show episodes

This Podcast Burns Fat!

Dr. Lori Shemek and Omar Cumberbatch

This Podcast Burns Fat is the dedicated resource to helping you create lasting weight loss while optimizing your health. Loaded with cutting-edge interviews from the top experts in weight loss and weight management, This Podcast Burns Fat provides you with actionable and simple information to help you move forward and stay on track with your weight loss. It is our mission to help people make sense of the plethora of complex nutrition and science, including the conflicting information that is ...
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Cutting edge strategies for the Certified Health Coach! As Health Coaching becomes more popular by the day, it is vital that we are able to use all of the resources available to us to create thriving practices in order to provide our clients with results that they truly want. The Health Coach Academy interviews experts of various disciplines to help us understand the concepts that will make our business boom all while keeping up with the latest health and wellness trends so that we are bette ...
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Aging GreatFULLy will inspire unbridled life enthusiasm while broadening your thoughts about growing older. Kelley incites a Life unstoppable outlook and reminds that Age is Just a Number while encouraging everyone to live life through their Bucket List! Commonly known for saying, “It’s all about perspective," Kelley will have you rethinking your anterior perspectives on aging, and soon you too will delightfully accede to your own amazing aging adventures and do so in the spirit of gratitude ...
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show series
Understanding inflammation and its role in disease is one of the most critical missions this show is aimed to do. Inflammation is said to be the cause of 14 out of the top 15 causes of death in the world! Yet it is completely misunderstood by a majority of us, including the doctors that are tasked to treat us as patients! It's time to get a refresh…
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Health coaches are naturally helpers. We authentically care about our clients and are out for their best interests. This puts us at a distinct business advantage! Putting clients first is essential for building a successful business. This approach fosters loyalty, trust, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. When clients feel valued and understood,…
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It's amazing how something we do constantly can be done incorrectly. It's hard to believe that breathing is something that we are born doing and over time, is altered and creates a whole host of health issues. Weight loss does not escape this. By increasing our lung capacity by properly breathing, we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and boost our o…
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One of the most popular life phrases is, "It's not what you know, it's who you know". This holds true for successful health coaching practices as well. By building your network, you can get one of the most sought after leads any business owner would desire: referrals. To this day, nothing beats a referral. And mastering how to network in a way that…
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Is organic traffic dead? Not exactly. However, it isn't free. It costs a ton of time. So if you want to grow your business fast, you should consider spending money over spending your time. Health coaches can use paid ads to find more people by using ads on a variety of platforms from Facebook to Google and get themselves in front of their ideal cli…
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Lifestyle is the best medicine. With a proper lifestyle, we can see how we can live a healthy and thriving life that doesn't have to be very difficult to maintain. We also begin to see that food isn't always what we really are craving for and non-dieting is the new way of living. To expand on how to embark on this lifestyle, we invited Kim Shapira …
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The more things change, the more they stay the same. It's a phrase that is often said for many reasons and it fits the current world of marketing just the same. No matter what the latest fad method of marketing that comes out, the basics of marketing tend to stay the same. Basically, what problem do you solve and what do you do to solve it? To dive…
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Running a business is only one aspect of your life, even if it seems like it consumes everything else. How many times have certain areas of life were neglected in order to keep our businesses afloat? Has our health suffered? Our relationship with our loved ones? Has our connection to spirit taken a hit? Like it or not, these aspects of ourselves ne…
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Neuroimmune conditioned syndromes (NICS) affect an increasing number of people. These issues include Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and the urgency for effective treatments has never been greater. So when a new and groundbreaking program is showing great promise, it opens up a lot of eyes and grabs a lo…
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I know the legal aspect of health coaching isn't the first and foremost thing on the mind of a health coach. But we do live in a litigious society. With that being said, we need to protect the business that we are creating. The great thing about it is that it isn't that difficult to put in place, especially when you have Cory Sterling in your corne…
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When you continuously get acknowledged for your career path, there's definitely something there. Accolade after accolade counts for something as well. And when it comes to peak performance, there's only a few coaches who can share the same air as Brett Baughman. With more than two decades as an award-winning business and life coach, including being…
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Lipedema is an often misunderstood condition that causes abnormal fat accumulation and not many doctors are aware of its complexity. While distinct from obesity, its symptoms can lead to misdiagnosis. In this podcast, we delve into debunking myths by exploring scientific aspects, and discussing holistic management approaches, and surgery options wh…
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Fascia is an awesome tool to have in your health coaching toolbox! Although our understanding of fascia is an ongoing process, it's popularity continues to soar! This fascination with fascia allows for a unique selling point on a cutting edge modality that can be very beneficial to any health coaching practice. To share how to incorporate fascia in…
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Mastering weight loss involves conquering cravings, the ultimate adversaries in unhealthy eating habits. By understanding and overcoming these urges, we can gain control over our dietary choices. For some of us, these urges appear to have complete control over us. But there are simple ways to take back control and create consistent habits that succ…
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I'll be honest. I think niching down is the hardest thing a health coach can do. Even to this day, I feel a lttle funny fully committing to a specific niche no matter how many people tell me the same exact advice and the amazing benefits of gaining that clarity. But, when it comes to creating a business, the importance of niching down can't be over…
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As we age, hormonal changes occur, impacting various bodily functions. During this time we may experience changes in growth hormone, insulin, and thyroid hormones, that affect metabolism, energy levels, muscle mass, and overall health. So what if we can gain a better understanding of these changes and not have to deal with the downside that we see …
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It really is amazing how there's such a stigma around using a ghostwriter. People get help in the area of writing all the time! I myself use my virtual assistant to do my show notes. I use my copywriter to create my sales pages. But for some reason, even I feel a certain way considering using a ghostwriter to help out with any future books I intend…
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Our understanding of fascia is an ongoing process that continues to fascinate us all. Once it appeared to just be something that seemed to be in the way of our major organs and tissues, research is showing us just how powerful and important fascia is for our overall health and wellbeing. So it comes as no surprise that fascia has a role in weight l…
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Yoga and health coaching are two modalities that share many common threads, especially when we look at how they play such critical roles in how to transform people’s lives. So it doesn’t come as a surprise when we learn that many health coaches actively practice yoga and even incorporate yoga into their health coaching practices. So when I had the …
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As we close in on our 200th episode, I look back at all of the amazing business tips that our awesome guests consistently deliver. But what about some of the latest approaches on how to get our clients healthy? As the landscape constantly changes, we are bombarded with so many different perspectives that it can often get confusing on how we should …
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It's well known that New Year's resoultions fizzle and burn well before they ever get any traction. It's not because we don't have the best intentions. After all, we all set them and have the desire to achieve these goals. But something happens, and it happens fast. In fact, Researchers suggest that only 9% of Americans that make resolutions comple…
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We all have a story, whether we realize it or not. And that story, once identified is the key to turning your passion into profits. Our story provides us the framework to connect to the peoople we want to serve and enables us to deliver the unique value that they want and would love to pay for. To dive into this topic, we invited Evan Transue to th…
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Even if you'd rather be off the grid, social media can be a game-changer for your business. We know that it can potentially be a goldmine for your business because it reaches a vast audience, boosts brand visibility, and offers valuable insights in how to position your business. But, what if you just don't want to do it? What if the whole idea fill…
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Although often overlooked, flexibility and mobility play a crucial role in weight loss. Regular stretching and mobility exercises improve muscle function, and enhance overall fitness. But probably the most important component is that it reduces pain and the chance of injury. If you're in pain or injured, you aren't going to want to work out, let al…
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Your life experiences shape your business model more than you might think. Your personal journey, from triumphs to challenges, can guide your entrepreneurial path by turning what you've been through into a successful business strategy that resonates with your target audience. The greater your story, the more attractive you become. And when it comes…
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Glutathione is a vital antioxidant that plays a crucial role in detoxification, protecting cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. Glutathione also supports the immune system and is used in various medical treatments and supplements for its health benefits. But we do not have an infinite supply of glutathione. So what do we …
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Satisfying hunger is a fundamental human need crucial for survival and well-being. Hunger signals the body's need for nourishment, energy, and nutrients. But many of us suffer from feeling safety around food. This concept has been growing in recognition because many people are beginning to realize the vast emotional component to eating that was oft…
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True success lies not in products or technologies, but in the power of people. Why do some companies have loyal, cult-like followings while others blend into oblivion? If we look around, we begin to notice that traditional marketing is losing its edge and many entrepreneurs are struggling to stand out. It becomes clear that a thriving community can…
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Can an online program really give you the flexibility and financial stability you need to sustain a health coaching practice long-term? The simple answer is absolutely! By leveraging digital platforms, you can design and deliver courses tailored to your expertise and passions and reach a global audience that has the potential to generate passive in…
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There are many commonalities between mental health and weight loss. In fact many of the lifestyle choices that we make create poor outcomes in both of these areas. Emotional factors, like stress, depression, and anxiety, often trigger unhealthy eating patterns, leading to weight gain. Conversely, excess weight can exacerbate mental health issues, p…
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Often, we neglect to recognize the true importance of our liver in our day to day lives. In this episode, we are going to give the liver some much needs love and attention to acknowledge how critical it is for our overall health. In the world of weight loss, the liver plays a pivotal role in due to its involvement in metabolic processes, fat metabo…
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So..... Let's talk about the elephant in the room. ChatGPT. At this point, I feel that I can say that everybody has at least heard of this or other AI applications out there that seemingly threaten the very existence of mankind. That's the dramatic feel around this new technology. A lot of creatives are truly stressed out about this. But just like …
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Join us for this soul enriching power-hour and set your Aging GreatFULLy compass towards your True North to live your best life NOW by design on your terms! You’re invited to get excited about every milestone of your amazing life journey…Aging GreatFULLy style as we revisit this popular Flashback Friday favorite! It’s easy find ourselves headed off…
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Does more marketing mean more sales? Not necessarily. Getting more clients without traditional marketing is feasible through alternative strategies. By focusing on client satisfaction and creating valuable relationships, businesses can attract new clients organically and retain them for sustainable growth. So spending more money on marketing is not…
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Diet and exercise is aren’t the only shows in town when it comes to weight loss. Sleep plays a crucial role in weight loss due to its impact on various physiological processes. Sleep supports hormone regulation, specifically leptin and ghrelin, which control appetite and hunger. Inadequate sleep disrupts this balance, leading to increased hunger an…
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