Sermons from New Hope Christian Church of Wayne, Ohio
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Dick Dishop
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares a message about celebrating Christmas for the fact that Jesus came to give us everlasting life and that our response should be to live our lives for him.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Hints for having a Merry Christmas, part 2
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Pastor Ron continues a series about how to have a Merry Christmas, focusing on serving others.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Hints for having a Merry Christmas, part 1
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Pastor Ron talks about how to have a Merry Christmas, starting with getting rid of jealousy and envy.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares a Thanksgiving message about the importance of being thankful to the Lord.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron preaches about praying for others.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Tom Ziebold shares his testimony of how God saw him through recent medical issues.By Tom Ziebold
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Pastor Ron preaches about the armor of God as found in Ephesians 6:10-18.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron teaches how to defeat the devil and live a victorious Christian life. We need to know the Word of God, we must resist the devil, we must arm ourselves with the armor of God, and we fight in the name of Jesus and in his authority.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron preaches about knowing the tactics that Satan uses to deceive, distract, tempt, and neutralize us.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron teaches about valuing our birthright--our place in God's family.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares a message about biblical solutions for dealing with the pains of life.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares a message about the laying on of hands. This is done for blessing, healing, receiving the Holy Spirit, and establishing leadership.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares about finding God's calling for your life.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron preaches about knowing our purpose in life. We are to love God and love others, to spread the gospel, to serve, to honor our parents, to obey our boss, to treat our workers fairly.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Guest speaker Connie Boggs shares about the mission work of her ministry Living Waters in Harlan County, Kentucky.By Connie Boggs
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Pastor Ron shares a message about living free of guilt based on the Scriptures 1 John 1:8-9 and Psalm 32:1-11.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron teaches a message based on Psalm 61:1-2 about dealing with being overwhelmed.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Diana and Jeremy Krupp share about the projects that the youth worked on during their recent mission trip to Kentucky.By Diana and Jeremy Krupp
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Pastor Ron shares about the projects that the adults worked on during their recent mission trip to Kentucky.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Guest speaker Bob Carpenter shares a message about the end times based on Matthew 24:1-14.By Bob Carpenter
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Pastor Ron shares a message for baptism about having childlike faith. Jesus says in Matthew 18:2-4 and Mark 10:14-16 that we must receive the kingdom of God like a child.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pam Ziebold shares a vision of heaven that her granddaughter experienced.By Pam Ziebold
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Pastor Ron preaches a sermon about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how God expects us to produce godly fruit in our lives.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron teaches about the gifts of the Holy Spirit as found in 1 Corinthians 14.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Guest speaker Jim Montgomery shares a message based on 2 Timothy 1:1-8 about stirring up the gift of God in our lives to benefit not only our own personal relationship with God, but to benefit and reach others. We need the energy of the Holy Spirit to live a victorious life.By Jim Montgomery
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Pastor Ron shares a Father's Day message based on Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 29:15, and 1 Samuel 3:13. Fathers must be involved in their families, turning to God's word for direction. It is critical that fathers spend time training and nurturing their children, teaching them biblical truth and discipline.…
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Pastor Ron preaches a message about the importance of receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit and His powerful role in our lives.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron teaches about waiting on the Lord. Waiting on the Lord teaches us patience, is good for us, builds our trust in God, and increases our hope and expectation.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares some advice for Christian living, particularly for high school graduates, based on the book of Proverbs.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron preaches a message to answer the question "Is the Bible True?" We must build our belief on the truth of God's Word and not just man's opinions.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares a Mother's Day message based on Proverbs 31. He encourages mothers to continue in godliness and encourages everyone to treat their mothers with honor and respect.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Guest speaker Chet Conley shares a message based on Lamentations 3:22-23.By Chet Conley
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Pastor Ron preaches a message about the words of Jesus spoken after his resurrection and before his ascension.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares an Easter Sunday message based on Romans 8:11 which says the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us. We must be born again and walk according to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells within us, guides us, produces fruit in us, and gives us power.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares a message titled "Jesus Lamb of God". He teaches about the passover lamb in Exodus 12 and how John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world in John 1:29.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron talks about lessons we can learn from Jesus cleansing the temple. The church should not be a place of buying and selling. The church should be respectful towards God. And since we ourselves are now the temple, we must watch our attitude towards God, worship, and others.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron shares a message from James 2:13-20 about how our faith must produce works. We cannot have faith and do nothing. But works alone do not make a person a Christian, only self-righteous.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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Pastor Ron finishes a series about prayer, this week focusing on how we have the privilege of communicating with the Creator of the universe and the One with all authority.By Pastor Ron Merritt
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