re done send it back, and I’ll give you your $50 back! But meanwhile, I’ve got the $50 in case you don’t send it back.

But 18 hours, video #7 is actually six hours long, DVD #7, on commonly asked questions like, what about the speed of light? Well, back in 1814, 200 years ago, a guy discovered this redshift phenomenon. The dark absorption lines were seen by this guy 200 years ago, and he said, “Wow! That looks like that star is receding, or going away.” The redshift, Google it. I think anybody watching your program who understands physics will say, “Yeah, we understand the redshift phenomenon.”

So, whether the observer is moving towards the light, or the light is moving away from the observer, it still causes the same effect. Just like if you’re driving by a stationary object that’s making noise, like a train track, going, “ding, ding, ding, ding”, as you’re driving closer, it compresses the sound, “ding… ding… ding… ding… ding…… ding…… ding…… ding……” it’s called the Doppler effect.

Nehemia: Yeah.

Kent: Nobody argues about this. Christians, everybody agrees; there’s a redshift and there’s a Doppler effect. So, what is causing it? Well, clocks, gravity, and the limits of relativity… this is from EarthSky Magazine. What is The Red Shift? From whatever magazine this is. So, I’ve got tons of stuff on this. It looks like “the light from nearly every galaxy is redshifted.” They found that in 1910. Well, that looks like all the galaxies are moving away. I agree.

And then they went to the stupid conclusion of claiming “that proves the Big Bang”. No, no, no. Hubble… it said the redshifts were used to estimate distances. That’s where it gets a little fuzzy around the edges of science here. The Bible says God sits on “the circle of the Earth,” and that He “stretched out the heavens,” Isaiah 40. Seventeen times in the Bible…

Nehemia: Okay. Let me stop you there for a second. There, you agree that God sitting on “the circle of the Earth,” I’m asking, is a metaphor. Or do you think He’s literally sitting on the circle of…

Kent: I think God is everywhere. He’s sitting in my heart… See, He doesn’t take up any space, so He’s not…

Nehemia: So, I once had a conversation with this flat-Earther, and he quoted me this verse. Or actually, I think it was a different one than Isaiah, where it says, “The heaven is His throne, and the Earth is His footstool.” And this flat-Earther said to me, actually I think it was a she, “That’s literally true, isn’t that beautiful?” I said, “No, that’s stupid. God sitting on a really big chair?” Come on, nobody now… I don’t think even in ancient Israel they believed… I would argue they didn’t believe that God was sitting on a really, really, really, big chair. Solomon says, when he builds the House of God, which we call in English the Temple, he says, “Well, this is the House of God. But the heavens can’t contain You, and even the heavens beyond the heavens can’t contain You.” Meaning, they understood that God is not a physical finite being.

Kent: Right.

Nehemia: So, okay, I’m going to let you go on. I apologize.

Kent: Well, for the flat-Earthers, you can fill this in, “He sits on the circle of the Earth.” They’ll say, “See? The Earth is round. It’s a circle.”

Nehemia: Right! They say it’s like an upside-down plate or something.

Kent: I say, “Okay guys, listen. I taught mathematics, trigonometry, algebra, geometry, for years. There’s no such thing as a circle.” A circle is a completely imaginary object using flat plane geometry. If I draw a circle on paper, the thickness of my ink now turns it into a cylinder. It’s this tall, but it’s a… So, technically a circle is purely imaginary. They’re practical to talk about; we talk about Pi, and radius, and all that, circumference, but the circle doesn’t exist.

In solid geometry you could have a sphere; that exists, but a circle is only an imaginary construct which is useful and necessary. But if the Earth is really flat, and it’s a circle like they’re saying, then the Earth doesn’t exist at all.

Nehemia: What they say is it’s like an upside plate, or a pot cover or whatever. Okay, in any event, that was a distraction. Let’s go back. So, “And the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers… that stretched out the heavens.”

Kent: Seventeen times it says, “God stretched out the heavens.” So, everybody is asking, “how did the light get here from the stars?” I say that’s the wrong question. If the stars are being stretched out away from us, how did the star get from here to there? “He stretched out the heavens,” Job 26.

So, millions and millions of students are being brainwashed into believing the Big Bang based on this redshift, when they should be taught this proves the Bible is correct, “He stretched out the heavens.” So, yeah, I cover in video #7 some of the commonly asked questions that I get, what about carbon dating and all this kind of stuff.

Nehemia: Oh! Talk to me about carbon dating, I work with physicists on carbon dating. Talk to us about carbon dating. Is carbon dating not true?

Kent: Well, here’s a piece of coal…

Nehemia: “You look older than your profile picture.” “I’ve been under a lot of pressure.” That’s cute!

Kent: Here’s coal dating a diamond. They’re both made out of carbon.

Nehemia: That’s cute!

Kent: Yeah, “I’ve been under a lot of pressure.”

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: So, fossils are really dated by which layer they come from. The geologic column was made up in 1830 of all the different layers, the Cenozoic, the Mesozoic, the Paleozoic, and the Jurassic age, Triassic, and Mississippian. I also taught Earth Science for 15 years. The geologic column does not exist anywhere in the world. It does not exist, it’s imaginary. If the top layer is younger, I keep asking… I’ve 351 debates now. I say, “If the top layer is younger, like you’re claiming, where did it come from? Did it come from outer space? How can the top layer be younger? If I shuffle a deck of cards, is the top card younger? If I take my little sand art toy, which is here somewhere, and flip it over, if it makes layers… No. All the layers of the Earth are the same age. All over the world petrified trees are found standing up.

See, during the Flood, the moon would be holding the water up, making a bump called the high tide, while we’re turning. So, we on Earth get to see high tide, low tide, high tide, low tide, but the moon only sees high tide. Well, by holding the high tide while we’re spinning… if the Earth were covered in water, like Noah’s Flood… In other words, if you push all the continents down and smooth out the world, there’s about a mile and a half of water everywhere. That’s how much water is in the ocean, enough to cover the whole Earth a mile and a half deep. Well, just that water going up, down, up, down, because it would become harmonic if it wasn’t interrupted by hitting continents, the tide would go up and down 200 feet every six hours, 12 and a half minutes. If the water is coming up 200 feet, where’s all the water coming from to fill that bump? It’s being sucked in from all sides.

And from the east, it’s always being sucked in at the same speed the Earth is turning the other way. Well, at the North Pole the Earth is turning zero miles an hour. At the equator it’s at 1037.6 depending upon your altitude and high tide, et cetera. So, if the water is going sideways at 1,000 miles an hour, what’s that going to do? It’s going to rush in and take all the rocks and stuff and round them off all over the world.

I live in a gravel pit. We have trillions of rounded rocks right here. Come down, I’ll give you all you want. The rounded gravel, it goes from Alabama to North Carolina, these gravel seams that we dig out of right here. All the gravel seams, all the layers of the Earth, were made in Noah’s flood in one year with what’s called tidal pumping, the water going up and down. Every time it comes up, it rushes in; every time it goes down it rushes out. That’s what made all the layers in one year.

But anyway, back to carbon dating. If you walked into a room… put my slides up there… and you found a candle burning on a table, and I asked you, “Hey brother, when was it lit? How long has it been burning?” You say, “I don’t know, it was burning when I got here.” Okay, well let’s do some science, empirical science. Let’s measure how tall the candle is. So, we get our micrometers and we measure it 30 different ways, and we find out that candle is seven inches tall. Now, this is a fact. We all agree that the candle is seven inches tall. When was it lit? Well, I don’t know. Well, let’s do some more science. Let’s measure how fast it’s burning. Suppose we measure and we find out it’s burning an inch an hour, nobody argues. Two scientific empirical facts; it is seven inches tall, and it is burning an inch an hour. When was it lit? I still can’t tell you unless I make a few assumptions; how tall was it when it started? Has it always burned at the same rate? You can’t prove either of those.

When they dig up a fossil and want to carbon date it or potassium argon or rubidium strontium, or lead-208, lead-206… there’s about nine different methods they use now. They’re all based on the same assumptions. Do we know how much was in it when it started? Do we know the decay rate has always been the same? And neither of those can be proven. Matter of fact, it can be proven that we don’t know, and that they change. The decay rate of all of these radioactive elements can be changed with magnetic field changes, solar flares… there’s a lot of things that they know that will change the date. I can show you some.

Nehemia: I don’t want to get into too technical details because we’ll lose the audience. So, for carbon dating in particular, we have the dendrochronology that allows you to have calibrated carbon-14 dating.

So, I hear what you’re saying about potassium argon. There’s nothing to calibrate it against. But we do have tree rings that we calibrate the carbon-14 against, don’t we?

Kent: Well, true. Even then they find discrepancies. When they find their carbon date does not match the date that they want from tree rings, they simply call it, “Well, we have to date it again.” Why do you have to date it again?

Nehemia: It’s calibrated, that’s the whole idea… well, I’m not an expert in this, but my understanding is that they accept that the rates in the atmosphere aren’t necessarily uniform, and that’s why it has to be calibrated.

Kent: Well, we know any volcano can change that atmospheric content greatly. But the oldest tree they’ve got to go on is the Methuselah tree at 4,400 years old, the Bristlecone pine in California. That was the Flood, 4,400 years ago. Why is the oldest tree 4,400 years old? Of course, some trees might have survived the Flood. What’s the Flood going to do to a tree?

Nehemia: Well, I don’t know. If it’s going up and down 200 feet, that might grind them into powder. But my understanding of dendrochronology is that they take different samples of trees in a particular area, and they line them up based on when there’s a lot of rain, not a lot of rain, and they can go back thousands of years.

Let me ask you this question. Here’s what I work with in my field. We’ll take a manuscript and we’ll do a carbon-14 date, and it’ll say that it’s 700 years old. Are you telling me that’s not trustworthy because the whole system is wrong?

Kent: With carbon dating they get wild dates. A freshly killed seal carbon dated at 1,300 years. They just killed it, it wasn’t 1,300. The only reason they knew it was wrong is because they just killed it. Had they not just killed it, they probably would have accepted that date. The troubles of radiocarbon dating are deep and serious. They allow “…for contamination… fractionalization…” There’s all kinds of ways to try and fix the date that they get. “No matter how useful it is… there are gross discrepancies… the accepted dates are selected dates.”

Nehemia: I’m going to invite the audience, because you’re giving sources here, I really appreciate that. Someone out there is an expert in carbon dating or in radiometric dating, in archeometry. Come and stitch this part of the video and tell us why Kent is wrong if he’s wrong.

Kent: Sure.

Nehemia: That’s a challenge I’m going to throw out to an archeometrist out there, to somebody who deals with radiometric dating systems, because it’s beyond my skill set. This sounds really impressive, Kent, but I don’t know if it’s right or not.

Kent: Okay. Well, first of all, I want to say the Bible clearly teaches 6,000. That would be my final authority. But I’m not afraid of any science they’ve got to bring it up. But if they want to use any dating method, all you’re doing is saying “this object contains a material that is decaying”. That’s like your candle is burning. I agree that carbon-14 is decaying and turning into carbon-12, nobody is arguing about that. That potassium is decaying into argon; the uranium is decaying into lead. All of them are based on the decay rate of something.

Do you know the rate’s always been the same? Do you know how much was in it when it started? You can’t know that. And has there been no contamination? There are many things that affect it. Let’s see, two mammoths found side by side were carbon dated at 22,000 and 16,000.

Nehemia: So, here’s what… and again, I’m going to invite someone who’s much more of an expert on this than I am. But from the experts on carbon dating that I’ve spoken to, things have changed dramatically in the last 15, 20 years, to the point where… and you’re talking 250,000 years ago, that’s something completely different. But for the periods in which we have calibrated carbon-14, which is around the last 5,000 or 6,000 years, it’s pretty accurate. Once you get beyond where we can calibrate it, you’re right, it’s based on a bunch of assumptions, which maybe are right, maybe they’re not.

Anyway, so, yeah, somebody who knows a lot more about this, come and tell us why he’s wrong or why he’s right. Ooh! I like penguins, go back to the penguins. So, tell me about the penguins.

Kent: They took samples off of a living penguin and carbon dated it at 8,000 years old, because it lives near the magnetic north pole or south pole where the magnetic fields are going to be affecting this. We know the magnetic fields affect…

Nehemia: I’m pretty sure it’s the South Pole.

Kent: Oh, okay. It affects the carbon dating, the rate of decay. The solar flares can greatly affect it. I’ve got a whole list in here somewhere of all the things that affect carbon dating. When they date a sample of known age it oftentimes doesn’t work. If they date a sample of unknown age, they assume it works, because there’s no other way to verify it. As the “elements decay they produce helium.” There’s less helium in the atmosphere than we would get in only two million years.

All of this argument, though, is to do one thing; try to rescue the pacifier the atheists need. Time. How can you explain an amoeba turning into a whale? They’ll say, “Given enough time…” It’s always their answer. And if you can take away the billions of years, this whole chart because obviously stupid. If you think you are related to a whale and a sunflower, you need to go and see a shrink. You’re in serious trouble!

But the kids are being taught right now in school, while we’re sitting here, millions of kids in America, and probably billions worldwide, are being taught, “Your ancestor was an amoeba and it evolved into all these things today.” This is propaganda, this is not science. They have humans being related to the flamingos. If you want to believe that, I don’t care what you believe. I do care that you want to call it science and I do care that you want me to pay to have all the kids taught that stuff.

If somebody believes this garbage, they should go and start a private school and teach it to anybody who’s willing to come learn it. I’m not against private schools, but in a public school that everybody is forced to pay for, you should teach science. It is science that flamingos produce baby flamingos. That’s all anybody has ever seen. Nobody has ever seen a flamingo produce a non-flamingo baby. They’ve never seen a flamingo come from a non-flamingo.

Science is what we can observe, study, test, and demonstrate. It would be science to say all the flamingos probably had a common ancestor. Okay. No, they want to say, “That proves flamingos and humans and whales have a common ancestor.” That is where I start to object. That’s not science. That’s what you believe, that’s your religion…

Nehemia: You brought up a public policy issue here which I think one could make an argument about. Should taxpayer funding go towards things that can’t be proven and things that are theories and hypotheses? I think those are some valid questions you’re raising there, and to what extent should the government be involved, certainly the federal government, in education? But those are public policy issues that I think are beyond the scientific scope of what we’re talking about here. But okay, you’re allowed to bring that up. I’m just saying, for me, I would have to do a lot more thinking about that.

I can tell you definitely, there are things being taught… I’m in Texas right now, and people think, “Oh Texas, it’s really conservative.” No. Down the street there are schools where they’re teaching them things that, five or ten years ago they would be kicked out of polite society for teaching the kids. And now they’re teaching them that as fact, and they’re teaching them that they’re bigots if they don’t accept these facts. So, we do have some problems here, that’s not a question. Whether it’s the whole scientific thing here…

So, talk about speciation because there, I think, you have some interesting… Oh, I like cows. Tell us about the cows. You’ve got a nice little picture of cows.

Kent: Twenty-four times in the first seven chapters of Genesis, it says, “The animals will bring forth after their kind.”

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: He said it 24 times! They’re going to “bring forth after their kind”. Well, there are 450 breeds of cows that might have come from a common ancestor called a cow. And there’s a lot of variations in cows. They now have a breed of cows that are 20 inches tall, full grown.

Nehemia: That’s a stable cow!

Kent: That’s a dog, only it’s dumber. Cows can jump. I would accept that; it’s been proven that cows can jump. There’s a cow jumping over a six-foot fence. I wouldn’t argue with that. So, can I conclude that, since we have observed a cow jumping over a six-foot fence, if we give the cow vitamins and minerals and take it to the gym, someday the cow could jump over the moon? Would that be a logical conclusion? No, teacher, I bet there’s a limit on how high cows can jump. Have they reached the limit yet? I don’t know, but they’re not going to jump over the moon.

They’ve been doing this with dogs, trying to get dogs that are smaller, or bigger, or something. There are now 339 breeds of dogs. There’s the biggest dog and the smallest dog, they probably had a common ancestor called a dog.

Nehemia: That’s so, cute!

Kent: There it is, yeah. Those chihuahuas… a lot of people don’t know this. You can use chihuahuas for bear hunting and you don’t need a gun. The bear will die laughing, or he’ll choke on it!

Nehemia: That’s funny!

Kent: The fact that we see that probably all the dogs, wolves, and coyotes had a common ancestor, I wouldn’t argue with that. I ask four-year-olds when I do my sermon sometimes, I’ll get a four-year-old and I’ll say, “Okay kid, here we have a dog, a wolf, a coyote, and a banana. Which one is not like the others?” They get it right every time. I’ve only had one kid ever get it wrong, he said, “The boy.” Okay, well, yeah, I know.

God said they’ll “bring forth after their kind.” That’s all we’ve seen. Atheists want to argue, what’s a kind? Well, Darwin wrote a book about the origin of species. Let’s see, the definition of species… let me show you the problem here. The definition of species… here’s National Pornographic. “A species is defined as a group of organisms that can reproduce naturally with one another and create fertile offspring.” Can a cow and a pine tree mate and produce fertile offspring? No.

Nehemia: For sure.

Kent: I think we would all agree that a cow and a pine tree are different kinds. Species. Look at this, “A kind or sort.” So, the biblical word “kind” is probably similar in most cases to our current definition of “species”. Synonyms for species… let’s see, what are the synonyms? A kind. The Biological Dictionary, the definition, “A species is a group of organisms that share a genetic heritage and are able to interbreed.” We have on our North 40 pasture here a bunch of animals that kids come and get to pet them. We’ve got the sheep, the donkeys, and the cows all mixed together. They go out, eat together, live together. The cows show no interest in mating with the sheep, and the sheep show no interest in mating with the pine trees! They know what their kind is. Leave them alone, they’ll figure it out. You don’t have to worry about it, they know.

God said they will “bring forth… after his kind… after his kind… after his kind… after his kind… after his kind”. I mean, it couldn’t be more clear. Whether it’s true or not is not the point now. The Bible does teach they bring forth after their kind, 26 times in the first seven chapters.

Now, what is this definition of species? Well, let’s see. The definition of species. They’ve never come up with a good definition. I’ll show you. The textbooks are still struggling with that. I should have had it right there. Species, “An organism that can reproduce with one another in nature and produce fertile offspring.” What is a Species? Scientific American, “To this day, scientists struggle with the question… The debate over species definition is far from over.” Okay. “It may seem a surprise, but scientists are struggling to agree on something so basic as ‘what’s a species?’” What is a species exactly? “There is no general agreement among biologists on what species are.” There are 26 different published definitions of species. They still don’t know.

The Bible says very simply if they bring forth, they’re the same kind. Can you mate a dog and a cat and get living offspring? No. They may mate and exchange genetic information, but it won’t produce a baby.

Nehemia: So, just to clarify, you’re talking on… Here it’s complicated because I would imagine if you… how do I put this politely? If you marry a woman who’s currently your age, you’re probably not going to produce offspring. But you wouldn’t say you’re a different species, because when she was younger, presumably she could.

Kent: Sure.

Nehemia: And maybe she couldn’t as an individual because of some condition she had, but human women in general can produce offspring even though there’s individual human women who might not be able to produce offspring.

Kent: Right. But there are no cases where a human has been able to produce a baby with an ape, a gorilla, an orangutan, a monkey, those are all distinct kinds. Humans are not related to apes, monkeys, or orangutans. We have a similar body structure.

Nehemia: I’m curious if anybody has tried in vitro to do that. I actually don’t know the answer to that.

Kent: Oh, there are people who tried mating with dogs, and cows. You would not believe some of the strange things…

Nehemia: No, that’s actually mentioned in the Torah, in Leviticus.

Kent: Yeah. God told you what to do them, too!

Nehemia: It’s something you’re not supposed to do, so, obviously people were doing that and still are. So, this is fascinating. I want to do a thought experiment here, and I don’t know where this is going to go, so bear with me here. And I apologize if I’m going off the reservation here. Can you still hear me?

Kent: Yeah, I hear you fine. No problem.

Nehemia: Okay. So, what you do is really fascinating, and I know a lot of people who have watched your videos for decades. I watched your videos 20 years ago and I found them really fascinating.

So, my thought experiment is this; there’s a lot of Jews. Look I’m Jewish, okay? There’s a lot of Jews who believe the world is literally 6,000 years old, but they don’t do what you do. And I’m trying to think out loud and hear your thoughts about why that is. And I know for some of them they just say, “I’m not bothered by it. I don’t know why the science doesn’t match what I read in the Torah, but I don’t care.” It’s kind of like when I fire my cannons, I’m going to use what science says. When I go to my synagogue and read my Bible, I’m going to believe what the Bible says.

So, why do you think it is that there are whole ministries in the Christian world, and there’s a lot of really smart Jews who deal with science, a lot of smart Jews who believe in a literal 6,000-year-old world. Why do you think it is? And again, this is a thought experiment. This may go nowhere. I’m not aware of any Jews who are doing what you’re doing, so, I’m wondering why that is.

Kent: That’s a good question. I don’t know. They should be, if they really wanted to defend the Torah, defend the 6,000-year age of the Earth. Read Genesis 5, and Genesis 11, and do the math. We know Joseph was down in Egypt and became the assistant vice Pharoah, or whatever they called him. So, they know the approximate time when Joseph lived, and we’ve got dates from the Bible adding straight up to Joseph. It’s not hard, figure it out. It’s about 6,000 years old. So, there should be some Jewish Creationists out there talking to these folks who are claiming billions of years.

If you go back to my experiment of how long it takes to cross the street in Boston, that’s 6,000 years. If you want to go from California to Boston, that’s 4.6 billion. That’s ridiculous, that’s stupid. See, that stuff gets lost in the human brain. That’s why the Atheists rely on that.

How on earth can an amoeba turn into a whale? They say, “Given enough time.” That’s always their answer. What if you take away time? See, time is their pacifier. That’s what keeps them from crying, “You give me time, and I’ll do it.”

In the first place, we’ve never seen an amoeba produce a non-amoeba. We’ve never seen a bacteria produce a non-bacteria. There are some bacteria that have a very short generation time. They’re born, grow up, get married, and make babies in eight hours. Every day, you can see three generations in one day. So, in one year you can see over 1,000 generations of this bacteria. And so, they watch them for years in the laboratory, and they get some strange bacteria, but they’re still bacteria.

Nehemia: Well, yeah. And their argument will be, “Well, we’ve observed speciation in fruit flies,” that one species of fruit fly evolved into another species of fruit fly, or something like this. What do you say about that?

Kent: Sure. Well, all they did with the fruit flies is they nuked them, microwaved them, and x-rayed them. They did all kinds of mean things to the fruit flies, and they got them to have curly wings, they couldn’t fly. They got them to have no wings, they couldn’t fly. They got them to have no eyes, they can’t see. They never got an improvement on the ordinary fly. All they did was mess up a whole bunch of flies. So, that’s not any support for evolution.

All we’ve observed with mutations, and there’s been plenty, plenty of mutations that have been seen… mutations; all they do is destroy things. Mutations don’t make something better. Natural selection doesn’t make that new mutated one survive.

Adolf Hitler was a strong believer in evolution, and he had a chart he was going by of the different types of humans. He said there are different races of humans, which is a mistake to begin with, but he had them all classified. He had the blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic, the Norwegians, blue eyes. He said they’re the superior race. Now, under them were the Germans, and he had the whole list down to the Jews at the bottom. He said they’re close to pure ape. Hitler tried to kill all the Jews, and he killed a bunch of them. He tried to kill them all. He thought he was improving the human race by getting rid of the inferior species. Right above the Jews, he had the blacks. When Jesse Owens, the black American athlete won the most gold medals in the Olympics in Germany in 1936, Hitler refused to shake his hand and walked out of the stadium. He said, “It’s not fair to make my men compete against this animal.” He thought blacks were animals.

So, what you believe about this evolution theory has a profound effect on how you will behave. My video #5, called The Dangers of Evolution, in this series, tells about how this theory is not only stupid, it’s dangerous. Here we are teaching our kids in public school, “You are nothing but an animal.” And then we wonder, why are they acting like animals? Well duh, look what you taught them for 12 years. Evolution is the dumbest and most dangerous religion in the world. Natural selection doesn’t make anything new; it selects from what’s already there. So, nobody’s ever seen a good mutation, but Darwin thought…

Nehemia: Can we agree… I hope we can agree. It says in the Torah that God created man, male and female, in the image of God, and then when it talks about not committing murder, the reason given in Genesis 9 is because we’re created in the image of God.

Kent: Right, exactly right.

Nehemia: And so, the inherent value of all humans, whatever race, we’re all one species, that is a core principle in the Torah. And whether you say it’s literally true or metaphorically true, it doesn’t matter. It is true because God said it’s true, that we’re all created in the image of God.

And so, I hear what you’re saying about the danger of turning us into animals, or an ideology that says we’re not made in the image of God; it devalues humans. And racism… people say, “Why does racism bother you so much?” Because it denies this fundamental core value of God’s revelation, which is that we are made all in the image of God. If you say that one race is superior to another race, then you are denying that core biblical principle. Would you agree with that?

Kent: Yeah. All it is is they’re talking about skin color. It’s a human race. There’s one race, the human race. There are different colors of cows. Is it okay if the brown cow mates with the black cow? Would that be okay? Yeah, it’s a skin color. They all look the same in the meat locker when you take the skin off.

So, humans, we’re all human. I tell people I have never met a black man, never. You haven’t either. This is black. Have you ever met a black man? I never have. They don’t exist. I’ve never met a white man! Here, this is white; I am not white. I’ve seen lots of different shades of light brown to dark brown, but that’s it. We’re all human, we’re all interfertile, and there’s no superiority because of the color of your skin. That is just absolutely evil.

Nehemia: Amen. Alright, we’re agreeing on that! So, we found some common ground here. So, I want to bring up something really controversial, and if you’re not comfortable talking about this, we can drop it.

Kent: No, anything.

Nehemia: So, I Googled you before this conversation, and there were people accusing you of promoting The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Being Jewish, I’ve got to ask; do you believe The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a true and legitimate historical document?

Kent: It’s been 20 years since I looked at that. I’ve got it in here someplace. I mention that on my video #5, The Dangers of Evolution. No, no, I do not believe the Jews are inferior, nor do I believe they are superior. I think we’re all human.

Nehemia: No, but do you believe there’s a Jewish conspiracy to control the world, perhaps going back centuries?

Kent: There have always been people who want to control the world, like Pinky and the Brain.

Nehemia: I don’t know if I know about Pinky and the Brain.

Kent: Satan came to Eve; he said, “Eve, if you eat off of that tree, you get to be God.” That’s where it started, that’s where the evolution theory started. Satan wants to take over God’s kingdom, so, God kicked him out of heaven and he came down to Earth. Adam and Eve were doing just fine, probably for 100 years. We don’t know how long they were in the Garden in perfect harmony. But Satan said, “If you follow me and eat off that tree, you get to be God.” And that’s where the evolution theory got started.

So, there probably have been cabals of Jews who say, “We’re going to take over the world.” I don’t know. God’s laughing at all their plans.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: He that sits in the heavens shall laugh. Whether it’s true or not, there’s all kinds of lodges and secret societies that get together, like Pinky and the Brain, “What are we going to do today, Pinky?”

Nehemia: I don’t know about Pinky and the Brain. I think that’s after my time so I’m not sure what it is.

Kent: It’s a cartoon of two mice, one’s really stupid, I guess, I’ve only seen part of it. But their goal is, every episode they’re going to try and take over the world.

Nehemia: Oh, okay! See, I didn’t know that. So, you’re saying there are Jews out there who might be trying to take over the world, but like…

Kent: … who wanted to take over the world. There were Japanese that wanted to take over the world. There have always been people who want to take over the world!

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: Whether they’re Jewish or not is not the question.

Nehemia: So, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, do you think that’s an historically accurate book?

Kent: I have no idea. I have no way to verify that, I don’t know. So much of history that gets hidden or twisted by the time it gets to us. I trust this book [the Bible], but I’m a little bit skeptical about everything else I read.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: I’m willing to read it. I’m willing to listen. I’m willing to learn. But this is what’s true [the Bible]. So, no, I didn’t promote it. I just mentioned it.

Nehemia: Okay. Because the standard explanation, of at least mainstream historians, I think, is that it’s a plagiarized book put together by the men of the czar based on a book that was originally written about Napoleon III, or something like that, who people were afraid wanted to take over the world. I don’t know.

Anyway, okay, guys, make of that what you will. Write in the comments and give us your thoughts about it.

So, you have something here about the number of fingers… Oh, did you see the Palestinian boy with six fingers that was made by AI? Anyway, that’s a different thing.

Kent: I’m just pointing out mutations. Mutations happen. All mutations that have been observed are harmful or fatal. Nobody has seen a good mutation. Hair all over the face; that’s a mutation. Extra thumb; mutation. Mutations are doubling of chromosomes or twisting or perverting the chromosomes. They’re all mistakes. Nobody has even seen a good one.

Nehemia: What about sickle cell anemia? Doesn’t that protect people from malaria?

Kent: Yeah, that’s like saying…

Nehemia: Isn’t that… that’s not a mutation, but it’s…

Kent: Yeah, it’s true!

Nehemia: Or actually it is, I don’t know.

Kent: It’s like saying, “Hey, if you cut off your feet, you can’t get athlete’s foot!” Is that a good mutation? No. Sickle cell anemia is not good. It may protect you from something else, but it itself is the same as cutting off your feet and protecting you from athlete’s foot.

Nehemia: I’m not saying it’s good, but it would explain why the people who had it survived and the people who didn’t maybe died of malaria. And so, it was emphasized by that… like, pressure, sort of.

Kent: Yeah. That is an example of something bad happening that protects you from something else bad that’s happening. That’s not adding new information. It’s certainly not going to change an amoeba into a human. And that’s the best they always bring up. Guys, you would need trillions of mutations to change an amoeba into a human.

Nehemia: That’s why they need billions of years.

Kent: That’s why they need the billions of years.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: So, I’m always saying, look guys, there are no… here it is slide #1741, okay. Here’s a five-legged bull. That’s not new information.

Nehemia: And that’s not bull.

Kent: All mutations do is remove information or double existing information, duplicate information, or scramble up information. “There is no scientific evidence that mutations support evolution.” There’s no “new useful information” ever added, ever.

Short-legged sheep; that’s a mutant. He would not last in nature. He’s the first one the wolf is going to catch. There’s a two headed turtle; that’s mutant, that’s not ninja. He’s going to die in the first winter because nobody makes a double-neck turtleneck sweater.

So, scrambling up letters of the word Christmas will get you all kinds of words, but it won’t get you Xerox, Zebra, or Queen, the letters aren’t available. There’s a biology textbook that says, “Normal fruit flies have two wings, this mutant has four. This rare mutation, like most mutations, is harmful.” Guess what? This fruit fly with four wings cannot fly. That’s not helpful. They say, “Look at that, it’s new information.” It’s not new information; he already had wings! You duplicated information. One professor said, “People with sickle cell cannot get malaria.”

Nehemia: Here you go.

Kent: That’s the one they always give.

Nehemia: Okay, even I’ve heard that one.

Kent: Yeah? Cut off your legs and you can’t get athlete’s foot either. What does that prove?

Beneficial mutations: color that allow animals to camouflage better. That’s not mutation. They already had white feathers or brown feathers, some just had more white and they blended in with the snow better. They already had feathers, they already had white feathers. They lost some color; that’s not adding information.

So, I go through in my video #7, probably for 40 minutes, on this topic, because it’s so common. Because evolutionists rely on mutations to change something, and they don’t. Beneficial mutations are non-existent. And if they were, if you could find…

Nehemia: Wait, wait, wait. Go back. What was that thing about HIV?

Kent: This one?

Nehemia: No, one forward, I think. One back, one back.

Kent: Back, back, back, back.

Nehemia: You skipped it, go forward. Slowly, there might be a delay here. Something about RNA and HIV; that sounds controversial.

Kent: There it is. RNA viruses, HIV, there it is. What’s happening, all that’s ever seen is they take information that already exists, scramble it, delete some, duplicate some. They’re not adding any more.

If I told you I’ll give you a box of the alphabetic letters, A through Z. I’ll give you thousands of each letter in a big box. I want you to dump it out. Is it possible that you’ll dump them out and spell a word on the table? Maybe, like Scrabble. Is it possible you’ll dump these letters out and spell a Japanese word? No, the letters aren’t available. I would have to add new information to the box.

So, mutations, all they do is scramble existing information, and if you had one that did evolve a little better, now, who is it going to marry? You’ve got to get two of the opposite sex in the same place. What if one happens here and one happens in China? Now they can’t find each other. And what if one happens now and one happens 30 years later? Now you’ve got a problem. They’ve got to have two at the same time, of the opposite sex, in the same place, and they’ve got to find each other and be interested. You’ve got a whole bunch of problems here!

And they want to rely on that. They think that is somehow evidence that an amoeba can turn into a human. I say, “Guys, I don’t care if you believe that, but you need to admit it’s a belief. It’s not science, we don’t observe that.” That’s why I continually say evolution is a religion. This is what they believe happened. This is nothing but artwork. This is a bunch of lines on paper. This isn’t science. We don’t know that a protozoa turned into a sunflower, and a frog, and a dinosaur, and a human, and a horse. You don’t know any such thing. You believe it.

And you tell anybody in your audience, I’ll debate any evolutionist, any day, with half my brain tied behind my back!

Nehemia: And to be fair, guys, I’m not an evolutionary biologist, so I don’t really have a way to evaluate a lot of what’s being said here. I do find it fascinating because I do deal with history, so, I find it fascinating…

I want to go back to the Bic pen that you mentioned maybe an hour ago. That, you know, when plastic was invented and when Bic became a corporation. And there is where, in my field, I would say, “How do we actually know when plastic was invented? And how do we actually know when Bic became a corporation?” Meaning, you’re saying that it couldn’t be before 1888, or something like that, because ballpoint pens weren’t invented.

So, a lot of times I’m dealing with things in my field where people say, “Well, we know X, Y, Z.” And it turns out we actually don’t know that at all. And then ten years later everybody says that’s wrong. So, that’s actually a really important thing, that a lot of things that we think we know, we don’t actually know. People don’t distinguish between fact and hypothesis, and then theory becomes really controversial what that is.

So, there’s information that says the Bic Corporation was founded in whatever year, or ballpoint pens were patented in 1888. Maybe they existed before that, I don’t know. I don’t know enough about it. Here’s my real point; how do we actually know that the Bic Corporation was founded in 1945? Because we have newspaper accounts that might mention that, and we have historical documents that might show when the corporation was founded. So, people mentioned it at the time when it was happening. The first advertisements might show up for Bic pens in 1945, or whatever year it is. So, we have corroborating pieces of evidence that we can go back and look at it. I haven’t done that work and I doubt you have either. You Googled it like I Googled it, right?

Kent: Sure, sure.

Nehemia: Is it correct? Who knows if it’s correct? I would not assume anything you read on the internet is correct, and I wouldn’t assume anything you read necessarily in history books is correct. Because I’ll tell you, all the time I’ll see things where it talks about… and here is something you can speak on maybe. I’ll read in textbooks, or in popular scientific magazines, where it will talk about how they carbon-14 tested a fossil. Well, that’s a pretty neat trick, there’s no carbon in a fossil! How did they do that? So, talk about that for a minute, because there you’re making a valid point. How do you carbon-14 test a fossil?

Kent: Right. But see, they do carbon date living tissue. It only works on things that contain carbon, obviously something that was alive and was breathing in CO2. Well, we know there are things that affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. A volcano eruption can do that, a forest fire can do that. Anyway, that’s another story.

But you’re right. Observable science, that’s what you’ve got to go back to. What’s your definition of science? Well, science is what we can observe, study, test, and demonstrate. We cannot observe any animal producing anything other than their same kind. We never observe a shark producing a non-shark baby. It’s never been observed. So, why are we teaching the kids, at taxpayer expense, that sharks are related to sunflowers? Why are we allowing this in our textbooks? If somebody wishes to believe this, that’s fine, I don’t care what they believe. But they want me to pay to have this chart put in all the textbooks so the kids can learn that the shark and the sunflower have a common ancestor. That’s propaganda, that’s not science! Even if it’s true, it’s not science yet because it hasn’t been demonstrated, observed, and tested.

Nehemia: So, how could you demonstrate that in theory?

Kent: Well, sharks always make baby sharks. Sunflowers always make baby sunflowers. There are no exceptions. If somebody wishes to believe otherwise, they should admit that’s their religion. You can believe whatever you want; I don’t care! But don’t call it science! They are trying to say evolution should be part of science. No, evolution should be part of a fairytale book or part of a religious book, but it’s not part of science.

Nehemia: Wait a minute. So, you wouldn’t say, though, that Jesus rising from the dead was part of a fairytale book, right? So…

Kent: I don’t think we can prove that scientifically. I believe he did.

Nehemia: Fair enough.

Kent: I trust my eternity to that. But I didn’t see it. There were people who did see it who reported it at the time. Over 500 witnesses reported they saw him alive after the crucifixion, according to the Bible. All I can go on is that I have chosen to believe this book is true. I’ve chosen to believe Jesus did rise from the dead. He prophesied that it would happen. He told it in advance. “Guys, I’m going to Jerusalem. They’re going to kill me, and I’m going to rise from the dead.” He told his disciples ahead of time. I know that from four different witnesses: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They all said that. So, I think four witnesses is enough. In a court of law, two witnesses can convict a person. And in the Torah, two or three witnesses… every word’s established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. So, I think we have enough witnesses and I’ve chosen to believe that. But if somebody said, can I prove it scientifically? Did I observe it? No, nobody alive today…

Nehemia: So, if somebody comes to you and says you’re believing fairytales… But your point is that it shouldn’t be taught by governments. Let’s say that the resurrection of Jesus shouldn’t be taught by the government in public schools because that’s your personal conviction.

So, here you’re dealing with, again, a public policy issue, which is valid, which is the separation of church and state for example, which I think most people in the Western World would agree with. Maybe you wouldn’t, I don’t know. But it sounds like that’s exactly what you’re saying, that there are things we can’t prove, and those shouldn’t be taught in public schools. Okay.

Kent: Well, here’s an example…

Nehemia: Those are interesting points.

Kent: Okay, I taught biology and had to teach anatomy one time. It is a biological fact that we have a muscle, that we’ve all chosen to give it a name called the deltoid. It raises your arm this way. The kids can learn, “Okay, boys and girls, this is the deltoid, this is the biceps, and here’s the triceps. This is the humerus, this is the radius and ulna, these are the flexors, these are the extenders.” You can learn all the muscles of the body, and all the bones, and all the anatomy, and never talk about evolution. There is no doctor on the planet who worries about evolution while he’s doing surgery! He better know his anatomy to not cut the wrong stuff. Even if it’s true, evolution is not science and it’s useless. Who cares?

Nehemia: So, this goes back to James Burke’s example, in The Day the Universe Changed, about the people who were to fire cannons. Even though they believed the Catholic theology about geocentrism or whatever, the sun goes around the Earth, when they came to fire the cannon, they used the Coriolis effect, or whatever it was. I don’t know the exact details, and the bottom line is, it worked.

And you’re saying you can be a practicing doctor, you can be a practicing scientist, and evolution doesn’t change it one way or another. And that’s a really interesting point. Like, what is the practical application of evolution? I guess an evolutionary biologist would say there’s a lot of practical applications, I don’t know.

Kent: Tell me one.

Nehemia: I’m not an evolutionary biologist, I don’t know.

Kent: You tell all your evolutionary biologists out there; I challenge them to show a practical application for this and to show an example. I have asked for years, what is the best evidence for evolution? They are still teaching in our biology textbooks today that the baby growing inside the mother, the embryo, has gill slits. That was proven wrong in 1874, and they’re still teaching that. I say, “Guys, if you wish to believe that, that’s fine, believe whatever you want. But don’t call that science.” I’ve got it on here somewhere, embryology as part of the evidence for evolution. Earnst Haeckel made up this idea after reading Darwin’s book. Do you see it on there anywhere? There we go, embryology, here we go.

Darwin predicted, “we should find evidence for my theory” in 1859. The textbooks are teaching the embryo has gills slits. I cover Lies in the Textbooks in my video #4. Here’s a human embryo. It has four different wrinkles under their chin. They develop into bones in the ear…

Nehemia: I’ve got more than that!

Kent: Yeah, well… they never have anything to do with breathing. Here’s a fat guy who’s got five or six chins and he can’t breathe through any of them! What happened is, Earnst Haeckel read Darwin’s book in 1860. He said, “Wow! I like this theory. There’s no God. Whoa, I like that!” A lot of people like the idea of getting rid of God. Because if there’s a God, that means He owns this place and that means He can make the rules. “Thou shall not”, “Thou shall not”. Well, they don’t like some of those rules, so they deny His existence.

Earnst Haeckel took a drawing of a human and a dog embryo at four weeks in development. Now, he was an embryologist at the University of Jena, in Germany. He liked Darwin’s theory, so he changed the drawings of the dog and the human and made them look exactly alike. Here are the actual drawings, of studying ones that they’re seeing, compared to his fake drawings. He made charts of his fake drawings of all kinds of different animals. Let’s see, the fish, the turtle, the duck, the human, the pig, the sheep, and he made the embryos, the top line, all look alike. Here’s his fake drawings. Underneath are actual photographs of those same creatures at that same stage in life. Now, either he’s a lousy artist or he’s a liar.

Well, the fact is, we know he was a good artist, and he was a liar. His own university, the University of Jena, held a trial. He’s their professor, and he was convicted. He confessed, “A small percentage of my embryonic drawings are forgeries. I had to fill in missing information.” It wasn’t missing, Ernst. You’re lying! He said, “I should feel utterly condemned, except that hundreds of other people lie also.” They lie, so, it’s okay for me to lie. That was his defense.

This biogenetic law, this embryology stuff that’s taught, I have a debate on that coming up this Wednesday, in two days. Go watch my channel Genesis Baptist Church on YouTube. He said this law “cannot be weeded out.” It’s been proven to be wrong, it’s as dead as a doornail. Haeckel was convicted of fraud, but the drawings persist. I collect biology textbooks. I’ve got them from all the different publishers from many, many years, back to the 1800’s. His fake drawings are still in use today! That’s Haeckel’s chart!

Nehemia: So, you’re telling me in 2024 there are kids out there who, in their textbooks, have a drawing that’s fake. That’s what you’re saying.

Kent: It was proven wrong in 1874!

Nehemia: No, but are they still publishing this today in the 2020’s?

Kent: Oh, yeah. Sure.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: You can Google right now “embryology.” It’ll probably show Haeckel’s fake drawings. The most recent biology book I have from a university is 2017. If somebody’s got a more modern one they’re not using, send it to me. I’ve got a collection of them here and I’d like to get some newer ones. But they’re still saying embryology… here we go, right here. They’re still using fake drawings. This is a public-school science book. Here it is, “they prove common ancestry.” Those are not gill slits. They’re just plain lying!

Here’s a 2017 biology textbook using Haeckel’s fake drawings. There they are. Those are not pharyngeal gill slits. The reason this is important to evolutionists is because they want to say it’s not a human yet while it’s growing inside the mother. It goes through fish, amphibian, reptile, mammal stages. So, it’s still in the fish stage, it’s okay to kill it. This is how they justify abortion. They say it’s not a human yet. No, it’s a human the instant it’s conceived.

Here’s a 2020 textbook, Early Embryonic Development Shows Similarities. This is… I’m sorry, it’s propaganda, it’s not science. Haeckel’s drawings were proven wrong in 1874 and they’re still teaching it today. I’ve got all kinds of stuff on this. This goes into homology.

It’s important because they’re desperate. They’ve got to have some kind of evidence to say, “Wow, we evolved from an amoeba, boys and girls.” They want so badly defend this dumb theory that we’re all related, and it’s just not true. This is saying, “God is wrong. God said they’d always bring forth after their kind, but we know the Bible is wrong because we know things produce different kinds.” Really?

I challenge any evolutionists. I’ll tell you what, I’ll take on 20 at a time, 20 against Kent. You can host it on your channel! Here’s the rules: one topic at a time, no interrupting, equal time for both sides, not for each person, and they can choose who they want to answer. I want the evolutionists to give the best single evidence they’ve got for evolution. I then get equal time to refute it. Then they go onto their second-best evidence, and I’ll refute that one. I’ve had 351 debates with evolutionists at various universities. I’ll take them all on. I’m just a lowly high school science teacher with a non-accredited degree from a Christian school who happens to believe this book [the Bible] is true, and evolution is not only stupid, it’s dangerous. It’s not science.

We’ve never seen a cow produce a non-cow, ever! If they wish to believe that, believe whatever you want. Dogs make dogs without exceptions. There’s big dogs and little dogs, but they’re still dogs.

Nehemia: We are grateful to God for that, that dogs produce dogs. Well, this has been a fascinating conversation. I wish I knew more about this topic so I could have a more intelligent conversation with you. But I invite people to come and share their thoughts in the comments here. And like I said, if Kent has said something here that is demonstrably either untrue or true, I think, stitch it and share the information that you have because I don’t really know enough about this.

I just go back to this thought that I just don’t think Jews are concerned about this that much. And there’s a lot of Jews… here’s what I’ve heard from Jews. “If you want to believe the world is billions of years old, and that helps you in your faith, that’s fine. I choose to believe it’s 6,000 years old.” That’s the type of thing I’ll hear from a lot of Jews. “Okay, well how do you explain this scientific claim?” “I don’t know, I don’t care.”

Kent: Okay.

Nehemia: That’s the thing I’ll hear from a lot of them, and I think it’s fascinating that you’re actually wrestling with these issues. And whether you’re successfully resolving them or not, people can debate, but you are wrestling with these issues, and I think that’s really interesting. Any final words?

Kent: I’m trying to defend two things. I’m trying to defend the Bible; I believe it’s true. I’m also trying to defend science from a stupid religion being inserted in our science book. I love science. I taught science for 15 years. We have a science center here at Dinosaur Adventure Land in Lenox, Alabama. Come on down! Type in “Dinosaur Adventure Land”. We love science. I taught Earth science, biology, and physics for 15 years, and I love them. I taught algebra, geometry, and trigonometry also. So, I’m not against science, but evolution isn’t part of it, that’s all. And they’ve snuck it into our science books and called it science, but it’s not science. If you had a science book that was teaching the moon is made of green cheese, I would object to that too.

Nehemia: So, before we end, could you just spend a couple of minutes talking about the evolution of elements? How you get uranium in stars and stuff like that, because this isn’t just biological evolution that you’re challenging, you’re actually also challenging, meaning… Well, you explain it. I’m sure you can explain it better than I can.

Kent: Well, when someone says we’re going to discuss evolution, I say, well, let’s define the term. What do you mean by that word? Because there are six different meanings to the word evolution. There is cosmic evolution, the origin of time, space, and matter; that’s never been demonstrated. Then there is chemical evolution, which you’re talking about here now. How did all the elements come? Chemical evolution. According to their Big Bang Theory, the big bang produced hydrogen and helium, and maybe a little bit of lithium. How do you get all these other elements? Let’s see, the Big Bang produced hydrogen and helium. Okay, how do you get gold out of hydrogen gas? I’d like to know how to do that, I’m sure the Jews would like that too! How do you get gold out of hydrogen and helium?

Nehemia: That was an unnecessary comment…

Kent: I like money too, okay!

Nehemia: I’m really uncomfortable with that, Kent. I’m just going to have to say that.

Kent: Oh, okay. I’m sorry.

Nehemia: Really not a cool thing to say.

Kent: It’s just kind of a stereotype.

Nehemia: Yeah, that’s all the more reason not to say it. It kind of feels a bit anti-Semitic.

Kent: Alright, well I’m sorry. Retract that, okay?

Anyway, chemical evolution, the theory of life’s origins; this is a real thing. They teach the Big Bang produced hydrogen and helium. How do you get to iron if you can’t fuse past iron? They’ve known that for a long time. How do you get gold, silver, and platinum out of hydrogen gas? It can’t be done. The most massive stars, eight times the mass of the sun, have enough pressure to produce all the elements up to iron. They can believe that if they wish, and maybe that’s true.

Nehemia: Isn’t it supernovas? Isn’t that the explanation? How we get all that Jewish gold that you’re talking about.

Kent: Yeah, but still, that’s only up to iron on the chart.

Nehemia: No, no supernovas… is that not the explanation?

Kent: The supernova, they claim… it’s all theoretical.

Nehemia: When it explodes it creates the heavier elements is their explanation.

Kent: It only creates the elements up to iron, which is #26. There are 92 naturally occurring elements. How do you get past iron? This is a real problem.

Nehemia: I’ll be honest, I can’t get past the gold thing. So, I think it’s a perfect time to wrap it up. Thanks, Kent, for coming on the program.

Kent: Alright.

Nehemia: If you guys can send me the files, I’ll have my editor… Oh, send me the slides that you used if you don’t mind, and my editor will put them in posts, I guess. I don’t know. Alright, thanks a lot.

Kent: Come visit our Dinosaur Adventure Land in Lenox, Alabama. We’d love to have you down here. It’s all free.

Nehemia: Thank you for the invite, shalom.

Kent: Thank you, bye-bye.

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In this episode of Hebrew Voices #184: Creation vs. Evolution: Raw and Unedited, Young Earth creationist Kent Hovind of explains to Nehemia about the errors of evolution, dinosaurs on Noah's Ark, and the formation of heavy elements in stars. Nehemia's most controversial guest to date, Hovind describes himself as a "lowly high school science teacher with a non-accredited degree from a Christian school who happens to believe [the Bible] is true and evolution is not only stupid it's dangerous."

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Hebrew Voices #184 – Creation vs. Evolution: Raw and Unedited

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon’s Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at

Nehemia: Okay. Is this being recorded? Got it. Alright, I think we’re recording. Alright, let me just jump into it, and we’ll just have a conversation here. What is your timeframe? I’ve done interviews everywhere from 25 minutes to 7 hours, so, just to warn you!

Kent: Well, I have to preach tonight at 7:00 o’clock.

Nehemia: Okay, we’ll be done by then.

Kent: Okay.

Nehemia: If it’s okay, we’ll just go naturally. Like I said, it might be half an hour, it might be as long as it goes.

Kent: Okay.

Nehemia: If it’s longer, we’ll probably break it into multiple episodes.

Shalom and welcome to Hebrew Voices! I’m here today with Kent Hovind, who, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say is the most controversial guest I’ve ever had on the program! Shalom Kent!

Kent: Hey, shalom, very good to be with you!

Nehemia: Is it okay if I call you Kent?

Kent: Sure! I get called a lot worse than that on the internet, you would not believe.

Nehemia: I can imagine! So, Kent is, I think, probably one of the most famous Young Earth creationists in the world. Let’s start with, what is Young Earth creationism? Because some of my audience won’t be familiar with that. But in one sentence or in one phrase, you’re opposed to evolution, is that right?

Kent: Well, yes. I have been a Baptist preacher for 50 years. I taught high school science and math for 15 years. And I started a ministry back in 1989 called Creation Science Evangelism, defending the Bible as being scientifically accurate.

The Bible says God made everything in six days, but our kids in public school textbooks are being taught dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Well, somebody’s lying. I mean, big time lying! I believe the Bible is true. God made everything in six days, and if you add up the dates in the Bible… if you look at the Bible, Genesis chapter 5, it says Adam was 130 when Seth was born and Seth was 105 when Enos was born. The dates are all right there in Genesis 5. After the Flood, you go to Genesis 11, and there’s more dates given of how old they were when their kids were born. Anybody can add them up. It comes to about 6,000 years for the age of the Earth.

So, I started traveling and teaching about the Bible being scientifically accurate. God made everything. And animals always bring forth “after their kind”, “after their kind”, “after their kind”, there are no exceptions. These evolution charts that they’re teaching our kids in school, where they have the sunflowers are related to frogs; this is not only propaganda, it is flat stupid.

I’ve done 351 debates now with atheists at universities. The most famous one… I was debating three atheists at the same time at Embry-Riddle University, south of Jacksonville, Florida, and one of them asked me, “Where did God come from?” And my two-minute answer has 900 million views. Two minutes long. Type in, “Where did God come from?”

Nehemia: What’s the answer? Give us the 30-second version.

Kent: Well, the question is invalid. If I said, “Why are elephants orange?” How would you answer that? They’re not orange. I can’t answer your question about why they’re orange because they’re not orange! To ask “where did God come from” assumes God had to come from somewhere. God’s not limited by time, space, or matter; we are. He created time, space, and matter. “In the beginning,” there’s time, “God created the Heaven,” there’s space, “and the Earth,” there’s matter. He’s outside of time, space, and matter. We’re the ones that are stuck in time, space, and matter, not God.

So, the question is invalid. “Where did God come from?” “Where” involves distance. He’s already everywhere. “Did” involves time, past, present, and future. God’s already standing at your funeral. He’s not limited by time. “Come” indicates He’s not there already. No, He’s already everywhere. So, the whole question is invalid.

Nehemia: So, I feel like my job here is to sort of be the devil’s advocate, no pun intended, because people can Google your videos and see hundreds of hours… and I hope the conversation we have is that I’m offering maybe a… coming from a Jewish perspective, maybe I’m throwing questions at you that… well, in the debates I’m sure you had all these questions. I’m sure I’m not going to say anything you haven’t heard a million times.

So, you said that to say that the world is millions of years old, when Genesis says that the first man was created about 6,000 years ago, that somebody’s lying. And so, I want to discuss the word “lying”. Does it have to be a lie? There are things in the Bible that, you’ll agree… or maybe you don’t agree…

Is everything in the Bible meant to be taken literally? Let’s start with that. Maybe that’s a much more important question.

Kent: Yeah, there are obviously parables and allegories, such as “like” and “as.” There are parables in the Bible, certainly. But when it talks about things like the Creation, it says very clearly that God created everything in six days. And he wrote it on the Ten Commandments with his finger. God said, “Honor the Sabbath, for in six days, the LORD made Heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is.” That’s really inclusive. Everything was made in six days. He said it again in Exodus 31. God made everything in six days. And again, in Deuteronomy. So, the Bible’s clear. Whether it’s true or not, the Bible does clearly teach that God made everything, which would have to include dinosaurs, in six days.

Nehemia: So, I asked your staff to send me a thumbnail photo, and it shows you riding on a Triceratops, or something like that. And I understand that’s to be cute and everything, but is it your contention that humans and dinosaurs lived side by side on the Earth, let’s say before the Flood or something?

Kent: Oh, they had to. It’s no big deal. See, reptiles, like snakes, lizards, et cetera, never stop growing; it’s called indeterminate growth. Humans grow to be 16 or 18 years of age and then they stop growing, but they keep living after that. Reptiles don’t do that; they never stop growing.

Well, the Bible says that before the Flood came, people lived to be 900. What would happen if a lizard could live to be 900? It’d be 50 feet long! The dinosaurs were simply big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve. They were not millions of years ago. And then Noah would have taken them on the Ark.

You say, “Dinosaurs on the Ark?” Well yeah, he took two of every kind. Not two of every species, two of every kind. There’s only about 30 different kinds of dinosaurs. And Noah was 600 years old when he built that boat. He’d be smart enough to figure out, “I don’t have to bring the big ones. I’ll bring two babies. I’ll be sure to bring a pink one and a blue one.”

Nehemia: I’m not a biologist, and so I really don’t know the answer to this question, but snakes in the Amazon rainforest; why don’t they grow to be the size of dinosaurs? You’re saying reptiles continue to grow forever until something kills them…

Kent: We have in our science center here… we’re in Lenox, Alabama. Good luck finding that on the map; it’s 70 miles straight north of Pensacola. Somebody gave us an old gravel pit, 140 acres, straight north of Pensacola 70 miles in. We called it Dinosaur Adventure Land; it’s awesome! Come visit. It’s all free. People come from all over the world. We have, in our science center here, a 24-foot snakeskin that a friend of mine sent me. He’s a missionary in the Amazon. He said, “My natives just killed a big snake. Would you like the skin?” “Yeah!” There have been 50-foot snakes killed down there. So, snakes… they may reach the point where they’re so big, and they get cumbersome; they will keep growing as long as they’re living. That doesn’t prove that they’re going to keep living forever. Somebody might kill them, or something may kill them. They’ve got enemies too.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: But yeah, they never stop growing.

Nehemia: Interesting. So, I read somewhere on the internet… and I don’t believe half of what I read on the internet. Especially when there’s a lot of what I call ad hominem attacks, people attacking other people. I’m sure you’ve had a lot of ad hominem attacks, but it said on one website that you claim that Tyrannosaurus Rex ate plants only. Talk to me about that.

Kent: Yeah. If you read Genesis chapter 1 and 2, God said to Adam and Eve and all the animals, they’re all going to be vegetarian. He said, “I’ve given you every herb for food.” Now later, after the Flood’s over, Genesis chapter 9, God says to Noah, “now you can eat meat”. And if you look at the evidence… you can get these charts on our website,, before the Flood they’re living to be 900. And after the Flood something changed; they dropped off to 400, then 200, then 100. And today hardly anyone makes it to 100.

So, back here before the Flood, the Bible clearly teaches they were all vegetarian. People say, “Well, look at those ferocious teeth.” Yeah, look at the teeth on a panda bear who lives on bamboo. Maybe they had those big teeth to chomp giant watermelons, I don’t know. But the Bible says they were vegetarian.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: And after the Flood, the humans were allowed to eat meat. The assumption would be, if everything changed, and I cover that on my video #2… you can get my whole video series for $50, it’s 18 hours on all this kind of stuff. But video #2 is about what made them live to be 900? And what changed? Why don’t we live to be 900 today? So, yes, if somebody showed you, and they think it’s controversial that I said that the T-Rex was a vegetarian, I confess. I believe the Bible is true.

Nehemia: Do you believe lions and bears were vegetarians before the Flood? Is that what you’re saying?

Kent: Yeah. During World War II, the British had a hard time getting meat for their zoos because they’re giving it all to their soldiers. And they had a lion named Little Tyke. You can Google it. And they gave it nothing but vegetables for the whole time of the war. It did fine. Changing from a plant-eating lion to a meat-eating lion is not a very big change.

Evolutionists want to believe they changed from an amoeba to a lion. You want to go from an amoeba to a lion, now that’s a big change. Going from plant-eating to meat-eating is nothing major. They get all bent out of shape over that stuff. It’s the pot calling the kettle black.

Nehemia: Let’s go back to the issue, if it’s okay… You said either the world is millions of years old or it’s 6,000 years old; someone’s lying. And I’d asked you if there’s metaphor and parable in the Bible. So, look, the people who… not all of them, because I interviewed a really interesting guy named Dr. Gerald Schroeder, who is an MIT physicist. He said that the world is both literally billions of years old, but also 6,000 years; something to do with time dilation. I had an hour-long conversation with him, and I didn’t understand a single word. But he’s a physicist, and much smarter than me in that field for sure.

So, my point is, maybe there are other possibilities. It seems like you’re saying there’s a binary here. Either the world is 6,000 years old or it’s millions of years old. And somebody’s lying, or maybe they just have a different interpretation than you.

In other words, there are definitely people who believe in the Bible devoutly. And you might disagree; you could say they don’t believe devoutly. But I think there’s people who believe in the Bible devoutly, certainly in the Jewish world, who would say, “Well, the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day, so, maybe the first three days were millions or billions of years.” So, tell me why that’s wrong.

Kent: Well, the Bible says in John chapter 1, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” It’s talking about, “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the word was God. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” Obviously, this is talking about Jesus. And Jesus said, “By him were all things created in heaven and in the earth.”

So, the Bible is claiming that Jesus created everything, which I agree with. I think Jesus was God in the flesh, and the Jews missed it. He came on a donkey proclaiming himself king; three days later they crucified him. But Jesus said, “He answered and said, ‘Have you not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female?’” Here’s Jesus claiming the beginning was when he made Adam and Eve. He’s talking about marriage and divorce. The same thing in Mark 10:6, “From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” This is what Jesus said. He was there, he did it.

The Bible says clearly that man brought death into the world, “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin.” “Since by man came death… in Adam all die…” The Bible’s clear. Jesus said the creation of Adam and Eve was the beginning and nothing died until Adam sinned. And “In six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is…” This is what it says, and Adam was, “the first man”, and Eve is “the mother of all living”.

So, I don’t think a person can claim to believe the Bible and believe the Earth is millions of years old, because all you’ve got to do is add up the dates. Adam was 130 when Seth was born; Seth was 105 when his son was born. The dates are all given. Read Genesis chapter 5, add them up, 130 plus 105, et cetera, et cetera.

And then after the Flood, in Genesis 10 and 11, more dates are given. Let’s see, Shem was 100 years old when Arphaxad was born. And it gives all the dates; you can make a chart. I’ll send you one if you like.

Nehemia: I’ve done that, and I’ve seen it. Look, so, you introduced a lot of theology, which is totally legitimate, because you’re coming from a religious perspective. And most people who are listening to this program are coming from a religious perspective, which is totally fine. I try to approach things… there’s the faith side of things; that’s a better word than religious. A faith side of things, and there might be a factual science side of things.

There was this great series when I was a kid. I think his name was James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed. Did you ever see that?

Kent: I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t seen it.

Nehemia: It’s a really good series. He talks about how in the Middle Ages people were required to believe certain things about… I want to say it was geocentrism or something like that. The sun went around the Earth. I don’t remember exactly; it’s been decades since I saw it.

But when they were firing their cannons, they used the Copernican system because it worked. And look, today, when you fire a rocket into space, you use Newtonian physics even though the same physicists will tell you, “Well, actually Newton was wrong, and Einstein was right. The Newtonian model is false, but it works under certain circumstances.”

So, the way I’m trying to approach this is, when I use my phone, I’m assuming on some level that what mainstream science is telling me is correct. Whether it is or not, I don’t know, but I know my phone works.

And it seems you have a lot of heavy lifting, because you’re trying to explain all of science through the lens of a book that I believe that God revealed to my ancestors 3,500 years ago. We have this principle in Judaism, “God speaks in the language of men”. He’s speaking to us in terms that we can understand.

Kent: Right.

Nehemia: Talk about that. Why does it have to be a lie if somebody interprets the Bible differently than you? Maybe they’re just wrong, or maybe you’re wrong. Maybe we’re both wrong.

Kent: True.

Nehemia: And I’m not saying I’m taking one side or the other. I’m trying to flush these things out.

Kent: No, no, I understand. Well, there’s two ways to look at it; the biblical way clearly teaches about 6,000 years. I don’t think anybody’s going to argue with that. The scientific way to look at this… But first you’ve got to understand these big numbers they throw out, like 13.8 billion years ago. The human brain cannot absorb this.

Let me put it in perspective for you. Let’s say you’re walking across the street in Boston, and we’re going to say every inch you move is 285 years. Here we are today in 2024. Columbus discovered America 500 years ago.

Nehemia: Yeah.

Kent: That’s a few inches ago. This is Columbus discovering America. Jesus died in 28 AD, roughly. Noah’s Flood was about here, and Creation would be about here, 4,000 BC. That represents 6,000 years of human history, not even walking across the street. Now you want to see what 13.8 billion years looks like? Well, that’s going from Japan to Boston. If every mile is one and a half million years, that shows 13.8 billion years, every foot… I’m sorry, I said inch. Every foot is 285 years. It takes 24 years to go an inch, to go across the United States; that’s 3,000 miles. Well, if the Earth began as a hot ball of rock 4.6 billion years ago, that’s what that represents. So, when they say 4.6 billion, that’s from the Pacific to Boston, every foot being 285 years. There’s the hot ball of rock beginning. So, every mile is one and a half million years. This line shows what 4.5 billion looks like. So, just to get across South Dakota is 2,572 million years. These numbers simply get lost in the human brain.

Here you are back in the street in Boston. Here we are today. That’s Columbus discovering America. That’s Jesus dying on the cross. There’s the Flood, and there’s Creation. So, there is no possible way to prove the Earth is billions of years old.

On my video series… I’ve been covering every Friday night on our channel… we’re on about nine different channels; if you go to they’re all listed there. But go on YouTube to Genesis Baptist Church. Every Friday night we’ve been talking about different scientific ways to show the Earth cannot be billions of years old.

If I told you my Bic pen is 5,000 years old, you could say, “Come on now, Hovind, it’s a ballpoint pen. The ballpoint wasn’t invented until 1888.” Just that one scientific fact proves my claim of 5,000 is wrong. There was no ballpoint pen until 1888. And then you could say, “It’s made of plastic. Well, plastics weren’t invented until 1907.” Well, you just proved my claim wrong again. And you say, “Wait, it’s Bic Corporation. Bic didn’t even become a company until after World War II, 1945.” So, you can’t claim your pen is 5,000 years old, I’ve disproven that three different ways. I still don’t know how old the pen is, and I don’t care, but it’s after 1945.

So, if someone says this Earth is billions of years old, I say, “Guys, I’ve got a couple of questions for you. Forget the Bible, let’s just look at the science. Would you agree the moon is going around the Earth about every 28 days? Would you agree that all the scientists say the moon is getting further away from the Earth?” The moon is leaving us about an inch and a half a year, and I can bring up all the slides on that to prove it if you like. NASA… everybody agrees the moon is leaving us, they call it the lunar recession problem. Well, if the moon is leaving the Earth an inch and a half a year, that would mean it used to be closer. And bringing the moon closer creates a problem, a couple of problems.

If two objects are attracted to each other, like two magnets or something like that, when you take them to one-third of the distance, you take that fraction, one-third, flip it over, and square it, it’s nine times the gravitational pull; it’s called the inverse square law. Bringing the moon back into one third of the distance makes it nine times the gravitational pull. They’ve done all the math on this many times and say, “Guys, look, if you bring the moon back one billion years ago, it snaps together. The Earth-Moon system cannot be more than one billion years old.”

Okay, then why are we telling everybody the Earth is 4.6 billion years old? It’s not possible. Forget the Bible, just the science says it can’t be more than one billion. It’s like my Bic pen here. You say the Earth is spinning; except for the flat-Earthers, we all agree with that, the Earth is spinning. But the Earth is slowing down a thousandth of a second every day. They know why; lunar drag, Coriolis effect, tidal friction, et cetera. We know why. The fact is, it’s measurable.

Every year and a half they add a second to the clock. It’s called leap second. I think it’s every year and a half because the Earth is slowing down. The clocks are going off, but who cares, it’s a thousandth of a second. But whatever it is, some number, they add a second to the clock. I don’t think any scientist is going to argue with you, “Yes, you’re right, the Earth is slowing down.”

Okay, well then, I’ve got a question. Does that mean it used to be going faster? Well, yeah. How far back in time, in your imagination, can you go before this becomes a problem? If you speed up the spin of the Earth, not only do you affect the daylight hours and the nighttime hours, you create a problem called the Coriolis effect. The winds are circulating around because of the different speeds of the different latitudes. The Coriolis effect wind patterns would be horrible. The Earth would bulge out like a pancake. Then you would have a flat Earth, if it was billions of years old.

So, I think you can look at probably 50 different scientific indicators that say it’s not billions. Now, that doesn’t tell you when it was created, but just the moon tells me it’s not 4.6.

Nehemia: I’ve got to say, when you bring all of this scientific information, and I don’t have the skill set to know if any of this is correct or not, so, I’m going to ask people in the comments to come, people who know more about this science. If what Kent is saying is wrong, then guys, post something in the comments or come and debate him.

Kent: Yeah!

Nehemia: But I’ve got to say, it’s far more impressive to me when you quote this scientific information than when you’re quoting to me… And look, I’m not a Christian. I’m Jewish, so, certainly when you’re quoting what Jesus says, it doesn’t convince me. But even when you’re quoting Genesis, Genesis is obviously interpreted in different ways.

There’s a famous rabbi, Rabbi Schneerson, I believe it was; he died in 1994. He was the Lubavitcher Rebbe. From what I’m told, he said, at least, is that when the Earth was created it was mature. So, Adam wasn’t an embryo when he was created, he was a 30-year-old man. And when the trees were created, they might have looked like they were 5,000 years old. And when the mountains were created, maybe they looked like they were billions of years old, because that’s what a mountain is. So, from a Jewish perspective, that’s not controversial and that’s not a lie, it’s just a different way of interpreting what the Bible says.

Now, since Adam was born, there you’ve got a really good point, that we’re at the year 6,000 range. I’ll agree with that. We’re making a bunch of assumptions about the chronology, but let’s call it 6,000, or 10,000, or whatever.

Kent: Yeah, yeah.

Nehemia: That’s neither here nor there, but it’s not billions. But I think it’s much more convincing when you bring the scientific stuff than when you say, “Well, the Bible says this, and there’s no other way to interpret the Bible other than this literalistic way.”

But you’re the first one to admit, I think you are, that when it says, “Eve is the mother of all that lives,” she’s not the mother of dogs, and she’s not the mother of caterpillars. She’s the mother of all humans. So, it’s a matter of how we interpret these texts within their context, using common sense. And for me the context is historical context. God wouldn’t reveal something that the ancient people couldn’t understand. I guess there are some things they couldn’t understand. But overall, it would have to have been comprehensible in a way that they could wrap their heads around it, otherwise what was the point of it? And if He would have said, “Well, there were billions of years,” they wouldn’t have understood that, I think. I don’t know. I’m kind of thinking out loud here, so, go ahead…

Kent: Well, slide #41, this is in the Ten Commandments, Exodus chapter 20. God wrote this on the rock with his finger and handed the rock to Moses. Moses went down, got angry and smashed it. He broke all Ten Commandments at once, the worse sinner in the world. He goes back up and God says, “Moses, this time you write them down.” So, the same thing. The Ten Commandments are written down on a rock the second time. It talked about the Sabbath in Exodus 20, “In six days the LORD made heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is.” How can you not interpret that to be that He made everything in six days?

Nehemia: Well, because in Psalms it also says He stretched out the heavens like a curtain and a tent… you don’t believe that do you? Or you do?

Kent: Oh, yeah. See, if you look at the Creation account in Genesis, God made the Earth first. He made the stars on day four. He made the sun, moon, and stars on day four. He made the Earth first. And then 17 times, not just in Psalms, 17 times in the Bible it says God stretched out the heavens.

I think that’s why, when we look at the stars through our telescopes, we see a red shift. It’s called the Doppler effect. If you’re standing by a train track and a train’s coming by, as it comes closer, it squeezes the soundwaves together and raises the pitch. As it leaves you, it stretches them out, or refracts them, and it lowers the pitch. So, you’re sitting there, and the train goes, “raaa-aa-aww”, it drops in pitch. The train is making the same noise, but you’re hearing it differently because it’s being compressed or refracted.

Well, the same thing happens with light. If an object is producing light, but that object is moving away, it’ll be stretched out; the light will be stretched. And if you look at it through a spectroscope, it’ll give what’s called a redshift. You can Google that. And astronomers look at the stars in all directions, and they say, “Wow, they’re all giving a red shift. That means they’re all moving away.” I would say that’s probably a reasonable conclusion. And then they say, “Well, that would mean they used to be closer.” I would agree. And then they’ll say, “See, that proves the Big Bang.” Oh no, the fact that they’re moving away doesn’t prove they’ve been moving away for billions of years.

I think God made the Earth, then He made the stars, and then He stretched them out. So, everybody’s asking the question, how did the light from the stars get here if it’s only 6,000 years old? Well, that’s the wrong question. “How did the star get from here to there?” is the question, not “how the light gets from there to here”. God made them all in six days, stretched them into place, and they probably are billions of light years away. I wouldn’t argue about that. But a light year is a distance, it’s not a time. A light year is a distance. It’s just a way to prove some big number in a single sentence, light year. How far can light go in a year?

Nehemia: So, does it go faster than light? Is that what you’re saying?

Kent: Well, the star is moving.

Nehemia: Right.

Kent: Even in their Big Bang Theory. They say in the Big Bang Theory a dot the size of an atom exploded and has traveled millions of times faster than the speed of light. That’s what the Big Bang Theory says.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: To have matter going faster than light, I think, is a real problem. To have light go faster than light, they’ve been doing that for years. At Princeton University they did an experiment and they got light to speed up to 300 times the speed of light; they’ve been able to speed light up, slow light down, they slowed it down to…

Nehemia: Okay guys, this is a beautiful opportunity, because I don’t know the first thing about this stuff. But someone out there knows if… well let’s put it this way, they don’t know if it’s right or not, but if there’s a refutation to the claim that Kent is making, come in the comments or contact his website and debate him on that.

Kent: Sure.

Nehemia: Because I think that whether it’s true or not that light can go faster than the speed of light, that I don’t know, but someone can verify or refute whether Princeton University makes that claim. And I honestly don’t know; that’s really interesting. That’s really fascinating.

Look, the redshift is a real thing that nobody disputes. That’s the beauty of it. There’s where I love what you’re doing. You’re bringing information that probably the average person doesn’t realize, that mainstream scientists are saying that the universe is speeding up and stretching out. And then you’re offering, actually, a really interesting literalistic explanation of what, to me, seems straightforward as a metaphor; that God stretched out the heavens. You’re saying, “No, that’s literally true.” That’s really interesting!

Kent: Well, if you watch my video #7, I tell people, “If you watch my whole video series, 18 hours…” I used to loan my videos out. I learned right away, Christians especially don’t steal, but they borrow and never return! So, you can buy it for $50. When you’re done send it back, and I’ll give you your $50 back! But meanwhile, I’ve got the $50 in case you don’t send it back.

But 18 hours, video #7 is actually six hours long, DVD #7, on commonly asked questions like, what about the speed of light? Well, back in 1814, 200 years ago, a guy discovered this redshift phenomenon. The dark absorption lines were seen by this guy 200 years ago, and he said, “Wow! That looks like that star is receding, or going away.” The redshift, Google it. I think anybody watching your program who understands physics will say, “Yeah, we understand the redshift phenomenon.”

So, whether the observer is moving towards the light, or the light is moving away from the observer, it still causes the same effect. Just like if you’re driving by a stationary object that’s making noise, like a train track, going, “ding, ding, ding, ding”, as you’re driving closer, it compresses the sound, “ding… ding… ding… ding… ding…… ding…… ding…… ding……” it’s called the Doppler effect.

Nehemia: Yeah.

Kent: Nobody argues about this. Christians, everybody agrees; there’s a redshift and there’s a Doppler effect. So, what is causing it? Well, clocks, gravity, and the limits of relativity… this is from EarthSky Magazine. What is The Red Shift? From whatever magazine this is. So, I’ve got tons of stuff on this. It looks like “the light from nearly every galaxy is redshifted.” They found that in 1910. Well, that looks like all the galaxies are moving away. I agree.

And then they went to the stupid conclusion of claiming “that proves the Big Bang”. No, no, no. Hubble… it said the redshifts were used to estimate distances. That’s where it gets a little fuzzy around the edges of science here. The Bible says God sits on “the circle of the Earth,” and that He “stretched out the heavens,” Isaiah 40. Seventeen times in the Bible…

Nehemia: Okay. Let me stop you there for a second. There, you agree that God sitting on “the circle of the Earth,” I’m asking, is a metaphor. Or do you think He’s literally sitting on the circle of…

Kent: I think God is everywhere. He’s sitting in my heart… See, He doesn’t take up any space, so He’s not…

Nehemia: So, I once had a conversation with this flat-Earther, and he quoted me this verse. Or actually, I think it was a different one than Isaiah, where it says, “The heaven is His throne, and the Earth is His footstool.” And this flat-Earther said to me, actually I think it was a she, “That’s literally true, isn’t that beautiful?” I said, “No, that’s stupid. God sitting on a really big chair?” Come on, nobody now… I don’t think even in ancient Israel they believed… I would argue they didn’t believe that God was sitting on a really, really, really, big chair. Solomon says, when he builds the House of God, which we call in English the Temple, he says, “Well, this is the House of God. But the heavens can’t contain You, and even the heavens beyond the heavens can’t contain You.” Meaning, they understood that God is not a physical finite being.

Kent: Right.

Nehemia: So, okay, I’m going to let you go on. I apologize.

Kent: Well, for the flat-Earthers, you can fill this in, “He sits on the circle of the Earth.” They’ll say, “See? The Earth is round. It’s a circle.”

Nehemia: Right! They say it’s like an upside-down plate or something.

Kent: I say, “Okay guys, listen. I taught mathematics, trigonometry, algebra, geometry, for years. There’s no such thing as a circle.” A circle is a completely imaginary object using flat plane geometry. If I draw a circle on paper, the thickness of my ink now turns it into a cylinder. It’s this tall, but it’s a… So, technically a circle is purely imaginary. They’re practical to talk about; we talk about Pi, and radius, and all that, circumference, but the circle doesn’t exist.

In solid geometry you could have a sphere; that exists, but a circle is only an imaginary construct which is useful and necessary. But if the Earth is really flat, and it’s a circle like they’re saying, then the Earth doesn’t exist at all.

Nehemia: What they say is it’s like an upside plate, or a pot cover or whatever. Okay, in any event, that was a distraction. Let’s go back. So, “And the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers… that stretched out the heavens.”

Kent: Seventeen times it says, “God stretched out the heavens.” So, everybody is asking, “how did the light get here from the stars?” I say that’s the wrong question. If the stars are being stretched out away from us, how did the star get from here to there? “He stretched out the heavens,” Job 26.

So, millions and millions of students are being brainwashed into believing the Big Bang based on this redshift, when they should be taught this proves the Bible is correct, “He stretched out the heavens.” So, yeah, I cover in video #7 some of the commonly asked questions that I get, what about carbon dating and all this kind of stuff.

Nehemia: Oh! Talk to me about carbon dating, I work with physicists on carbon dating. Talk to us about carbon dating. Is carbon dating not true?

Kent: Well, here’s a piece of coal…

Nehemia: “You look older than your profile picture.” “I’ve been under a lot of pressure.” That’s cute!

Kent: Here’s coal dating a diamond. They’re both made out of carbon.

Nehemia: That’s cute!

Kent: Yeah, “I’ve been under a lot of pressure.”

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: So, fossils are really dated by which layer they come from. The geologic column was made up in 1830 of all the different layers, the Cenozoic, the Mesozoic, the Paleozoic, and the Jurassic age, Triassic, and Mississippian. I also taught Earth Science for 15 years. The geologic column does not exist anywhere in the world. It does not exist, it’s imaginary. If the top layer is younger, I keep asking… I’ve 351 debates now. I say, “If the top layer is younger, like you’re claiming, where did it come from? Did it come from outer space? How can the top layer be younger? If I shuffle a deck of cards, is the top card younger? If I take my little sand art toy, which is here somewhere, and flip it over, if it makes layers… No. All the layers of the Earth are the same age. All over the world petrified trees are found standing up.

See, during the Flood, the moon would be holding the water up, making a bump called the high tide, while we’re turning. So, we on Earth get to see high tide, low tide, high tide, low tide, but the moon only sees high tide. Well, by holding the high tide while we’re spinning… if the Earth were covered in water, like Noah’s Flood… In other words, if you push all the continents down and smooth out the world, there’s about a mile and a half of water everywhere. That’s how much water is in the ocean, enough to cover the whole Earth a mile and a half deep. Well, just that water going up, down, up, down, because it would become harmonic if it wasn’t interrupted by hitting continents, the tide would go up and down 200 feet every six hours, 12 and a half minutes. If the water is coming up 200 feet, where’s all the water coming from to fill that bump? It’s being sucked in from all sides.

And from the east, it’s always being sucked in at the same speed the Earth is turning the other way. Well, at the North Pole the Earth is turning zero miles an hour. At the equator it’s at 1037.6 depending upon your altitude and high tide, et cetera. So, if the water is going sideways at 1,000 miles an hour, what’s that going to do? It’s going to rush in and take all the rocks and stuff and round them off all over the world.

I live in a gravel pit. We have trillions of rounded rocks right here. Come down, I’ll give you all you want. The rounded gravel, it goes from Alabama to North Carolina, these gravel seams that we dig out of right here. All the gravel seams, all the layers of the Earth, were made in Noah’s flood in one year with what’s called tidal pumping, the water going up and down. Every time it comes up, it rushes in; every time it goes down it rushes out. That’s what made all the layers in one year.

But anyway, back to carbon dating. If you walked into a room… put my slides up there… and you found a candle burning on a table, and I asked you, “Hey brother, when was it lit? How long has it been burning?” You say, “I don’t know, it was burning when I got here.” Okay, well let’s do some science, empirical science. Let’s measure how tall the candle is. So, we get our micrometers and we measure it 30 different ways, and we find out that candle is seven inches tall. Now, this is a fact. We all agree that the candle is seven inches tall. When was it lit? Well, I don’t know. Well, let’s do some more science. Let’s measure how fast it’s burning. Suppose we measure and we find out it’s burning an inch an hour, nobody argues. Two scientific empirical facts; it is seven inches tall, and it is burning an inch an hour. When was it lit? I still can’t tell you unless I make a few assumptions; how tall was it when it started? Has it always burned at the same rate? You can’t prove either of those.

When they dig up a fossil and want to carbon date it or potassium argon or rubidium strontium, or lead-208, lead-206… there’s about nine different methods they use now. They’re all based on the same assumptions. Do we know how much was in it when it started? Do we know the decay rate has always been the same? And neither of those can be proven. Matter of fact, it can be proven that we don’t know, and that they change. The decay rate of all of these radioactive elements can be changed with magnetic field changes, solar flares… there’s a lot of things that they know that will change the date. I can show you some.

Nehemia: I don’t want to get into too technical details because we’ll lose the audience. So, for carbon dating in particular, we have the dendrochronology that allows you to have calibrated carbon-14 dating.

So, I hear what you’re saying about potassium argon. There’s nothing to calibrate it against. But we do have tree rings that we calibrate the carbon-14 against, don’t we?

Kent: Well, true. Even then they find discrepancies. When they find their carbon date does not match the date that they want from tree rings, they simply call it, “Well, we have to date it again.” Why do you have to date it again?

Nehemia: It’s calibrated, that’s the whole idea… well, I’m not an expert in this, but my understanding is that they accept that the rates in the atmosphere aren’t necessarily uniform, and that’s why it has to be calibrated.

Kent: Well, we know any volcano can change that atmospheric content greatly. But the oldest tree they’ve got to go on is the Methuselah tree at 4,400 years old, the Bristlecone pine in California. That was the Flood, 4,400 years ago. Why is the oldest tree 4,400 years old? Of course, some trees might have survived the Flood. What’s the Flood going to do to a tree?

Nehemia: Well, I don’t know. If it’s going up and down 200 feet, that might grind them into powder. But my understanding of dendrochronology is that they take different samples of trees in a particular area, and they line them up based on when there’s a lot of rain, not a lot of rain, and they can go back thousands of years.

Let me ask you this question. Here’s what I work with in my field. We’ll take a manuscript and we’ll do a carbon-14 date, and it’ll say that it’s 700 years old. Are you telling me that’s not trustworthy because the whole system is wrong?

Kent: With carbon dating they get wild dates. A freshly killed seal carbon dated at 1,300 years. They just killed it, it wasn’t 1,300. The only reason they knew it was wrong is because they just killed it. Had they not just killed it, they probably would have accepted that date. The troubles of radiocarbon dating are deep and serious. They allow “…for contamination… fractionalization…” There’s all kinds of ways to try and fix the date that they get. “No matter how useful it is… there are gross discrepancies… the accepted dates are selected dates.”

Nehemia: I’m going to invite the audience, because you’re giving sources here, I really appreciate that. Someone out there is an expert in carbon dating or in radiometric dating, in archeometry. Come and stitch this part of the video and tell us why Kent is wrong if he’s wrong.

Kent: Sure.

Nehemia: That’s a challenge I’m going to throw out to an archeometrist out there, to somebody who deals with radiometric dating systems, because it’s beyond my skill set. This sounds really impressive, Kent, but I don’t know if it’s right or not.

Kent: Okay. Well, first of all, I want to say the Bible clearly teaches 6,000. That would be my final authority. But I’m not afraid of any science they’ve got to bring it up. But if they want to use any dating method, all you’re doing is saying “this object contains a material that is decaying”. That’s like your candle is burning. I agree that carbon-14 is decaying and turning into carbon-12, nobody is arguing about that. That potassium is decaying into argon; the uranium is decaying into lead. All of them are based on the decay rate of something.

Do you know the rate’s always been the same? Do you know how much was in it when it started? You can’t know that. And has there been no contamination? There are many things that affect it. Let’s see, two mammoths found side by side were carbon dated at 22,000 and 16,000.

Nehemia: So, here’s what… and again, I’m going to invite someone who’s much more of an expert on this than I am. But from the experts on carbon dating that I’ve spoken to, things have changed dramatically in the last 15, 20 years, to the point where… and you’re talking 250,000 years ago, that’s something completely different. But for the periods in which we have calibrated carbon-14, which is around the last 5,000 or 6,000 years, it’s pretty accurate. Once you get beyond where we can calibrate it, you’re right, it’s based on a bunch of assumptions, which maybe are right, maybe they’re not.

Anyway, so, yeah, somebody who knows a lot more about this, come and tell us why he’s wrong or why he’s right. Ooh! I like penguins, go back to the penguins. So, tell me about the penguins.

Kent: They took samples off of a living penguin and carbon dated it at 8,000 years old, because it lives near the magnetic north pole or south pole where the magnetic fields are going to be affecting this. We know the magnetic fields affect…

Nehemia: I’m pretty sure it’s the South Pole.

Kent: Oh, okay. It affects the carbon dating, the rate of decay. The solar flares can greatly affect it. I’ve got a whole list in here somewhere of all the things that affect carbon dating. When they date a sample of known age it oftentimes doesn’t work. If they date a sample of unknown age, they assume it works, because there’s no other way to verify it. As the “elements decay they produce helium.” There’s less helium in the atmosphere than we would get in only two million years.

All of this argument, though, is to do one thing; try to rescue the pacifier the atheists need. Time. How can you explain an amoeba turning into a whale? They’ll say, “Given enough time…” It’s always their answer. And if you can take away the billions of years, this whole chart because obviously stupid. If you think you are related to a whale and a sunflower, you need to go and see a shrink. You’re in serious trouble!

But the kids are being taught right now in school, while we’re sitting here, millions of kids in America, and probably billions worldwide, are being taught, “Your ancestor was an amoeba and it evolved into all these things today.” This is propaganda, this is not science. They have humans being related to the flamingos. If you want to believe that, I don’t care what you believe. I do care that you want to call it science and I do care that you want me to pay to have all the kids taught that stuff.

If somebody believes this garbage, they should go and start a private school and teach it to anybody who’s willing to come learn it. I’m not against private schools, but in a public school that everybody is forced to pay for, you should teach science. It is science that flamingos produce baby flamingos. That’s all anybody has ever seen. Nobody has ever seen a flamingo produce a non-flamingo baby. They’ve never seen a flamingo come from a non-flamingo.

Science is what we can observe, study, test, and demonstrate. It would be science to say all the flamingos probably had a common ancestor. Okay. No, they want to say, “That proves flamingos and humans and whales have a common ancestor.” That is where I start to object. That’s not science. That’s what you believe, that’s your religion…

Nehemia: You brought up a public policy issue here which I think one could make an argument about. Should taxpayer funding go towards things that can’t be proven and things that are theories and hypotheses? I think those are some valid questions you’re raising there, and to what extent should the government be involved, certainly the federal government, in education? But those are public policy issues that I think are beyond the scientific scope of what we’re talking about here. But okay, you’re allowed to bring that up. I’m just saying, for me, I would have to do a lot more thinking about that.

I can tell you definitely, there are things being taught… I’m in Texas right now, and people think, “Oh Texas, it’s really conservative.” No. Down the street there are schools where they’re teaching them things that, five or ten years ago they would be kicked out of polite society for teaching the kids. And now they’re teaching them that as fact, and they’re teaching them that they’re bigots if they don’t accept these facts. So, we do have some problems here, that’s not a question. Whether it’s the whole scientific thing here…

So, talk about speciation because there, I think, you have some interesting… Oh, I like cows. Tell us about the cows. You’ve got a nice little picture of cows.

Kent: Twenty-four times in the first seven chapters of Genesis, it says, “The animals will bring forth after their kind.”

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: He said it 24 times! They’re going to “bring forth after their kind”. Well, there are 450 breeds of cows that might have come from a common ancestor called a cow. And there’s a lot of variations in cows. They now have a breed of cows that are 20 inches tall, full grown.

Nehemia: That’s a stable cow!

Kent: That’s a dog, only it’s dumber. Cows can jump. I would accept that; it’s been proven that cows can jump. There’s a cow jumping over a six-foot fence. I wouldn’t argue with that. So, can I conclude that, since we have observed a cow jumping over a six-foot fence, if we give the cow vitamins and minerals and take it to the gym, someday the cow could jump over the moon? Would that be a logical conclusion? No, teacher, I bet there’s a limit on how high cows can jump. Have they reached the limit yet? I don’t know, but they’re not going to jump over the moon.

They’ve been doing this with dogs, trying to get dogs that are smaller, or bigger, or something. There are now 339 breeds of dogs. There’s the biggest dog and the smallest dog, they probably had a common ancestor called a dog.

Nehemia: That’s so, cute!

Kent: There it is, yeah. Those chihuahuas… a lot of people don’t know this. You can use chihuahuas for bear hunting and you don’t need a gun. The bear will die laughing, or he’ll choke on it!

Nehemia: That’s funny!

Kent: The fact that we see that probably all the dogs, wolves, and coyotes had a common ancestor, I wouldn’t argue with that. I ask four-year-olds when I do my sermon sometimes, I’ll get a four-year-old and I’ll say, “Okay kid, here we have a dog, a wolf, a coyote, and a banana. Which one is not like the others?” They get it right every time. I’ve only had one kid ever get it wrong, he said, “The boy.” Okay, well, yeah, I know.

God said they’ll “bring forth after their kind.” That’s all we’ve seen. Atheists want to argue, what’s a kind? Well, Darwin wrote a book about the origin of species. Let’s see, the definition of species… let me show you the problem here. The definition of species… here’s National Pornographic. “A species is defined as a group of organisms that can reproduce naturally with one another and create fertile offspring.” Can a cow and a pine tree mate and produce fertile offspring? No.

Nehemia: For sure.

Kent: I think we would all agree that a cow and a pine tree are different kinds. Species. Look at this, “A kind or sort.” So, the biblical word “kind” is probably similar in most cases to our current definition of “species”. Synonyms for species… let’s see, what are the synonyms? A kind. The Biological Dictionary, the definition, “A species is a group of organisms that share a genetic heritage and are able to interbreed.” We have on our North 40 pasture here a bunch of animals that kids come and get to pet them. We’ve got the sheep, the donkeys, and the cows all mixed together. They go out, eat together, live together. The cows show no interest in mating with the sheep, and the sheep show no interest in mating with the pine trees! They know what their kind is. Leave them alone, they’ll figure it out. You don’t have to worry about it, they know.

God said they will “bring forth… after his kind… after his kind… after his kind… after his kind… after his kind”. I mean, it couldn’t be more clear. Whether it’s true or not is not the point now. The Bible does teach they bring forth after their kind, 26 times in the first seven chapters.

Now, what is this definition of species? Well, let’s see. The definition of species. They’ve never come up with a good definition. I’ll show you. The textbooks are still struggling with that. I should have had it right there. Species, “An organism that can reproduce with one another in nature and produce fertile offspring.” What is a Species? Scientific American, “To this day, scientists struggle with the question… The debate over species definition is far from over.” Okay. “It may seem a surprise, but scientists are struggling to agree on something so basic as ‘what’s a species?’” What is a species exactly? “There is no general agreement among biologists on what species are.” There are 26 different published definitions of species. They still don’t know.

The Bible says very simply if they bring forth, they’re the same kind. Can you mate a dog and a cat and get living offspring? No. They may mate and exchange genetic information, but it won’t produce a baby.

Nehemia: So, just to clarify, you’re talking on… Here it’s complicated because I would imagine if you… how do I put this politely? If you marry a woman who’s currently your age, you’re probably not going to produce offspring. But you wouldn’t say you’re a different species, because when she was younger, presumably she could.

Kent: Sure.

Nehemia: And maybe she couldn’t as an individual because of some condition she had, but human women in general can produce offspring even though there’s individual human women who might not be able to produce offspring.

Kent: Right. But there are no cases where a human has been able to produce a baby with an ape, a gorilla, an orangutan, a monkey, those are all distinct kinds. Humans are not related to apes, monkeys, or orangutans. We have a similar body structure.

Nehemia: I’m curious if anybody has tried in vitro to do that. I actually don’t know the answer to that.

Kent: Oh, there are people who tried mating with dogs, and cows. You would not believe some of the strange things…

Nehemia: No, that’s actually mentioned in the Torah, in Leviticus.

Kent: Yeah. God told you what to do them, too!

Nehemia: It’s something you’re not supposed to do, so, obviously people were doing that and still are. So, this is fascinating. I want to do a thought experiment here, and I don’t know where this is going to go, so bear with me here. And I apologize if I’m going off the reservation here. Can you still hear me?

Kent: Yeah, I hear you fine. No problem.

Nehemia: Okay. So, what you do is really fascinating, and I know a lot of people who have watched your videos for decades. I watched your videos 20 years ago and I found them really fascinating.

So, my thought experiment is this; there’s a lot of Jews. Look I’m Jewish, okay? There’s a lot of Jews who believe the world is literally 6,000 years old, but they don’t do what you do. And I’m trying to think out loud and hear your thoughts about why that is. And I know for some of them they just say, “I’m not bothered by it. I don’t know why the science doesn’t match what I read in the Torah, but I don’t care.” It’s kind of like when I fire my cannons, I’m going to use what science says. When I go to my synagogue and read my Bible, I’m going to believe what the Bible says.

So, why do you think it is that there are whole ministries in the Christian world, and there’s a lot of really smart Jews who deal with science, a lot of smart Jews who believe in a literal 6,000-year-old world. Why do you think it is? And again, this is a thought experiment. This may go nowhere. I’m not aware of any Jews who are doing what you’re doing, so, I’m wondering why that is.

Kent: That’s a good question. I don’t know. They should be, if they really wanted to defend the Torah, defend the 6,000-year age of the Earth. Read Genesis 5, and Genesis 11, and do the math. We know Joseph was down in Egypt and became the assistant vice Pharoah, or whatever they called him. So, they know the approximate time when Joseph lived, and we’ve got dates from the Bible adding straight up to Joseph. It’s not hard, figure it out. It’s about 6,000 years old. So, there should be some Jewish Creationists out there talking to these folks who are claiming billions of years.

If you go back to my experiment of how long it takes to cross the street in Boston, that’s 6,000 years. If you want to go from California to Boston, that’s 4.6 billion. That’s ridiculous, that’s stupid. See, that stuff gets lost in the human brain. That’s why the Atheists rely on that.

How on earth can an amoeba turn into a whale? They say, “Given enough time.” That’s always their answer. What if you take away time? See, time is their pacifier. That’s what keeps them from crying, “You give me time, and I’ll do it.”

In the first place, we’ve never seen an amoeba produce a non-amoeba. We’ve never seen a bacteria produce a non-bacteria. There are some bacteria that have a very short generation time. They’re born, grow up, get married, and make babies in eight hours. Every day, you can see three generations in one day. So, in one year you can see over 1,000 generations of this bacteria. And so, they watch them for years in the laboratory, and they get some strange bacteria, but they’re still bacteria.

Nehemia: Well, yeah. And their argument will be, “Well, we’ve observed speciation in fruit flies,” that one species of fruit fly evolved into another species of fruit fly, or something like this. What do you say about that?

Kent: Sure. Well, all they did with the fruit flies is they nuked them, microwaved them, and x-rayed them. They did all kinds of mean things to the fruit flies, and they got them to have curly wings, they couldn’t fly. They got them to have no wings, they couldn’t fly. They got them to have no eyes, they can’t see. They never got an improvement on the ordinary fly. All they did was mess up a whole bunch of flies. So, that’s not any support for evolution.

All we’ve observed with mutations, and there’s been plenty, plenty of mutations that have been seen… mutations; all they do is destroy things. Mutations don’t make something better. Natural selection doesn’t make that new mutated one survive.

Adolf Hitler was a strong believer in evolution, and he had a chart he was going by of the different types of humans. He said there are different races of humans, which is a mistake to begin with, but he had them all classified. He had the blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic, the Norwegians, blue eyes. He said they’re the superior race. Now, under them were the Germans, and he had the whole list down to the Jews at the bottom. He said they’re close to pure ape. Hitler tried to kill all the Jews, and he killed a bunch of them. He tried to kill them all. He thought he was improving the human race by getting rid of the inferior species. Right above the Jews, he had the blacks. When Jesse Owens, the black American athlete won the most gold medals in the Olympics in Germany in 1936, Hitler refused to shake his hand and walked out of the stadium. He said, “It’s not fair to make my men compete against this animal.” He thought blacks were animals.

So, what you believe about this evolution theory has a profound effect on how you will behave. My video #5, called The Dangers of Evolution, in this series, tells about how this theory is not only stupid, it’s dangerous. Here we are teaching our kids in public school, “You are nothing but an animal.” And then we wonder, why are they acting like animals? Well duh, look what you taught them for 12 years. Evolution is the dumbest and most dangerous religion in the world. Natural selection doesn’t make anything new; it selects from what’s already there. So, nobody’s ever seen a good mutation, but Darwin thought…

Nehemia: Can we agree… I hope we can agree. It says in the Torah that God created man, male and female, in the image of God, and then when it talks about not committing murder, the reason given in Genesis 9 is because we’re created in the image of God.

Kent: Right, exactly right.

Nehemia: And so, the inherent value of all humans, whatever race, we’re all one species, that is a core principle in the Torah. And whether you say it’s literally true or metaphorically true, it doesn’t matter. It is true because God said it’s true, that we’re all created in the image of God.

And so, I hear what you’re saying about the danger of turning us into animals, or an ideology that says we’re not made in the image of God; it devalues humans. And racism… people say, “Why does racism bother you so much?” Because it denies this fundamental core value of God’s revelation, which is that we are made all in the image of God. If you say that one race is superior to another race, then you are denying that core biblical principle. Would you agree with that?

Kent: Yeah. All it is is they’re talking about skin color. It’s a human race. There’s one race, the human race. There are different colors of cows. Is it okay if the brown cow mates with the black cow? Would that be okay? Yeah, it’s a skin color. They all look the same in the meat locker when you take the skin off.

So, humans, we’re all human. I tell people I have never met a black man, never. You haven’t either. This is black. Have you ever met a black man? I never have. They don’t exist. I’ve never met a white man! Here, this is white; I am not white. I’ve seen lots of different shades of light brown to dark brown, but that’s it. We’re all human, we’re all interfertile, and there’s no superiority because of the color of your skin. That is just absolutely evil.

Nehemia: Amen. Alright, we’re agreeing on that! So, we found some common ground here. So, I want to bring up something really controversial, and if you’re not comfortable talking about this, we can drop it.

Kent: No, anything.

Nehemia: So, I Googled you before this conversation, and there were people accusing you of promoting The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Being Jewish, I’ve got to ask; do you believe The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a true and legitimate historical document?

Kent: It’s been 20 years since I looked at that. I’ve got it in here someplace. I mention that on my video #5, The Dangers of Evolution. No, no, I do not believe the Jews are inferior, nor do I believe they are superior. I think we’re all human.

Nehemia: No, but do you believe there’s a Jewish conspiracy to control the world, perhaps going back centuries?

Kent: There have always been people who want to control the world, like Pinky and the Brain.

Nehemia: I don’t know if I know about Pinky and the Brain.

Kent: Satan came to Eve; he said, “Eve, if you eat off of that tree, you get to be God.” That’s where it started, that’s where the evolution theory started. Satan wants to take over God’s kingdom, so, God kicked him out of heaven and he came down to Earth. Adam and Eve were doing just fine, probably for 100 years. We don’t know how long they were in the Garden in perfect harmony. But Satan said, “If you follow me and eat off that tree, you get to be God.” And that’s where the evolution theory got started.

So, there probably have been cabals of Jews who say, “We’re going to take over the world.” I don’t know. God’s laughing at all their plans.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: He that sits in the heavens shall laugh. Whether it’s true or not, there’s all kinds of lodges and secret societies that get together, like Pinky and the Brain, “What are we going to do today, Pinky?”

Nehemia: I don’t know about Pinky and the Brain. I think that’s after my time so I’m not sure what it is.

Kent: It’s a cartoon of two mice, one’s really stupid, I guess, I’ve only seen part of it. But their goal is, every episode they’re going to try and take over the world.

Nehemia: Oh, okay! See, I didn’t know that. So, you’re saying there are Jews out there who might be trying to take over the world, but like…

Kent: … who wanted to take over the world. There were Japanese that wanted to take over the world. There have always been people who want to take over the world!

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: Whether they’re Jewish or not is not the question.

Nehemia: So, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, do you think that’s an historically accurate book?

Kent: I have no idea. I have no way to verify that, I don’t know. So much of history that gets hidden or twisted by the time it gets to us. I trust this book [the Bible], but I’m a little bit skeptical about everything else I read.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: I’m willing to read it. I’m willing to listen. I’m willing to learn. But this is what’s true [the Bible]. So, no, I didn’t promote it. I just mentioned it.

Nehemia: Okay. Because the standard explanation, of at least mainstream historians, I think, is that it’s a plagiarized book put together by the men of the czar based on a book that was originally written about Napoleon III, or something like that, who people were afraid wanted to take over the world. I don’t know.

Anyway, okay, guys, make of that what you will. Write in the comments and give us your thoughts about it.

So, you have something here about the number of fingers… Oh, did you see the Palestinian boy with six fingers that was made by AI? Anyway, that’s a different thing.

Kent: I’m just pointing out mutations. Mutations happen. All mutations that have been observed are harmful or fatal. Nobody has seen a good mutation. Hair all over the face; that’s a mutation. Extra thumb; mutation. Mutations are doubling of chromosomes or twisting or perverting the chromosomes. They’re all mistakes. Nobody has even seen a good one.

Nehemia: What about sickle cell anemia? Doesn’t that protect people from malaria?

Kent: Yeah, that’s like saying…

Nehemia: Isn’t that… that’s not a mutation, but it’s…

Kent: Yeah, it’s true!

Nehemia: Or actually it is, I don’t know.

Kent: It’s like saying, “Hey, if you cut off your feet, you can’t get athlete’s foot!” Is that a good mutation? No. Sickle cell anemia is not good. It may protect you from something else, but it itself is the same as cutting off your feet and protecting you from athlete’s foot.

Nehemia: I’m not saying it’s good, but it would explain why the people who had it survived and the people who didn’t maybe died of malaria. And so, it was emphasized by that… like, pressure, sort of.

Kent: Yeah. That is an example of something bad happening that protects you from something else bad that’s happening. That’s not adding new information. It’s certainly not going to change an amoeba into a human. And that’s the best they always bring up. Guys, you would need trillions of mutations to change an amoeba into a human.

Nehemia: That’s why they need billions of years.

Kent: That’s why they need the billions of years.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: So, I’m always saying, look guys, there are no… here it is slide #1741, okay. Here’s a five-legged bull. That’s not new information.

Nehemia: And that’s not bull.

Kent: All mutations do is remove information or double existing information, duplicate information, or scramble up information. “There is no scientific evidence that mutations support evolution.” There’s no “new useful information” ever added, ever.

Short-legged sheep; that’s a mutant. He would not last in nature. He’s the first one the wolf is going to catch. There’s a two headed turtle; that’s mutant, that’s not ninja. He’s going to die in the first winter because nobody makes a double-neck turtleneck sweater.

So, scrambling up letters of the word Christmas will get you all kinds of words, but it won’t get you Xerox, Zebra, or Queen, the letters aren’t available. There’s a biology textbook that says, “Normal fruit flies have two wings, this mutant has four. This rare mutation, like most mutations, is harmful.” Guess what? This fruit fly with four wings cannot fly. That’s not helpful. They say, “Look at that, it’s new information.” It’s not new information; he already had wings! You duplicated information. One professor said, “People with sickle cell cannot get malaria.”

Nehemia: Here you go.

Kent: That’s the one they always give.

Nehemia: Okay, even I’ve heard that one.

Kent: Yeah? Cut off your legs and you can’t get athlete’s foot either. What does that prove?

Beneficial mutations: color that allow animals to camouflage better. That’s not mutation. They already had white feathers or brown feathers, some just had more white and they blended in with the snow better. They already had feathers, they already had white feathers. They lost some color; that’s not adding information.

So, I go through in my video #7, probably for 40 minutes, on this topic, because it’s so common. Because evolutionists rely on mutations to change something, and they don’t. Beneficial mutations are non-existent. And if they were, if you could find…

Nehemia: Wait, wait, wait. Go back. What was that thing about HIV?

Kent: This one?

Nehemia: No, one forward, I think. One back, one back.

Kent: Back, back, back, back.

Nehemia: You skipped it, go forward. Slowly, there might be a delay here. Something about RNA and HIV; that sounds controversial.

Kent: There it is. RNA viruses, HIV, there it is. What’s happening, all that’s ever seen is they take information that already exists, scramble it, delete some, duplicate some. They’re not adding any more.

If I told you I’ll give you a box of the alphabetic letters, A through Z. I’ll give you thousands of each letter in a big box. I want you to dump it out. Is it possible that you’ll dump them out and spell a word on the table? Maybe, like Scrabble. Is it possible you’ll dump these letters out and spell a Japanese word? No, the letters aren’t available. I would have to add new information to the box.

So, mutations, all they do is scramble existing information, and if you had one that did evolve a little better, now, who is it going to marry? You’ve got to get two of the opposite sex in the same place. What if one happens here and one happens in China? Now they can’t find each other. And what if one happens now and one happens 30 years later? Now you’ve got a problem. They’ve got to have two at the same time, of the opposite sex, in the same place, and they’ve got to find each other and be interested. You’ve got a whole bunch of problems here!

And they want to rely on that. They think that is somehow evidence that an amoeba can turn into a human. I say, “Guys, I don’t care if you believe that, but you need to admit it’s a belief. It’s not science, we don’t observe that.” That’s why I continually say evolution is a religion. This is what they believe happened. This is nothing but artwork. This is a bunch of lines on paper. This isn’t science. We don’t know that a protozoa turned into a sunflower, and a frog, and a dinosaur, and a human, and a horse. You don’t know any such thing. You believe it.

And you tell anybody in your audience, I’ll debate any evolutionist, any day, with half my brain tied behind my back!

Nehemia: And to be fair, guys, I’m not an evolutionary biologist, so I don’t really have a way to evaluate a lot of what’s being said here. I do find it fascinating because I do deal with history, so, I find it fascinating…

I want to go back to the Bic pen that you mentioned maybe an hour ago. That, you know, when plastic was invented and when Bic became a corporation. And there is where, in my field, I would say, “How do we actually know when plastic was invented? And how do we actually know when Bic became a corporation?” Meaning, you’re saying that it couldn’t be before 1888, or something like that, because ballpoint pens weren’t invented.

So, a lot of times I’m dealing with things in my field where people say, “Well, we know X, Y, Z.” And it turns out we actually don’t know that at all. And then ten years later everybody says that’s wrong. So, that’s actually a really important thing, that a lot of things that we think we know, we don’t actually know. People don’t distinguish between fact and hypothesis, and then theory becomes really controversial what that is.

So, there’s information that says the Bic Corporation was founded in whatever year, or ballpoint pens were patented in 1888. Maybe they existed before that, I don’t know. I don’t know enough about it. Here’s my real point; how do we actually know that the Bic Corporation was founded in 1945? Because we have newspaper accounts that might mention that, and we have historical documents that might show when the corporation was founded. So, people mentioned it at the time when it was happening. The first advertisements might show up for Bic pens in 1945, or whatever year it is. So, we have corroborating pieces of evidence that we can go back and look at it. I haven’t done that work and I doubt you have either. You Googled it like I Googled it, right?

Kent: Sure, sure.

Nehemia: Is it correct? Who knows if it’s correct? I would not assume anything you read on the internet is correct, and I wouldn’t assume anything you read necessarily in history books is correct. Because I’ll tell you, all the time I’ll see things where it talks about… and here is something you can speak on maybe. I’ll read in textbooks, or in popular scientific magazines, where it will talk about how they carbon-14 tested a fossil. Well, that’s a pretty neat trick, there’s no carbon in a fossil! How did they do that? So, talk about that for a minute, because there you’re making a valid point. How do you carbon-14 test a fossil?

Kent: Right. But see, they do carbon date living tissue. It only works on things that contain carbon, obviously something that was alive and was breathing in CO2. Well, we know there are things that affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. A volcano eruption can do that, a forest fire can do that. Anyway, that’s another story.

But you’re right. Observable science, that’s what you’ve got to go back to. What’s your definition of science? Well, science is what we can observe, study, test, and demonstrate. We cannot observe any animal producing anything other than their same kind. We never observe a shark producing a non-shark baby. It’s never been observed. So, why are we teaching the kids, at taxpayer expense, that sharks are related to sunflowers? Why are we allowing this in our textbooks? If somebody wishes to believe this, that’s fine, I don’t care what they believe. But they want me to pay to have this chart put in all the textbooks so the kids can learn that the shark and the sunflower have a common ancestor. That’s propaganda, that’s not science! Even if it’s true, it’s not science yet because it hasn’t been demonstrated, observed, and tested.

Nehemia: So, how could you demonstrate that in theory?

Kent: Well, sharks always make baby sharks. Sunflowers always make baby sunflowers. There are no exceptions. If somebody wishes to believe otherwise, they should admit that’s their religion. You can believe whatever you want; I don’t care! But don’t call it science! They are trying to say evolution should be part of science. No, evolution should be part of a fairytale book or part of a religious book, but it’s not part of science.

Nehemia: Wait a minute. So, you wouldn’t say, though, that Jesus rising from the dead was part of a fairytale book, right? So…

Kent: I don’t think we can prove that scientifically. I believe he did.

Nehemia: Fair enough.

Kent: I trust my eternity to that. But I didn’t see it. There were people who did see it who reported it at the time. Over 500 witnesses reported they saw him alive after the crucifixion, according to the Bible. All I can go on is that I have chosen to believe this book is true. I’ve chosen to believe Jesus did rise from the dead. He prophesied that it would happen. He told it in advance. “Guys, I’m going to Jerusalem. They’re going to kill me, and I’m going to rise from the dead.” He told his disciples ahead of time. I know that from four different witnesses: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They all said that. So, I think four witnesses is enough. In a court of law, two witnesses can convict a person. And in the Torah, two or three witnesses… every word’s established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. So, I think we have enough witnesses and I’ve chosen to believe that. But if somebody said, can I prove it scientifically? Did I observe it? No, nobody alive today…

Nehemia: So, if somebody comes to you and says you’re believing fairytales… But your point is that it shouldn’t be taught by governments. Let’s say that the resurrection of Jesus shouldn’t be taught by the government in public schools because that’s your personal conviction.

So, here you’re dealing with, again, a public policy issue, which is valid, which is the separation of church and state for example, which I think most people in the Western World would agree with. Maybe you wouldn’t, I don’t know. But it sounds like that’s exactly what you’re saying, that there are things we can’t prove, and those shouldn’t be taught in public schools. Okay.

Kent: Well, here’s an example…

Nehemia: Those are interesting points.

Kent: Okay, I taught biology and had to teach anatomy one time. It is a biological fact that we have a muscle, that we’ve all chosen to give it a name called the deltoid. It raises your arm this way. The kids can learn, “Okay, boys and girls, this is the deltoid, this is the biceps, and here’s the triceps. This is the humerus, this is the radius and ulna, these are the flexors, these are the extenders.” You can learn all the muscles of the body, and all the bones, and all the anatomy, and never talk about evolution. There is no doctor on the planet who worries about evolution while he’s doing surgery! He better know his anatomy to not cut the wrong stuff. Even if it’s true, evolution is not science and it’s useless. Who cares?

Nehemia: So, this goes back to James Burke’s example, in The Day the Universe Changed, about the people who were to fire cannons. Even though they believed the Catholic theology about geocentrism or whatever, the sun goes around the Earth, when they came to fire the cannon, they used the Coriolis effect, or whatever it was. I don’t know the exact details, and the bottom line is, it worked.

And you’re saying you can be a practicing doctor, you can be a practicing scientist, and evolution doesn’t change it one way or another. And that’s a really interesting point. Like, what is the practical application of evolution? I guess an evolutionary biologist would say there’s a lot of practical applications, I don’t know.

Kent: Tell me one.

Nehemia: I’m not an evolutionary biologist, I don’t know.

Kent: You tell all your evolutionary biologists out there; I challenge them to show a practical application for this and to show an example. I have asked for years, what is the best evidence for evolution? They are still teaching in our biology textbooks today that the baby growing inside the mother, the embryo, has gill slits. That was proven wrong in 1874, and they’re still teaching that. I say, “Guys, if you wish to believe that, that’s fine, believe whatever you want. But don’t call that science.” I’ve got it on here somewhere, embryology as part of the evidence for evolution. Earnst Haeckel made up this idea after reading Darwin’s book. Do you see it on there anywhere? There we go, embryology, here we go.

Darwin predicted, “we should find evidence for my theory” in 1859. The textbooks are teaching the embryo has gills slits. I cover Lies in the Textbooks in my video #4. Here’s a human embryo. It has four different wrinkles under their chin. They develop into bones in the ear…

Nehemia: I’ve got more than that!

Kent: Yeah, well… they never have anything to do with breathing. Here’s a fat guy who’s got five or six chins and he can’t breathe through any of them! What happened is, Earnst Haeckel read Darwin’s book in 1860. He said, “Wow! I like this theory. There’s no God. Whoa, I like that!” A lot of people like the idea of getting rid of God. Because if there’s a God, that means He owns this place and that means He can make the rules. “Thou shall not”, “Thou shall not”. Well, they don’t like some of those rules, so they deny His existence.

Earnst Haeckel took a drawing of a human and a dog embryo at four weeks in development. Now, he was an embryologist at the University of Jena, in Germany. He liked Darwin’s theory, so he changed the drawings of the dog and the human and made them look exactly alike. Here are the actual drawings, of studying ones that they’re seeing, compared to his fake drawings. He made charts of his fake drawings of all kinds of different animals. Let’s see, the fish, the turtle, the duck, the human, the pig, the sheep, and he made the embryos, the top line, all look alike. Here’s his fake drawings. Underneath are actual photographs of those same creatures at that same stage in life. Now, either he’s a lousy artist or he’s a liar.

Well, the fact is, we know he was a good artist, and he was a liar. His own university, the University of Jena, held a trial. He’s their professor, and he was convicted. He confessed, “A small percentage of my embryonic drawings are forgeries. I had to fill in missing information.” It wasn’t missing, Ernst. You’re lying! He said, “I should feel utterly condemned, except that hundreds of other people lie also.” They lie, so, it’s okay for me to lie. That was his defense.

This biogenetic law, this embryology stuff that’s taught, I have a debate on that coming up this Wednesday, in two days. Go watch my channel Genesis Baptist Church on YouTube. He said this law “cannot be weeded out.” It’s been proven to be wrong, it’s as dead as a doornail. Haeckel was convicted of fraud, but the drawings persist. I collect biology textbooks. I’ve got them from all the different publishers from many, many years, back to the 1800’s. His fake drawings are still in use today! That’s Haeckel’s chart!

Nehemia: So, you’re telling me in 2024 there are kids out there who, in their textbooks, have a drawing that’s fake. That’s what you’re saying.

Kent: It was proven wrong in 1874!

Nehemia: No, but are they still publishing this today in the 2020’s?

Kent: Oh, yeah. Sure.

Nehemia: Okay.

Kent: You can Google right now “embryology.” It’ll probably show Haeckel’s fake drawings. The most recent biology book I have from a university is 2017. If somebody’s got a more modern one they’re not using, send it to me. I’ve got a collection of them here and I’d like to get some newer ones. But they’re still saying embryology… here we go, right here. They’re still using fake drawings. This is a public-school science book. Here it is, “they prove common ancestry.” Those are not gill slits. They’re just plain lying!

Here’s a 2017 biology textbook using Haeckel’s fake drawings. There they are. Those are not pharyngeal gill slits. The reason this is important to evolutionists is because they want to say it’s not a human yet while it’s growing inside the mother. It goes through fish, amphibian, reptile, mammal stages. So, it’s still in the fish stage, it’s okay to kill it. This is how they justify abortion. They say it’s not a human yet. No, it’s a human the instant it’s conceived.

Here’s a 2020 textbook, Early Embryonic Development Shows Similarities. This is… I’m sorry, it’s propaganda, it’s not science. Haeckel’s drawings were proven wrong in 1874 and they’re still teaching it today. I’ve got all kinds of stuff on this. This goes into homology.

It’s important because they’re desperate. They’ve got to have some kind of evidence to say, “Wow, we evolved from an amoeba, boys and girls.” They want so badly defend this dumb theory that we’re all related, and it’s just not true. This is saying, “God is wrong. God said they’d always bring forth after their kind, but we know the Bible is wrong because we know things produce different kinds.” Really?

I challenge any evolutionists. I’ll tell you what, I’ll take on 20 at a time, 20 against Kent. You can host it on your channel! Here’s the rules: one topic at a time, no interrupting, equal time for both sides, not for each person, and they can choose who they want to answer. I want the evolutionists to give the best single evidence they’ve got for evolution. I then get equal time to refute it. Then they go onto their second-best evidence, and I’ll refute that one. I’ve had 351 debates with evolutionists at various universities. I’ll take them all on. I’m just a lowly high school science teacher with a non-accredited degree from a Christian school who happens to believe this book [the Bible] is true, and evolution is not only stupid, it’s dangerous. It’s not science.

We’ve never seen a cow produce a non-cow, ever! If they wish to believe that, believe whatever you want. Dogs make dogs without exceptions. There’s big dogs and little dogs, but they’re still dogs.

Nehemia: We are grateful to God for that, that dogs produce dogs. Well, this has been a fascinating conversation. I wish I knew more about this topic so I could have a more intelligent conversation with you. But I invite people to come and share their thoughts in the comments here. And like I said, if Kent has said something here that is demonstrably either untrue or true, I think, stitch it and share the information that you have because I don’t really know enough about this.

I just go back to this thought that I just don’t think Jews are concerned about this that much. And there’s a lot of Jews… here’s what I’ve heard from Jews. “If you want to believe the world is billions of years old, and that helps you in your faith, that’s fine. I choose to believe it’s 6,000 years old.” That’s the type of thing I’ll hear from a lot of Jews. “Okay, well how do you explain this scientific claim?” “I don’t know, I don’t care.”

Kent: Okay.

Nehemia: That’s the thing I’ll hear from a lot of them, and I think it’s fascinating that you’re actually wrestling with these issues. And whether you’re successfully resolving them or not, people can debate, but you are wrestling with these issues, and I think that’s really interesting. Any final words?

Kent: I’m trying to defend two things. I’m trying to defend the Bible; I believe it’s true. I’m also trying to defend science from a stupid religion being inserted in our science book. I love science. I taught science for 15 years. We have a science center here at Dinosaur Adventure Land in Lenox, Alabama. Come on down! Type in “Dinosaur Adventure Land”. We love science. I taught Earth science, biology, and physics for 15 years, and I love them. I taught algebra, geometry, and trigonometry also. So, I’m not against science, but evolution isn’t part of it, that’s all. And they’ve snuck it into our science books and called it science, but it’s not science. If you had a science book that was teaching the moon is made of green cheese, I would object to that too.

Nehemia: So, before we end, could you just spend a couple of minutes talking about the evolution of elements? How you get uranium in stars and stuff like that, because this isn’t just biological evolution that you’re challenging, you’re actually also challenging, meaning… Well, you explain it. I’m sure you can explain it better than I can.

Kent: Well, when someone says we’re going to discuss evolution, I say, well, let’s define the term. What do you mean by that word? Because there are six different meanings to the word evolution. There is cosmic evolution, the origin of time, space, and matter; that’s never been demonstrated. Then there is chemical evolution, which you’re talking about here now. How did all the elements come? Chemical evolution. According to their Big Bang Theory, the big bang produced hydrogen and helium, and maybe a little bit of lithium. How do you get all these other elements? Let’s see, the Big Bang produced hydrogen and helium. Okay, how do you get gold out of hydrogen gas? I’d like to know how to do that, I’m sure the Jews would like that too! How do you get gold out of hydrogen and helium?

Nehemia: That was an unnecessary comment…

Kent: I like money too, okay!

Nehemia: I’m really uncomfortable with that, Kent. I’m just going to have to say that.

Kent: Oh, okay. I’m sorry.

Nehemia: Really not a cool thing to say.

Kent: It’s just kind of a stereotype.

Nehemia: Yeah, that’s all the more reason not to say it. It kind of feels a bit anti-Semitic.

Kent: Alright, well I’m sorry. Retract that, okay?

Anyway, chemical evolution, the theory of life’s origins; this is a real thing. They teach the Big Bang produced hydrogen and helium. How do you get to iron if you can’t fuse past iron? They’ve known that for a long time. How do you get gold, silver, and platinum out of hydrogen gas? It can’t be done. The most massive stars, eight times the mass of the sun, have enough pressure to produce all the elements up to iron. They can believe that if they wish, and maybe that’s true.

Nehemia: Isn’t it supernovas? Isn’t that the explanation? How we get all that Jewish gold that you’re talking about.

Kent: Yeah, but still, that’s only up to iron on the chart.

Nehemia: No, no supernovas… is that not the explanation?

Kent: The supernova, they claim… it’s all theoretical.

Nehemia: When it explodes it creates the heavier elements is their explanation.

Kent: It only creates the elements up to iron, which is #26. There are 92 naturally occurring elements. How do you get past iron? This is a real problem.

Nehemia: I’ll be honest, I can’t get past the gold thing. So, I think it’s a perfect time to wrap it up. Thanks, Kent, for coming on the program.

Kent: Alright.

Nehemia: If you guys can send me the files, I’ll have my editor… Oh, send me the slides that you used if you don’t mind, and my editor will put them in posts, I guess. I don’t know. Alright, thanks a lot.

Kent: Come visit our Dinosaur Adventure Land in Lenox, Alabama. We’d love to have you down here. It’s all free.

Nehemia: Thank you for the invite, shalom.

Kent: Thank you, bye-bye.

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