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show episodes
What does No Place Left mean? Can my church start a movement that would cause the gospel to reach every corner of my city? Can I? Join Peter Lindell (Pheaney) as he explores the answers to these questions. We'll interview guests that are pursuing movement, share skills and tools you can put into practice, and always include awesome stories of God at work. Season rundown: Season 1 - Overview of No Place Left and the Four Fields Season 2 - Covocational Kingdom Workers Season 3 - Movement Leade ...
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Join Bill Hodgson (Power to Change) as he explores with pastors, church planters, and leaders how to make the shift from doing ministry to building disciplemaking movements. Using the SHIFTm2M framework, we’ll unpack the practical ways that Jesus is our model for life and ministry.
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SHIFTm2M (ministries to movements) is all about leaders following Jesus in building disciplemaking movements. This podcast features recordings from SHIFTm2M Best Practice Gatherings, which bring Christian leaders and pastors together to explore practical ways to create environments for disciplemaking.
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show series
Chris Lynch shares some key insights about helping people take one step closer to Jesus. I recently ran across the "Engel Scale" which shows some specific steps people take on their journey to Christ. When I posted a question on Facebook, Chris provided a great response (see below) that led us to schedule this interview. Check out the BLT Communiti…
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Join us for an exclusive webinar with Dr. Dann Spader, designed for church pastors who are already familiar with the principles of "4 Chair Discipling". Dive deeper into applying these transformative concepts within your ministry. Dann will share strategies for guiding your congregation through the four stages of spiritual growth—from seekers to di…
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If sharing the Gospel 14,000 times doesn’t help you see multiplying disciples, what do you do next? Rodger shares some key insights from the Scriptures along with amazing stories from the harvest that highlight three entry strategies God is using in Western contexts today. Show Notes Oikos Pray for yours, Push others to theirs - Steve Smith Oikos s…
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I shared the Gospel hundreds of times and didn't find a true person of peace. Do I call it quits on pursuing movement, or is there another way forward? Join Emanuel Prinz and Pheaney for a crucial conversation. If you have ever felt like quitting (or even just discouraged) as you are pursuing a movement, this is an episode for you. Original Blog Po…
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Featuring Dorothy Roberts (Door of Hope Christian Church) and Dean Clarke (The Salvation Army). Hosted by Tim Freyer (Power to Change). Remember when you first started learning about the frameworks in SHIFTm2M? It all seemed so straight forward and you might have wondered how you missed such a clear and simple strategy. Then came the implementation…
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As someone who has been on the SHIFTm2M or EvangelismSHIFT journey, we are sure that you are totally sold on the disciplemaking model that Jesus left it for us to follow. And yet there is often a gap between your enthusiastic embracing of that model and the reality of what's happening in your church. How can you bring them together? In this Best Pr…
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Many church leaders who embrace Jesus’ disciplemaking model as God’s plan for their churches never implement the MULTIPLY/SEND level of their disciplemaking pathway. Partly, this is because multiplication is so far outside their training and experience that they don’t know where to start. This Best Practice Zoom will help you see some of the simple…
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When moving to a new paradigm for ministry (Jesus’ disciplemaking process) you have two options for existing activities that are not a part of that paradigm: ditch them or repurpose them. Choosing what to ditch and what to keep is the topic for another Best Practice Zoom. Today we will be focusing on how to repurpose leadership meetings for the sak…
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Understanding Jesus’ disciplemaking model is transformative and exciting. The hard part is implementing it in your own context. How do you put a clear pathway in place in your church that will develop people into multiplying disciplemakers? It’s easy to map where your different ministry activities fit in the Disciplemaking Environment chart, but no…
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Remember the foundational rule of Jesus’ movement building strategy: Become what you want to multiply! John North will help us focus on the personal practices Jesus put in place that gave such authority and impetus to the movement He was building. We will discuss the personal practices you can put in place that will advance each stage of your movem…
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"So, how's the ministry going?” A simple and common question and an essential one for leaders. Our answer depends on a number of things. Consciously or unconsciously, we make assessments on how things are going based on metrics. Whether subjective or objective, informal or formal, we reference certain points and indicators to draw our conclusions. …
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As you prepare to implement your understanding of Jesus’ movement building model in your own church, you wonder how to start?You try to change your whole church ministry approach to match Jesus’ model, but you get significant push-back from people who are happy with the current model. What should you do? So many of these problems and issues that yo…
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Our global societies have been shaken—and the church with it. All routines have been upset, and even our practice of going to church has been derailed. The impacts are so broad and all-encompassing we struggle to grasp the implications. We are so tethered to past practices and traditions, it is difficult to hear what we are being told—that we are i…
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The eager tourists asked a policeman “what are the must-see places in Dublin?” for their afternoon of adventure. He increased their expectations by thoughtfully listing off a long list of “must see” landmarks and experiences. At which point the committed adventurers asked, “So where should we start?” To which he replied, “Well I definitely wouldn’t…
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You most likely finished your SHIFTm2M journey highly motivated to follow Jesus’ example. You began working on your own pathway to develop the people of your church into multiplying disciplemakers. As you thought through the stages of the Disciplemaking Environment (Connect – Win – Build – Train – Send/Multiply), the first three were familiar to yo…
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No, this isn’t a foray into my new gardening strategy. Check out this conversation with Dave Coles, one of the authors of the book Cabbages in the Desert: How God Transformed a Devout Muslim and Catalyzed Disciple Making Movements among Unreached Peoples. “It’s not just a matter of decision-making, it’s a matter of disciple-making.” Show Notes: You…
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Ramadan 2024 is less than one week away. Check out and sign up to pray for Muslims in Illinois! This is my conversation with Miriam Adeney, one of the authors of the book Afghan Mountain Faith. Show Notes: You can find the book Afghan Mountain Faith here:…
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Ramadan 2024 is less than two weeks away. This is a repost of an interview I did with the authors of Stubborn Perseverance. Stubborn Perseverance: "How to launch multiplying movements of disciples and churches, among Muslims and others (a story based on real events)." by James Nyman and Robby Butler. Show Notes: Visit to fi…
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Nik Ripken, author of the books Insanity of God and Insanity of Obedience joins me to share his thoughts and views on what is happening in the Muslim world. Find the Insanity books and more at Great Quotes from Nik: “You can’t trust advice that’s never knocked on a door.” “American has cheapened the essence of Christianity while expa…
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It was fun to be the one answering questions for a change. Thanks to Paul Scott and WPEO for making this audio available. We talked about a training on February 24 to learn to engage Muslims:‌ And if you are interested in praying for Muslims, check out: Visit ontheroad.l…
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Listen to Kevin share about how God is working among Muslims using an engagement tool called "The Camel." Show notes: Wind in the House of Islam Book (And the Maverick Podcast Season 2 is a podcast version of the book.) The Camel Book. Contact me if you'd like a short PDF version of the tool. The Quran passage Kevin mentioned is: Al Imran, verses 4…
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Stories of God at work in the Muslim world from Tom Doyle, author of Women Who Risk and founder of Uncharted Ministries. Show Notes: I Found the Truth: Uncharted Ministries: Women Who Risk: Dreams and Visions: https://w…
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A conversation with Chris about God working among Muslims on both sides of the pond. Chris Ross is focused on multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches globally among Central Asian peoples through North American Cities. For more info email Chris at Chris recommended this resource for prayer:…
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Welcome to Season 7 of On the Road, with a special focus on reaching Muslims for Jesus. Leading up to Ramadan 2024 I plan to put out weekly episodes highlighting what God is doing among Muslims. Throughout Ramadan, I will drop short daily prayer prompts. You can subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, or if you want them in your inbox, sign up at…
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Welcome to Season 7 of On the Road, with a special focus on reaching Muslims for Jesus. Leading up to Ramadan 2024 I plan to put out weekly episodes highlighting what God is doing among Muslims. Throughout Ramadan, I will drop short daily prayer prompts. You can subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, or if you want them in your inbox, sign up at…
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Check out this interview with the authors of the book Stubborn Perseverance. Stubborn Perseverance: "How to launch multiplying movements of disciples and churches, among Muslims and others (a story based on real events)." by James Nyman and Robby Butler Visit to get a copy. Visit to subscribe to get this podc…
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Earlier this year I wrapped up a series of episodes with Cynthia Anderson about the mindset shifts that need to occur in us as we pursue movement. Cynthia put these key lessons into a book, and in this episode, we talk about a few additions to the mindsets we covered, plus we hear an amazing modern-day parable. Show Notes: Purchase the book:…
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Steve Addison shares insights from his new book: Acts and the Movement of God. Show Notes: Find out more about the book here: Get the book directly from Amazon here: Visit to subscribe to get this podcast and blog posts from Pheaney delivered to your email. Get full acces…
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应许万族因亚伯兰得福 12 耶和华对亚伯兰说:“你要离开本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。 2 我必叫你成为大国,我必赐 福给你,叫你的名为大,你也要叫别人得福。 3 为你祝福的,我必赐福于他;那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他。地上的 万族都要因你得福。” 4 亚伯兰就照着耶和华的吩咐去了,罗得也和他同去。亚伯兰出哈兰的时候年七十五岁。 5 亚伯兰将他妻子撒莱和侄儿罗得,连他们在哈兰所积蓄的财物、所得的人口,都带往迦南地去。他们就到了迦 南地。 6 亚伯兰经过那地,到了示剑地方,摩利橡树那里。那时,迦南人住在那地。 7 耶和华向亚伯兰显现, 说:“我要把这地赐给你的后裔。”亚伯兰就在那里为向他显现的耶和华筑了一座坛。 8 从那里他又迁到伯特利东 边的山,支搭帐篷。⻄边是伯特利,东边是艾。他在那里…
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创世记 6:1-9:17 Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified) 6 当人在世上多起来,又生女儿的时候, 2 神的儿子们 看⻅人的女子美貌,就随意挑选,娶来为妻。 3 耶和华 说:“人既属乎血气,我的灵就不永远住在他里面,然而 他的日子还可到一百二十年。” 4 那时候有伟人在地上, 后来神的儿子们和人的女子们交合生子,那就是上古英武 有名的人。 5 耶和华⻅人在地上罪恶很大,终日所思想的尽都是恶。 6 耶和华就后悔造人在地上,心中忧伤。 7 耶和华说:“我 要将所造的人和走兽并昆虫,以及空中的⻜⻦,都从地上 除灭,因为我造他们后悔了。” 8 唯有挪亚在耶和华眼前 蒙恩。 9 挪亚的后代记在下面。挪亚是个义人,在当时的世代是 …
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3 耶 和 华 神 所 造 的 , 惟 有 蛇 比 田 野 一 切 的 活 物 更 狡 猾 。 蛇 对 女 人 说 : 神 岂 是 真 说 不 许 你 们 吃 园 中 所 有 树 上 的 果 子 麽 ? 2 女 人 对 蛇 说 : 园 中 树 上 的 果 子 , 我 们 可 以 吃 , 3 惟 有 园 当 中 那 棵 树 上 的 果 子 , 神 曾 说 : 你 们 不 可 吃 , 也 不 可 摸 , 免 得 你 们 死 。 4 蛇 对 女 人 说 : 你 们 不 一 定 死 ; 5 因 为 神 知 道 , 你 们 吃 的 日 子 眼 睛 就 明 亮 了 , 你 们 便 如 神 能 知 道 善 恶 。 6 於 是 女 人 见 那 棵 树 的 果 子 好 作 食 物 , 也 悦 人 的 眼 目 …
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Author Brad Brisco shares the benefits and challenges of Covocational Church Planting. Show Notes: Find the book: Brad's blog - Link to the book "BiVo" - L…
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This moment in history is the most strategic time to engage Muslims with the Gospel. Listen to Kevin share his story. Show Notes: Wind in the House of Islam Book (And the Maverick Podcast Season 2 is a podcast version of the book.) The Camel Book. Contact me if you'd like a short PDF version of the tool. The Quran passage Kevin mentioned is: Al Imr…
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How can a people be considered "unreached" if they live in a country with millions of Christians? Listen to this great conversation for the answer. I wrote about Luke being a a practitioner and a writer/researcher: Previous conversation about people groups in this…
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God's Presence is the Answer to our Pain. Listen to this interview with Doug Rumbold about his book Presence Over Pain. Show Notes Facebook page: Presence over Pain on Amazon: Visit to subscribe to get this p…
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Disciplemaking beats money, but handling money is important. This interview was recorded by some friends of mine who gave me permission to pass it on to you. It covers a variety of topics, starting with a clear conversation about using money in a missions context. They hit on some other key things by the end: disciple-making, strategy coordinators …
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In April 2015 there was a huge earthquake in Nepal... nearly 9000 people lost their lives... there were missionaries and locals there, on the ground, pursuing the multiplication of disciples and churches when that happened... how did they respond? Show notes: Check out another episode with Will here:…
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Old Mindset: There is one “Christian way” to express worship and to be the church. It looks the same across all cultures. New Mindset: God is greatly glorified through authentic, indigenous, expressions of worship and of His body. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: Online Training: http://courses.dmmsfrontiermissio…
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Old Mindset: Individuals must make spiritual decisions for themselves. They need one-on-one discipleship to grow and become mature. New Mindset: In many cultures, decisions are generally made in groups. Jesus rarely trained individuals, but taught, modeled and trained in groups. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: O…
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Old Mindset: Training is an event you invite people to attend and complete. New Mindset: We train, follow up, coach, and filter, (and repeat) as we walk with people in their development. People mature as they serve. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: Online Training: Visit o…
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Old Mindset: Church Planters need years of seminary or other training to be successful, wise, and fruitful. New Mindset: “On the job” and “just-in-time” training, are simple Jesus-style means of training disciple-makers and leaders. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: Online Training: http://courses.dmmsfrontiermiss…
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Old Mindset: Full-time professionals are the primary church planters and ministers. New Mindset: As leaders, our job is to disciple disciple-makers and train trainers. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: Online Training: Visit to subscribe to get this podcast a…
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Old Mindset: Local, common believers are NOT qualified and shouldn’t plant churches or do ministry until they are ordained. New Mindset: Every believer is commissioned by Jesus to make disciples and do the work of the ministry. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: Online Training: http://courses.dmmsfrontiermissions.…
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Old Mindset: Trained experts, and mature, knowledgeable, Christians spread the gospel most effectively. New Mindset: The stories and message of Jesus spread most rapidly through those new to faith or exploring faith. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: Online Training: Visit …
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Old Mindset: My people group or area is too resistant to see a movement. New Mindset: There are people who are ripe for harvest in every people group, geographical area, and sphere of society. Show Notes: Cindy's Blog: Online Training: Visit to subscr…
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