Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 950 radio stations.
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This is Ken Ham, on a mission to strengthen the global church with God’s Word. As we’ve seen this week, Noah’s descendants were great architects and explorers who had a detailed knowledge of astronomy. And they also invented many technologies to make life easier. The Chinese are attributed with inventing moveable type, writing paper, the seismograp…
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This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability. Did you know that some researchers suggest the Americas were visited by many other cultures long before Columbus ever set sail? This suggests that ancient man had advanced knowledge of shipbuilding and navigation. Advanced shipbuilding early in history makes sense…
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This is Ken Ham, often a guest on radio and TV on the Bible’s authority and reliability. Evolution teaches that human society slowly evolved into more complex forms. But the evidence shows complexity arising across the globe all at once. Consider the many huge stone structures left behind by the ancients. These stones fit together so precisely that…
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This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truth of God’s Word. Did you know many ancient cultures had a complex knowledge of astronomy? Structures from ancient times are so precise that their builders must have known that Earth wobbles as it spins. They knew this caused the constellations to shift. Many cultures also knew…
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This is Ken Ham, a publisher of the award-winning family magazine Answers. There are two different accounts of our history: man’s ideas and God’s Word. According to man’s ideas of history, humans evolved from ape-like creatures and were originally primitive and unintelligent. Now if this is true, we should expect our past to be littered with primit…
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This is Ken Ham, heading up the ministry behind the full-size Noah’s Ark. The many similarities we observe among living things is called “homology.” It’s often used as evidence of descent from a common ancestor. But does similar design mean common ancestor? Well, a car is more similar to a bicycle than to a boat, but this doesn’t mean the car and b…
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This is Ken Ham, often a guest on radio and TV on the Bible’s authority and reliability. I’m often asked why creation even matters. They say, “Shouldn’t we just be preaching the gospel?” Well, creation matters because the gospel is founded in Genesis! Scripture teaches that God originally made a perfect world, but Adam and Eve’s sin brought death i…
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This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability. It can be really discouraging to share the truth with a skeptic only to have everything you’ve just shared ignored. It doesn’t seem to matter how much or how good our evidence, some people just won’t believe. And why? Well, it’s probably not an evidence problem. I…
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This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truth of God’s Word. Many Christians think that God could’ve used evolution to create. But evolutionary ideas contradict the Bible. For example, Genesis tells us that living things reproduce according to their kind; evolution says that one kind changed into another kind over milli…
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This is Ken Ham, CEO of the life-size Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. I believe the greatest symbol of salvation, aside from the cross, is Noah’s ark. You see, the flood was God’s judgment on a wicked world and the only way to be saved was to go through the one door of the ark. Someday God is going to judge this world again, t…
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This is Ken Ham, the president of the ministry behind the Answers Bible Curriculum. What is a woman? Well, that’s a question previous generations had no trouble answering: an adult human female. But now many people claim they can’t define a woman. Why? Well, because they believe gender is just a social construct and biology tells us nothing about a…
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This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truth of God’s Word. Scientists used to think Neanderthals were unintelligent, subhuman brutes. But creation scientists have always recognized that Neanderthals had all the hallmarks of being human. They used fire, buried their dead with rituals, and used tools to hunt. They also …
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This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability. Once upon a time, an angry crab caused a flood. It destroyed everything except a brother and sister who locked themselves and two of every animal in a big chest, until a rooster’s crow told them it was safe to come out. Does this Chinese legend sound familiar? Wel…
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This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word and the gospel. Cultures around the world have flood legends that remind us that, yes, there was a real event that inspired these distorted memories. Consider one legend from Tanzania. It tells of an old man, his wife, and their son and his wife. All the world’s water hung in a sma…
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This is Ken Ham, heading up the ministry that built a full-size Noah’s Ark in Kentucky. Is there evidence there really was a global flood and Noah’s Ark? Well, one confirmation is the flood legends found in cultures all over the world—from Australia to Mexico to China. After the flood and the rebellion at the Tower of Babel, the people were dispers…
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This is Ken Ham, a publisher of the award-winning family magazine Answers. Adam and Eve, living in the perfect original creation, rebelled. Their descendants were so wicked God had to destroy the world with a global flood. Now only righteous Noah and his family survived. But even his descendants had to be forced to obey God’s command to spread arou…
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This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability. All this week we’ve seen how the Old Testament is foundational to why Jesus came. You see, when Adam sinned, he brought the penalty for sin—death—into God’s perfect creation. The Bible makes it clear that we sin and die today because of Adam’s actions. Now, many C…
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This is Ken Ham, wishing you a merry Christmas from Answers in Genesis. Did you know that Jesus believed the Old Testament was literal history? He often quoted from it to support what he was saying, such as by referring to Genesis and creation to answer a question about marriage. And the apostle Paul tells us that the Old Testament was written for …
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This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and Ark Encounter. Many Christians have a hard time understanding the Old Testament. Often they only know a few isolated “Bible stories.” They don’t understand how biblical history unfolds. Well, yesterday we learned that in Genesis God promised a Savior when Adam and Eve sinned. The …
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This is Ken Ham, wishing you a wonderful Christmas season from the Creation Museum. During the Christmas season, many people focus on the events of Matthew and Luke. But the road to Bethlehem started four thousand years earlier. You see, Adam, the first man, was commanded not to eat from a certain tree or he would die. Adam’s wife was deceived by t…
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This is Ken Ham, CEO of the apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis. It’s a big question— “if there’s a good God, why is there so much death and suffering in creation?” Well, in Genesis we read that God created everything “very good.” There was no pain, suffering, death, or disease. But the penalty for sin is death. The first people, Adam and Ev…
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This is Ken Ham, inviting you to ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. People around the world look different from one another. Where did these differences come from? Well, the Bible gives us the answer! Both Scripture and observational science make it clear there’s only one race—the human race. We’re all descended from Adam an…
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This is Ken Ham, CEO of the ministry behind the popular Answers Bible Curriculum. Creationists are often accused of being “anti-science” because we reject the worldview-based ideas of evolution and millions of years. Because we start with God’s Word, we also reject the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life. So, while we think searching for alie…
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This is Ken Ham, editor of the popular The Answers Book for Kids series. Yesterday we learned that kids are often exposed to evolution very early. So, how should parents counter the indoctrination that seems to come from everywhere? Well, make sure kids know the evidence doesn’t speak for itself. It must be interpreted through a worldview. Whether …
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