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These are cross-border stories that connect us. Border people often inhabit this in-between place. From KPBS and California Humanities “Port of Entry” tells personal stories from this place — stories of love, hope, struggle, and survival from border crossers, fronterizxs, and other people whose lives are shaped around the wall. Rooted in San Diego and Tijuana, we are a transborder podcast for transborder people. We live life on la linea. Hosted by Alan Lilienthal and Natalie Gonzalez, writte ...
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show series
Con un segundo mandato de Trump a la vuelta de la esquina, se anticipan políticas que generan preocupación a la comunidad fronteriza como deportaciones masivas y aranceles en importaciones mexicanas. Estas medidas, junto a los nombramientos de su gabinete, amenazan con tener implicaciones serias.Para explorar estas cuestiones y comprender las expec…
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With a second Trump term around the corner, significant policy proposals have sparked widespread concern—from mass deportations to potential tariffs on Mexican imports. These developments, alongside Trump's cabinet selections, have particularly poignant implications for border communities. To delve into these issues and understand the expectations …
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YO! To tide everyone over until Episode 083 next week, here's a conversation Greg had about the brand new biography on the band Immolation, released by Decibel Books. This convo is with returning guest Keith Huckins (Kiss It Goodbye/Deadguy) who also wrote the forward for said publication, author Kevin Stewart-Panko & Decibel Editor in Chief Albert…
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YO!!! We're finally back! It's been a while, but we're working on getting back into the swing of things. Meet our new co-host Balaram Shakti and enjoy this trip down memory lane with Sean & John from By A Thread. This episode's sponsor is our friends at Iodine Records. Check out a ton of cool new and archival releases here:…
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El Día de Muertos es una celebración de la vida y la muerte que nos invita a recordar y honrar a las personas que amamos que han fallecido. En este episodio bonus, el equipo de Port of Entry comparte algunas memorias y reflexiones de los seres queridos que ya no están con nosotros. A través de estos recuerdos, reflexionamos sobre el impacto que est…
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Day of the Dead is a celebration of life and death that invites us to remember and honor the people we love who have passed away. In this special Day of the Dead episode, The Port of Entry team shares personal stories and cherished teachings from loved ones who have passed away. Through these memories, they reflect on the impact these individuals h…
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Como cualquier otra ciudad, Tijuana tiene su folklore y sus leyendas escalofriantes. Una de esas historias es la leyenda de La Faraona, la bailarina que ronda los terrenos de lo que solía ser el viejo Resort y Casino Agua Caliente, ahora la preparatoria Lázaro Cárdenas.Hablamos con Fernando Escobedo (…
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Like any other city, Tijuana is full of folklore and scary legends. One of those tales is the legend of La Faraona, the dancer who haunts the grounds of what used to be the old Agua Caliente Resort and Casino, now Lazaro Cardenas High School. We talk to Fernando Escobedo (…
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Dejamos nuestro último episodio preguntándonos sobre los costos de construir una casa con derivados de la arcilla. ¡Resulta que es barato! Entonces, si es barato, ¿más personas han aprovechado la oportunidad de construir de esta manera? y ¿por qué no se ha popularizado en entornos urbanos?Para responder a estas preguntas, continuamos la conversació…
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We left our last episode wondering about the costs of building a house with earth or clay materials. Turns out it's cheap! So if it's cheap? Have more people jumped on the opportunity to build this way and why hasn't it taken hold in urban settings?To answer these questions, We follow up with Miguel Angel Perez an earthbuilder from Baja, and talk a…
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Nos encontramos en medio de una crisis ambiental, y nuestro estilo de vida actual está en conflicto con los sistemas naturales que posibilitan nuestra existencia, especialmente cuando se trata de construir nuestras casas. En Baja un colectivo de bioconstructores llamado Tequio ha implementado un método milenario que podría ayudar a aliviar estas pr…
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We're in the midst of an environmental crisis, and our current urban lifestyles clash with the natural systems that support our existence, especially when it comes to building our homes. An earth-building collective in Baja called Tequio is taking an age-old approach to construction that may help ease these environmental pressures. In today's episo…
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La congestión vial es un problema enorme en Tijuana y San Diego. Si conduces durante el día, seguramente te tocará estar en algún embotellamiento de tráfico. Entonces, ¿deberíamos construir más carreteras para aliviar la congestión del tráfico? En este episodio, quisimos explorar qué es lo que impide a los Tijuanenses obtener una mejor calidad de v…
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Traffic is a huge problem in Tijuana and San Diego. If you drive around during the day, you will most certainly be caught in a traffic jam. So should we build more roads to ease traffic congestion? In this episode, we wanted to explore what is keeping residents of Tijuana from a better quality of life. The answer took us by surprise. Join us in our…
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Yo! Something to tide you over until Episode 080: Greg had a chance to sit down with the man, the myth, the legend Chris Lisk and talk about the upcoming Gimme Some 90's show that will be happening on August 24th at the Garden Amp in Garden Grove, CA. You do not want to miss this show, plus...Javier AND Greg will be there hanging out. Go!…
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Iniciamos nuestra nueva temporada con la historia de cómo Tijuana y San Diego ganaron la designación de Capital Mundial del Diseño 2024. Hablamos con Jorge Francisco Sánchez y Catalina Silva, dos colaboradores del equipo de Tijuana sobre cómo lograron la designación en conjunto con el equipo de San Diego y qué hizo que su propuesta destacara.¡No te…
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We kick off our newest season with the story of how Tijuana and San Diego won the designation as World Design Capital of 2024. We spoke with Jorge Francisco Sanchez and Catalina Silva, two contributors of the Tijuana side of the team as to how they landed the designation as well as what made their proposal stand out.You won't want to miss the first…
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En este episodio bonus, Natalie nos lleva a través de la marcha del Día Internacional de la Mujer en el corazón de Tijuana. En esta fecha, mujeres de todos los ámbitos se reunen para exigir justicia, igualdad y el fin de la violencia contra las mujeres en México. Acompañamos mientras navegamos los sonidos y testimonios de resiliencia y solidaridad …
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On this bonus episode, our host Natalie takes us on her journey through the International Women's Day march in the heart of Tijuana. On this special date, Women from all backgrounds gathered to call for justice, equality, and an end to violence against women in Mexico. Join us as we navigate the sights and sounds of the collective spirit of resilie…
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YO! We're on just a teeny little spring break here...back to your regularly scheduled Where It Wentsday in 2 weeks, but in the meantime, enjoy this episode from 2021 that was initially for Patrons only where we talked about Quicksand "Distant Populations" LP with Alan, Sergio & Walter. If you want to hear cool bonus content like this all the time, …
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Hola Amigoooooos!!Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and…
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¡Que shouuuuu amigos!Actualmente estamos en receso de producción trabajando en nuestra próxima temporada. Pero no queríamos perder la oportunidad de hablarles sobre Amal, un títere gigante de 3.5 metros de altura que anda esparciendo un mensaje de esperanza donde quiera que va. ¡Acompáñenos para escuchar sobre el impacto que esta marioneta tuvo en …
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Hola Friends!We are currently on a production break working on our next season.But we didn't want to miss this opportunity to talk to you about Amal, a 12-foot-sized puppet girl who spreads a message of hope wherever she goes. Join us to listen to find out the impact she made on the locals and us while she was here! Nos vemos pronto!@portofentrypod…
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¡Hola amigos!Antes de cerrar esta temporada y tomar un pequeño descanso, queríamos dejarlos con la historia de Jardín de las Mariposas, un albergue en Tijuana exclusivamente para migrantes queer. Este albergue ha impactado las vidas de miles de personas queer que huyen de la violencia o que enfrentan discriminación en su país de origen, siempre con…
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Hola Friends!Before we close this season and take a little break, we wanted to leave you with the story of Jardín de las Mariposas, a shelter in Tijuana exclusively for queer migrants. This shelter has impacted the lives of thousands of queer folks who are fleeing violence and face discrimination in their land of origin and is helping many more fig…
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YO! It's past the cutoff to say "Happy New Year" according to Larry David so we will forgo that but we're very excited to share this Patreon exclusive episode from last year with everyone. We got to sit down with Brant and Ryan from You Don't Know Mojack podcast (along with some patrons too) and talk SST/Revelation, our favorite releases from the o…
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¡Hola friends!Ya casi terminamos de contar historias LGBTQ+ de la región fronteriza. En esta edición, hablamos con Andrés Hernández, una escritora y artista visual transgenero no binaria de Tijuana, quien nos cuenta la historia de cómo el arte le ayudó a lidiar con las difíciles realidades de ser queer en Tijuana y nos compartió parte de sus luchas…
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Hola Friends!We are almost done showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, we talk to Andres Hernandez, a Non-Binary Writer and visual artist from Tijuana. She retells the story of how art helped her cope with the difficult realities of being queer in Tijuana and shares part of her struggles of coming out to her family and figuring o…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry anda con todo y esta temporada estamos compartiendo historias LGBTQ+ de la región. En este episodio bonus, Natalie y nuestro productor Julio se sientan con los protagonistas de nuestros dos primeros episodios, Alejandro Sánchez y Meritxell Calderon para conversar sobre algunos temas que no lograron salir al aire ; desde a…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry is in full swing showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, Natalie and our producer Julio sit down for a video conversation with the features of our first two episodes, Alejandro Sánchez and Meritxell Calderon. They discussed a wide range of issues facing the queer community in Baja that didn't make it int…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry continúa su temporada mostrando historias LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta edición, nos sentamos con Xaime Aceves Equihua, un terapeuta y artista Drag de la región de San Diego Tijuana. Debido al rechazo que enfrentó desde temprana edad, Xaime encontró difícil permitirse ser quien era hasta que encontró una manera de poder ex…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry is showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, we sit down with Xaime Aceves Equihua, a therapist, and Drag Artist from the San Diego Tijuana region. Due to rejection he faced early in his life, Xaime found it challenging to allow himself to be who he was until he found an outlet: Drag. He now leads a series…
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¡Que onda amigos!Continuamos nuestro inicio de temporada con la última parte de nuestro primer episodio: La lucha por el Matrimonio Igualitario en Baja California. En esta segunda parte, nos unimos a Alejandro, un analista de políticas públicas y activista de derechos queer de Mexicali. A través del poder de las redes sociales, Alejandro logró movi…
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Hola Friends!We continue our season kick-off with the second part of our two-part series: The Fight for Marriage Equality in Baja. In this second part, we join Alejandro, a policy analyst and queer rights activist from Mexicali. Through the power of social media, Alejandro was able to mobilize the masses in favor of an initiative that successfully …
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Hola Friends! Lanzamos nuestra nueva temporada destacando historias LGBTQ+ de la región con un episodio de dos partes: La lucha por el matrimonio igualitario en Baja. En esta primera parte, nos sentamos con Meritxell y Nancy, una pareja queer de Tijuana que ha luchado por los derechos LGBTQ+ en el estado de Baja y en México. Nos comparten su histor…
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Hola Friends!We kick off our new season highlighting LGBTQ+ stories with a two part series: The Fight for Marriage Equality in Baja. In this first part, we sit down with Meritxell and Nancy, a queer couple from Tijuana who have fought for LGBTQ+ rights in the state of Baja and Mexico. They share their story of how they fought to have marriage equal…
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Hola Friends!KPBS’ Port of Entry is back with a new Season and this time we want to highlight LGBTQ+ stories of the region. We sit down with activists, artists and academics to share their stories about what it means to be queer in the borderlands. Our guests share stories of coming out, accepting oneself, and learning to navigate in a world that c…
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Yo! We figured this was a great time to share this killer talk we had with Tom & Casey about all things "Slip", which celebrates it's 30th anniversary this year. We talk about the gestation of the beautifully executed reissue on Iodine Records & the amount of genuine love that went into the design of this stellar package. If somehow you have not or…
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Surprise! On this lovely Friday, listen to a chat with the entire band Values Here. Their new LP "Take Your Time, I'll Be Waiting" is out today (9/22/2023) via our dear friends at End Hits Records. Grab some of the limited variants today here: www.deathwishinc.comBy whereitwentpodcast
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