show episodes
The Calibrate Life & Leadership Podcast is for Christ-Following leaders who have a desire to calibrate their lives and lift those they love and lead. Co-hosts David and Donna Delp journeyed through grief after the death of their spouses after three decades of marriage. Finding each other, they began a new life with their blended families. They are absolutely committed to joyful living, joyful leading, and joyful relationships. The Calibrate Life Podcast is hosted at and focu ...
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show series
We’ve heard people talking about a “new normal” or “when things get back to normal.” It occurred to us that sometimes “normal” gives way to a new reality full of purpose, hope, and opportunity. Having lived through a deep grief process, we’ve simply recognized a grief process at work in the world around us. In this episode we are talking […] The po…
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Embracing adversity, being willing to say “yes” to the tough stuff gives us new lenses to see things differently, it exercises atrophied muscles needed for new adventures and callings, and it deconstructs our inferior plans to make way for God’s excellent plans. In this episode we talk about saying “yes” to adversity in expectation of […] The post …
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On David’s 60th birthday, his journal entry included 7 things he will do in the next 20 years based upon lessons learned in the previous 20. In this episode David and Donna talk about reflections on joyfully living, leading, and loving. Turning 60 this week caused me to look back and to look forward. 20 […] The post 149 – Reflections on Living, Lea…
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Those we lead have the opportunity to see who we really are when we lead them in and through a crisis. Our heart, our character, our resolve, our faith, our love, and our motivations are all revealed. In episode 148 of The Calibrate Life Podcast, we discuss 8 things for a leader to keep in focus while leading […] The post 148 – Leading in Crisis: E…
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If God has positioned you as a spiritual leader, he will also empower you to serve and lead. In this episode we are going to talk about the mantle and anointing that comes with God’s call and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to lead in times of uncertainty. This episode, particularly the last 20 minutes, was […] The post 147 – Leading in Crisis: …
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You can do anything you want to do but you can’t do everything you want to do. Shiny-object Syndrome is the urge to chase and engage things that get your attention. The problem is, there are too many opportunities, too many shiny objects, more interesting and compelling things than we have time or resources to […] The post 146 – Overcoming Shiny-Ob…
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Margin is the blank spaces on a document that defines its borders and makes it readable and functional. We need margin in our lives. It is the spaces, the blanks, that make everything else work. REST, health, well-being, effectiveness and many other things are elusive if we don’t mind the blank spaces. In this episode of […] The post 145 – Putting …
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We’ve declared our 2020 to be the year of learning to REST again. The “gold” of our lives comes from the ability to rest in the Presence of God, learning to zone down, learning to listen. In this episode we talk about our renewed commitment to really learn to rest, to have abiding peace in […] The post 144 – 2020 The Pursuit of REST appeared first …
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How do you know when you aren’t sacrificing enough? In last week’s episode we discussed how to know when we are sacrificing too much out of the wrong motivation, and this week we look at the other side of the coin. Last week we talked about how we know when a sacrifice is TOO great. […] The post 143 – Sacrifice: How Do You Know When it’s Not Enough…
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Life is simply full of sacrifices. As a matter of normal course, we often give up something we care about or love to gain something we care about or love more. Sacrifice embraces change and transition as we let go of important things to gain more important things. Sacrifice: How Do You Know When it […] The post 142 – Sacrifice appeared first on Cal…
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Your actions, habits, and practices accomplish the things in your heart. Spiritually minded people are good at experiencing God, but often, not so good at obeying God. Obedience always translates into actions, and if you have a dream or an intention that just never gets translated into reality, what you need to work on is […] The post 141 – You Rea…
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Today’s topic is a little controversial, even to me, but we think it is on target. It’s foolish to do something negotiable without counting the cost. It is foolish to NOT do something non-negotiable whether you have counted the cost or not. This is recklessness. I have decided, I need to live life with more […] The post 140 – Reckless appeared firs…
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Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. It has also come to be used as a term referring to the mental, physical, emotional, intellectual, and even spiritual capacity required to deal with a situation. In this episode of Calibrate Life we discuss how to gauge, […] The post 139 – Bandwidth appeared fi…
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We can feel drained, rested, or energized in each of our four capacities: physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. In this episode we discuss how to refresh, re-fire, and replenish those four capacities and how to stay full of life and energy. This is a podcast, so there is more content in the audio than in […] The post 138 – How to Recharge…
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Living joyfully is about finding contentment right now. Can we just decide to WANT to be where we are right now? Can we just decide to cherish the uniqueness of this day and this moment? Can we slow down enough to touch, to taste, to really see, to listen, to feel things I may never […] The post 137 – Joy is About Contentment “Right Now” appeared f…
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I heard someone say the other day, “you have to love what you do if you want to be good at it.” Living out our great God-adventure often involves doing things we’d rather not do. So, how to come to embrace and even love doing things we don’t like so much, and to even […] The post 136 – How to Love Doing the Stuff You Don’t Love appeared first on Ca…
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Spiritual warfare is a real. Often, life’s obstacles come from our stupid choices or uninformed decisions, but if you are attempting obedience, if you are attempting to follow a bold God-path, if you yield yourself to be a part of the solution to some of the problems of this world — you are going to […] The post 135 – Standing in Spiritual Warfare …
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Hireath is an old Welsh word describing a feeling of homesickness for something that no longer exists. In the grief journey, in major life transitions, and in almost every pursuit of the great adventure, this is a feeling with which we must grapple. Hiraeth: Homesick For Something That No Longer Exists One of my lessons […] The post 134 – Hiraeth: …
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For a relationship to be nurturing, life-giving, and active, it has to bring some value to all of the participants. The most valuable value is love, friendship, and mutual companionship. But, particularly of those of you who orchestrate relationships, in this episode we are going to the importance of orchestrating relationships and why life-giving …
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Persistence is necessary to the fulfillment of any mission. Talent, genius, education, and even spirituality is not enough in and of itself to be successful in your mission, the prize goes to the persistent. In this episode we talk about the necessity and the power of persistence. Persistence is the Prerequisite to Victory Persistence is […] The po…
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Having let go of a lot of significant things about our former life, and having made an ongoing decision to step into a new life, new adventures, and new focus, we’ve found these 6 things to be true and necessary for taking risks and going in unproven new life directions. Continue Reading for the Article […] The post 131 – Six Things You Must Be Wil…
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How do you know when an open door is the right door? Sometimes we have to wait so long and opportunities are so hard to come by that when we have an opportunity we feel we should seize it. In this episode we are discussing doors, when to walk through them and when to walk […] The post 130 – How Do You Know if An Open Door is the Right Door? appeare…
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Mission drift is when you unintentionally broaden your focus and start moving toward things you you never intended to pursue, your life travels the path of least resistance, and you end up where you never planned or wanted to go. In this episode we explore mission drift and talk about a few ways to avoid […] The post 129 – Mission drift will take y…
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Spiritual leaders model the way. We model expectations and the pace for those we love and lead. In this episode we discuss 5 things we must model to those we love and lead. Continue to read the article/episode notes… Why it is Important to Model the Way: and 5 Ways to Model Many know the […] The post 128 – Why it is Important to Model the Way appea…
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Spiritual leadership is about being and becoming a transformational servant leader, following the example of Christ. Leadership isn’t just about leading, it is about serving and encouraging positive change and spiritual empowerment in the live of those we love and lead. Continue to read the article/episode notes… Being and Becoming a Transformation…
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If our focus is trying to avoid dealing with criticism we will miss the mark and fail accomplish much of significance. We are going to get criticized often. In this episode we give 10 our our pointers for dealing with criticism. Continue to read the episode notes/article… Ten Pointers for Dealing with Criticism Last Week […] The post 126 – Ten Poin…
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In leadership, sometimes we are givers of healthy criticism, sometimes we are recipients of healthy and sometimes unhealthy criticism. Dealing with and working through critical points is a component of conflict management and leading a healthy team. In the next two episodes we will discuss how to deal with and rise above criticism. For the […] The …
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I’ve made a lot of mistakes in every area of my life, but it’s not whether or not you make mistakes, because you will, its how you handle them and recover from them. In this episode we talk about a few of the mistakes we’ve made as leaders, and what we learned from them. Continue […] The post 124 – Recovering From Our Mistakes appeared first on Cal…
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Journaling is a spiritual discipline and a very important part of a leader’s calibration. In this episode of Calibrate Life we discuss some practical pointers for journaling and a journal template. Continue Reading for the article and episode notes… Seven Practical Journaling Pointers Journaling is one of my strongest disciplines. For me, journalin…
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Setting and maintaining the right pace is critical to your spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical health. In this episode we discuss running at a healthy pace. Look around. Re-set your pace. Look at the distance. Look at the season. Take a moment to consider the strategy of your pace. Continue to read the article / […] The post 122 – Runn…
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The lesson and the miracle of your great adventure is the transformation God works in YOU on the journey. I’m not even sure the most important thing is getting to the top of the mountain. I think the most important thing is experiencing God’s love and learning to accept and embrace his love and confidence […] The post 121 – Lessons From the Great A…
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When you get to a tough place you have to push, but the push is important because it builds a necessary resolve within you. “Pushing” through the hard places solidifies your resolve to fulfill your mission. In this episode of the podcast we discuss one of the greatest lessons we’ve learned on our great adventure… […] The post 120 – Lessons From the…
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Great Adventures involve the impossible — otherwise it wouldn’t be a great adventure. Trusting God for the impossible stretches us to new levels and intensifies our trust in God. We cannot let the things that seem impossible to us keep us from trusting God in our disciplined pursuit of his adventure for our lives. In […] The post 119 – The Great Ad…
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Every great adventure has a huge learning curve. Be ready to take it on, don’t be intimidated by it, because it’s only going to make you grow and make you better. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we discuss lessons we are learning on our great life adventure. Continue reading for the article and episode […] The post 118 – The Great Adventure: You…
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Every spiritual leader is responsible to develop the Timothies in their lives. Spiritual leaders have an obligation to lift those they love and lead. The very definition of “Spiritual Leadership” implies the function of helping people discover God’s purpose and calling upon their lives. In episodes 115 and 116 we discussed the first two of […] The …
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Every healthy and growing spiritual leader needs three specific types of relationships in their lives. We need a “Paul” who will mentor us, a “Barnabas” who will encourage and challenge us, and a “Timothy” into whom we are investing as a mentor or spiritual leader. In last week’s episode 115 we discussed the importance of […] The post 116 – Three V…
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Every leader must have three vital relationships to succeed. We need a “Paul,” someone to mentor us. We need a “Barnabas,” someone to walk with us in honesty as a friend and accountability partner. We must find “Timothies,” those in whom we invest as a mentor and a leader. In this episode we discuss the […] The post 115 – Three Vital Relationships …
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We have to find our people, our tribe, because the mission to which God has called us requires a team. For us it is about the people with whom we will partner in a big way or a small way to accomplish the mission God has given us together. continue for the article / episode […] The post 114 – Who Are Your People? appeared first on Calibrate360.…
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You are not the only one who often feels overwhelmed, it goes with the calling to Spiritual Leadership. I’m not sure the overwhelming feeling toward an impossible and undoable task ever goes away, but the rest comes in trusting God to accomplish through us what we could never accomplish without his help. read the article […] The post 113 – Learning…
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A vision funnel will keep you focused on converting the big picture things in your life, the things important to you because they are things God has called you to do, a vision funnel will help you convert your “big picture” into every day reality. In this episode we give the basics of using a vision funnel to move your big picture dreams into reali…
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Routines increase your effectiveness. We make hundreds of decisions a day, but if you pre-decide the things you do over and over again, you will conserve a lot of energy you could devote to other things, you will not suffer as much from decision fatigue, and you will more efficiently get your work done. Then you can rest better and get to some of t…
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Here are eight things we've learned about raising spiritually healthy kids. Being a spiritual leader does not automatically make us better parents, in fact it brings with it challenges that other parents sometimes do not have, but hose challenges are more blessings than they are curses. It is a blessing for a child to have parents (or a parent) who…
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Life and leadership is a cycle of embracing a passion, pushing through the pain of reality, and then realizing the promise. There is always tough stuff to press through. How do we keep the joy and enjoy the journey while pushing through the realities that lead to the promise? In this episode, we talk about the place on our journey where we have to …
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Here are seven practices for a healthy marriage. Your marriage is your most important relationship and it is a gift from God, and like every other relationship, it requires an investment. In this episode of Calibrate Life, David and Donna discuss the Seven Practices for a Healthy Marriage. The post 108 – Seven Healthy Marriage Practices appeared fi…
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Guarding our marriage circle is protecting the relationship between spouses. We see our marriage relationship as a circle, with only the two of us and God present. We try to keep things that don't belong in that circle of relationship outside the circle. This isn’t always easy to do, and we are not always successful at it, but just the awareness of…
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Until we have decided what we really do believe and live life "as if" we believe it, we will not make great progress toward our great adventure or the life we really want to live. Sooner or later we have to decide what we believe to be the truth and anchor in it. In this article and episode of Calibrate Life, we discuss being "all in" with the ways…
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Passion is essential to our leadership, it is our ignition, it motivates us to press through difficulties to lay hold of the things for which we are passionate. Passion encourages us to press past obstacles and difficulties to achieve the thing important to us, and to God. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we talk about why passion is essential fo…
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Celebrating wins encourages the heart because it emphasizes the reality that we really are moving forward, When life is just one long string of events, those events run together without separators. Celebrating wins emphasizes that we really are going somewhere good, and we actually have a chance of getting there. In this episode of Calibrate Life, …
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Someday, at the end of your journey, you will look back at the mission you passionately pursued, and you will realize there were a lot of unanticipated consequences. In this episode we discuss some things we are learning about how we all can better position ourselves to live and lead in such a way as to give room for the unanticipated consequences …
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Should we have New Year’s resolutions? Do they work? If I trust God to shape and lead my future, do I need a strategic plan? In episode 102 of the Calibrate Podcast, we will discuss the tension between following the Spirit and having a plan. The post 102 – Do New Year’s Resolutions Work and Should You Have One? appeared first on Calibrate360.…
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