Barbara Nic Dhonnacha interviews bands and musicians from Ireland.
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Het Mahler Student Festival Orchestra brengt muziekstudenten van alle Europese conservatoria samen die een bijzonder en uitdagend repertoire willen uitvoeren. Door de inzet en passie van gelijkgestemde en enthousiaste jonge musici weet het orkest een hoog muzikaal niveau te bereiken. In de visie van de MSFO staat niet alleen de verbinding tussen muzikanten onderling, maar ook de verbinding met het publiek centraal.
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A weekly podcast featuring local bands and musicians from Athens, GA. Interviews and live performances on every show. Support local music!
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Ricky Garvey is an Orange County, CA based musician and worship guitarist. These are his quick chats with some of his favorite musicians.
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A podcast featuring a standup comedian and musician reviewing hilariously bad films, music and literature
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Beethoven IX: Dries de Haas & Lars Corijn
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50:15In deze aflevering bespreken Dries de Haas & Lars Corijn het meesterwerk dat voor het eerst op 7 mei 1824 in première ging: Beethovens Negende Symfonie. Ze analyseren de historische context, de invloed van de Oriënt en de muzikale structuur, inclusief het gebruik van Schillers tekst. De focus ligt op de emotionele en spirituele kracht van de symfon…
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Beethoven IX: Luck Verbeeck & Lars Corijn
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14:12In de tweede aflevering spreekt dirigent Lars Corijn met initiatiefnemer Luck Verbeeck. Ze praten over hoe de gekste ideeën tot stand komen, waaronder ook het opvoeren van de negende symfonie van Ludwig Van Beethoven.By MSFO
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Beethoven IX: Yngwie Janseghers & Dries de Haas
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18:09In aflevering één gaat huismusicoloog Dries de Haas in gesprek met Yngwie Janseghers, de huiscomponist van het Mahler Student Festival Orchestra, over zijn nieuwste creatie 'Bedingung' die op 7 mei 2024 in Heist-op-den-Berg voor de allereerste keer in de geschiedenis door het MSFO zal worden gepresenteerd.…
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Join Jamie, Shawn and Jerome as they review The Clash's 1985 release Cut the Crap. On this episode we explore how one of the best punk bands of all time ended up recording one of their worst albums, and why the album opener The Dictator might be one of our favourite bad songs of all time. All that and more on our 11th episode.…
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By So Bad It's Good Podcast
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Join Shawn and Jamie as they review Victims of the New Math, a Lo-Fi band based out of Arizona with 60s and 70s rock n roll roots. On this episode we explore their Indie sound, their Velvet Underground influence, and what exactly about their music makes us laugh. All that and more on the 9th episode of the So Bad Its Good podcast.…
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February 25th Tupelo join Barbara in studio before their next album release on March 2nd and their launch gig in Dublin March 3rd. They played two tracks including their latest single 'Break Loose' and another track off the new album 'Joyous'. The Shriven Dust is the next single they will release off the album on March 10th. Check them out online: …
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There's a new night of music in Galway organised by Ollie Jennings who chats with Barbara ahead of Druid Sessions #3 (already SOLD OUT!)where the following artists will play: Mary Coughlan: Ultan Conlon: and Niamh Regan: to the Saw Doctors and man about Galw…
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Originally from Monaghan, Mark has been based in Vienna, Austria, since late last year where he is currently working on new music. Speaking with Barbara over the phone announced a Dublin date and chats gigging in Vienna. See Mark Campbell live in Dublin on May 8th at the Ruby Sessions.Check him out online for more: Facebook:…
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February 2018 before the release of their debut album Wyvern Lingo join Barbara in studio and treat us to two of their tracks. Album available to pre-order online now: out their podcast, merchandise and upcoming gigs.February 23rd Button Factory SOLD OUTFebruary 24th Glor EnnisFebruary 25th Connollys of Leap, CorkMa…
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Paddy McKenna spoke with Barbara over the phone on Sunday 4th of February to tell us all about the Le Crunch Apple Of My Eye Song Contest in association with Deadline for entries is February 19th - good luck! details:…
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Louise Tighe chats Choice Music Prize Song of the Year
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5:16Louise Tighe joins Barbara in studio February 2018 and tells us all about the Choice Music Prize song of the Year shortlist & event which took place in Dublin on Wednesday 31st January, the evening of the day this years shortlist was revealedVote for your favourite song now: Song of the Year Winn…
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January 2018 The Revs frontman Rory Gallagher joined Barbara in studio to chat about their upcoming reunion gig! The Academy in Dublin Saturday February 10th 2018: Barbara Nic D
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28th January 2018 Stockton's Wing Mike Hanrahan joins Barbara on the phone to chat about their upcoming headline slot at the Leopardstown Racecourse Festival, the unplanned (but happening!) new music and he is writing a book. Maura O’ConnellSee his website online for more: …
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#6 Josh Bandy - Elevator Union & Little Climbers
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48:35Ricky sits down with old/current bandmate Little Climbers. They catch up on Josh finalizing his teaching credentials, being a father of a 3-year old girl, and sucking at adulting.By Everything Rad Podcast
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Zac Evans of Monkier joins us on Athens Radio! Zac shares Monkier's tunes called "Cold Open," "Stream of Consciousness," and "Esper."By Athens Radio
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Jazz Guitarist, Colin Manko joins us on Athens Radio! Colin plays "Ain't Misbehaving" and "Pam." Colin and Grant come together at the end of the show to perform "It Could Happen to You."By Athens Radio
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Michael Estrada (Be Still Kid, The Vice Versa) sits down to discuss growing up in Horsetown, USA, President Bush, and his new project Be Still Kid. We also discuss Thursday in length, his afro, and having a hard time not remembering his childhood. Take a listen.By Everything Rad Podcast
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Zach Miller, lead singer and guitarist of Casual Friday, Skypes in a call with me to discuss what it was like growing up in Corona, CA and trying to be a part of that scene. We discuss the punk rock taboo word of "networking" as well as our time playing Magic the Gathering and D&D on weekends.By Everything Rad Podcast
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