Self discipline is the KEY to getting whatever you want in your life. Want to make more money? Get more disciplined. Want to get fit or just lose weight? Get more disciplined. This podcast deconstructs, decodes and reverse engineers self discipline of top performers.
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Today's Principle: Your results in life are tied directly to how certain you are you will achieve them. Learn more at
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Today's Principle: What happens is most often not what we thought it would be. It's the emotionally prepared who thrive.
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Today's Principle: You must act quickly before you talk yourself out of it
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Today's Principle: To get the massive results you're after, it will take more effort over a longer period of time. Here's how you can do that. Learn more at
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This is the best process and best mindsets I've found to get better at anything. If you apply even one of the things you hear in this episode, it will help you get better in whatever area of your life you're working to improve. Learn more at
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Today's Principle: "I don't have enough time" is code of "I don't have enough leverage on my time." Here's how to fix it. Learn more anytime at
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Today's Principle: Decisions lead to actions, which lead to outcomes. If you struggle to make decisions, you have no right to expect better outcomes.
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Today's Principle: There is an actually formula for guaranteeing you get results in every area of your life. It comes in 4 parts and I explain them all in this episode.
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Today's Principle: Here's are the problems with 'accountability' along with mindsets and skillsets you'll need to get the results you really want.
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Today's Principle: Making the jump from abundance to prosperity is the hardest thing anyone can do. Here are three steps I take people through. Learn more at
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3 Steps To Making Failure The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You
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Today's Principle: Failure is looked at as negative, but it can be the best thing that's ever happened to you if you follow these three steps.
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How To Know For Certain You're On The Right Track
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Today's Principle: Doubt is inevitable when taking action to effect change. Instead of questioning it, use these three measuring sticks to figure out if you're on the right track.
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Stress And The Gap Between Potential and Reality
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Today's Principle: Every action is either an act of love or an act of war on the future version of you.
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Today's Principle: It's not the totality of the action that's not working, it's a segment of the action. Here's how to find it.
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Today's Principle: The most dangerous words in the english language, when uttered together are "I'm gonna." Here is the way I like to move from 'I'm gonna' to 'I am'
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3 Steps To Fight The Urge To Stay Comfortable
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Today's Principle: When you fall for the illusion of comfort, it produces long term discomfort. Here are three ways to shift yourself away from comfort.
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Today's Principle: The feelings produced by expectations and entitlement cloud your vision of what is and what will help you move forward.
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Learn how to be more consistent at
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The Consequences Of Not Following Through On Your Commitments
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Today's Principle: When you betray yourself by not following through on what you say you will do, it creates long term problems ... but it only takes three steps to start becoming more consistent at following through.
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Today's Principle: External sources of energy will not take you as far or as fast as internal energy
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Today's Principle: It's just as important to know what the bad guys look like as it is to know what the good guys look like.
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Why It's So Hard To Solve Your Own Problems
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Today's Principle: There are seven reasons why it's so hard to solve your own problems and four ways to overcome the obstacles those reasons present.
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Today's Principle: If you want to go fast, solving the right problem is critical. Here's tactical advice on how to know if you're solving the right problem.
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Today's Principle: Optimize what you've got before investing in something else.
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Today's Principle: Big wins don't happen by working alone ... the trick is getting other people to have high output and productivity.
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Today's Principle: You will take as much time as you give yourself to accomplish what must be accomplished.
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Today's Principle: The quality of your business improves with the quality of questions you ask yourself.
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Today's Principle: Your new enemy is your old ways
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Today's Principle: Only 8% of adults achieve their goals. All of those people figured out how to break through these three barriers. Now it's your turn.
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Today's Principle: In a world of ever increasing distraction, productivity is a new form of currency.
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Today's Principle: It's not about what you're willing to do, it's about what you're not willing to do.
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Today's Principle: It's not magic marketing or advanced ads ... it's your offer. Here's how to make it work.
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Today's Principle: The 5 Core Competencies of modern small business are essential to all the sales and profits you really want
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Today's Principle: Every time you have a decision to make, you only have two options. Choose wisely.
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Today's Principle: The problem is not the number of decisions that come at you every day. The problem is the number of decisions you DON'T make.
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Today's Principle: The Holy Grail of someone taking action or not comes down to one word: Certainty
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Today's Principle: A lack of productivity creates friction
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Today's Principle: If you fear getting rejected, you are not alone. Here are three ways to get over that fear.
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Today's Principle: You have to identify when you're drifting off course to shift your tragectory back to where you want it to be
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Today's Principle: The struggle to achieve is common because the traditional model of goal setting is broken. Here's a new one.
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Today's Principle: What you think is the problem is most often a symptom of a larger problem.
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Today's Principle: Failure can be used as an anchor or stairs
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Today's Principle: The people who have what you're trying to achieve don't have a secret, they have a process
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Today's Principle: Why it's so hard to finish what you started ... and how to overcome it.
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Today's Principle: Failed tests are the catapult to where ever you want to go next.
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How I Trick My Brain Into Doing Hard Things
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Today's Principle: Getting the life you really want requires you do hard things ... but there is an easy way to do them.
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Today's Principle: How you analyze yourself determines your future results
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Today's Priciple: Consider every result as a perfect result
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Today's Principle: Conflict is a doorway to inner peace
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Today's Principle: You may not want to hear this, but need to.
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