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Sermons By Antioch Community Church in Waltham, MA (Boston Area)

Antioch Community Church in Waltham, MA (Boston Area)

Dear visitor, welcome to Antioch Waltham's sermon podcast. We are a non-denominational church in Waltham, MA. This library will give you a great way to get to know our values, beliefs and sermon style. We are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Check out our website to learn more about us and when and where we meet:
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show series
In this sermon, Pastor Sam Jero looks at Matthew 14:22-33. In this familiar story, Jesus walks on water. This miracle reveals the divinity of Jesus and demands a response from us. This experience transforms the disciples, particularly Peter, who boldly asks if he can join Jesus on the stormy waters. Listen and be challenged to consider who Jesus is…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at First Thessalonians 5:1-28. In this passage, Paul addresses several areas of focus. He looks at how we are to Stay Alert and be ready for the return of Christ. He talks about Respecting Our Leaders and living as a Responsible Community. He highlights what it means to Live Intentionally, and to Trust the Lord to…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 as Paul helps us understand how Christians can grieve with hope. If death is loss without the possibility of being found -- then no one, not even Christians can have hope. But because the gospel is true -- Christians can have hope in the face of death. Paul tells us the reason we can hav…
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We are kicking off our third summer of Romans series. Sean's message gave us a recap of Romans 9 - 11 from the end of last summer and the historical context of Romans, and it also showed us God's heart to reconcile the disunity within church between Jews and Gentiles. How should we respond to the division and live out the Gospel today?…
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In this sermon, Pastor Magdiel Gaurdado looks at Colossians 3:1-17. When it comes to driving, we need to keep our eyes on the road and learn when to hit the brakes and step on the gas. The parallels are similar on how to live. In this passage, Paul shows us where to fix our eyes, what things in our life need to stop, and what things we need to acce…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12. Paul begins teaching us how to live and how to pursue a godly life. At first glance, everything about what Paul says is ordinary. It can easily be overlooked. However, pursuing this kind of life, day by day will have a compounded effect to produce a compelling life. Listen and be challen…
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Jonah is the last book of our minor prophets series. Through this counter example of a prophet, God reveals His missional heart. Do you want to be like Jesus? He loves the people we hate and our enemies. Do you still want to be like Jesus?By Antioch Community Church in Waltham, MA (Boston Area)
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. In this text, Paul directly tells us what the will of God is. The will of God for our lives is our sanctification. At this point in his letter, Paul turns his attention to calling them to live lives that glorify him. They are to walk in a way that pleases God, pursue personal holiness, an…
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In this sermon Pastor Kevin looks walks through 1 Thessalonains 2:17-3:13. Here, Paul recounts the great concern he had for the Thessalonians after being suddenly forced to leave them. How was their faith? Were they growing in the Lord? Were they able to withstand suffering for the sake of the gospel? Here, Paul models for us what a loving and Chri…
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No one is as compassionate as our God! Listen to Brian's message on the fourth book of our minor prophets series - Obadiah. How can we respond to the call to be compassionate people to reflect our Maker? (Message is incomplete due to tech issues)By Antioch Community Church in Waltham, MA (Boston Area)
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint opens up 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16. Paul expresses thankfulness for the Thessalonians receiving his message not as mere human words but as the word of God, which actively works within them. He contrasts their acceptance with the rejection faced by the Jewish religious leaders who persecuted both Jesus and the prophets. He…
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We are back to our minor prophets series this week and continue the part 2 of the book of Joel. We are serving a God who promises to not only repay the years of loss but also give us power! As we stand on the other side of the coming of the Holy Spirit today, listen to Mark's message on the promise of the Holy Spirit.…
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In this sermon, Pastor Kevin walks thru 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12. As we come to chapter 2 of the letter, Paul gives us marks of an authentic ministry as he recounts the "what?" and "why?" of his gospel work in Thessalonica. True Gospel Ministry is marked by boldness, a motivation to please God, gentle and affectionate care of others, and a goal of se…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint walks thru 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10. Paul opens his letter with great thankfulness for the Thessalonians' faith, love, and endurance, highlighting their exemplary walk with Jesus. He recalls how the Gospel was received by them not just in word, but also in power, the Holy Spirit, and deep conviction, leading to their tran…
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In the first sermon of our 1 Thessalonians series, Pastor Clint walks us through Acts 17:1-9 and 1 Thessalonians 1:1 drawing out the background of the letter and showing how the church at Thessalonica, just like any true church today, is a COMMUNITY born out of God's MISSION and rooted in the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.…
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In our final sermon in the Book of Exodus, Pastor Clint looks at Chapters 35-40 and Ephesians 2:13-22. The Tabernacle served as the earthly dwelling place of God among His people, where His presence dwelled. Through Christ, God's ultimate presence among humanity is realized, as Jesus becomes the mediator between God and humanity, fulfilling the Tab…
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Pastor Kevin walks thru Exodus 34:10-35. After renewing the covenant and coming down from the mountain, Moses' face shines with the brightness of God's glory. It is evident that Moses has been in the presence of God. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul reflects on this passage, telling us that the ministry of the new covenant is far better than …
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Exodus 33-34. God promises to guide the Israelites to the Promised Land but warns them of the consequences of disobedience. Because of their idolatry, God will not go with them. Moses intercedes on behalf of the people, seeking God's presence and favor. God agrees to accompany them, revealing His glory to Moses…
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In this Easter Sunday Sermon Pastor Clint walks us through Exodus 32. This chapter recounts the Israelites' idolatry in the form of a golden calf. Like the Israelites, all of us stray from God's commands and embrace sin. The resurrection of Jesus offers redemption and forgiveness for humanity's disobedience, fulfilling the promise of a new covenant…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Exodus 28 & 29. This passage details God's instructions for the design of priestly garments, the consecration of priests, and the construction of the tabernacle. These chapters emphasize the significance of holiness in worship and the importance of the priesthood as mediators between God and the people. Christ'…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Exodus 25-27 to see the purpose, plan, and perfection of the Tabernacle. Moses is given specific instructions for how to build a dwelling place for God because he desires to dwell among his people. Dig into the details -- but don't miss the glorious truth that God has made a way to live among his people. Listen…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint opens up Exodus 24:1-11. God confirms his covenant with his people. While on the mountain, Moses and those with him see a special sign of God's greatness, like a sapphire pavement under His feet. Moses then reads the rules of the agreement to the people, and they promise to follow God's commands. They seal this promise …
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Unaddressed pain will distort the way you see yourself and God! As we enter into a new sermon series on Ruth in the next three weeks, Marla led us to look through the lens of Naomi's life and exhorted us to attend the deep and neglected pains and restore our view of self and God.By Antioch Community Church in Waltham, MA (Boston Area)
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In this sermon, Pastor Kevin continues to look at a section of Exodus called The Book of the Covenant (24:7). Chapters 21-23 contain a number of detailed laws for the civil life of Israel. While these details may be strange to us, they reveal truths about the character of God and give us principles for today and how we should live a godly live that…
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In this sermon, Pastor Kevin opens up Exodus 20:22-21:36. This section of Exodus contains basic guidelines for living before the Lord and living together as a righteous people. The specific laws are not intended to be exhaustive but are to result in a way of life characterized by justice and civility among the people of God, so that they are free t…
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In this sermon, pastor Clint walks thru Exodus 20:1-21. God summarizes his covenant by giving Israel the Ten Commandments. Before he gives the law, he reminds his people that he has rescued them from Egypt. He speaks of whom his people belonged to in the past (slaves to Pharaoh) and speaks of whose they are now (belonging to God). God’s grace, then…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint walks thru Exodus 19. Israel arrives at Sinai, where the rest of the events of Exodus will take place and where the Lord will reveal his covenant through Moses. This passage focuses on the instructions that the Lord gives to Moses in order to prepare Israel for his presence at Mount Sinai. The Lord has graciously redeem…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint walks through Exodus 18 - a passage that shows how God works in the ordinary stuff of life to develop his people. Here we see Moses and Israel arrive at “the mountain of God” (v. 5). Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, returns Moses’ family to him. He also hears about “all that the LORD had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptian…
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In this sermon Pastor Kevin walks thru Exodus 17. Here we see God's people test him. Once again, God is patient with his grumbling people, not only by miraculously providing them with water from a rock, but giving his very presence (v.6) and by giving them victory over their enemies. The Apostle Paul later makes an astonishing claim about this stor…
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What is the meaning and purpose of sex? To understand that, we have to do it in the context of marriage, a covenant of love. Brian's message powerfully explains that the root of sexual sin points towards the deep desire of our soul that can only be met by God.By Antioch Community Church in Waltham, MA (Boston Area)
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Having been delivered from their enemies, God’s people now move toward a different set of trials: the lack of food and water. In this passage, we see God test his people to see whether they would trust and obey him during their journey. God often moves us from times of triumph to places of testing, that we might learn that “man does not live by bre…
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For our 2024 Vision Sermon, we will return to the book of Exodus. In this sermon, Pastor Clint walks us through Chapter 15. God’s people sing God’s praises because “he has triumphed gloriously." This is rich theology personally applied. Moses reflects on God’s covenant, God's character, God’s name, God’s work, and God’s purpose. And yet, how person…
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