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Modern Myth

The Archaeology Podcast Network

All too often we talk about fake news and alternative facts as if they are new concepts. In reality history itself is constructed, and thus constrained by its authors, we have as a society taken this as truth and unfortunately there is more to history that just the past.
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MARKETING DEEP DIVES by DENYSE is a Podcast for CPG Executives. Denyse is: 📈 Advisor to Fortune 100-Inc 5000 | 🚀 Strategist for mid-sized CPGs | 👨‍💼👩‍💼Leadership Coach | 🎤 Keynote Speaker | 📚 #1 Best-Selling Author | 🌍 Former Global Head of Consumer Excellence at Nestlé
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Emily Abbate

Join veteran journalist and wellness coach Emily Abbate, on Hurdle — a wellness-focused podcast where she talks to inspirational people about everything from their highest highs and toughest moments to essential tips on how to live a healthier, happier, more motivated life. We all go through our fair share of hurdles. Emily's goal through these discussions is to empower you to better navigate yours and move with intention so that you can stride toward your own big potential and of course — h ...
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Museums, galleries and historic houses are treasure troves of items from the past. But how easy is it at these sites to unknowingly just walk straight past an object with an incredible story to tell? In this podcast series host Ploy Radford talks to the experts at different museums, galleries and historic houses about the most underrated objects in their collection, and unveils some fantastic facts.
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Love Your Story is a podcast about the power of our personal story, how we can use our stories to empower us, take the prerogative to reframe the stories that hold us back, all while celebrating the unique heroic journey we each take. I interview people who have experienced deep difficulty and Olympic-style accomplishment so we can hear their stories and see how to walk those paths. We talk about techniques for changing the stories that keep us small, we celebrate true life stories, and we e ...
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QCODE, Wood Elf, Mythical

RONSTADT, starring Rhett & Link, is a supernatural noir comedy set on the mean streets of LA about a 9-1-1 phone jockey whose night job, along with a self-described “Craydar,” leads him deep into Side B - a world filled with magic, monsters, and all things Mythical. RONSTADT was created by Jonathan Strailey & Brandon Bestenheider and produced by QCODE, Wood Elf, and Mythical.
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This unique and lively history show delves into some of the world's most important political, social and cultural events and the intriguing personalities behind them. Presented by Dr Patrick Geoghegan of Trinity College Dublin, Talking History unravels the gritty, sometimes uncomfortable, side of our past, and what we can learn from it.
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The RESOUNDworship Songwriting Podcast is designed to equip, train and inspire grass-roots worship songwriters in local churches. Joel Payne and Sam Hargreaves discuss songwriting technique, analyse classic worship songs, interview established writers and present a featured song. All to help you become a better worship songwriter! Also available on iTunes and via the usual podcast apps - search for "The Resound Worship Songwriting Podcast".
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The Five

FOX News Radio

The hot topics that have everyone talking from the five voices that will have everyone listening. Don't miss 'The Five' as they discuss, debate and at times debunk the hot news stories, controversies and issues of the day.
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The Mindvalley Podcast brings you the latest hacks from the leading minds in business, health, spirituality and relationships. We provide you with the education that traditional schools forget. Hosted by Vishen, founder of Mindvalley and a 3x bestselling author, he is one of today’s most influential minds in personal growth and on a mission to transform millions of people. Join us every week - Big names. Big topics. Big personal growth. Welcome to The Mindvalley Podcast.
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DJ, Producer, Funky Promoter, Radio Show Host on Mother Russia's territory and beyond. Funk and Beyond parties and RHYTHMS Radio Shows celebrating 17th anniversary in 2024. Check anatolyice.ru and beyondfunk.ru for more info
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Be Real

Bobby Maximus

Be Real, hosted by Bobby Maximus and Joe Cebula, teaches people how to become better in every aspect of their lives using fitness as a vehicle. Bobby Maximus is a best selling author, a regular contributor to Men's Health and one of the World's most recognizable fitness professionals. Joe Cebula is one of the World's best Transformation experts and a rising star in the world of strength and conditioning. Subscribe Review Follow us @bobbymaximus and @joe_cebula Become a supporter of this podc ...
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Looking for fresh content to solve your human capital issues but don't have a full hour? Subscribe to the HCI podcast series to gain access to leading HR practitioners from Fortune 1000 companies, as well thought-leaders, authors, and academics. These experts cover everything from talent acquisition and analytics to engagement, retention, and development.
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Are you ready to start a journey of personal growth and spiritual development? Look no further! This captivating podcast is here to help you live a more authentic and joyful life. Whether you’re going through a spiritual awakening or just looking for ways to improve your well-being, this podcast is perfect for you. Join us as we explore topics like self-improvement, manifestation, transforming your mindset, finding spiritual enlightenment, relieving anxiety, and even unlocking your psychic a ...
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It's the Pictures that Got Small

Nate DiMeo and Karina Longworth

From Nate DiMeo, the creator of The Memory Palace, and Karina Longworth, creator of You Must Remember This, comes a new movie podcast. Each episode, Karina and Nate reach out from their quarantines to a guest who’ll pick a movie they’ve heard is great but never found the time to watch. They’ll watch it, break it down, even play a game or two. All while raising money to support independent movie theaters, film societies, and other places that make us love going out to the movies. Join them an ...
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Unlock Leadership Excellence: Tune into “My Favorite Mistake” with Mark Graban Are you a leader aiming to boost effectiveness, insight, and innovation? Join Mark Graban on ”My Favorite Mistake” (and no, it’s not the Sheryl Crow song), where top business minds, C-suite executives, and industry innovators share their pivotal mistakes and the powerful lessons they’ve learned. The Concept Embrace the transformative power of mistakes. Discover how errors can fuel leadership growth and creative pr ...
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