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When we are at a low point, feeling overwhelmed and needing help, God reminds us, "Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!" This is our comfort - that He hears us and that even our hope is from Him. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit CFONorthAmeri…
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To become who we were born to be, begins when we believe who Jesus is. Our spirit is reborn and we become new creatures. It then becomes our deepest desire to learn about our identity, our purpose and our destiny. Today's meditation reminds us why we yearn to know more about God, to know God, and therein learn who we really are. Daylight Meditation…
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Proverbs 27:19 says, As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. God advises us to be careful what we desire, cautions us to think and speak with honest hearts. Jesus told us, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mt 6:21). As you listen today, consider what do you treasure? Daylight Meditations is a daily pod…
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God's thoughts about each of us are more than the sand on the earth. Knowing these thoughts focus on His love for us, we can trust Him to take care of us. We can keep company with Him, be open with Him and know that He will never stop doing good in our lives. We can, indeed, trust Him with all that we have, all that we are, all that we have yet to …
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In this topsy-turvy world, it’s sometimes hard to make sense of the things that happen around us and to us. Making God the Lord of our lives gives us a perspective on reality that is sourced in God – and we gain His perspective. Doing life with God makes perfect sense. Don’t you think? Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America.…
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As a child of God we have been given many things, and direct access to Him is one of them. Many people yearn to please Him, to see Him and try all manner of ways to reach Him, yet our trust and belief of Jesus' death on our behalf gives us immediate access to Creator God who become our Father. We run through the throne room into His arms. His explo…
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It’s interesting that one of the instructions we often hear is “to let peace rule”. The issue here is not so much that peace should rule, there’s no question about that! It is the instruction of letting it rule – of allowing it to control our thoughts and actions, our words and our attitude toward others. Father, may we allow You, the giver of perf…
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Each of us has been given divine gifts to contribute to the growth of others. As we allow the Holy Spirit to use these gifts through us, they are effectively applied and we are all built up and made perfect in His love. For Love to flourish, we must trust God with ourselves. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please vis…
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What does the power of God look like? As we see God revealed throughout His Word, we see a God who is all-powerful, One who can do all things, One for whom there is nothing too difficult. So, for what does He use His power? He has done and continues to do everything in His mighty power to save us, to redeem us, to set us free to be all He created u…
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These scriptures give us perspective of God's dominion and reach. They remind us that Creator God is also the only one with power and dominion over the universe. As God's children, we are in awe of all we see - powers and authorities in heaven and on earth acknowleding His rule. May we not forget, as we too, belong to Him. Daylight Meditations is a…
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Let us stand in awe that the universe, that all of creation is waiting for us to be revealed as God's children! It's like waiting for the curtains to rise, for the show to begin. Is it not the unveiling of God's plan? Might we seek to look and be our best, to occupy our time here with growing up into maturity so that when the time comes, when we go…
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Our union with Jesus is a holy mystery. There may be moments when we experience being enveloped by perfect Love and times when we sense perfect Peace. Yet, whether or not we sense or feel Him, the truth is He is with us, we are with Him just as He said in John 17:22, "The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—Just as you, Father, are…
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No longer are we enslaved to rebellion or rejected for our mistakes and sins. Our debt has been paid and we are free. God has declared justice has been served on our behalf. To live now, is to believe and accept we can go on and step into life and light. We are free to become all we were intended to be. In God's eyes we are now just and righteous p…
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Our position as God's children is established in Jesus by trusting what He has said is true. His power of love frees us from spiritual darkness and opens our eyes to the reality of belonging to God, of being His children and of entering His kingdom now. It is the same power by which He raised Jesus from the dead. That power has raised us up also. L…
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Jesus held no distinction between people. His friends were not determined by their wealth or interests. He accepted people as they were, giving them dignity and hope. Most of us know 'who we are'. We're aware of our inability to live to expectations and find ourselves disappointed within and with others. Jesus understood the struggles and respected…
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Our story begins with God. He has always been. There has never been a time when He didn't exist. Everything was made by Him and finds its purpose in Him, especially us. Before we were born, God has designs for us, a destiny that displays His kindness and grace, the power of life in love. Let these truths sink into your heart and mind as you listen …
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We never grow tired of belonging, of being someone's child. The greatest honor is to be God's child, one who 'looks like' his or her father, one who knows they can go home and enjoy the truth of belonging. Only when we know our Father is near by can we relax and enjoy our place of rest. Let this time of listening, remind you that you are home, no m…
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In the beginning, God set many things into effect. In His creating, He did not just make provision for one day, but put various laws into motion to carry on the "creating" from day to day.If we want a good return in/for our lives, the first thing to do is to sow good seeds. And what are those good seeds? In Luke's gospel, chapter 8, Jesus tells the…
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Faith, confidence, God's blessings and work within us is that we will become more like Jesus. Much of that is accomplished through our confidence in God's strength to accomplish His will through us, our hope and desire live lives worthy of His name and purpose and to trust He will complete it perfectly. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from …
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Jesus overcame the world, and He helps us overcome our by living in His peace, because we have the Holy Spirit of peace. Our troubles are not light nor do they seem momentary, but it is our perspective that must be adjusted. Only in light of eternity, with the view of God’s presence and our hope for an eternal future will it all look different. If …
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God is Love. Love is from Him and it is because of Him that we can love. Yet, as deep as our love may be for others, His love for us is even more powerful, so that nothing and no one can separate us from Him. Not even ourselves. His love is even, unwavering, without interruption. As you listen today, let Him love you and show you why He loves you s…
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Today's meditation will help us stand taller as we are reminded of the true reality of where we belong and to whom we belong. The Message translates Paul's letter to the Colossians with this amazing picture of our purpose – that of being kept taut because we are tied tightly by hope of our future in heaven. Our destination is home with our Father G…
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We can live with confidence that as God's child, God's will for our life is established. We don't know the outcome of today, or what will happen to us tomorrow, but our trust in God's care and love for us, assures us that not one moment is lost or wasted in the economy of His Kingdom, where we now exist, in Jesus. Daylight Meditations is a daily po…
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To be born of God! How can we ignore the power and majesty of the presence of God in us? Jesus in us, God's Word that lives and breathes life within and through us. Close your eyes and see the kingdom of God within you as you listen. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit to learn more about…
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The amazing fact of being 'in Jesus' is that whatever happens in our lives, whatever we do, God has promised to work it toward His purpose for us. It means our best intentions, may fail, our hard work may not be enough - but God is. God takes eternal perspective on our everyday life and says, "this is good. I can work with this." It is the perspect…
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Being 'in Christ' frees us to be who we were created to be, who God says we are - His children. We are protected, we are secure, we are sealed and we are forever free. Being with Jesus, God sees us complete and whole. Father, give us eyes to see this too. Let us see what you see, that our past is gone and that our future is already here - we are al…
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The spacious, free life is from God. It is more than a phsyical freedom. God has removed the chains of depression and dark thoughts opening our minds and freeing us to really live, no matter our circumstances. It is only our perception that keeps us bound now. See, really see what the Lord has done. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO …
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Billy Graham said, "The will of God will never take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us." As God's children, we will be guided, led and taught where to go and what to do. We will be equipped for the unexpected and we will teach others for how to live with expectancy. Grace says, "I will always love you. You can call Me and I will answer. Yo…
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Praying takes many forms: giving thanks, cries for help, interceding for others, requests and as the last scripture in this meditative episode reveals – it is God’s song to us that is a prayer to Him. Imagine! Might we listen first and hear what He wants us to say to Him, who He wants us to talk with Him about, how He wants us to approach the day? …
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In Proverbs we are encouraged to fill our thoughts with God's words until they penetrate deep into our spirit. As we unwrap His words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of our being. The result is living in the power of God's love which sees no record of wrong done to it. Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from C…
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We are never beyond learning and to seek knowledge and understanding will yield greater wisdom. No matter our age, we are children in God’s eyes, subject to training and learning so we will ‘grow up’ in Christ as mature beings. God is pleased with our development and He encourages us to seek to become all He designed for our capacity to grow in. Le…
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It is easy to look for the result and ignore or be impatient with the process. Such is true with being a branch in Jesus and waiting to 'bear fruit'. We point to love, joy and peace and the outcome, and they are. We try to be them, make it happen yet it is only by being connected to the trunk and root of the Vine, and allowing the flow of nutrients…
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Hope is a lifeline for our soul. Hope is the confident assurance, the expectancy of good coming when we’ve not yet seen it. Hope lays deep within us, keeping us from despair and looking for change, for a new day, for break in the clouds. Proverbs nails it – to walk in wisdom and discover our purpose – this gives us a living hope which guides our st…
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How do we balance our ability, desire and need to choose with letting God lead us? If we are tuned in to God’s heart and if our desire is to do His will, we will be led into our destiny as He designed. The desires of our heart will align with His and we will find fulfillment, and purpose in our lives. He often cautions us to ‘wait’ and ‘be still’. …
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There is a unique and powerful dynamic at work in God's kingdom. It appears to operate in tandem to our behavior and thoughts. If we forgive, we are forgiven. Conversely, if we don't forgive, neither are we forgiven. Our nature is to hold judgement over another, yet we then are judged. To reconcile is to bring freedom, to return the scale to a plac…
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We continue to explore the value of seeking God’s guidance in our lives. He is Truth, Life and Love. His character is such that He can not lie, He is eternal and He is the source of Love – His very nature. The gift of His Holy Spirit to us, placed in us, is priceless and always available, always listening. Are we? Take these moments as you listen, …
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We are told Christ’s resurrection is our resurrection too. Wow! Might that we would embrace that truth and realize we are ""living letters written by Christ, not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God"". Let us believe this and know that we carry within the glory of the King of the universe. Let us bow and worship the Lord who trust us with H…
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Throughout history, God has entered the physical realm of earth and time to speak to us, to walk with us, and to guide us. When God entered our world as Jesus, He opened the door for us to enter eternity. From the moment we believe the truth of who Jesus is and trust Him, we are given a new role. Now we have access to God in eternity because His Sp…
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Today we consider God as Elohiym, a God of power and might. In the book of John, we learn ‘Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.’ Such a singular and complete statement. All that exists was made by God. Light, life, love, our world, and the universe. In His was life, and that life was the light of all ma…
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In Part 2, of this meditation on God's kingdom, we are reminded that His kingdom is not visible or subject to this world's dynamics of power. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. So,where are we experiencing and living in God’s kingdom? How can we experience and live …
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When we have pure hearts, we can see truth, life and love. It is God's desire that our choices are for the goodness of others, to store up love that will flow like a river from our lips, refreshing our families, our friends and whomever we meet. All are thirsty. Everyone needs to be loved, to belong, to know they matter – to someone. God, would you…
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As we consider the familiar phrases of prayer for God's kingdom to come, let's consider as well, what it means to serve a King. What should our posture toward Him be, and are we truly aligned with His purposes for His kingdom? Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North America. Please visit to learn more about our re…
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We can only imagine what a garment of praise might look like! Is it glowing, does it move with the music, with our hearts of joy? We're told we are clothed with salvation, praise, mercy, and righeousness. Covered with perfection. That's what our Father sees. Do we see each other that way? Daylight Meditations is a daily podcast from CFO North Ameri…
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In Deuteronomy chapter 6 we read: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD your God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” The Oneness found here is more than just one being; it has to do with a unity of thought, of purpose, and of desire. It is an agreement of thought and action. The Lord …
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We often think of joy being something we need to generate, something we are suppose to ‘be’. The scriptures offer another perspective – it is God’s joy that wraps around us. It is God’s joy in our trust in Him that allows us to ‘be’ in His joy. That our joy may be full. Romans 12:12 urges us to ‘commune with God at all times’. Paul told us to rejoi…
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This prayer echoes our heart. Be there for me; direct me; reveal the way… it’s a common cry from human beings to God. We are wise when we call to God before we face our crossroads – should we take the path to the left or to the right? What does God know that we don’t? Everything! Real wisdom is acknowledging our inability to see the future and choo…
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We look at the universe and wonder how was this done?! Was there a plan? How might we see it or even understand it? We explore space and examine the creation and death of stars. In Psalms we read God spoke and worlds were created. His words created and break kingdoms. His power and His love are seen in His words. Daylight Meditations is a daily pod…
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The theme for today’s meditation is Always Safe, based on selections from Psalm chapter 91 and John chapter 14. We are God's children. As we finish our time considering our home with Him and what that looks like, He reminds us of the safety we have in His presence. We are not to fear the darkness, the beasts or disease. We are to cling to Him, to c…
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There are few in our lives that we will trust with our hearts. There are few people in our lives whose word we trust as well. It is important that we realize God can be trusted – with our desires, our concerns, our hopes and our fears. He keeps His word to us – that we are loved far greater than we can imagine, that He will protect us and has good …
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The theme for Today’s meditation is Confession based selections from Jeremiah chapter 14; Psalms chapters 32 and 66; 1 John chapter 1; Proverbs chapter 28; Matthew chapter 12; Hosea chapter 14; and Romans chapter 6. Guilt and confession. There’s a line between them. Pull on one, and you affect the other. In God’s economy of the heart, this is the k…
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