show episodes
Asko Hilke is a well-known entrepreneur and his leadership style has been praised by many professionals worldwide who have benefited from his unique approach toward relationships and team dynamics. His success in business has been recognized by several awards he has received throughout his career. Asko Hilke is passionate about nurturing young talent and helping them reach their business goals and focuses on mentoring entrepreneurs to help them find their direction in life.
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Abesti asko belaunaldiz-belaunaldi iritsi dira gugaino, eta kantatzen ditugun arren, maiz ez dugu ezagutzen atzean daukaten historia odoltsua. Podcast honetan errealitatea eta fikzio dosiak nahastuta, gure herrietan gertatutako hainbat krimenen berri ematera gatoz.
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show series
Entrepreneur Asko Hilke's leadership and team-building tips for aspiring entrepreneurs. Lead by example, communicate effectively, delegate and empower, and foster a positive work culture. These principles promote strong leadership and cohesive teams, key elements in achieving entrepreneurial success and sustainable business growth.…
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Entrepreneur Asko Hilke offers four key innovative mindset ideas to successfully navigate shifting market dynamics. Asko Hilke's insights emphasize the importance of staying agile, embracing technology, focusing on customers, and purpose-driven diversification. By rapidly learning, adapting to technology, listening to customers, and strategically d…
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Entrepreneur Asko Hilke, a visionary in his field, shares four valuable tips on harnessing the power of disruptive technologies. Firstly, he advises staying informed and remaining open to change, as it is crucial to be aware of the latest advancements and trends in the industry. Secondly, Asko Hilke emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture …
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Asko Hilke's Secrets to Building Strong Connections Through The Power of Networking are based on authenticity, active listening, mutual support, and consistency. Asko Hilke Says By being genuine and true to oneself, establishing trust becomes easier, leading to deeper connections. Active listening allows for meaningful conversations, fostering unde…
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Asko Hilke, a successful entrepreneur, provides four valuable lessons for building a thriving business. First, embrace innovation and adapt to changing market dynamics. Second, prioritize customer satisfaction to foster loyalty and growth. Third, cultivate a strong company culture that empowers employees and promotes collaboration. Finally, build s…
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Prepare to be inspired as we delve into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship and the pivotal role that technology plays in it. Today, we have the privilege of exploring the insights and expertise of Asko Hilke, a visionary entrepreneur who understands firsthand how technology can transform businesses and unlock new realms of success. we will uncov…
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Asko Hilke is a renowned entrepreneur who has developed an effective strategy for entrepreneurs to follow. His 4 strategies aim to help entrepreneurs maximize their chances of success by focusing on the right objectives. His strategies focus on four areas: planning, goal setting, resource allocation, and adaptation. By understanding and applying th…
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Asko Hilke is a fortunate entrepreneur and business leader who has seen tremendous success in his career. Asko Hilke attributes his success to four key traits which he believes are essential for any entrepreneur to achieve success in the business world. These are Passion, resilience, Innovation and Adaptability, and Leadership and Team Building. By…
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Asko Hilke is a highly successful entrepreneur who has achieved great success in his career. He has shared his insights on four aspects of entrepreneurship which can help aspiring entrepreneurs gain a better understanding of the process. Asko Hilke believes that success starts with understanding the key components of entrepreneurship such as planni…
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Asko Hilke is an entrepreneur who knows a thing or two about succeeding in business. With his vast experience and success in the industry, he has provided four essential ways to help you succeed in your business. He believes that having the right mindset, embracing risk, staying focused on the goal, and understanding the importance of data are all …
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Asko Hilke, a successful international entrepreneur, has been helping people get into business for over a decade. Asko Hilke recently shared four tips on how to get into business, which he has used himself and has seen drive success for many others. Doing extensive research on the industry you are entering; having a strong network of like-minded pr…
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XIX. mende hasieran milaka eta milaka erromesek zeharkatzen dute Euskal Herria Donejakue bidea egiten. Konpostelara iristeko hamaika oztopo saihestu behar dituzte erromesek: mendi garaiak, animalia basatiak… eta bidelapurrak. 1809. urtean bidaiariei ikara berezia eragiten dien puntu bat sortu da: Belateko mendatea. Irun edo Orreaga aldetik Iruñera …
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Arratiako txekorra, txikerra baino gogorra. Halakoxea da Antton Zamakola, karlistek gerra bat galdu ondoren eta liberalek beste bat irabazi baino lehen Diman jaioa. Zortzi bat urte dauzka. Muturra eta eskuak beltzak, ukalondoak eta belaunak urratuta, eguna kale eta basoetan gora eta behera igarotzen du, bera bezalako beste hamaika txekorrekin. Nahi…
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Martina, Arantxa eta Imanol afaltzera elkartu dira, Martinaren etxean, Korosagasti baserritik gertu. Duela 90 urte baino gehiago gertatutakoaz hizketan hasi dira, baina ez dira ados jartzen, eta bakoitzak bere bertsioa kontatuko du. Behintzat ados daude abiapuntuari dagokionean: "1926ko azaroaren 14a da. Jazinta Odriozola Tolosan bizi da neskame, e…
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XV. mendean Euskal Herria anai-arreben arteko gerra batean itota zebilen: agramondarren eta beaumontarren artekoa. Baita Zuberoan ere. Baxenafarroko zenbait familiak botere handia zuten Donibane Garazin eta Baionan, eta Luxe eta Beaumont leinuen aliantzari esker beste plaza bat eskuratu zuten: Maulekoa. 1440. urtean Luis II. Beaumontekoa izendatu z…
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Gipuzkoan garroteaz heriotzera kondenatu zuten azken gizasemearen istorioa kontatzen du honako kapituluak. Azpeitiko plazan akabatu zuten Joxe Tejeria, bere emaztearen eta alabaren aurrean. Juan Mari Zubizarreta, Azkoitiko Etxeberritxo baserrian jaiotako bertsolaria ere bertan zen. Eta gizon haren desgraziaz bertsoak idatzi zituen, gaurdaino iritsi…
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Martin Larralde ezaguna egin da Euskal Herrian. Lehenik, gertatu zitzaionaren inguruko bertso jarriek bizirik iraun dutelako; jarraian, Piarres Lartzabalek berari buruzko antzezlan bat idatzi zuelako, "Bordaxuri"; segidan Pantxoa eta Peiok bertso horiek abestu dituztelako; eta baita ere Joseba Sarrionandiaren lumatik eta Ruper Ordorikaren eztarriti…
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Gure herriko gaizkileak hilezkorrak dira. Abesten ditugun kantuetan gordeta biziraun dute urte luzeetan zehar. Hasier Etxeberriak, horretaz jabetuta, artikulu serie bat hasi zuen duela ez asko. Orain podcast bihurtu ditugu, Bikoiztaile Euskaldunen Elkartearekin elkarlanean. Kapitulu bakoitzean krimen bat, gaizkile bat, ezagutuko duzu, eta berau gor…
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