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Alt werden wollen fast alle, alt sein jedoch nicht. "Man ist so alt, wie man sich fühlt!" - und wie der Körper einen fühlen lässt. So ein Senioren-Body kommt ja schon mal mit Überraschungen um die Ecke, die so nicht auf dem Lebensplan standen. Und die lieben Mitmenschen lassen manchmal auch keinen Zweifel daran, dass wir nun im Alter gelandet sind, egal, wie jung wir uns fühlen. Auch wenn angeblich 60+ das neue 40 ist - einiges lässt sich echt nicht mehr schönreden. Um so wichtiger, dass wir ...
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Bij BitesWeLove maken we gezondere alternatieven voor ongezonde snacks. Dit doen we door bij de ontwikkeling van onze bites goed te letten op het beperken van vet, zout en suiker en genoeg vezels en eiwitten. Dat is natuurlijk best een uitdaging, want hoe zorg je ervoor dat het ook nog eens lekker blijft? We zien binnen de tussendoortjes en snack categorie een overvloed aan gezondheidsclaims zoals ‘30% minder vet’, ‘rijk aan proteïne’ of ‘zonder toegevoegd suiker’ op de verpakking staan. Maa ...
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Science for Policy

Scientific Advice Mechanism

How far should we rely on science to make political decisions? What makes a good science advisor — or a good science advice system? What do we do when the evidence is incomplete or controversial? What happens when science advice goes wrong and how can we fix it? We explore these questions, and many more, in conversation with the researchers, policymakers and communicators who make science advice happen around the world. The Science for Policy podcast is produced the Scientific Advice Mechani ...
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Mijn naam is Kelly Smit, auteur en business en life mentor. In deze podcast nodig ik je uit in mijn wereld van creatie, manifestatie en mindset. Maar dan wel op zijn Rotterdams, voeten op de grond en praktische actie. Ik deel mijn kennis met jou op het gebied van ondernemen als een creator. Ver weg van alle marketing en strategie en heel dichtbij jezelf. Omdat daar het goud ligt evenals je superpowers. Wil je jouw business en leven vanuit jou vormgeven? Wil je leren creëren en manifesteren a ...
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Executive coach Marcel van de Hoef interviews professionals and thinkers from the worlds of investment, business and arts about leadership and communication. Reflecting on their own unique experience, they share inspiring stories as well as the strategies, tactics and mindsets they rely on to make their daily interactions more productive and meaningful.
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Age 33+? Build health, love, success & life balance. I wish I had known these things earlier. Expert conversations about fitness, relationships, mental strength and business. Providing inspiration and practical tips. Your host Daniel Sobhani (GER Top 40 under 40 | CEO/Founder Freeletics/Staedium | 17y married | 3y old daughter). Instagram:
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SEG STORIES Inside the game and beyond The podcast that lets you dive deep into the world of football, cycling, esports and music. Management agency SEG has many exceptional talents in its roster, each with their unique story to tell. In the SEG Stories podcast our football players, coaches, riders, gamers, artists and agents take centre stage. Immerse yourself in their revealing insights and captivating anecdotes. Listen to Daley Blind as he recounts his long and successful career, culminat ...
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Sharmila Panikkal

This podcast helps you to see "THE OTHER SIDE " We are going to cover up many areas, especially confusing, misleading topics and we are going to make our listeners to hear from various resources. Listen to our podcast until the end. Please follow us and share our episodes so we can cover many other interesting topics. Our podcast is available on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. By doing so, you'll receive updates as soon as we release a new episode." Sharmila Panikkal
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Adi Schützeneder is an experienced food expert whose career has taken him from the shores of Lake Wolfgang to the beaches of Australia. He worked at the famous White Horse Inn on Lake Wolfgang (known for the classic film from 1960 with Peter Alexander), and has also been a sommelier on various cruise ships. Two years ago he opened the “Moffs” in Mo…
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Vanaf vandaag is aflevering 10 van de podcastserie SEG Stories te beluisteren. Het Tour de France circus draait nog steeds op volle toeren, dus ook deze podcast staat weer in het teken van wielrennen. Oud-renner Sebastian Langeveld en zijn agent Eelco Berkhout schuiven aan. De twee, die soms zelf liever van een vriendschap spreken, stonden aan het …
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Kanzler Scholz möchte strikte Grenzkontrollen fortsetzen / Deutschen Fußballerinnen schlagen Australiens Matildas deutlich mit 3:0 / Gladys Berejiklian verliert Berufung gegen Korruptionsvorwurf / Gespräche zwischen Netanjahu und US-Präsident Joe Biden und Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris / Journalisten bei Nine Publishing beginnen fünftägigen Streik …
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The frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones are increasing as a result of global warming. A study from Western Australia shows the deadly consequences of this trend for seabirds. - Die Häufigkeit und Intensität tropischer Wirbelstürme nehmen durch die Klimaerwärmung zu. Eine Studie aus Westaustralien zeigt die tödlichen Konsequenzen dieses Tre…
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Prof. Markus Wagner is an expert in business and state law, as well as Australian and US constitutional law at the University of Wollongong. During his career he has worked in the USA and Israel, among others, and explains in conversation the current state of Donald Trump's court proceedings, the role of the many US Supreme Court and comments on so…
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Since July 20, the two-week Pitch Black 24 manoeuvre has been running in northern Australia. The German Air Force is involved with around 200 soldiers, as well as five Eurofighters and two tanker aircraft. An interview with the responsible squadron Commodore Colonel Andersen. - Seit dem 20. Juli läuft das zweiwöchige Manöver Pitch Black 24 im Norde…
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Vanaf vandaag is aflevering 11 van de podcastserie SEG Stories te beluisteren. Deze keer neemt Michael Reiziger plaats achter de microfoon en blikt uitvoerig terug op zijn carrière als interlandspeler en als assistent-coach bij het EK van deze zomer. Overheerst trots of teleurstelling over het meest recente optreden van Oranje? Michael Reiziger nam…
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Australische Athleten in Paris werden gewarnt nach zwei übergriffen in 48 Stunden / Bericht weckt Zweifel an den nuklearen Ambitionen der Koalition / Technologieunternehmen unter Druck mehr zur Bekämpfung von Online-Kindesmissbrauchsinhalten zu tun / Experten fordern strengere Gesetze für politische Werbung, um Fehlinformationen zu verhindern, nach…
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Dr. Clara Nussbaumer is a chemist and flies over the thick, green roof of the rainforest in Australia, near Cairns. In this breathtaking setting, she is researching for the Max-Planck-Institute in Mainz. - Dr. Clara Nussbaumer ist Chemikerin und fliegt über dem dichten, grünen Dach des Regenwaldes in Australien, nahe Cairns. In dieser atemberaubend…
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In the Australian outback, there are roads that simply lead straight ahead over sometimes extremely long distances. But even with curves, the long distances are a challenge for car drivers. In the state of Queensland, trivia questions entertain travellers to keep them awake. - Im australischen Outback gibt es Straßen, die über teils extrem lange St…
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After realising the dream of living in Australia, other hurdles may arise that many workers have to deal with. One of them is the possible desire to change careers and concerns about uncertainty. Career consultant Melita Long gives helpful tips on how a successful change can work out. - Nachdem man sich den Traum vom Leben in Australien verwirklich…
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The Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica is melting and causing sea levels to rise globally. In a worst-case scenario, cities such as Hamburg or San Francisco could flood. A Finnish scientist now wants to save the glacier with the help of an ambitious project. - Der Thwaites-Gletscher in der Westantarktis schmilzt und lässt den Meeresspiegel global …
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US President Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. After supporting Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor, it is now up to the Democratic Party to decide who their candidate will be for November. - US-Präsident Joe Biden hat seinen Rückzug aus der Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 angekündigt. Nachdem er Vizepräsid…
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A bug in an update at cyber security company Crowdstrike based in Austin, Texas caused system failures globally. In addition to SBS and ABC, large banks and many other companies, for example, were also affected. But how could an outage of this magnitude occur? And what options are there anyway to avoid such failures? Cyber security expert Professor…
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Bundeskabinett will umstrittenen Haushalt für 2025 beschließen / Elon Musk verlegt Sitz seiner Firmen SpaceX und X von Kalifornien nach Texas / Gedenken an 38 australische Opfer bei MH17-Katastrophe / Regierung wird Fair Work Commission unterstützen Vorwürfe kriminellen Verhaltens innerhalb der Gewerkschaft CFMEU zu untersuchen / Haushaltsüberschus…
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Yessie Mosby is one of the so-called Torres Strait Eight, a group from the Pacific islands that has filed a complaint with the UN Human Rights Council. Their complaint — that Australia is not doing enough to protect its people from climate change — was the first case of its kind. Now Mosby is at the Pacific Arts and Culture Festival in Hawaii, tryi…
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Does this sound familiar: you have fulfilled your dream of living in Australia and all your now need is work. Without work experience in the country, this can be difficult. We talk to career advisor Melita Long and ask her for helpful tips. - Kennen Sie das auch? Sie haben sich den Traum vom Leben in Australien verwirklicht und alles was ihnen jetz…
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Former President Donald Trump was shot at during an election campaign appearance in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024. He was injured in the right ear, one bystander was killed and another was injured. The Secret Service is currently under massive pressure to explain how the assassination attempt could take place in front of the nation. President Joe B…
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In Australia, detainees train retired racing dogs for subsequent adoption. By doing so, dogs and humans help each other to prepare for a new life in freedom. - In Australien trainieren Häftlinge pensionierte Rennhunde für die spätere Adoption. Auf diese Weite helfen sich Hund und Mensch gegenseitig, um sich auf ein neues Leben in Freiheit vorzubere…
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Welcome to our 100th episode! This one comes to you complete with a live audience at the University of Helsinki, kindly hosted by the SRI Congress 2024.Debating questionsWarm-up debates:(1) We should get rid of daylight saving time.(2) How would a dog wear trousers? Hind legs only, or all four legs on the bottom half of its body?(3) In which order …
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27 years ago, Siegfried Bergmann followed his wife Nicole's dream and moved to Melbourne - because Nicole always wanted to live in Australia. But contrary to expectations, she could not feel at home Down Under and returned to Germany. Siegfried stayed back and the marriage between the two ended. In an interview, he talks about what it is like to li…
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Joe Biden ruft nach Trump-Attentat zur Ruhe auf / Viktorianische Bau-Gewerkschaft unter Zwangsverwaltung gestellt / Mindestens 13 Tote nach Angriff auf Schule in Gaza / Australische Banken müssen 28 Milliarden Dollar an zu hohen Gebühren zurückzahlen / König Charles und Königin Camilla kündigen Australien-Besuch an / Spanien zum vierten Mal Fußball…
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The German musician and singer/songwriter Frank Frikker has lived in Australia since 2004 and is known for his mix of folk, blues, jazz and country. Frikker tells stories through his songs, which are often humorous and satirical. Despite a successful career in international management, he has always retained his passion for music and songwriting. -…
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Versprecher von Biden bei NATO Gipfel bestimmen Schlagzeilen / Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz verteidigt Entscheidung zur Stationierung von US-Marschflugkörper in Deutschland / Ukraines Präsident Selenskyj fordert Aufhebung aller Auflagen für den Einsatz westlicher Waffen gegen russisches Staatsgebiet / Ein Mitglied der australischen Verteidigungsstreit…
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Bundesaußenministerin Baerbock schließt erneute Kanzlerkandidatur aus / Neue Warnungen für Anwohner der Gemeinden um abgebrannte Chemiefabrik / USA stationieren ab 2026 Langstreckenraketen in Deutschland / Papua-Neuguineas Energieminister Jimmy Maladina bekennt sich für nicht schuldig / Kosten für den Versand von Waren nach Australien steigen weite…
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Wat doe je als je idolaat bent van wielrennen, je bouwt een netwerk op in de sport, maar je komt nét te kort om prof te worden? Eelco en Martijn Berkhout begonnen op respectievelijk 20- en 23-jarige leeftijd een agentschap in het wielrennen. In de nieuwe SEG Stories vertellen zij hun verhaal. Over met bluf de grootste teambazen bellen, tot het succ…
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Het is het seizoen van vernieuwing en velen van ons slaan op dit moment een nieuw pad in. Deze podcast gaat over het proces van een nieuw pad. Over de uitdagingen die erbij komen kijken en hoe je hiermee om kunt gaan. Over guidance ontvangen en het pad vorm geven vanuit je vrouwelijke energie. En nog veel meer. Speciaal voor jou als je nu een nieuw…
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Feuer in Fabrik im Westen Melbournes nach einer chemischen Explosion / US-Präsident Biden sagt Ukraine weitere Hilfen zu bei NATO-Gipfel / Russland streitet Verantwortung für Angriff auf Kinderkrankenhaus in Kiew ab / Laut palästinensischer Vertreter wurden 29 Menschen bei israelischem Luftangriff in Süd-Gaza getötet / Australien verspricht Tuvalu …
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Sarah Christin Reichmann is CEO and co-founder of Taylor & Richman, a consulting start-up that focuses on mindset and belief systems in leadership training. At the end of 2021, she took a break from her job in Munich to realize her vision here in Australia. With her expertise and interdisciplinary approach, she drives progress in the business world…
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Portugal, Greece, Spain, Chile, California and now Sicily: They all have to deal with forest fires time and again. One thing in common stands out: All of these regions have an invasive species that virtually drives the fires: the Australian eucalyptus. - Portugal, Griechenland, Spanien, Chile, Kalifornien und jetzt Sizilien: Sie alle haben immer wi…
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The whole of Europe was looking at France this weekend. The vote, known as the “fate election,” was about the question of whether the right-wing populist Rassemblement National led by Marine Le Pen could also win the majority of votes in the French parliamentary elections after the successes in the European elections. Things turned out differently,…
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The dream of a summer fairytale 2024 is over for the German national team. After many scoring chances, emotional duels and a controversial refereeing decision, our football expert Christine Pfeiffer believes that the Spaniards deserved to win. - Aus der Traum vom Sommermärchen 2024 für die deutsche Nationalelf. Nach vielen Torchancen, emotionalen Z…
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After playing their way into the hearts of more than just their Swiss fans, the Swiss national team were knocked out in the quarter-finals against England on Saturday. We talk to Claudio Hermenjat about why they can still be proud of their performance and why we can expect a strong Swiss national team at the 2026 World Cup. Claudio comes from Fribo…
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Sandwiches the likes of which Nuremberg has never seen before - that's the promise of Natalie Sanseverino. Once a month, the sourdough-loving Australian sells sandwiches in Nuremberg - together with a German chef. In this interview, she reveals why she draws inspiration from Melbourne and how her sandwiches differ from German classics. - Sandwiches…
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Wellicht een beladen onderwerp maar wel iets wat bij velen van ons speelt of heeft gespeeld. In deze podcast vertel ik over de paniekeaanvallen die ik had en dat die vaak werden veroorzaakt doordat ik mijn eigen pad niet liep of getriggerd raakte. Ik vertel over hoe ik hier mee omging, wat me hielp en wat het me heeft gebracht aan persoonlijke groe…
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The sports director of Sydney FC and former Bundesliga professional Alexander Baumjohan analyses the Euro 2024 in Germany as a soccer expert and commentator for Optus Sport and spoke to us about the upcoming quarter finals between Switzerland and England and Germany against Spain. Among other things, he reveals how he sees Switzerland's chances to …
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Daniela and Sebastian Gaggl are the children of an Austrian migrant. However, the siblings not only continue some Austrian traditions and their father's Austrian German language; the two have also taken up professions in which Austrian blood has certainly played a certain role — both work in the beverage industry. - Daniela und Sebastian Gaggl sind…
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Switzerland could pull off a historic coup against England on Sunday with the whole swiss community accordingly excited about the weekend. One of them is our valued former colleague and boss Christian Fröhlicher. He is currently very close to the action in Europe with his family and is optimistic about his national team's chances. - Am Sonntag könn…
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Der britische Premierminister Rishi Sunak gesteht Niederlage ein / Ampel-Koalition legt Haushaltskonflikt bei / Laut neuem ARD-Deutschlandtrend ist das Sicherheitsgefühl der Bundesbürger*innen deutlich gesunken / Australiens Regierung kündigt Zuweisung von 100 Millionen Dollar für 33 indigene Gesundheitsinfrastrukturprojekte an / Australisches Steu…
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German experimental electronic artist Moritz Simon Geist opened the new curated event series “Goehte Lounge” with a concert at the Goethe Institute in Sydney. The artist, who lives in Dresden, creates fascinating robots with which he performs his electro compositions. In addition to the music, the visuals also delighted the many guests who had come…
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The European elections have once again shown that the barrier against the extreme right has subsided. Political experts believe the Australian model of compulsory voting could slow down this trend in Western democracies. A colleague discussion with SBS correspondent Barbara Barkhausen. - Die Europawahl hat erneut gezeigt, dass die Hemmschwelle vor …
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The German international school in Sydney in the Terry Hills district is an important institution of the German community in Australia. Dr. Lorenz Metzger has managed the school as its principal for 6 years. According to the statutes, there must be a change of school management at regular intervals. That is why, after a long adventure down under, t…
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Türkei bestellt deutschen Botschafter ein nach Kritik aus Berlin am Wolfsgruß-Jubel bei EM-Spiel / Pro-palästinensische Demonstranten besteigen Dach des Parlamentsgebäudes in Canberra / Koalition plant Veräußerungsbefugnisse gesetzlich zu verankern um Supermärkte zerschlagen zu können / Unabhängigen Abgeordnete bringen Gesetzesentwurf ein zu Werbev…
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