show episodes

Coffee Break Italian

Coffee Break Languages

With Coffee Break Italian you can learn Italian where and when it suits you. In Season 1, you'll join teacher Mark, learner Katie and native speaker Francesca in our 15-minute lessons, and build your confidence in the language, learning Italian from scratch. Take your learning further with Season 2 in which Mark and Francesca are joined by learner Isla. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Learn Italian with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Brought to you by, my website. Every Wednesday, you get a new step-by-step Spanish lesson. My aim is to help you improve your speaking and listening quickly. I focus on what’s going to make the biggest difference to your fluency. With these Spanish audio lessons you’ll develop your conversation skills, expand your vocabulary, master the verbs, and get a great accent. Don’t miss this podcast if you’re preparing for a Spanish exam: Advanced Placement (AP Spanish Language and Cultu ...
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Learn Italian with Anna, an experienced Italian teacher. 99% in Italian and designed to help intermediate learners become more fluent. If you have any trouble keeping up, simply decrease the playback speed in your app. Each week, you’ll improve your Italian whilst also learning about Italian culture, society, history, and other topics related to the bel paese. Go to to read an interactive transcript of each episode as you listen. This will help you learn. For lesson ...
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learn italian

learn italian

Learn italian channel is a free online italian learning course. This course will start by teaching for beginners and then will continue with other levels (elementary, intermediate, advanced). it will help you to learn new words, their correct pronunciation, grammar rules and how to make sentences.
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A podcast and community really dedicated to intermediate and advanced learners that will help you understand not only what the French say but also what they really mean in everyday conversations! Go beyond intermediate level and perfect your French thanks to my unique, meaningful, fun and inspiring podcast and supportive community. The French Instinct, c’est un podcast unique spécialement conçu pour les niveaux intermédiaires et avancés qui désirent enfin comprendre ce que les Français natif ...
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World Languages Podcasting provides a podcast series in various languages for the intermediate to advanced language student to help improve language skills and knowledge of Australian culture. Each conversation is complemented with a full transcript and a page of language exercises that may be downloaded from the website
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Finally a podcast in Italian, designed for learners of Italian... 100% in slower Italian! Listen to interesting topics and learn about Italy, all while practicing your comprehension, expanding your vocabulary and improving your pronunciation! Manu Venditti, the founder of Italy Made Easy is a native Italian language lover, with a passion for helping people like you learn, improve, practice and master the Italian language. For each episode you can download the free accompanying PDF, with the ...
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Whether you're a beginner or intermediate Italian student, planning a trip or just dreaming of Italy, stop wishing you could speak Italian... And dive right into La Bella Lingua! Our unique story-based podcast takes you beyond the basics and into a deeper understanding of the culture, expressions, grammar and vocabulary of Italy. In Season 1, each episode features a dialogue between American tourists and local Italians they meet in Rome, and then a lively roundtable with hosts Erin and Elisa ...
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Ciao! Welcome to Citalia’s Learn Italian podcast series. Our Learn Italian podcast is an easy and fun way of learning the Italian language in preparation for any holiday to Italy. Join our very own Clive and Romina as they teach you everything from survival phrases, right the way through to asking for dinner recommendations and buying tickets at the train station. Let’s learn Italian!
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What if you could learn something useful for yourself and your life while learning a new language? With Awaken Your Italian! you will: *Finally set your goal of practicing the language * Learn how to relax at will before speaking Italian *Relax while learning new empowering words and techniques as well as the Italian language that conveys them *Have fun with five key lessons in mental training where the main character is YOU! Awaken Your Italian features : * in this podcast only the Italian ...
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Hai mai pensato di poter migliorare il tuo inglese mentre impari qualcosa di utile per te stesso? Con Risveglia il tuo inglese! TU: * Fisserai il tuo obiettivo di praticare la lingua * Imparerai come rilassarti volontariamente prima di parlare l'inglese * Ii rilasserai imparando nuove parole e tecniche potenzianti nonche' l'inglese che le trasmette * ti divertirai con 5 lezioni chiave di allenamento mentale dove il protagonista sei TU! Risveglia il tuo inglese! ti offre: * in questo podcast ...
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Learning a new language? Get your language learning questions answered by polyglot Olly Richards, who speaks 8 languages and is the founder of the StoryLearning® method. Whatever's holding you back on the path to fluency, tune in twice a week to get your regular dose of language learning motivation, with Olly and other polyglot guests, such as Benny Lewis, Luca Lampariello, Richard Simcott and Alex Rawlings. Learn Spanish, Learn French, Learn German, Learn Italian, Learn Portuguese, Learn Ar ...
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show series
Que tu sois curieux de mieux comprendre les subtilités du vocabulaire français sur le thème de l'amitié ou, que tu aies envie d’apprendre à parler plus naturellement de tes propres expériences en français, cet épisode est fait pour toi! Tu entendras bien sûr des expressions idiomatiques et de l'argot utilisé en contexte, en réfléchissant à ce que l…
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Iniziamo la puntata discutendo di attualità. Commenteremo, innanzitutto, le dimissioni di Justin Trudeau dopo nove anni da primo ministro canadese. Proseguiremo con una riflessione sull'eredità ambientale del Presidente degli Stati Uniti Jimmy Carter, scomparso il 29 dicembre scorso. Nella sezione dedicata alla scienza parleremo di uno studio che a…
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Apriamo la puntata di oggi analizzando una tendenza globale che mette in luce un rallentamento nella crescita delle donne in ruoli di potere. Poi, parleremo di un rapporto che rivela quante mensilità servono per comprare una casa in Europa. Successivamente, commenteremo un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista Science, in cui scienziati di spicco, incl…
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Iniziamo il nostro programma commentando le notizie più importanti di attualità. L’Unione Europea non genera più elettricità nello stesso modo di vent’anni fa. Tuttavia, le fonti di energia variano da paese a paese. Vedremo nel dettaglio cosa sta succedendo. Poi, scopriremo per quale motivo il leader cinese Xi sta prendendo di mira i suoi fedelissi…
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Clique ici 👉 💌 pour t'inscrire à mes mails et recevoir mes ressources gratuites. Je te tiendrai aussi informé de la prochaine réouverture de la communauté.----more---- The French Instinct, c’est un podcast unique et une communauté d'apprenants bienveillante, spécialement créés pour les niveaux intermédiaires et avancés. Pour sa…
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Come sempre, iniziamo la puntata occupandoci di attualità. Per prima cosa parleremo dell'impeachment del presidente della Corea del Sud dopo il suo tentativo di imporre la legge marziale il 3 dicembre. Poi, discuteremo dei piani dell'UE per ridurre la dipendenza dai fornitori di difesa stranieri. L'articolo scientifico della settimana è dedicato ai…
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Get my course: Learn Spanish with the Bible WHO AM I? 💃🏻 I’m Maria Fernandez, a native Spanish speaker from Madrid (Spain). I’ve taught Spanish for over 5000 hours, and counting. My mission is to make you fluent in Spanish super fast. Creating step-by-step lessons for you is one of the things I love most. 😀 Over the last few years I've published a …
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Cap ou pas cap de relever le défi ? Partage avec nous ce que cette année t'a apporté de spécial : un joli moment que tu as vécu🤩, quelques chose que tu as appris ou dont tu as pris conscience🤓, une personne que tu as la chance de connaître💓... Comment participer : réagis en laissant un commentaire en français sous l’épisode (possible sur Spotify ou…
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Come sempre, iniziamo la nostra trasmissione riflettendo su alcune delle più importanti notizie di attualità Commenteremo, innanzitutto, il brutale crollo del regime di Assad in Siria che getta nell’ombra il futuro del Paese e della regione. Quindi, parleremo della decisione del tribunale francese di condannare lo scrittore franco-camerunense, Char…
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Ce mois-ci on va parler de la façon dont on fait les courses et dont on consomme. Je partagerai bien sûr des anecdotes de mon quotidien. On va parler aussi des cadeaux, même si les fêtes de Noël, ça va pas être le thème principal de cet épisode ni des suivants. Tu vas apprendre du vocabulaire très concret en contexte, du langage familier, des expre…
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Iniziamo con una discussione sul Memorandum di Budapest del 1994, pensato per garantire la sicurezza dell'Ucraina. Poi, parleremo della recente decisione dell'Australia di vietare i social media ai minori di 16 anni. Commenteremo, quindi, la decisione di porre fine ai 45 anni di rigida protezione dei lupi grigi in Europa, in seguito al declassament…
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Dernière rubrique du mois aujourd'hui dans le podcast The French Instinct où je partage vos kifs de l'automne! C'est l'occasion de revoir en contexte une partie du vocabulaire que j'ai employé tout au long du mois pour mieux l'acquérir et de découvrir d'autres aspects soulevés par les auditeurs du podcast The French Instinct. Comme son nom l’indiqu…
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La prima parte della trasmissione è dedicata alle notizie di attualità. Per prima cosa commenteremo i risultati di un rapporto pubblicato di recente, secondo cui la percentuale di territori interessati dalla guerra è aumentata del 65% negli ultimi tre anni. Poi, parleremo della decisione della Corte penale internazionale di emettere mandati di arre…
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Today I’m bringing you some amazing drills to improve your Spanish fluency. 🎧 Listen to my free Spanish audiobooks on Spotify, YouTube & more. FREE PODCAST TRANSCRIPT ✍️ Here are the free transcripts of all the episodes. WHO AM I? 💃🏻 I’m Maria Fernandez, a native Spanish speaker from Madrid (Spain). I’ve taught Spanish for over 5000 hours, and coun…
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Come sempre, nella prima parte della trasmissione daremo uno sguardo agli eventi più importanti del panorama mondiale. Commenteremo, innanzitutto, la nuova dottrina nucleare approvata dal Cremlino, che prevede la minaccia di usare armi nucleari in risposta ad attacchi convenzionali. Quindi, parleremo del monito rivolto ai politici dell'UE, di poten…
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Let’s dive into today’s set of drills, all aimed at improving your Spanish fluency. 🎧 Listen to my free Spanish audiobooks on Spotify, YouTube & more. FREE PODCAST TRANSCRIPT ✍️ Here are the free transcripts of all the episodes. WHO AM I? 💃🏻 I’m Maria Fernandez, a native Spanish speaker from Madrid (Spain). I’ve taught Spanish for over 5000 hours, …
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Aujourd'hui je te fais découvrir une artiste qui fait des créations très originales et tout à fait dans le thème de l'automne. Pour voir les vidéos si tu n'es pas membre, je t'envoie les liens dans mon mail du 17 novembre : inscris-toi gratuitement à mes mails . Si tu es membre, visionne les vidéos à tout moment dans t…
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Inizieremo la nostra puntata discutendo di attualità. Per prima cosa, commenteremo la vittoria decisiva di Donald Trump alle elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti. Poi, parleremo del 35° anniversario della caduta del Muro di Berlino. L'argomento scientifico della puntata riguarda uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista Neurology. In base ai risultat…
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Today’s lesson includes a fantastic set of drills to help you become more fluent in Spanish. 🎧 Listen to my free Spanish audiobooks on Spotify, YouTube & more. FREE PODCAST TRANSCRIPT ✍️ Here are the free transcripts of all the episodes. WHO AM I? 💃🏻 I’m Maria Fernandez, a native Spanish speaker from Madrid (Spain). I’ve taught Spanish for over 500…
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We have reached the last clue of our virtual treasure hunt La fantastica Caccia al Tesoro di Coffee Break 2024, which will lead us to the final location! Test your Italian and detective skills as Mark and Carolina reveal everything you need to know to determine the last destination. Remember to submit your entry form listing the location from each …
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It's time for the third clue of La fantastica Caccia al Tesoro di Coffee Break 2024, our virtual treasure hunt across Europe! Using the interesting facts provided by Carolina and your language skills, can you work out where checkpoint number three is? In case you missed it - everyone who correctly identifies the four mystery locations will win a fr…
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Cap ou pas cap de relever le défi ? Partage avec nous ce que tu préfères de l'automne : une odeur, un plat, une activité, un vêtement chaud, une fête, un film, une série, une chanson? C'est quoi ce que tu préfères de l'automne? Comment participer : réagis en laissant un commentaire en français sous l’épisode (possible sur Spotify ou Podbean seuleme…
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Inizieremo la prima parte del nostro programma con un commento sulla campagna presidenziale degli Stati Uniti, sempre più negativa, violenta e di parte. Quindi, dedicheremo il nostro spazio alle devastanti inondazioni in Spagna, che hanno provocato oltre 200 vittime. Commenteremo, poi, i risultati di uno studio che rivelano alti livelli di consumo …
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We're back with the next episode of La fantastica Caccia al Tesoro di Coffee Break 2024, our virtual treasure hunt across Europe! In this episode join Francesca and Mark as they reveal clue number two and take us one step closer to our final location. As we continue through this mini series we'll discover further clues, solve the mystery and you co…
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I’m here today with a set of awesome drills designed to strengthen your Spanish fluency. For more speaking practice, have a look at my Spanish course. FREE PODCAST TRANSCRIPT ✍️ Here are the free transcripts of all the episodes. WHO AM I? 💃🏻 I’m Maria Fernandez, a native Spanish speaker from Madrid (Spain). I’ve taught Spanish for over 5000 hours, …
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Welcome to the first episode of La fantastica Caccia al Tesoro di Coffee Break 2024, our virtual treasure hunt across Europe! Join Francesca and Mark in this first episode as they reveal the initial clue. As you continue through this mini series you’ll discover further clues, solve the mystery and practise your Italian. For further details about ho…
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Dans cet épisode, on explore l’automne et ses paradoxes, là où imperfections et petits défauts deviennent de véritables atouts. Je joue avec les expressions idiomatiques françaises et l’argot autour du corps humain, de la laideur et de la séduction. Une immersion décalée en français familier, idéale pour les apprenants de niveau intermédiaire qui v…
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La prima parte della trasmissione è dedicata all'attualità. Inizieremo, commentando i risultati delle elezioni in Georgia, un piccolo Paese europeo ed ex repubblica dell'Unione Sovietica. Quindi, discuteremo dell'appello del Papa affinché le donne abbiano più ruoli di leadership nella Chiesa cattolica. La notizia scientifica di oggi riguarda gli ab…
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In today’s session, I have a great set of drills to help you level up your Spanish fluency. For more speaking practice, have a look at my Spanish course. FREE PODCAST TRANSCRIPT ✍️ Here are the free transcripts of all the episodes. WHO AM I? 💃🏻 I’m Maria Fernandez, a native Spanish speaker from Madrid (Spain). I’ve taught Spanish for over 5000 hour…
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New mini-series! Starting on Monday 4th November, join Mark and the Coffee Break Italian Team for a virtual treasure hunt across Europe, in which we'll discover clues, solve the mystery and practise our Italian. But this is not just a language lesson – it's a competition, and by taking part you could win some amazing prizes for Italian learners. Fo…
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On plonge dans vos surprises interculturelles aujourd'hui! Un grand merci à celles et ceux qui ont pris le temps d’écrire et de participer en laissant un commentaire public pour réagir à l'émission, vos voix seront à l’honneur dans cet épisode. "La Causerie du mois", c’est notre moment pour connecter autour de vos expériences et vos réflexions. Alo…
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Iniziamo la nostra trasmissione parlando di attualità. Discuteremo di un importante vertice che si è tenuto in Russia, ospitato da Vladimir Putin. Poi, cercheremo di capire quali sono le ragioni che si celano dietro il sostegno dell'uomo più ricco del mondo a Donald Trump. Cosa vuole esattamente Elon Musk? Quindi, parleremo delle crescenti richiest…
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