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Everyday NLP Bites

Florence Madden

Bringing the key approaches and concepts of NLP to everyday life. - How NLP can help you to be the best version of yourself - How it can help you have more effective relationships in and out of work - How you can improve your confidence and personal effectiveness
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show series
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt In this last podcast of Season 5 I look at comparisons. Comparisons, especially unclear ones, take us down a blind alley. Whether it is willing ourselves to do something ‘better’ or someone else telling us to - how do we know we have got there or measure our achievement ? The end result is often …
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“ʺThey are all the same!ʺ Is the cruelest gallows humankind ever built.” ― Lamine Pearlheart, Author How often to we talk about groups of people with the implication that they are all the same and think the same ? ‘They’ ‘The government’ ‘Management’ ‘ the Council’ or more vaguely still ‘some people’. In the NLP Meta Model these are referred to as …
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“I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” Lily Tomlin, Actor Being specific can be exhausting in conversation ….and yet without it there possibilities of misunderstanding are huge! What more could we learn if we asked more questions of others, or noticed when we aren’t being clear? In NLP Meta model these…
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“Vague expression permits the hearer to imagine whatever suits him and what he already thinks in any case.” Theodor Adorno German sociologist, philosopher and musicologist In this podcast my focus is on ‘fat’ words – words which potentially contain different meanings to different people and as a result can lead to misunderstandings. They require us…
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“Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they’re yours.” Richard Bach Spiritual Writer In this podcast I look our self-imposed rules, when we say we must or mustn’t do something, or that we can or can’t. Often we say these things without considering if they are true……….and I wonder what would happen if we did question them ? And of course we al…
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“All generalizations are false, including this one.” Mark Twain In this week’s episode I look at the effect of generalizations where we use words like all, everyone, no one, always, never etc. In NLP Meta Model these are referred to as Universal Quantifiers. But what impact do they have on the point we may be making or indeed on ourselves and other…
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“Science, like art, religion, commerce, warfare, and even sleep, is based on presuppositions.” — Gregory Bateson, anthropologist and social scientist This week’s language pattern is where what is said assumes something to be true without question, referred to in Meta Model as Presuppositions. Many of our assumptions are correct or beneficial …. but…
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“People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe.” Andy Rooney Writer and Humorist This week’s language pattern is when we reach a conclusion that does not necessarily follow from the facts, but fits with the narrative in our head. This is referred to in Meta Model as a Complex Equivalence. What if…
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"If you own this story you get to write the ending." – Brené Brown This week’s language pattern is when we blame other people or situations for how we feel or what happens to us. In NLP Meta Model this is called Cause and Effect. When we make other people responsible we abdicate our own responsibility and hence control. Does it have to be this way?…
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“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” ― Isaac Asimov! This week’s language pattern is when opinions are expressed as if they are a fact. Referred to in the Meta Model as a ‘Lost Performative’ i.e. what is lost is whose opinion is being expressed. We are surrounded by othe…
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“Great relationships are based on clarity, not mind-reading.” Steve Arterburn In this season of podcasts I am focussing on language patterns that do not serve us or our relationships with others…summarised in the Meta Model in NLP. Sometimes people do not find it easy to get their head around Meta Model, partly because the language is so commonplac…
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'Words as I speak or write them, make a path on which I walk'. Diane Glancy My guest in this podcast is Sue Knight, international trainer in NLP, author of ‘NLP At Work’ and with whom I completed my NLP trainer training. Sue talks about the power of modelling and specifically noticing and changing our language to achieve personal change and engage …
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“In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow.” – Carol Dweck My guest in this podcast is my friend and co-author, Eleni Sarantinou. Eleni’s talks about giving and receiving feedback, a practice at the core of her work and …
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“I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you put the work and time into it. I think your mind really controls everything. “ Michael Phelps. I am delighted that this episode’s conversation is with my first NLP teacher Sarah Frossell, with whom I did my NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner and set me on a course…
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"Reality doesn't bite, rather our perception of reality bites." Anthony J. D'Angelo This episode’s conversation is with Ali Smith whom I first met when she did her NLP Practitioner training with me. Her focus is on helping her clients change their memories of trauma by changing the submodalities i.e. by changing how someone remembers an event, they…
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A great relationship is about two things, first, find out the similarities, second, respect the differences. Unknown In this episode I talk to Sarah Scarratt about how her noticing the different metaprograms of family members is a route to harmony ! You can find out more about Sarah on her website: www.sarahscarrattcoaching.com Want to find out mor…
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"The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions." Claude Levi-Strauss In this episode I talk to my friend coach and co-trainer Richard Bisiker. He talks about the value of Meta Model questions which he uses formally and informally to coach to help others. You can find out more about Richard on his website: www.personalsum…
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‘Good health is multifaceted - it's physical, it's internal, it's my diet, and my emotional state. It's all tied in together.’ Michelle Obama This week I talk to coach Fiona Stimson who applies her NLP skills in the field of health, specifically helping cancer patients to cope with their treatment and avoid being influenced by the strong emotions a…
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‘Learn a language, and you’ll avoid a war.’ Arab Proverb. In this first podcast of Season 4 trainer and coach Jackie Lawlor talks about ‘Clean Language’ and how she has used it in her personal life as well as in her coaching practice. Clean questions are questions that allow the responder to answer freely, without being influenced by the person ask…
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"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen." - Muhammad Ali Karen Falconer is the CEO of ANLP and the NLP International Conference. ANLP (The Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a UK organisation founded in 1985 by Frank Kevlin to promote neuro-lingu…
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"I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them." - Oscar Wilde Bibian McRoy is a Human Resources Consultant, Coach and Mediator who in her previous roles was a client of mine for nearly a decade and who is now a friend and associate. The standout topic in NLP for her is Anchoring positive st…
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"The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body." – Dr. Bruce H. Lipton Maureen is Head of Talent and Resource at Baxi Heating (UK) Ltd whom I have had the privilege of working with now for a number of years. She is also one the editors of my book 'The Intention Impact Conundrum' for which I am ever grat…
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“By becoming interested in the cause, we are less likely to dislike the effect.” ― Dale Carnegie Katie is the HR Director with px Limited (https://www.pxlimited.com/), a client and friend who reflects on ‘Cause and Effect’ - how transformational it is to take personal responsibility, (not blame), for what happens in your life and work. We can get t…
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"Man is what he believes." ~ Anton Chekhov Mike is a songwriter, performer and coach, and he discusses the Logical Levels of Behaviour model that he first saw when on a Coaching course with me some years ago. He attributes his career now as a coach to that model, (also referred to as the Neurological Levels), and specifically how seeing the link be…
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”The body never lies.” Martha Graham Claire who is also the ‘Outdoor coach’ podcaster talks about becoming aware of the mind /body link, and also how environment impacts on our mindset and behaviour. Claire is also co-training with me this year on my Advanced Coaching for Executive Coaches course You can find out more about Claire on her website: h…
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A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. - David Brinkley In this podcast Jim recalls an unplanned demonstration of the NLP Pillars of success when we did a course together. When I failed to explain Meta Model (language patterns)…. I was forced (by Jim) to find another way….I did…..and my ‘yel…
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It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. – Aristotle In this first podcast of Season 3, I talk to Lesley MCDonald about ‘The 3 Principles’, to start to explain what Sydney Banks discovered. In 1973, Sydney Banks, was an ordinary working man, who experienced a spontaneous and profound spiritual enlig…
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We have patterns and habits in the way we live our lives .... but in how we remember things too ? Oh yes.........and can easily discount 'evidence' that doesn't fit the pattern. William Somerset Maugham said "If you do not change your beliefs you life will be like this forever - is that good news ?" If it isn't this podcast is for you ! This podcas…
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Can simply imagining ourselves doing something well really make it happen that way ? Science says YES ! Visualization of the outcomes we want to achieve prepares the mind and body to perform in that way. We often imagine how things can go wrong...how about imagining them going right....and what difference could that make ? This podcast looks at the…
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It is easy to think we have been clear in what we have said , or because we have said nothing we haven't communicated in some way. But that is naive thinking, everything we say, how we say it and indeed what we don't say communicates something. Accepting that is the start of really getting our message across .... This podcast looks at the Pre-suppo…
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Failure is an emotive word and failing usually hurts........and yet without risking failure we wouldn't start anything, or we wouldn't carry on if we didn't succeed first time around. So this Pre-supposition of NLP: There is no failure only feedback is all about how we 're frame' failure to see it as a stepping stone to success and a chance to lear…
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What can other people's behaviour tell us about our own - good or bad ? Are we really seeing our own behaviour reflected in others.... Shakespeare thought so and Carl Jung identified this as 'psychological projection'. And knowing this how does this help in our relationships with others ? This podcast looks at 2 Pre-suppositions of NLP which are ve…
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Do you ever wonder what someone was thinking when they said or did something that you regarded as a mistake ? Have you ever got angry with the person ? Have you ever got angry with yourself for a decision that turned out to be flawed ? Where has that anger got you ? if the answer is 'nowhere' then this pre-suppposition of NLP is for you ! Want to f…
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The pre-supposition of NLP that 'Behind every action is an (unconscious) positive intention' can be tough to take on board at first glance. Yet it can really help us manage our own reactions to other people's behaviour that may be challenging us in some way. It holds a lot of 'goodies' for us and our peace of mind as we look into it further ! Want …
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In this season of podcasts I explore the 'Pre-Suppositions of NLP' , sometimes known as resourceful beliefs, what they are and how taking these beliefs/attitudes on board can help us achieve the results we want for ourselves or in our dealings with others. Often our progress is held back by holding limiting beliefs about ourselves and others...and …
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To many the thought of receiving feedback from others or indeed giving feedback to others seems like a daunting prospect. Yet giving feedback effectively to others is both a way to boost the confidence and performance of others and strengthening the relationship. Being willing to receive feedback can have the same effect for us. The key is how ! Wa…
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The feeling that you have the resources to cope in any situation is both powerful and liberating. This episode is based on the NLP Pre-Supposition: 'We All Have All The Resources We Need' I look at discovering the resources that we have in us and around us and how to start realizing these resources. Want to find out more about personal effectivenes…
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Richard Bandler one of the co-creators of NLP reflected that people or events often were the cause of us feeling good; and he thought the trick was to feel good for no reason at all - and to be in control of that process. Anchors are people/things that create an emotion, they are both naturally occurring and can be set deliberately to keep us in a …
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It is often assumed that the person doing the most talking is having the greatest influence. This is not necessarily the case and indeed we can influence, perhaps more powerfully, by really paying attention to another person, and allowing them the space to think for themselves. When we pay attention to others in this way - may they not be more incl…
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Personal flexibility is a powerful way to help us achieve the outcomes that we want and adapt to changing circumstances around us. This episode looks at what more we can achieve by being willing to be flexible in our approach and is based on the NLP Pre-Supposition: 'The Person With the Most Flexibility Has the Greatest Influence' Want to find out …
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There was a saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' - and of course that is not true ! Language has the power to affect our mood and motivation quite considerably - either our own words we use about and to ourselves, or what we hear from others. We can help ourselves and others by paying attention to the language…
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Exploring the power of putting yourself at 'cause' and not expecting other people to make things right for us: - Knowing the outcome you want and taking responsibility to achieve it - Recognizing that what we see in others' behaviour is probably a reflection of our own behaviour Want to find out more about personal effectiveness and NLP ? My books …
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What NLP is all about and how it can help us to be the best version of ourselves: - How and why we experience the world in our own unique way - Becoming aware of what gets in the way of our personal effectiveness and harmonious relationships with others Want to find out more about personal effectiveness and NLP ? My books are available on Amazon: '…
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