The Heron is a six-part audio drama, a psychological thriller set at a cutthroat sports-driven boarding school. Kelsey, a teenage tennis star driven to the edge by her tyrannical trophy-mother, is forced to see her school’s psychiatrist, which reveals unimaginable events. Inspired by the likes of David Fincher and "Homecoming," The Heron is a character-driven mystery about a young woman who seeks the light at the end of the tunnel, but instead might find it's a train headed right for her.
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Kelsey shares feelings of paranoia with Sienne. Barb shows up to a hospital to investigate the former student who attempted suicide in episode two, asking questions of the girl’s mother. Sienne tells Kelsey that they’ve never done real work because Kelsey has never been fully honest. Barb pushes the former student’s mother, suggesting Sienne victim…
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Kelsey learns a prominent scout is attending the academy but isn’t meeting with her. Kelsey confronts Sienne and learns it was she who blocked Kelsey being considered. Sienne claims Barb is an impediment, then surprises Kelsey with Barb joining their session. An intense showdown ensues, Barb questioning Sienne’s motives, Sienne calling out Barb’s a…
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Barb attends one of Kelsey’s matches, her ranting ruining Kelsey’s performance. Barb learns Kelsey has been lying – she has continued meeting with Sienne. Barb tries to persuade Kelsey that Sienne is a bad influence. Later, the schoolmate who’d bullied Kelsey apologizes to her based on information Sienne had shared. In Kelsey and Sienne’s session, …
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Sienne’s system takes hold; Kelsey dominates on the tennis court. Following her win, she lets Barb believe that the sessions with Sienne are done. Later, Kelsey tries to make new friends with her schoolmates, but is bullied and accused of being queer. In a moment of isolation, Sienne takes Kelsey to dinner. Sienne denies knowing the former student …
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Kelsey, a teenage tennis star, is questioned for accusing her roommate at an elite sporting boarding school of violent bullying. This accusation has sent shockwaves through America’s top tennis academy, so much so, the school’s highest paid employee and recruiting star, renowned sports psychiatrist Dr. Sienne Callahan, is meeting with the girls to …
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Kelsey performs horribly at the Junior US Open. Barb throws a violent tantrum, insisting Kelsey end her sessions with Sienne. Kelsey tries to follow those orders until Sienne reveals her personal experiences with her abusive mother and offers to help Kelsey free herself and work with her on reaching her potential as a tennis player. This unimaginab…
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The Heron is a six-part audio drama, a psychological thriller set at a cutthroat sports-driven boarding school. Kelsey, a teenage tennis star driven to the edge by her tyrannical trophy-mother, is forced to see her school’s psychiatrist, which reveals unimaginable events. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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