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Donostia Kulturako ekintzen podcastak. Podcasts de iniciativas de Donostia Kultura. Donostia Kultura udal erakundea. Kultur jarduerak eta zerbitzuak. / Donostia Kultura, entidad municipal de San Sebastián. Actividades y servicios culturales.
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Clips from Kultura Incident Podcast Wikipedia: Aotearoa ([aɔˈtɛaɾɔa]) is the current Te Reo name for New Zealand. Pinoy (/pɪˈnɔɪ) is a common informal self-reference used by Filipinos to refer to citizens of the Philippines. Experience (ĭk-spîr′ē-əns) refers to conscious events in general, more specifically to perceptions, or to the practical knowledge and familiarity that is produced by these processes.
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Music is one of the things Filipinos are known for. Sabi nga nila, nasa dugo natin iyan. But if you look at our history, you'll see how our music has transformed over the years, kasabay ng makulay nating kultura. Sa Musikalikot, samahan niyo kaming kalkalin ang malikot na kasaysayan ng ating musika! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Ispilu Beltza

Donostia Kultura

Artista, margolari eta bidaiariek, behinola, ispilu txiki tolesgarri bat eramaten zuten poltsikoan gordeta: ISPILU BELTZA zeritzona. Ispilu horren bidez, margotu nahi zuten paisaia zatia isolatzea lortzen zuten, koadro batean sartuko balute bezala, gainontzekoa lausotuz. Beltzez tindatutako beira haietatik ikusten zena are ederragoa ikusten zen, baina, era berean are gordinagoa. DK Irratiko ISPILU BELTZA saioa Donostiako paisaia, aktore eta gertakizun kulturalak islatzeko jaio da. Asier Erra ...
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Inna Kultura Biznesu

Inna Kultura Biznesu

Rozmawiam z przedsiębiorcami, którzy dzielą się swoim doświadczeniem pracy dla zagranicznych Klientów. Pokazuję sylwetki managerów, którzy opowiadają o tym, jak kultura innych krajów wpływa na ich pracę i życie. INSPIRUJĘ | WSKAZUJĘ SPRAWDZONE ŚCIEŻKI | EDUKUJĘ Wśród zaproszonych gości byli m.in: Artur Kurasiński, Jacek Kotarbiński, Barbara Piasek, Greg Albrecht, Rahim Blak, Marek Jankowski, Dorie Clark, Daniel Kędzierski, Magdalena Urban i wielu innych.
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Claudia Ollis

Kulturaness Noun. kulturaness f (plural kultura) A group of intelligent, driven and grounded women who are deeply rooted in their cultural roots, with a whole lot of extra sauce. SASSS! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kulturaness/support
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English The original Pilipino radio program in Calgary, Radyo Pilipino broadcasts every Sunday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM on CJSW 90.9 FM. Focusing on Filipino music, culture, news from the old country around the globe and here in Calgary, local events, and happenings of both our 1st and 2nd generation Filipino Canadians. Our dedication line is open so we can celebrate birthdays, weddings, and more with listeners. With the current increase of immigrants from the Philippines, we also have spec ...
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Kresala Zinekluba

Kresala Zinekluba

Kresala Zineklubeko kideok Donostia Kulturaren 'Ispilu Beltza' podcastean egiten ditugun kolaborazioak. // Colaboración que realizamos en el programa 'Ispilu Beltza' de Donostia Kultura.
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Etxepare Basque Institute

BASQUE. is a podcast by the Etxepare Basque Institute that offers a glimpse into contemporary Basque culture and creativity. Oier Aranzabal will guide us into the homes and workplaces of creators and inspiring individuals connected to the Basque Country. Up close and personal, he'll talk to them about their journeys, experiences and insights. ______ BASQUE. atzerritik euskal kultura eta sorkuntza garaikideari begiratzeko podcasta da, Etxepare Euskal Institutuak ekoitzia. Nazioarteko entzulea ...
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A tech világa, belülről. Ez a LifeInTech, az EPAM podcast csatornája, ahol valós történeteken keresztül, első kézből ismerheted meg az IT világát. Beszélgetünk technológiákról, egyenes és kacskaringós karrierutakról, a hétköznapokról, sikerekről (néha kudarcokról) és a jövőről.
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Welcome sa Kinabuhing Kristohanon, usa ka Wali Bisaya Preaching nga magdala kanimo sa panaw sa pagtuo, espiritwalidad, ug komunidad. Ang among pasundayag kay usa ka talagsaon nga pagsagol sa mga tinuohan, ang Pulong sa Dios Bible, ug mga kasinatian nga makatandog sa kasingkasing sa mga Pilipinong Kristiyano. Ang matag episode nagsusi sa atong pagtuo, magsuhid sa lawom nga epekto sa Kristiyanismo sa atong adlaw-adlaw nga kinabuhi. Atong hisgotan ang kamahinungdanon sa pagsimba, ang esensya sa ...
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Laboratorium Podkast

Ewa Drygalska & Anna Marjankowska

Laboratorium humanistyki i sztuki to cykl rozmów poświęconych ciekawym zjawiskom w kulturze, sztuce i teorii. O autorkach: Ewa Drygalska – doktorantka w Instytucie Amerykanistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, studentka Interdyscyplinarnych Studiów Doktoranckich „Społeczeństwo-Technologie- Środowisko”. Publikowała w „Kwartalniku Filmowym”, „Panoptikum”, „Kulturze Popularnej”. Współpracuje z portalem popmoderna.pl, Warszawskim Festiwalem Filmowym oraz American Film Festival. Laureatka Fulbrigh ...
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Takiwātanga, Love Not Cure; Exploring autism one strength at a time. This is a podcast about autism stories. Takiwātanga is the Te Reo Māori for autism. From 'tōku/tōna anō takiwā' - 'my/his/her own time and space'. www.takiwatanga.org.nz ------------------------------ Support our here: https://bit.ly/Takiwatangashirts ----------------------------- #Takiwatanga, #autismawareness, #autism, #lovenotcure
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Tótumfaktum kéthetente kedd este 18.00-19.30 szöveges műsor Műsorvezetők: Ivacs Ágnes (Réna) (művészettörténész, filozófus, író), Tölgyes László András (dismay), újságíró, filozófus, klasszika-filológus, zenész Zene: dismay, stílus: abstract electronica A műsorról: A Tótumfaktum műsor a Tilos Rádióban 2006 nyarán indult el alapvetően a kultúra, filozófia, irodalom és képzőművészet, zene és médiaművészet, valamint az új digitális média területén tevékenykedő emberek bemutatásáról szól kéthete ...
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NC F&B Podcast

North Carolina Food & Beverage

Hospitality industry veterans, Max Trujillo and Matthew Weiss, get behind the scenes of North Carolina's burgeoning food and beverage culture. Hear from local chefs, Sommelier's, distillers, farmers, brewers and the whole lot of them in the NC F&B podcast.
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The Ketchup

The Ketchup

Come ketch up with us! Weekly podcast where us Caribbean girls discuss different topics including but not limited to pop culture and music, global news, interesting scientific findings we can apply to our daily lives and (mental) health. Connect with us: Instagram - https://instagram.com/ketchuppod Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/the-ketchup-pod E-mail - ketchup.pod@gmail.com
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Decibel: A decibel is a unit of measurement used to express the ratio of one value of a physical property to another on a logarithmic scale. It is most commonly used to express the relative loudness of sounds, but it can also be used to express other types of physical quantities, such as power levels, voltage levels, and field strengths. The decibel scale is logarithmic, meaning that an increase of 10 dB represents a tenfold increase in the level of the quantity being measured, while an incr ...
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show series
[EUS] Egonezin handi bat jasotzen duen nobela da Pleibak: umezarotik nerabezarorako trantsizioari buruzkoa, harreman sinbiotikoei buruzkoa, haustura bati buruzkoa. 2000eko hamarkadaren erdialdea da eta nerabe bi kotxe-bitarte batean botaka egiten ari dira elkarren adatsei txandaka eusten dieten bitartean. Miren Amuriza bertan izan da eta Iñigo Asti…
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In this episode of the North Carolina Food and Beverage Podcast, host Max Trujillo connects with Jimmy Kim and Andrew Robison to discuss their exciting venture into opening the third Cucciolo location, Cucciolo Famiglia, near Southpoint Durham. We get into the unique Italian journey of the Cucciolo brand, from its origin in Korea to its expansion i…
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Querida Agatha Christie antzezlana Donostiako Antzoki Zaharrera dator. Idazleak Tenerifen bizitako esperientzia kontatzen du lanak, fikziozko ukitu batzuekin. Ispilu Beltzan, Carmen Morales antzezlearekin hitz egin dugu horren inguruan. --- La obra de teatro Querida Agatha Christie llega al Teatro Principal de Donostia. Con unas pinceladas de ficci…
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Tshaka Menelik Imhotep Campbell is a former Silicon Valley Poet Laureate and has authored four books of poetry: Tarman, Muted Whispers, STUFF | I will Write More, and Tunnel Vision. He is preparing to release a fifth book with El Martillo Press, Blood at the Root. Born in London, England, and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Tshaka was introduced to t…
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How can theater be truly accessible to the Filipino Deaf community? From the importance of Filipino Sign Language interpreters to the need for Deaf stories and representation, inimbitahan namin ang mga Deaf advocates, interpreters, and theater fans para ibahagi ang kanilang mga kwento at karanasan. This is a guest episode from Teka Teka, the podcas…
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Meredith shares her experiences and how she found support through Parent to Parent, an organization that helps families with disabled children. Meredith also speaks about the importance of support groups, workshops, and finding the right information. Listen to learn about Meredith's personal stories, the challenges she faced, and how she helps othe…
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Urtarrilaren 20a San Sebastian Eguna da eta aurtengoan Urrezko Danborra Moriarti Produkzioak ekoizpen-etxeak jasoko du. Ispilu Beltzan Xabi Berzosa eta Jon Garañorekin hitz egin dugu sariaz eta baita lan taldeak egindako ibilbideari buruz. ---- El 20 de enero es el Día de San Sebastián y este año la productora Moriarti Produkzioak será quien reciba…
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We have returned! And to kick off 2025, the NC F&B Podcast starts right by featuring renowned bartender, author, and cocktail expert Jim Meehan. Celebrating his new book, 'The Bartender's Pantry,' Meehan reflects on his journey from Madison, Wisconsin to New York’s elite bars like Gramercy Tavern and PDT. He shares anecdotes about working with Dann…
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Oroitzapenei buruz hitz egin dugu gaurkoan, zehazki, Urumea ibaiarekin zerikusia duten oroitzapenei buruz, horiek oso baliotsuak baitira Urumeako Atlas Emozionala osatzeko. ---- En esta ocasión hemos hablado de los recuerdos, concretamente de los relacionados con el río Urumea ya que son muy valiosos para crear el Atlas Emocional del Urumea.…
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Hol kezdődik a mentális egészség és mik a feltételei a legjobb teljesítmény elérésének? Miként egyeztethetők össze a munkahelyi elvárások és a személyes jóllét?Időszerű téma év elején a teljesítmény pszichológia, az egyensúlyra törekvés; Tóth Renátó sport-és teljesítmény szakpszichológus volt a segítségünkre, ezúttal vele beszélgettünk.00:00 - Ment…
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[ES] Con motivo del 50 Aniversario de la Facultad de la Química, se ha preparado el ciclo de conferencias 50 años difundiendo la Química. En este ciclo los miembros de la Facultad hablarán sobre diversos temas trabajados en sus laboratorios, en charlas mensuales orientadas a todos los públicos. En esta primera charla Pedro Miguel Echenique reflexio…
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UPV/EHUko Kimika Fakultateak 50 urte beteko ditu aurten eta ospatzeko urtean zehar hitzaldiak eskainiko dituzte, lehenegoa Pedro Miguel Echeniquerena, DIPCko presidentearena, izanik: Ciencia. Belleza. Futuro. --- La Facultas de Química de la UPV/EHU cumple 50 años y para celebrarlo a lo largo del año ofrecerán diversas charlas. La primera, bajo el …
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Nagkinabuhi ba ka bayan, nga nagpakita sa kaalam ug grasya nga gikinahanglan sa Dios? Ang episode sa Kinabuhing Kristohanon: a Wali Bisaya Preaching, si Pastor Dodz, ubanan nila Barok and Takya, midiskubre sa hilisgutan “Ang Binuhatan nga Maalamon sa Usa ka Kinabuhing Kristohanon”. Kini nga episode nagpahinumdom kanato kon sa unsang paagi ang Pulon…
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2025 urtea ahots berriekin hasi da Maider Uriartek lekukoa hartu baitio Oier Aranzabali, eta zeri buruz hitz egin dute? Astakeriei buruz, hobeto esanda astoen inguruan. --- El 2025 comienza con voces nuevas ya que Maider Uriarte coge el testigo de Oier Aranzabal y ¿De qué han hablado? De burradas, bueno, mejor dicho, sobre burros.…
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How do new musicians thrive in today’s local music scene? Indie duo Marcial & Mangonade chat with us about the role of digital tools and social media in revolutionizing music production and promotion, and how they navigate the challenges of being in the music industry. This is a guest episode from Teka Teka, the podcast that brings you slow news th…
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Nangandoy ba ka sa bag-ong pagsugod sa bag-ong tuig, bayan? Usa ka kinabuhi nga puno sa paglaom, kalinaw, ug katuyoan? Paminaw, samtang gipadayag nila Pastor Dodz, Barok and Takya ang talagsaong saad nga makita sa panultihon, "Busa, kon ang bisan kinsa anaa kang Kristo, ang bag-ong binuhat miabot na: ang daan wala na, ang bag-o ania na!" Unsa ang t…
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Nakahunahuna ba ka bayan, kon sa unsang paagi ang pagpuyo sa usa ka matarung nga kinabuhi makahatag og kalipay ug katagbawan? Kining episode sa Kinabuhing Kristohanon, sila Pastor Dodz, Barok and Takya mopaambit sa ilang kaalam gikan sa — Ang Pulong sa Ginoo Mahitungod sa Gahum sa Pagkamatarong. Makadungog ka nila kon sa unsang paagi ang usa ka maa…
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[EUS] Garazi Albizuak Galaxia Gutenberg argitaletxeak kaleratutako Termita eleberria aurkeztuko du jendaurrean. Diseinatzaile grafikoa, komiki-gidoilaria eta idazlea. Idazkera, batez ere haur eta gazte literaturakoa, eta Euskal Idazleen Elkarteko komunikazio teknikari lana uztartzen ditu. Hona hemen argitaratutako izenburuetako batzuk: Egunen Akabe…
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Clips from Takiwātanga podcast Discover how parenting in a family with autism can be a unique and enriching experience. This conversation provides insightful perspectives on how technology, especially platforms like YouTube, shapes children's learning and interests in today’s digital age. Explore various topics, including how screen time can suppor…
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Unsa gayod ang tinuod nga kahulogan sa Pasko sa atong kinabuhi isip mga Kristohanon, bayan? Mahitungod ra ba ni sa mga regalo, mga salo-salo, ug ang paglipay lipay sa holiday, o aduna ba gyuy mas lawom nga kinahanglan natong saulogon? Apil nila Pastor Dodz, Barok and Takya aning espesyal nga Bisaya preaching episode bayan, sa Kinabuhing Kristohanon…
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Graeme is a dedicated father navigating the challenges of his kids who each view and interact with the world in their unique ways. His children present a diverse spectrum of communication abilities, with some experiencing significant speaking challenges. Within his family, Graeme embraces a wide range of autism and PDA, which adds layers of complex…
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Urtea amaitzera goaz atal honekin. Eta horretarako aurkeztu berri dituzten bi ziklo ezagutuko ditugu. Josemi Beltranek Nosferaturen ziklo berria aurkeztuko digu, emakume zinemagileak ardatz dituena. Gainera, Kresalako Jon Pache izango da gurean, zineklubaren ziklo berria aurkezteko. Zinema atutiplen! - Cerramos el año presentando dos ciclos de cine…
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Gibati ba nimo nga nakigbisog ka sa materyalismo na butang o kabalaka? Nalisdan ba ka sa pagsalig sa atong Dios ug katagbawan sa kinabuhi? Ang mga Kristiyanong Pilipino ug OFW Pinoy kanunay nga nag-atubang sa mga hagit ug pag-atubang sa materyalismo ug kabalaka, labi na kanang mga tawo nga feeling one-day millionaire. Sa Kinabuhing Kristohanon: a W…
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Hamaika Entzuteko irrati-piezen lehiaketaren X. edizioa ospatu da eta baditugu irabazleak: Maider Uriarte Doiz eta Oscar Sipán Sanz. 'Azken Farozaina' lanarekin lortu du Uriartek lehen saria eta 'El jardín de las flores tristes' piezarekin lortu du Sipanek bigarren saria. Gaur biekin eta Manex Urruzola epaimahaikidearekin hitz egingo dugu Casares K…
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Partekatzen ditugun lekuek berebiziko garrantzia dute. Plazak, liburu-dendak, gertuko dendak eta kafetegiak. Auzoa ehuntzen dute eta komunitatea osatu. Gaur Martin Etxeberriak bidaia bat proposatuko digu idazleen kuttun izan ziren eta diren kafetegietan barrena. Eta agendari errepaso bat emango diogu. -- Los lugares que compartimos son de vital imp…
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A munkahelyi feedback kultúráról, Kiszely Kamilla People Partnerrel és Legéndi Richárd senior fejlesztővel beszélgettünk. Kamilla, szervezetfejlesztésben jártas szakemberként, Ricsi gyakorló IT szakemberként osztja meg a tapasztalatait arról, hogyan célszerű visszajelzést adni és kapni, melyek a leghatékonyabb módszerek és modellek ma, e téren.00:0…
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P-Pop is making waves, capturing not just local but also international audiences. Together with PumaPodcast’s resident P-Pop experts, find out the unique elements that make this genre stand out, and how Filipinos’ support can make #PPOPRISE. This is a guest episode from Teka Teka, the podcast that brings you slow news that matters to you. Hosted on…
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Itziar Ituño was already well-known in the Basque Country, but she made a leap to international fame after the television series ‘Money Heist’. Within three days of its release on Netflix, she gained up to three million followers on Instagram, and ultimately, her adventure in Madrid lasted five years. When she was a child, her schoolmates laughed w…
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Nosferatu zikloari bi atal geratzen zaizkio. Bi western moderno: 'Woman Walks Ahead' eta 'The Wind'. Eta Josemi Beltranekin hitz egingo dugu bi pelikula hauen inguruan. Gainera Xabier Etxeberriak liburu bat ekarriko digu besapean opor hauetan irakurtzeko. - Al ciclo Nosferatu 2024 le quedan dos telediarios. Bueno, en realidad son dos westerns moder…
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Atal hau argitaratzen duten egunean bertan Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimototsek emanaldi bikoitza dute Intxaurrondo K.E-n. 'Ostirala iritsi da' izena du aurkeztuko duten emanaldiak. Gainera, datorren urtean 'Zerua lapurtu digute' espektakulua aurkeztuko dute Victoria Eugenia Antzokian. Gauean izarrak beatzea galarazten duen kutsadura luminikoaz hitz e…
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Danielle Siembieda grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and began letter-writing campaigns focused on environmental causes as early as 9-10 years old. She was also encouraged by her parents to create art. Danielle Siembieda’s work can often be found at the intersection of art and activism. Danielle is the Senior Program Manager for the City of San J…
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Itziar Ituño, actress: “The art that unsettles us, that moves us, is usually full of love” ____ Itziar Ituño, aktorea: “Bihotzean azkura eragiten digun artea, hunkitzen gaituena, maitasunez beteta egon ohi da". ____ This podcast is produced by Ulu Media for Etxepare Basque Institute: Director: Oier Aranzabal Translation: Diana Draper Sound Design: …
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Két senior fejlesztővel, Nyéki Lajossal és Jenei Viktorral beszélgettünk az iOS és az Android fejlesztés sajátosságairól, a két platform különbözőségeiről és hasonlóságairól, arról, hogyan befolyásolja ezt a területet az AI, milyen lehetőségek vannak a szakmában és az EPAM-nál.00:00 - Vendégek bemutatása03:30 - Mobil fejlesztés történelem07:11 - iO…
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Asteburu hontan bi dantza emanaldi eskaintzen ditu Aukeran dantza konpainiak. Bietan Edu Muruamendiaraz izan da zuzendaria. 'Migratzaileak' eta 'Amama' lanen inguruan hitz egingo digu koreografoak. Eta azalduko digu nola kontatzen den ipuin bat dantzaren bidez. - La compañia Aukeran ofrece este fin de semana dos espectaculos de danza. El coreógrafo…
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[ES] ¿Podemos analizar la cultura con ecuaciones? ¿Es posible convertir ideas, teorías o personas en vectores? Las redes complejas han supuesto un cambio de paradigma en la manera de comprender la estructura y la evolución del conocimiento. Hoy sabemos que no existen ideas aisladas, que cada nuevo concepto se desarrolla en un dado entorno que a su …
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[ES] Autora de la Trilogía del Baztán, el fenómeno literario en castellano más importante de los últimos años, Dolores Redondo (San Sebastián, 1969) es una de las autoras en lengua española más vendidas y leídas en todo el mundo. Combinando intriga y misterio, Redondo regresa a los inquietantes y sombríos valles navarros donde no gusta desenterrar …
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Hiromi Yoshida learned Basque before ever stepping into the Basque Country, three decades ago. Since then, she has frequently visited us. We met the linguist and Basque language teacher in Azpeitia, a town she particularly loves. In fact, she wrote her thesis on the local dialect and translated Bernart Etxepare’s Linguae Vasconum Primitiae, the fir…
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Bidean segitzen dugu, uhinetan, eta Izaki Gardenak taldearen itzulera ospatu dugu gaurko saioan. 'Orube' izeneko diskoa aurkeztu dute. Gainera Josemi Beltran, Donostia Kulturako zinema zuzendariak bi zinema proposamen egin dizkigu, Nosferatu zikloaren baitan: 'El tren de las 3:10' eta 'Meeks Cutoff'. - Seguimos en la vereda, en las ondas, y hemos q…
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Why Am I not consistent enough for this channel?This episode is a catch up on what's coming for Takiwatānga...----------------------------------Love Not Cure.Exploring autism one strength at a time.Takiwatānga is the Te Reo Māori for autism.From 'tōku/tōna anō takiwā' - 'my/his/her own time and space' This is a New Zealand-based podcast about autis…
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