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Welcome to ”Winning Our Battle Within” a transformative podcast hosted by Carl Thomas. Through captivating storytelling and practical insights, Carl embarks on a mission to guide listeners on a profound journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and inner empowerment. Carl is not just a podcast host; he’s a storyteller on a mission. His goal is to inspire you to transform into your best self, discover your true purpose, and break free from what’s holding you back. Each episode delves deep i ...
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COVEN is a horror actual-play podcast set primarily in 1980s Texas. We play multiple roleplaying game systems to tell an ongoing story in a world of magic and demons. In the town of The Livery you'll find jazz, crocodiles, and the occasional hurricane. We're on twitter @coven_podcast.
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24 hour gospel radio station with multicultural music from different parts of the world. Talk shows is included; moreover, sermons from multiple Ministers of God from around the nation will be with us for a time of challenge from the Word of God. I hope that you will be able to join us. Each of these ministers promise to bring a dynamic and challenging message from the heart of God. Be blessed as you listen!
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Hill Stories Podcast

Chapel Hill Church Gig Harbor

Hill Stories is a podcast of encouragement from Chapel Hill Church in Gig Harbor, Washington. Hill Stories features stories of the Lord’s provision and guidance as experienced in the lives of members of the Chapel Hill Church community. If you have suggestions or ideas for a future Hill Stories podcast, let us know: Find out more about Chapel Hill Church at
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We have created the GoPlayGo Provider Business Network to help connect providers large and small to meet other providers, share experiences, get advice and better understand what's going on in the wider market. ​ GoPlayGo Business Network is totally free and open to any provider and you don't need to be using GoPlayGo to join the network. ​ The Network is facilitated by Holly Woodford Co-Founder of GoPlayGo and creator of Move with Peppa Activity Programme. Once you have joined the group you ...
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show series
We were joined by Kevin Kautzman and Brad Kelly from the Art of Darkness podcast for this episode! We talked about Point Omega, by Don DeLillo, a short, mysterious novel published in 2010. If you haven't listened to Art of Darkness, we highly, highly recommend you do. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION If you ever cared about us, …
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Do you remember the joy of playing in the leaves, building snow forts, and swimming in the summer as a child? As we grew, we often lost touch with these simple pleasures. This episode is a heartfelt reminder to reconnect with our childlike wonder, savoring life's little moments. Let's embrace gratitude, enjoy the present, and rekindle the joy and s…
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Vous souvenez-vous de la joie de jouer dans les feuilles, de construire des forts de neige et de nager en été lorsque vous étiez enfant ? En grandissant, nous perdons souvent le contact avec ces plaisirs simples. Cet épisode est un rappel sincère pour nous reconnecter à notre émerveillement enfantin, en savourant les petits moments de la vie. Embra…
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Découvrez le parcours fascinant de prendre possession de votre histoire et de vous libérer du syndrome de l'imposteur dans cet épisode captivant. Explorez des insights motivants qui vous encouragent à redéfinir votre récit, à embrasser votre chemin unique et à surmonter le doute de soi. Obtenez des stratégies pour vous libérer des croyances limitan…
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Explore the empowering journey of taking ownership of your story and liberating yourself from the grip of Impostor Syndrome in this compelling episode. Discover motivational insights that encourage you to redefine your narrative, embrace your unique path, and overcome self-doubt. Uncover strategies to break free from limiting beliefs and step into …
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Paul R Ehrlich is the Bing Professor Emeritus of Population Studies at Stanford University. In 1968 he published The Population Bomb, co-authored with his wife Anne Ehrlich. In it were predicted, among other catastrophes, famines in the 1970s which would kill hundreds of millions. The cause? Human overpopulation. The optimal solution? A trans-natio…
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Dans cet épisode, Carl Thomas plonge dans les voix implacables dans sa tête, remontant à son enfance, lorsque les enseignants le qualifiaient de perturbateur et l'isolaient à cause de son comportement. Il partage son parcours, passant de sentiments de piégeage et d'incompréhension à la reconnaissance de ces voix comme des échos d'un monde qui ne le…
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In this episode, Carl Thomas dives into the relentless voices in his head, lingering from childhood, when teachers labeled him disruptive and isolated him for his behavior. He shares his journey from feeling trapped and misunderstood to recognizing those voices as echoes of a world that didn't understand him. Join Carl as he explores the struggles …
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Vivez une profonde aventure d'exploration de soi et d'autonomisation dans « Échos Intérieurs », où Carl navigue dans les profondeurs de la tourmente intérieure et du doute de soi. Confrontant ses démons intérieurs, Carl aspire à l'auto-réalisation, trouvant force et clarté au milieu des complexités de la vie grâce à l'introspection et à la résilien…
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Embarquez avec nous dans un voyage où nous dévoilons la subtile cadence qui orchestre la symphonie de notre existence. Dans cet épisode, nous dépouillons les couches de distraction pour révéler le battement cardiaque palpitant de la vie elle-même. À travers des expériences partagées et l'introspection, nous naviguons dans les courants de la conscie…
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Experience a profound journey of self-exploration and empowerment in "Whispers of Doubt", where Carl navigates the depths of inner turmoil and self-doubt. Confronting his inner demons, Carl strives for self-realization, finding strength and clarity amidst life's complexities through introspection and resilience. "Whispers of Doubt" offers a poignan…
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Paladin Press (rest in peace) liked to court controversy. So when a mother of two approached them with a manuscript for a crime novel, they asked her to write something spicier. The result? Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors, a step-by-step guide on how to work as a contract killer. The power of marketing was so strong that thi…
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Bienvenue dans "Winning Our Battle Within", le podcast dédié au voyage de la découverte de soi, de la croissance et de l'autonomisation. Je suis Carl Thomas, votre hôte, et je suis là pour vous guider à travers les défis de surmonter les tourments intérieurs et les pressions sociétales. Vous êtes-vous déjà senti piégé par les voix dans votre tête, …
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Welcome to "Winning Our Battle Within" the podcast dedicated to the journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. I'm Carl Thomas, your host, and I'm here to guide you through the challenges of overcoming inner turmoil and societal pressures. Have you ever felt trapped by the voices in your head, the ones that linger from childhood, telling y…
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James Burnham, a Trotskyite-turned-conservative, wrote The Managerial Revolution in 1941. In it, he describes the processes by which capitalist societies become managerial, and by which capitalists are displaced by managers as those who control the means of production. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION Jack has published a novel! Amazon: https://www.amazo…
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Carl shares a profound journey of introspection that begins with a simple decision: to walk or take the bus. As he grapples with the inner voice he calls Snake, Carl reflects on the challenges he's faced and the strides he's made towards self-improvement. Walking alone, Carl delves deep into his thoughts, contemplating his accomplishments and seeki…
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'There's a Man Crying in the Street and Other Stories' is a short story collection by James De Llis, of the Hermitix podcast and author of 'Exiting Modernity', 'Only Ever Freedom' and 'Be Not Afraid'. In this episode, I (Jack) had a chat to James about the process of writing, the thematic and aesthetic inspirations for this collection, and more. VE…
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Costin Alamariu, who may or may not be Bronze Age Pervert, completed his doctoral thesis in political philosophy at Yale in 2015. This thesis was re-published in 2023 under the title 'Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy'. There's a lot to this book, but it's mostly about the relationship between philosophy, heritability, aristocracy and …
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Embark on a journey with us as we uncover the subtle cadence that orchestrates the symphony of our existence. In this episode, we peel back the layers of distraction to reveal the pulsating heartbeat of life itself. Through shared experiences and introspection, we navigate the currents of consciousness, inviting you to attune to the harmonious flow…
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Meltdown (1994) sees Nick Land dissolve the posthuman future in a solvent of technocapital, continental philosophy, cyberpunk, bacterial warfare and retrotemporal attraction, all dressed up in implanted mirrorshades with a highly-cinematic 9mm. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION Jack has published a novel! Amazon:…
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Miyamoto Musashi is Japan's most famous swordsman, a ronin in the 17th century who was victorious in over 60 duels, founded a famed swordfighting school, and achieved such a level of combat mastery that he learned the essential nature of mastery itself. The Book of Five Rings (1645) was written by Musashi in a cave, towards the end of his life. It …
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Story of the Eye (1928) is a classic of French coom-lit. In it, teenagers engage in a series of sex acts involving ovular and liquid symbols, demonstrating why everyone thinks the French are perverts. It's also a really good book. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION Jack has published a novel! Amazon:…
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The Turner Diaries (1978) is a notorious work of white nationalist and white supremacist fiction. It is reputed to have influenced a number of terrorist acts, including the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings. Surprisingly for such a work, the spelling and formatting are mostly fine. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION Jack has published a novel! Amazon: https://ww…
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Esoteric Trumpism (2024) promises to provide a Spenglerian reading of Donald Trump's life and leadership. Instead, it reads as a collection of strange Trump fanfics. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION Jack has published a novel! Amazon: Apple Books:…
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Prominent Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong wrote On Guerrilla Warfare in 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. This series of pamphlets was intended to persuade Chinese leaders to also pursue a guerrilla campaign against the invading Japanese military. Full of practical advice on how to conduct guerrilla operations, this book has a little some…
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Frantz Fanon was an anticolonial theorist and psychiatrist from Martinique, who wrote The Wretched of the Earth (1961) as an account of colonialism in Algeria. In it, he describes the therapeutic potential of violence and the psychology of the colonisers and colonised. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION Jack has published a novel! Amazon: https://www.amazo…
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Chuck Tingle is a pseudonymous author of (mostly) gay erotic literature and, occasionally, non erotic literature. In a rare occurrence, Levi and Jack are in the same room for this episode. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION Jack has published a novel! Amazon: Apple Books: http:/…
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Mark Fisher, an English philosopher, teacher, blogger and co-founder of the CCRU, published Capitalist Realism in 2009. A work of more accessible anti-capitalism, Fisher hoped to sell 500 copies. Capitalist Realism went on to sell over 100,000 copies, and became an important work in 21st-century anti-capitalist thought. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION J…
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In this special episode of InnerShift Insights, host Carl invites listeners to join him on an exciting journey of transformation and growth. With heartfelt gratitude, he acknowledges the support of the audience in making this journey a shared experience. After reflecting on past episodes and goals, Carl announces significant changes coming to the p…
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Dans cet épisode spécial d'InnerShift Insights, l'animateur Carl invite les auditeurs à se joindre à lui dans un excitant voyage de transformation et de croissance. Avec une gratitude sincère, il reconnaît le soutien du public pour avoir fait de ce parcours une expérience partagée. Après avoir réfléchi aux épisodes passés et aux objectifs, Carl ann…
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The Breatharian Institute of America was founded by Wiley Brooks. You might be familiar with boring breatharianism, where people don't need to eat in order to survive. Brooks' breatharianism, on the other hand, is dense, complex and exciting. It involves fixing the global matrix with urine, giving birth to super galaxies, avoiding three-dimensional…
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Dans cet épisode, nous explorons le concept du "purpose" ou but dans la vie. Nous commençons par définir le purpose comme la raison fondamentale de nos actions, qui implique un alignement avec nos valeurs, aspirations et la contribution au bien-être collectif. Ensuite, nous examinons pourquoi trouver son purpose est important, notamment pour donner…
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In this episode, we delve into the six habits of successful individuals, providing you with the tools to elevate your life to a higher level. We begin by discussing the practice of gratitude, emphasizing its power to focus on the positive and reduce stress. Next, we address the establishment of effective goals, highlighting the importance of aligni…
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Dans cet épisode, nous explorons les six habitudes des personnes qui réussissent dans la vie, vous donnant les outils pour élever votre vie à un niveau supérieur. Nous commençons par discuter de la pratique de la gratitude, soulignant son pouvoir pour focaliser sur le positif et réduire le stress. Ensuite, nous abordons l'établissement d'objectifs …
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Comrade Kim Goes Flying (2012) is a North Korean romantic comedy, described as "a girl-power fairy tale about dreaming to fly," by one of its co-directors, Nicholas Bonner. The film follows Kim Yong Mi, a plucky coal miner from rural North Korea, who dreams of becoming a trapeze artist in Pyongyang. The film is as odd, but not in the ways you would…
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Cet épisode de méditation guidée d’innerShift Insights vous propose un voyage vers la détente et la paix intérieure avec Carl, votre guide. Carl vous invite à vous installer confortablement dans un endroit calme, à fermer les yeux et à vous concentrer sur votre respiration. À travers des instructions douces et apaisantes, Carl vous guide à prendre …
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This episode of guided meditation from innerShift Insights offers you a journey towards relaxation and inner peace with Carl, your guide. Carl invites you to settle comfortably in a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Through gentle and soothing instructions, Carl guides you to take deep, conscious breaths, allowing each breath …
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Bienvenue sur le podcast Innershift Insights, le podcast numéro 1 pour vous accompagner dans votre développement personnel pour découvrir la meilleure version de vous-même. Dans cet épisode, Carl nous emmène dans une aventure de découverte personnelle. Il nous guide à travers un voyage sans notes, partageant ses réflexions les plus authentiques sur…
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In this episode, Carl takes a new, unstructured approach to the podcast, aiming for a more natural and authentic conversation. The focus shifts towards the importance of concentrating on the system rather than solely on goals when it comes to achieving success in life. Carl shares personal insights about their own life purpose, emphasizing the desi…
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Dans cet épisode spécial, Carl Thomas nous convie à une exploration approfondie de la méditation. Avec une sincérité touchante, il partage son propre voyage avec cette pratique millénaire, offrant des conseils pratiques et des réflexions personnelles pour guider les auditeurs dans leur propre cheminement. Au cours de la discussion, Carl explore div…
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The Tate Bible is a compilation of former kickboxer and social media influencer Andrew Tate's online footprint, put together by G Slim during the covid lockdowns. If, for some perverse reason, you'd prefer to read Andrew Tate's views rather than consume them in a more high-stimulus format, then this is the book for you. Camgirls, Bugattis and the N…
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Dive into the captivating depths of neuroplasticity with this revealing episode. We begin by challenging the widespread idea that the brain is fixed once we reach adulthood, and we marvel at its extraordinary ability to reshape and adapt throughout life. Armed with scientific evidence, we explore the profound impact of positive thinking on the stru…
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Plongez dans les méandres captivants de la neuroplasticité avec cet épisode révélateur. Nous commençons par remettre en question l'idée répandue selon laquelle le cerveau est figé une fois que nous sommes adultes, et nous découvrons avec émerveillement sa capacité extraordinaire à se remodeler et à s'adapter tout au long de la vie. Armés de solides…
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Dans ce podcast, nous explorons comment la vulnérabilité peut être un puissant catalyseur de croissance personnelle, nous permettant de découvrir notre vrai moi et d'être authentiques dans nos relations avec les autres. Nous examinons comment la vulnérabilité nous aide à explorer nos émotions passées, à les ressentir, à les accepter et à les compre…
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Join us on a transformative journey as host Carl Thomas shares his deeply personal exploration of breaking free from the chains of the past and embracing the path to emotional freedom. In this episode, Carl reflects on the profound impact of his grandmother's passing and his commitment to honoring her memory by living his best life. With raw vulner…
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Dans cet épisode, plongez dans une réflexion profonde sur l'identité et la vulnérabilité. En se regardant dans le miroir, l'hôte se pose des questions existentielles sur qui il est vraiment, ce qu'il veut dans la vie et comment il souhaite être perçu. Cette introspection le conduit à explorer les fondements de l'identité, façonnés par des facteurs …
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Triumph of the Will is a Nazi propaganda film, documenting the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, and released in 1935. Directed, edited, produced and co-written by Leni Riefenstahl, the film remains highly influential due to Riefenstahl's innovative approach to film-making. It also stars Adolf Hitler as himself. Most importantly, this episode …
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Ce podcast raconte le parcours personnel de l'hôte, Carl Thomas, depuis 2016 jusqu'à aujourd', Marqué par des relations amoureuses, des épreuves, des changements de vie, et une quête de développement personnel. Carl partage son cheminement depuis une période de dépression jusqu'à sa transformation grâce à des pratiques de développement personnel te…
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Ce podcast raconte le parcours personnel de l'hôte, Carl Thomas, depuis 2016 jusqu'à aujourd', Marqué par des relations amoureuses, des épreuves, des changements de vie, et une quête de développement personnel. Carl partage son cheminement depuis une période de dépression jusqu'à sa transformation grâce à des pratiques de développement personnel te…
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Effective accelerationism ('e/acc') is a largely online movement seeking to promote technological optimism. Their evangelism mostly takes the form of shitposting and memes, but something more substantial will occasionally appear. Two such pieces of more substantial e/acc thought are 'What the f* is e/acc?' (authorship unclear) and 'Notes on e/acc p…
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