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The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

What started as a series of short mysteries for the curious mind with a short attention span has evolved into enlightening conversations for the not-so-short attention span. Whether it’s a short mystery, a long conversation, or an audio book, The Way I Heard It is a veritable box of chocolates for the ears, because you never know what you’re going to get.
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The Tough Girl Podcast is all about inspiring and motivating YOU! I will be interviewing inspirational women from around the world, who’ve faced and overcome difficult challenges and situations, they will share their story, their knowledge and provide advice and essential tips for you to overcome your own personal challenges. Please check out the Tough Girl Challenges website - www.toughgirlchallenges.com and follow on twitter @_TOUGH_GIRL
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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged podcast. Dealing with all areas of anxiety, low self-esteem, fears to regain your confidence in all areas of your life, and being unique in using Hypnosis and NLP. Awarded one of the top 15 personal development podcasts A podcast for those wanting to let go of what holds them back through personal development but want it made simple and easy to understand and more importantly use, take action and make a difference to your life and th ...
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Hi! My name is Lindsay and I host Stuff about Things: An Art History Podcast. It is a podcast where I tell you stuff about things. From giant Buddhas to lost paintings, each episode is a deep dive into a particular work of art, artist, or issue within the world of art history. My goal is to make art history accessible, enjoyable, and fun for anyone with a digital device and a desire to learn! My dog, Gus, also plays a key role as the podcast's muse and mascot. Come for the information, stay ...
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Interactive Body Balance with Mike Daciuk

Mike Daciuk: Health Practitioner, Nutrition Consultant and Business Coach

Interactive Body Balance presents the latest in Health and Fitness. We discuss the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and physiological aspects of creating a balanced life. We look at your subconscious programs, diet, hormones, exercise, sleep patterns, stress reduction techniques, supplementation, etc. We help people live a more fulfilled life from both a personal and professional perspective. It is all about growth and prosperity. We have been educated from the best in functional medic ...
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Steve Czaban is one of the most experienced daily sports talk radio hosts in the nation. In his 28 year professional career, Steve has worked for every major syndicated sports talk network (Sporting News, ESPN Radio, Fox Sports Radio, Yahoo Sports Radio, SB Nation Radio), filled in as a guest host for popular national personality Jim Rome, and has worked locally in markets including Santa Barbara, Chicago, Milwaukee, Charlotte and Washington D.C. "The Czabe" has forged a unique style of no-b ...
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Deep in the Mojave Desert, there is a little town with a big name and a bizarre history: California City. For decades, real estate developers have sold a dream here: if you buy land now, you’ll be rich one day. Thousands of people bought this dream. Many were young couples and hard-working immigrants looking to build a better future. But much of the land they bought is nearly worthless. In this new podcast from LAist Studios, host Emily Guerin tells a story of money, power and deception.
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This show focuses on the luxury consignment / resale / vintage archival segment of the retail industry including vintage shows, ebay, Poshmark and 1stDibs as well as the Hollywood styling industry. Vintage pop ups. This show gives behind the scenes insight and frank talk about all sides of the business. The show interviews leaders in the styling, reselling and consignment industry. Host, Jennie Walker, gives personal insights through her own experiences as a reseller and stylist through The ...
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In The Dark

The New Yorker

In the Dark, hosted by Madeleine Baran, is an award-winning investigative-journalism podcast that started in 2016. Its first season looked at the mysterious abduction of Jacob Wetterling in rural Minnesota and the lack of accountability that sheriffs face when they fail to solve cases. Season 2 examined the case of Curtis Flowers, who was tried six times for the same crime. In 2020, In the Dark released a special report on the coronavirus pandemic in the Mississippi Delta. In 2023, In the Da ...
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Six Pixels of Separation - Mitch Joel’s weekly conversation with business leaders, thinkers, innovators and cultural icons. The show is about insights and provocations on brands, consumers, technology, business and how connected we’ve all become.
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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew Walsh

Spotless is a podcast about cleaning, hosted by Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew Walsh. They help listeners with cleaning-related questions, test drive new scrubbing techniques, and complain about the way people vacuum in the movies.
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How Did This Get Made?

Earwolf and Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, Jason Mantzoukas

The award-winning comedy podcast that celebrates bad movies. Comedians and actors Paul Scheer (The League), June Diane Raphael (Grace and Frankie), and Jason Mantzoukas (Big Mouth) break down the very best of the worst films ever made—we’re talkin’ blockbuster flops, cheesy 80s action movies, Lifetime thrillers, obscure cult classics, and if we’re honest… most Nic Cage and Jason Statham movies. Plus, sometimes they’re even joined by hilarious guests like Seth Rogen, Conan O’Brien, Amy Schume ...
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Quintus Curtius is an attorney, writer, translator, and former Marine officer. His books deal with a variety of ethical, moral, and character topics, using examples in history, biography, literature, and philosophy. The result is both unique and inspiring. His podcasts are his personal dialogues with listeners. He can be found at www.qcurtius.com
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A podcast featuring Mike Gioseffi and Jesse Gibson that’s about sports, the Sports card market, and how to make money with this hobby. Who you should be buying and selling - along with the occasional fantasy football advice.
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