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Over The Bridge Podcast

Over The Bridge Podcast

Hey, meet Bilal, Kwaku, Patrick. 3 Black and Mixed-Race guys who became friends whilst studying at Cambridge University. Join us as we talk about life before, during and well - after 'The Bridge'. Expect chats about life, and our own experiences. email: otbpodcastuk@gmail.com Twitter: @otbpodcastuk Cast: Kwaku: @KwakuDapaah_ Patrick: @p_dinheiro Bilal: @Tweetsbybilal
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Husband, father and musician, Granger Smith discusses matters of faith, family, music and the outdoors, while spreading messages of integrity, honor, truth, and restoration grounded in a Christian worldview. This podcast is meant to provide light for the seekers, hope for the bleak, fuel for the motivated, encouragement for the steadfast, and restoration for the faithless. We magnifying the message of a story worth sharing, unashamed to tackle the politically incorrect, sensitive, patriotic, ...
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Chats between James and Duncan on anything we find interesting... hopefully you find it interesting as well :) Please note all statements are the individuals own and do not represent the organisations they work for.
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The ultimate online business podcast that delivers trainings most consultants charge thousands for, with proven strategies to grow and scale your business online. April Beach hosts the weekly podcast to help you design, launch and scale your business, with a rare behind the scenes look of what it really takes to build an impact brand for high profit, deep purpose, and lifestyle freedom. Each show delivers expert steps to build your service business including offer strategy, online marketing, ...
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This podcast is dedicated to helping you relive your favorite Walt Disney World Memories through the use of immersive binaural sound recorded live in the Disney Parks. Join Lou with each episode as he lets you experience a ride, show, or attraction just as he originally heard it live in the parks. When you can't travel to Disney World, Lou and his family will bring WDW to you. 💰 Become a recurring supporter for as little as $1 a month: https://WDW-Memories.net/Support
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In each episode, we talk with inspiring scientists, thinkers, and other self-actualized individuals who will give you a greater understanding of yourself, others, and the world we live in. Scott Barry Kaufman explores the depths of human potential and tries to get a glimpse into human possibility in every episode.
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Intended to inspire and entertain, best friends Jaci Marie & Chelsey Jade talk candidly about health, business, relationships, life, etc. You can expect the girls to be joined by occasional guests, reading friends' & fans' stories, & offering unsolicited but heartfelt advice. | Introduction music by Lowercase Committee | Cover art by Chloe Bruderer.
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Every weekday, host Kai Ryssdal helps you make sense of the day’s business and economic news — no econ degree or finance background required. “Marketplace” takes you beyond the numbers, bringing you context. Our team of reporters all over the world speak with CEOs, policymakers and regular people just trying to get by.
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Work in Progress with Sophia Bush features frank, funny, personal, professional, and sometimes even political conversations with people who inspire Sophia about how they’ve gotten to where they are, and where they think they’re still going. These discussions stem from her "aha" moment of realizing you are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.
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Real Job Talk

Liz Bronson & Kathleen Nelson Troyer

Seasoned HR and recruiting consultants Liz and Kat help you navigate your career and get through your work day. Go beyond the employee manual for some real job talk!
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Hosted by psychotherapist Nikki Eisenhauer, M.Ed. LPC, LCDC. This show provides essential emotional education on Mental Health, HSP (Highly Sensitive People), Narcissists & Manipulative personalities, healing from Trauma and PTSD, calming your nervous system, inner child work, and setting healthy boundaries. Emotional Badasses are survivors, thrivers, seekers, and healers! Expand and awaken to your higher purpose, be more present and authentic, find strength in spirituality, quiet the monkey ...
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Getting past "and what is it you do?" to "how do you do it?" and "why?" These episodes, drawn from across the Slate network, dive into how to live while making a living.
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Let's Make Out

Chad Rader & Gabrielle Flowers Rader

Life is a journey and everyday we are trying to make out where it's going. Whether it's in our marriages, relationships, finances, spirituality, parenting or internal; it can be difficult to navigate. The Let's Make Out Podcast, hosted by married duo Chad and Gabrielle of the YouTube channel GabeBabeTV, is here to help you make out all things love, life and laughter!
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