A Christian podcast designed to uplift, encourage, and ignite the power of God in the hearts of the believers.
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You are unique in your own right! Why? Because God made you just the way HE wanted you to be. Unmask yourself and let GOD have free reign in your life, and don't forget to embrace the beauty you possess within.
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What do you want to do? Who do you believe? Are you trying to serve two masters? God has a word for those who find themselves at the cross roads of life and are suffering with double-mindedness.
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You have probably heard the saying, "God doesn't like ugly." Well, this is true. In this episode of "Let's Talk, Now!" we will examine the things that God detest. These things are quite practical and can be rectified in our daily walk with LORD, if we recognize them and change. #StopLying #StopKeepingupMESS #ItistimeforaChange!…
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Ep. 5 "I'm More Than a Conqueror; I'm the Apple of God's Eye!"
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Why concern yourself with negativity? Who told you that you didn't measure up? And, what did God say? He said, " I am the apple of His eye!"
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Want to be more like Christ? Change your character. How do you do it? By having a relationship with God and clothing yourself in the Fruits of the Spirit.
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God appreciates our thankfulness towards Him. He wants to know that you care. So, when was the last time you told the Lord, "Thank You"? Give thanks to God with a grateful heart. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise.
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Are you truly living a joyful life? Today's episode explores the depth of joyful living in the presence of God. "...in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalms 16:11
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