Confronting the Challenges of Local Government with Nobility, Service and Excellence with Mike Wilson and MIca Lunt #97 Part 2
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Welcome back to part two of this brilliant conversation with Mike Wilson and Mica Lunt of T2L Professional Development. We’ve been chatting about confronting the challenges of local government and in this second half we’ll dig deeper into Mica and Mike’s top Motivators and what keeps them waking up eager every day.
Something that is extremely interesting about Mike and Mica’s Motivators is that they both have an element of innovation that is higher in their priorities. Typically the people who are drawn to governmental positions are high Traditional Regulatory. They do not like change.
But both Mike and Mica question how things are done now and like to find ways to make them better.
I absolutely loved the advice they’d both give to their younger selves. For Mica, he’d tell himself to save his time and money and realize that he doesn’t need a Ph.D. to be the change maker he wants to be. Mike would tell himself not to overthink things so much. Take action and make changes as you go.
The quotes they chose for their billboards are so good that I have them below in the show notes. What’s interesting about their quotes is that they feed perfectly into the advice that they’d give themselves and their advice for those in local government today.
These two men are truly making a difference in the world and I’ve loved talking with them about their purpose and passion. The actions of our local governments make a true impact in our day to day lives and Mike and Mica are helping to bring a greater sense of awareness and fit to the people who lead.
In this episode:[03:25] Listen as Mica shares more about his Motivators and communication style and how knowing them has helped him in his career.
[06:47] Mike dives into his Motivators as well.
[11:21] Suzie talks about the Team Talent Tracker and how it can be a great team development and communication tool.
[14:05] Mica recalls a client that they used the Team Talent Tracker with and how it helped.
[16:05] Mike and Mica share who their greatest influences have been in their career.
[20:00] How do they maintain their wake up eager life?
[23:53] What advice would they give their younger selves?
[26:31] Where would they put a billboard if they had one and what would it say?
[31:48] Their advice for local government leaders everywhere.
[34:43] Listen as Suzie shares her favorite parts of the episode and her take aways.
Links & Resources:Podcast Mentioned by Mica: A Bit of Optimism – Simon Sinek’s Podcast
Sample Talent Tracker -
PPD Hiring Superior Performers Services
Understanding Workplace Motivators
Mastering Relationship Skills by Understanding the Way Others Behave! – Free DISC Work Relationship Guide
Billboard Quotes:"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right." - Tony Robbins
"It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming. But who does actually strive to do the deeds? Who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who had the best knows, in the end the triumph of high achievement? And who had the worst. If he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Teddy Roosevelt
"It's hard to fail, but it's worse to never have tried to succeed." - Teddy Roosevelt
Connect with Mike:T2 Professional Consulting -
Connect with Mica:LinkedIn -
Lunt Consulting -
Related Podcasts:#18 Demystifying & Understanding TriMetrix: What, Why and How to Use it for Hiring and Coaching - #45 Getting New Hires to Stay with HR Executive Judy Simmons, PHR - #81 Hiring with TriMetrix: Why and How It Works -
Special Episode Giveaway
Fifty Workplace Motivators Assessments* This is a $350 value!
We will send a complimentary assessment link to the first fifty people who take a few minutes to share a podcast review and let Suzie know. Once you have your Assessment results, go to to watch the debrief video and use hundreds of resource materials.
*The Workplace Motivators Assessment takes ten minutes to complete and is a robust tool for measuring a person's top drivers and interests. (Sample Report ) Use your complimentary for yourself or give it to an employee, family member, or friend.
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Connect with Suzie:Priceless Professional -
LinkedIn: Suzie Price -
LinkedIn: Priceless Professional Development -
LinkedIn: Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast -
Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast –
For additional resources and full show notes:
119 episodes