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Drake Dehlen

Drake Dehlen

DJ / Producer / Techno, Tech-house, Minimal... Booking, track and remix request : drakedehlen@gmail.com LABELS : Riben, WonderWorks Recordings, Klinik Room, Subwoofer records, Diamond Rec, kollektives Bewusstsein, Klinik Lounge, Mosaic Sound System, Elektrobeats records, Thunder Records. Bio : Drake DEHLEN , has been passionately involved in music since a very young age.But it was in 1993, with the commencement of Laurent Garnier' s residence at the An-fer club in Dijon that Drake' s ideas a ...
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Your inspirational fasting Podcast by Buchinger Wilhelmi, the world’s leading fasting clinics. Life can be stressful, challenging and exhausting. It is easier to master day-to-day challenges with a healthy body and a strong mind. Fasting creates the ideal conditions for restoring inner balance and offers various health benefits. However, it is only one component you need for a long, fulfilled life. Therefore, this podcast covers additional topics such as integrative medicine, inspiration, mi ...
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show series
Keine Entwicklung wird die Medizin so sehr verändern wie die Digitalisierung. Doch was genau verbirgt sich hinter dem Schlagwort Digital Health? Wie können wir die digitale Transformation vorantreiben und welche Chancen bietet sie für die Klinik aber auch für jeden Einzelnen? Das frage ich Prof. Dr. Philipp Lacour, der an der IB Hochschule den Bach…
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70%* aller Behandlungsfehler gehen auf Fehler in der Kommunikation und der Übergabe von Patienten zurück. Der nachfolgenden Schicht eine gute, effiziente und konzentrierte Übergabe zu machen, ist extrem schwierig und gerade in lauten und hektischen Umgebungen wie Intensivstation und Notaufnahme besonders herausfordernd. Daher braucht man eine Struk…
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In dieser Episode widmen wir uns einem Thema von großer Bedeutung für Intensiv- und Notfallmediziner – dem Kampf gegen den Burnout. Die Arbeit auf einer Intensivstation ist anspruchsvoll und mit einem hohen Maß an Verantwortung verbunden. Wir stehen regelmäßig vor herausfordernden Situationen, in denen sie sich um lebensbedrohlich kranke Patienten …
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In dieser Folge sprechen wir über ein Thema, zu dem viele Mediziner eine Art “Hassliebe” pflegen: die Statistik. Statistik ist ein wertvolles Tool, welches Mediziner unbedingt in Grundzügen verstehen sollten, und zwar aus drei Gründen: Sie hilft, Evidenzbasierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Eigene Forschungsstudien durchzuführen und Daten korrekt zu …
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In dieser Podcast-Episode tauchen wir ein in die Welt der Vortragsvorbereitung. Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Redner bist oder gerade erst deine ersten Schritte auf der Bühne wagst, diese Folge liefert wertvolle Einblicke und praktische Tipps, um deine Vorträge auf ein neues Level zu bringen. Diese Episode richtet sich an Einsteiger und Fortgeschritte…
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In wohl kaum einem anderen Feld der Medizin geht es emotional so hoch her wie in der Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin. Schock, Angst, Frust, Hoffen und Bangen, Freude, Wut und Leid sind hier so nah beieinander wie wohl nirgendwo sonst. Da liegt es nahe, sich nicht nur professionelle psychologische Hilfe zu holen, sondern zum festen Bestandteil des Team…
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Der Dokumentarfilmer Carl Gierstorfer hat uns drei Monate lang auf der Intensivstation begleitet. Herausgekommen ist diese authentische, unverblendete und sehr persönliche Dokumentation. Carl ist dafür an seine Grenzen gegangen und hat einen sehr guten Job gemacht. Das alles übrigens hat er ungeimpft mit einem hohen persönlichen Risiko gemacht. Im …
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Drei Monate hat Carl Gierstorfer uns begleitet und dabei eine eindrucksvolle Dokumentation gedreht. Naturgemäß hat er einen ganz eigenen Blickwinkel auf seine Zeit auf der Intensivstation. In diesem ersten Teil des Interviews steht er mir Rede und Antwort und berichtet von seinen Erfahrungen bei uns. Im zweiten Teil stellt er mir all die Fragen, di…
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Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the scientific director of the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics had the great pleasure to speak in the latest Video with Jean-Jacques Trochon about his recently published book "𝗙𝗹𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗱𝗱𝘀" about his personal experience with fighting cancer. The book is available from Amazon in your country. 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻-𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗵…
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In this Episode Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of Buchinger Wilhelmi Lake Constance talks with Birgitt Bley, the head nutritionist of the Fasting clinics about the importance of the right nutrition before and after Fasting. Fasting at Buchinger Wilhelmi begins with a light vegetarian meal on the day you arrive followed by a digestive rest …
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There are several benefits to fasting and some of them may be surprising. Fasting is a biological stressor that initiates metabolic processes and can be used to treat numerous diseases. In this Episode Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of Buchinger Wilhelmi Lake Constance speaks with Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the scientific director of…
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During the Buchinger Wilhelmi Mindfulness Meditation Week, Lharampa Tenzin Kalden was teaching classes like Gentle Tibetan Lu Jong Yoga and Meditation, Mindfulness and Metta Meditation, and held lectures in the clinic at Lake Constance. Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the scientific director of the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics, had the chance to int…
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In order to understand the health benefits of fasting it is important to know what happens when you are fasting. In this Episode Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of Buchinger Wilhelmi Lake Constance talks with Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the scientific director of the Fasting clinics about what happens if the body does not receive "oute…
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The Colonization of the intestine with bacteria plays an important role in keeping people healthy. In this Episode Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of Buchinger Wilhelmi Lake Constance talks with Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the scientific director of the Fasting clinics about the influence of fasting on the composition of the microbiome…
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A keto or ketogenic diet is a low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat diet that puts the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. It has many benefits for health as shown in several studies. The ketogenic diet has been rising in popularity, since it yields significant results (done correctly). Benefits of the ketogenic diet include: improvement of …
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Many of you are having questions about fasting and exercise. Is it okay to do sports while fasting? Will I be able to be active while fasting? Will I lose muscles if I am not moving? In this Episode Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of Buchinger Wilhelmi Lake Constance talks with Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the scientific director of the…
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Jeanette Winterson, who is a famous writer from England comes to the Buchinger Wilhelmi Fasting Clinic at Lake Constance since many years for fasting. During her last time at Buchinger Wilhelmi, we had the opportunity to record an interview with her and our Director of Research and Medicine, Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo. Winterson has won a Whit…
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In this episode of our Podcast, Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo speaks about the world's largest scientific study on the effects of Buchinger therapeutic fasting carried out at the fasting clinic Buchinger Wilhelmi. The study has been published in 2019. It was conducted by a team led by Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo in cooperation with Prof. Andr…
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In this Podcast, Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo speaks about Immunity and how to strengthen the Immune System, especially in times of Corona. DISCLAIMER: This Podcast is for general information purpose only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or healthcare…
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"Fasting is not just a lack of solid food, but an encounter with yourself." Everyone who has done it before knows what the author Raimund Wilhelmi, grandson of the fasting pioneer Dr Otto Buchinger, means by that. Because therapeutic fasting is much more than a measure to lose weight. The former Clinic Director of Buchinger Wilhelmi Lake Constance,…
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The one single question we receive the most currently is if it’s a good idea to fast in the times of Covid-19. Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the Scientific Director of Buchinger Wilhelmi is answering it in today’s podcast. To the video and the charts: https://www.buchinger-wilhelmi.com/fasting-and-covid-19-what-experts-say/ DISCLAIMER: This podc…
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Today’s topic are the pioneers of therapeutic fasting. Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of Buchinger Wilhelmi Lake Constance talks with Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the scientific director of the Fasting clinics about Dr Otto Buchinger, the founder of the Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics and other pioneers of therapeutic fasting. Life can be s…
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We receive a lot of questions about fasting and Corona. The most currently is if it’s a good idea to fast in the times of Covid-19. Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the Scientific Director of Buchinger Wilhelmi is answering your questions in today’s podcast. DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for general information purpose only and is not intended to sub…
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Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of the Buchinger Wilhelmi Fasting clinic at Lake Constance talks with Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the Scientific Director of the clinics about the different forms and definitions of fasting such as Caloric Restriction, Intermittent Fasting, Alternate Day Fasting, 5:2, 18:2, Periodic Fasting, Fasting Mimi…
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Leonard Wilhelmi, the managing director of one of the Fasting clinics Buchinger Wilhelmi talks with Dr Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo about the meaning and the history of fasting during lent. Life can be stressful, challenging and exhausting. It is easier to master day-to-day challenges with a healthy body and a strong mind. Fasting creates the ideal…
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Life can be stressful, challenging and exhausting. It is easier to master day-to-day challenges with a healthy body and a strong mind. Fasting creates the ideal conditions for restoring inner balance and offers various health benefits. However, it is only one component you need for a long, fulfilled life. Therefore, this podcast covers additional t…
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Kenntnisse und Skills sind wichtige Tools eines guten Arztes. Aber um diese in stressigen Situationen überhaupt anwenden zu können, ist mindestens eine weitere Fähigkeit erforderlich: die Fähigkeit, kühlen Kopf zu bewahren, auch wenn es mal richtig scheppert.4 einfache Tipps, um in all dem Stress bei unseren Emotionen nicht Maß und Mitte zu verlier…
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In Zeiten von Pflegemangel hat sich auch der Mangel an Intensivbetten verschärft. Wie begegnen wir dem immensen Druck auf die wenigen Plätze? In diesem Podcast spreche ich über Strategien, wie man die wenigen verfügbaren Intensivbetten an die verteilt, die sie am dringendsten brauchen.By Medicine With Passion
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Die moderne Medizin stellt uns ein riesiges Repertoire an Therapien zur Verfügung. Bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen Erkrankungen stellt uns dies vor die Herausforderung, diese sinnvoll einzusetzen. In der 4. Episode von Medicine with Passion Podcast teile ich meine Strategie.By Medicine With Passion
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Muimeleli Mutangwa is a member of of Tshimologong Precinct's thriving community of Digital and Tech entrepreneurs. Just months away from finishing his incubation in one of our programmes, the J.P. Morgan Africa Rising 4.0, he is already established as an author, entrepreneur and academic to keep tabs on. Muimeleli shared a part of his startup journ…
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Playlist :Markus Suckut - Turn OnLazar - Keep ThatJulian Jeweil - OrbitRuvick L - Fly AgainMaxi Taboada - DozerL-Gil - 909Alex Bau - PressMarc B - Cricket (Felo Rueda & Teknoize Remix)Nasser Tawfik - Dreaming (Peerk Remix)Marcien - RoadDolby D, A.Paul - AtmosphereTuomas Rantanen - Conjunction (Juan Trujillo remix)PAPPENHEIMER - Spring Splash (Darme…
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Playlist : Freakiss - Bad Wine (Rob Lazaro Remix)Sian – Out Is InDVS1 - ElectricTawa Girl - SilenceZmey - Liqueurdubspeeka - K354Jose Ponce- Hope (Carlos A, Oliver K Remix)Pablo Muzi3k - BlueSwynce - Serum (Deetech Remix)Tawa Girl - Les GemeauxAndres Campo - Half LifeCirez D - Century Of The MouseFrank Kvitta - Hearing EmotionsPig&Dan - Chez DreBox…
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New Format for the Drake Dehlen Podcast : 2H00 Tech-house to Techno sound.Enjoy!!!Playlist : KREISS & GFP - FreezworldDaniel Briegert - CubemissionHady Basha - Dusht Yodha (Big Al Rmx)Joseph Capriati - Basic Elements (Luigi Madonna Remix)Christian Smith - Turn The Lights (Nick Curly Remix)Nelman - Linear (E-Runner Remix)De Clerc - Under meNicolas M…
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