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Food Safety Matters

Food Safety Magazine

Food Safety Matters is a podcast for food safety professionals hosted by the Food Safety Magazine editorial team – the leading media brand in food safety for over 20 years. Each episode will feature a conversation with a food safety professional sharing their experiences and insights into the important job of safeguarding the world’s food supply.
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(Apple's Best of 2018) In-depth conversations with people at the top of their game. Jordan Harbinger unpacks guests' wisdom into practical nuggets you can use to impact your work, life, and relationships. Learn from leaders (Ray Dalio, Simon Sinek, Mark Cuban), entertainers (Moby, Tip "T.I." Harris, Dennis Quaid), scientists (Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye), athletes (Kobe Bryant, Dennis Rodman, Tony Hawk) and an eclectic array of fascinating minds, from art forgers and arms traffickers to sp ...
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HOPE not hate seeks to challenge and defeat the politics of hate and extremism within local communities, building resilience against the politics of hate and fear, at a national and grassroots level and this podcast explores the myriad of ways it does so. Email us at digital@hopenothate.org.uk for tips, feedback, and opportunities. Printed and Promoted by Nick Lowles of behalf of HOPE not hate, 167-169 Great Portland Street 5th Floor London W1W 5PF
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Exes. We’ve all had one and we’ve all been one. And while breakups can be painful and heart-breaking, a complete surprise or a total relief, there’s always a story to be told. This documentary-style series, narrated by Georgia Love, brings you a collection of unconventional stories about relationships past, through the eyes and the hearts of the very people who lived them. Tales of public humiliation and prison to forbidden love and funerals; we bring you the good, the bad and all the juicy ...
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The Same Drugs

Meghan Murphy

Meghan Murphy and guests embrace authenticity, and have real, honest discussions about culture, politics, relationships, psychology, health, social media, cancel culture, and more. Conversations outside the algorithm. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-same-drugs/support
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The Hutchmoot Podcast

The Rabbit Room Podcast Network

We call Hutchmoot a “conference for everyone,” so it follows that this is a “podcast for everyone.” This series features sessions recorded at the Rabbit Room’s annual conference which celebrates art, music, story, and faith in all their many intersections.
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Since 1980, City Arts & Lectures has presented onstage conversations with outstanding figures in literature, politics, criticism, science, and the performing arts, offering the most diverse perspectives about ideas and values. City Arts & Lectures programs can be heard on more than 130 public radio stations across the country and wherever you get your podcasts. The broadcasts are co-produced with KQED 88.5 FM in San Francisco. Visit CITYARTS.NET for more info.
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Watch If You Dare

Watch If You Dare

Watch If You Dare is a podcast exploring horror cinema through the eyes of a coward and the eyes of a longtime fan. Whether you’re a hardened horror expert, a casual in a love-hate relationship with scary cinema, or just a victim of a dare, join Derek, Aaron, and the occasional guest or two and face your fears. Find new episodes of Watch If You Dare on PodBean, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, CastBox, and Google Play. Please subscribe, rate and review.
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Young and Profiting with Hala Taha is the must-listen podcast for anyone who is hardcore into entrepreneurship. Hosted by Hala Taha, a self-made entrepreneur and marketing expert, this top-ranked show features mini-masterclasses with business icons and entrepreneurs like GaryVee, Alex Hormozi, and Codie Sanchez. Listen to YAP to profit in all aspects of life - from boosting sales and beating algorithms, to brain hacks and biohacking. Whether you’re launching a startup, scaling your business ...
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The Telegraph

The untold story of Britain's role in the Trump-Russia scandal, revealed by those who saw it firsthand. Spies, lies and an election like no other. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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