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More Than Bread

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church)

It's not enough to get into God's Word, we need to let His Word get into us. "More Than Bread" is a podcast featuring Pastor Dan Nold from Calvary Church in State College, PA. It focuses on simply reading the Bible (with a few comments) in the hopes that listening to God's Word, learning from God's Word and leaning into God's Word will shape our hearts, minds, and souls to bring us life. As Jesus said, "We do not live by bread alone, we live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God."
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show series
Send me a Text Message! The name Jabez in Hebrew, literally means "pain" or even worse, "bringer of pain." Can you imagine being given that name? Every time someone called his name, it was a reminder of pain. A reminder that his life was a disappointment or a hardship to someone else. Some of you know what that's like, maybe it's not in your name, …
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Send me a Text Message! Samuel the prophet was a man of great conviction who made a difference in his world at an early age. We might ask ourselves where have the Samuels of the church gone? Where are those people who will stand unmoveable upon the convictions of God. Where are the people who will listen for HIs voice? Where are the people who will…
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Send me a Text Message! In this episode, I'm going to talk a little bit about disappointment and a little bit about blessing. Why am I talking about disappointment in the context of blessing? Well where does disappointment come from? A common answer in our day is that it comes from a lack of self-esteem or a failure to accept ourselves as we are. M…
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Send me a Text Message! The prayer of Moses in Exodus 33 is "God we need your presence." And God responds, "You have found favor with me for you are my friend." If you know me, you know that few things having driven my life more than the desire to be used by God. But in the last few years God's been refocusing my passion, so nothing would drive me …
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Send me a Text Message! Genesis 4:26 is the first time prayer is mentioned in the Bible. "At that time people began to call upon the name of the LORD." People who pray, people who call upon the name of the Lord are people who are willing to take a posture of brokenness. They are people who are willing to admit that the very best thing I bring to th…
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Send me a Text Message! The connection between the Spirit of God and the Word of God and the prayers of God’s people is profound. In fact, my favorite metaphor for this three-way connection is breathing deeply. The Spirit of God is the breath of God. So we breathe in the Word; and we breathe out prayer. Soak your soul in the Word and then lift up y…
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Send me a Text Message! The people in Acts were devoted to prayer, not just as a means to an end, but they were devoted to being with God, with Jesus in prayer. The early church prayed like prayer really mattered. They saw prayer as a necessary preparation for God's Work. (In fact you might argue that they saw prayer as the work, not just preparati…
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Send me a Text Message! You could say that the book of Acts is the story of a people standing at a crossroads of decision. Their next step would set the direction of their lives. They had to make a decision. It was a decision of devotion. To what or whom would their first devotion be given? They had a conviction that they needed to give their heart…
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Send me a Text Message! Don't miss this, though the book of Acts has been shown time and time again to contain an accurate historical survey, this is not an historical dissertation for Dr. Luke. He's writing to a person, possibly a friend and I want you to picture, his hand shaking with emotion, with excitement, joy, and deep longing as he writes. …
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Send me a Text Message! When you read Paul's story in the book of Acts, you find that he had a dream, a compelling vision. He wanted to live for Christ. He wanted to bring Jesus to the whole world and for Paul the whole world was at Rome. He wanted to witness to Caesar. So God brought him to Rome. Probably not the way Paul envisioned. no mass-crusa…
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Send me a Text Message! In Acts 27, we see that Paul had a deep, deep confidence in God’s power to accomplish God’s purpose through God’s plan. God's power, purposes and plan. What is God's purpose? He's taking the gospel global. The Kingdom of God and the good news of Jesus is going global. That’s always been God’s plan, and can I tell you somethi…
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Send me a Text Message! Acts 26 is the culmination of the love story that started in Acts 25, the love story between God and the family of Herod Agrippa. It’s also about evangelism. And let’s be honest, many of us have a love/hate/worry/guilt relationship with evangelism. Maybe that's because we've defined evangelism as, "Getting the hard sell from…
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Send me a Text Message! I want to talk to you about seed-planters and soul revolutions. Seed-planters are people with vision. They are people with the patience, the faith and the courage necessary to strive hard for a future they may or may not see. Without seed-planters there is no fruit, no life. Seed-planters are people who love to serve. Seed-p…
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Send me a Text Message! Acts 25 contains one of my favorite love stories in all of scripture. I’ll never forget the first time it hit me, it settled into my heart. The passionate relentless love of God is so great. The love of Christ is so great, His pursuit so relentless that he would throw his #1 spokesman in jail for two years so that his #1 ene…
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Send me a Text Message! ACTS 24 is a beautiful description of Paul being faithful. Embracing opportunities to share his faith, to talk about Jesus, even when it might make his life miserable. Not watering down the message to someone who has the power of life and death in his hands. Giving the full truth even if it might be controversial. Paul was f…
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Send me a Text Message! There is a moment of a scene in Acts 23, a short description in verse, and here's what it says, "The following night, the Lord (Jesus) stood near Paul and said, "Take courage..." Who doesn't need more courage, but rather than focusing on the courage…here’s what I love. The following night, Jesus stood near Paul and spoke. Je…
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Send me a Text Message! Bob Buford talks about one of the most significant questions anyone ever asked him. The question was, "What's in your box?" It was a question asked in the midst of some life-coaching and the purpose of the question was to bring about a discussion of the central purpose of Bob's life. The consultant finally said to him, "Bob,…
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Send me a Text Message! I think every Christian in America should be required to memorize Philippians 1:21. This was Paul’s dream, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." That's the creed he lived by. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Is that our creed? For most of us, who have the label American Christian, Paul's words are clos…
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Send me a Text Message! If you had to summarize your life in six words, what would they be? How would you describe your life in six words? "Penn State wins again. Heart full." "If I don't graduate, I'll die." "I am seeking comfort and control." The challenge of the six-words is that it causes us to focus on what matters most, to capture briefly som…
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Send me a Text Message! What does it take to finish well? Or let me make that even more specific, what does it take for a follower of Jesus, a Jesus-apprentice to finish well? Because I think in order to finish well, we need to have some sense of who is determining the finish line, our course. Who is writing our story? For Paul that goes all the wa…
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Send me a Text Message! The time comes when we all need a word of encouragement. And isn't that what church is all about. Paul says that the church is God's fields and we are partners in the Harvest, that the church is God's building and we are partners in it's construction...none of us stand alone. And one of the best things we can do together...i…
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Send me a Text Message! Somewhere along the journey every heart ablaze for God, begins with a growing heart-conviction that God actually wants to be with us. This is his great promise. I will be with you. I want to be with you. But somewhere along the way, we gain this idea that God is love so God has to love us. He has to love us because he's God.…
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Send me a Text Message! The Word of God is vital to spiritual life, but it's not enough. It's necessary but not sufficient. There's more. When we go through bone-drying, hope draining times, we need more than knowledge about God. We desperately need the Spirit, the breath of God. In Ezekiel 37, God says I'll put my breath into you. The word for bre…
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Send me a Text Message! Acts 18 is full of names, the names of people whom Paul built into...and who were on his team. Paul says that the church is God's fields and we are partners in the Harvest, that the church is God's building and we are partners in it's construction. None of us stand alone. If you are here today, it is because someone planted …
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Send me a Text Message! I think every person in the world, wants a father who loves us, who will pursue us no matter what, right? Don't we? Our hearts long for a father who will never give up hope that somehow, somewhere his son or daugther will re-connect, come home. A father who is persistent and unrelenting in his love, always reaching out, rega…
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Send me a Text Message! I believe God has planted in the very dna of our souls, a desire to matter; a desire to live a life that makes a difference... to find a mission worth dying for and even better worth living for. So let me ask you right now, you can answer in the quiet of your own heart, "What and/or who are you really living for? What is you…
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Send me a Text Message! Are you urgently hungry from something more than bread for your stomach? Here is what I think, while many things could seem urgent, what actually becomes consistently urgent is whatever we think will brings us life and is missing. In other words, urgency is defined by hunger. Urgency happens when we lack something which we b…
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Send me a Text Message! Once upon a time we were called, "the people who turned the world upside down." In this episode I want to challenge us to pray, "Lord would you do it again?" We want to live in an upside down world because what we have come to experience as right-side-up is all wrong. And it all begins with a's a yes or no deci…
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Send me a Text Message! I've always thought this story of Paul and Silas was a bit strange. This woman has been following them for days, telling people that they are God's men. They are legit; here to save you. But then one day, Paul gets annoyed and delivers her from demonic bondage and economic slavery and as a result they get beaten severely and…
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Send me a Text Message! Every time we come to the funeral of someone who loved should make us long just a bit more for home. Because no matter how great or how hard your life is at this moment, the best is yet to come. And I think that’s how the people on Jesus-team in the early church; I think that’s how they lived their lives. They liv…
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Send me a Text Message! In Acts 16, we get introduced to two people Lydia and Timothy, both followers of Jesus. We know more about Timothy than we do Lydia, but it's still good to hear their stories. Their story is part of God's story and so is yours. Before we leave this episode we'll focus on bit more on Timothy's part in the story of God and how…
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Send me a Text Message! At the end of Acts 15, we are introduced to John Mark. We know him best as the writer of the gospel of Mark. But I think it's safe to say, that without Barnabas we probably would have missed Mark. But instead of missing Mark, we gained an amazing gospel with a vital perspective on Jesus and His team. Barnabas was able to loo…
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Send me a Text Message! This episode is about what identifies us as followers of Jesus. What are the non-negotiables? Some of us grew up in a culture that emphasized what some call boundary marker religion. There were certain things that you did and did not do that were very important. Those things marked you as being in the group or not in the gro…
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Send me a Text Message! In Acts 14 is a statement that I love to hate and wish I could ignore. "We must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God." Through many hardships and much suffering, we enter the Kingdom of God. You have got to love that right? We get lots of joy and lots of persecution and then don’t care too deeply about what othe…
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Send me a Text Message! It's hard to miss, the book of Acts gives us front-row seats to the incredible joy that saturated the early church, even in the face of hardship, suffering and persecution. This joy wasn’t just a here-and-gone moment of emotion but rather a steadfast perspective and fullness of delight that came from the joy-giving power of …
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Send me a Text Message! The early church faced unrelenting attacks, deep persecution, tragic losses, and from a human perspective unbeatable opponents. Yet, no matter what happened, they would not only bounce back, but in the hardest of chapters, they would overcome. The Word of God spread, followers of Jesus multiplied, communities were turned ups…
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Send me a Text Message! Christ is the treasure above all treasures. He is worth everything you have. We go all-in for Jesus, because what we gain is of infinitely greater value than what we give. The only logical response to Jesus is the all-in response. But I'll never forget, a time I was listening to a description of the parable of the treasure..…
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Send me a Text Message! When I read Acts 13, I'm reminded that whenever we go on the mission of God, we step into a spiritual battle. There is darkness in this battle. It may be the darkness that comes in the bitterness of anger, the darkness that comes from depression, the darkness that descends upon a relationship when we just can't seem to find …
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Send me a Text Message! In Acts 12, after all the difficulty, all the persecution, and all the battle that was thrown at the early church, in the end the WORD of God flourished and continued to spread. Why? Well at least in part because of prayer. That was our focus in the last episode. We said you could chart the growth of the early church by thei…
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Send me a Text Message! You can chart the growth of the early church by it's prayer meetings. Something bad would happen, but they they prayed. It looked like they were down and out, but then their prayers went up and in. I bet 80% of us say we believe in prayer. We believe it's important, so why don't we pray? Of course, almost everyone sends up a…
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Send me a Text Message! Memorial Day is a day to remember those who gave their lives defending our freedom. So how do we honor their sacrifice? I wonder if the best way to honor their sacrifice is found in Matthew 5 and Isaiah 58 both of which contain a call to shine. You are the light of the world, so shine! You are the light of the world, so shin…
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