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Host Steve Sanduski, CFP® is the founder of two financial services companies, a New York Times bestselling author, podcast host, executive coach, and speaker. Through interviews with top achievers and visionary voices, Between Now and Success brings you the strategies, tips, and tools you need to succeed at the intersection of business and life. In each episode, Steve's guests open up and share their journey and the lessons they learned on their road to the summit. So rope up and get "On Bel ...
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Museums, galleries and historic houses are treasure troves of items from the past. But how easy is it at these sites to unknowingly just walk straight past an object with an incredible story to tell? In this podcast series host Ploy Radford talks to the experts at different museums, galleries and historic houses about the most underrated objects in their collection, and unveils some fantastic facts.
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MARKETING DEEP DIVES by DENYSE is a Podcast for CPG Executives wanting to attract, delight and retain more consumers. In each episode Denyse shares her tips, tools and ideas gathered from her more than 30 years experience working in over 125 countries around the globe. Denyse is: 📈 Advisor to Fortune 100-Inc 5000 | 🚀 Strategist for mid-sized CPGs | 👨‍💼👩‍💼Leadership Coach | 🎤 Keynote Speaker | 📚 #1 Best-Selling Author | 🌍 Former Global Head of Consumer Excellence at Nestlé
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Modern Myth

The Archaeology Podcast Network

All too often we talk about fake news and alternative facts as if they are new concepts. In reality history itself is constructed, and thus constrained by its authors, we have as a society taken this as truth and unfortunately there is more to history that just the past.
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Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you quick tips (mostly 2-5 minutes, but some are up to one hour long) on the mindset, strategies or tactics successful people implement for effective time management and productivity. Note to podcast aficionados: This is not a show, so there’s no set format. These are recordings of musings, recommendations and interviews – all designed to help you understand key time management strategies to achieve the balance you seek. The author of two Amazo ...
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Love Your Story is a podcast about the power of our personal story, how we can use our stories to empower us, take the prerogative to reframe the stories that hold us back, all while celebrating the unique heroic journey we each take. I interview people who have experienced deep difficulty and Olympic-style accomplishment so we can hear their stories and see how to walk those paths. We talk about techniques for changing the stories that keep us small, we celebrate true life stories, and we e ...
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Every Thursday on The Assignment, host Audie Cornish explores the animating forces of this extraordinary American political moment. It’s not about the horse race, it’s about the larger cultural ideas driving the conversation: the role of online influencers on the electorate, the intersection of pop culture and politics, and discussions with primary voices and thinkers who are shaping the political conversation.
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Welcome to the Sensitive and Neurodivergent podcast (formerly The HSP Podcast) with Julie Bjelland, LMFT, a space for sensitive and neurodivergent individuals to explore emotional well-being, self-compassion, and empowerment. Join Julie and her guests as they discuss topics like managing sensitivity, overcoming shame, coping with a world not set up for us, and finding joy. The podcast offers insights and tools to help you navigate the world as your authentic self, build resilience, and conne ...
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After These Messages Podcast

Andrew Walsh & Genevieve Haas

Hosts Andrew and Vieves talk TV commercials with their listeners, the Ad Council, in this weekly podcast. As the slogan says, they've got "hot takes on commercial breaks." Find them at afterthesemessagesshow@gmail.com
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Since launching in 2000, All Songs Considered has been NPR's flagship program for music discovery, artist interviews and conversations with friends and fellow music lovers about the really big questions, like what was the best decade for music, are there albums everyone can agree on, and what do you put on when you need a good cry? Weekly, with host Robin Hilton and the NPR Music family.
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Oprah is opening the vault of The Oprah Winfrey Show with 25 years of hand-picked legendary interviews, a-ha moments, ugly cries and unforgettable surprises. A lot has changed since she ended the show, but many of our personal struggles have stayed the same. We’re all still looking to connect, to be seen and to know that we’re not alone. We’re also looking for some joy, some laughs and some much-needed inspiration. As we head into this new decade, what better time to look back and reflect, t ...
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Sign up for 'The Practical Futurist' newsletter here Hosted by award-winning podcast creator, journalist & futurist Mark Pesce, The Next Billion Seconds is everything you need to know about the future — so you can make the best decisions today. The rate of change we are experiencing is the fastest humanity has ever seen. Stay informed as Mark simplifies the complex technological and societal changes we face. How we will work, connect, use money, drive, eat is all changing at a rapid pace. Fo ...
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BBC World Service

Immersive storytelling from the BBC World Service. The home of original drama. The latest season is Purple Heart Warriors, a time-travelling drama about the Japanese American soldiers who became legends of US military history. Inspired by real events, it’s the little-known story of the 442nd Regiment, decorated for their bravery fighting the Nazi German army in World War Two. Narrated by Will Sharpe and written by Oscar nominee Iris Yamashita, it is told in six-parts. Also listen to our prev ...
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If you are heading home after a long day of work, school or errands how about a pick me up? Five Minute Mojo transforms your ride home into a time of reflection. Thom Walters guides you through thinking about positive ways to evaluate and change your life for the better. He will ask you questions you have never heard before. Dragging yourself home at the end of the day is now a thing of the past. It's time to change our life. It's time for Five Minute Mojo.
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