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“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”…Romans 12:2 This podcast is here to encourage you daily to walk in the favor of God and to live boldly for Jesus. Each episode is designed to be 15 min or less so that it is easy to fit into your morning, but packed with truth to help you start your day with the right mindset! Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/p3jason*You may have to right click on the link above and select "go to address" or copy and ...
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Business beyond the bottomline. Emotions make the entrepreneur unique. Listen to better stories and earn more than ever before. Hear the brightest minds in business share their "Big Idea" and their emotional "Turning Point". Best bit in each episode, discover who's really "Doing It!" Ask Yourself A Question - If you could have the relationships, career, family, body, and lifestyle of your dreams, what would that experience look and feel like? What is stopping you from creating it? With these ...
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show series
David is one of the most iconic figures in all of scripture. A young shepherd who becomes the greatest king Israel would ever know. A man of confidence…in himself yes…but even more in the God in whom he placed his trust. David exudes confidence because he knows God is with him. He is not seeking glory or fame…he does not desire to be king…yet it fi…
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I love Sukkot because it speaks of hope, and celebrates a time we should all look forward to. A time of peace and joy as Jesus dwells among His people once more and rules over all the earth in person. What a great day that will be. In fact, in ancient Israel, Sukkot was such a joyful feast that everyone looked forward to…so they simply referred to …
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The 6th feast or festival of the Lord is known as Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur means Day of Atonement, and among the Jewish people, it is the holiest day of the year. Everything leads up to this moment. This is the big day when they make atonement for their sins according to the Law of God as written in the Old Testament. Pre-Christ, this was how God ins…
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Leviticus 23:23-25…The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: ‘On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work, but present a food offering to the Lord.’” The book of numbers and Nehemiah refer to it in a similar way. They are told to celebrate …
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The 4th feast is called Shavu’ot or festival of weeks (7 weeks to be exact). Christians have come to know it as Pentecost. The day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers. The day the Church was born essentially. But its origins, biblically speaking, go back to the Exodus, and more specifically the time when the Torah was given on Mount Sin…
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The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you and you reap its harvest, bring to the priest a sheaf of the first grain you harvest. He is to wave the sheaf before the Lord so it will be accepted on your behalf; the priest is to wave it on the day after the Sabbath. On the day you w…
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For seven days no yeast is to be found in your houses. And anyone, whether foreigner or native-born, who eats anything with yeast in it must be cut off from the community of Israel. Eat nothing made with yeast. Wherever you live, you must eat unleavened bread.” -Exodus 12:19-20 Do not eat it with bread made with yeast, but for seven days eat unleav…
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“On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike downevery firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt. - Exodus 1…
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Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. …
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Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband...Revelation 21:1-2 Please take a moment and subscribe to this podcast and add it to…
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11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as rec…
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We are at a point now where the 1,000 year period of the Millennial Kingdom has come to an end. The kingdom itself still exists, with Jesus on the throne, and will continue until the time of the Great White Throne Judgement of God (where all of the dead/ unbelievers are judged before God). The devil is now set loose to tempt and deceive the gentile…
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I am excited to cover this final battle, the war to end all wars so to speak, and the 7 years that follow. Yes, if you are not familiar, you might be surprised or unaware that there is another 7 year period after the 1,000 year reign of Christ. When people get an abbreviated or cliff notes version of the end times, this extra 7 year period is often…
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Ezekiel goes on to tell us that believers will be able to see Jesus in the Temple when they come to worship and that will be during 2 Feasts or Festivals, each Sabbath day, and New Moon. Those are the times when we will be allowed to come before Him and see His glory and worship before Him. Under Mosaic Law there were 7 feasts each year…all of whic…
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Today we jump into the details of Temple, the order of operations, worship/ sacrificial system, and Kingdom law. This temple will be the center of life for the Kingdom. From worship to governance, it will all be centered on the temple in Jerusalem which sits on the Mountain of the Lord (which is above all other mountains). When it comes to the King…
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Today we will take a look at the people or should I say the nature and behavior of the people in the Millennial Kingdom. There are some interesting questions regarding this aspect of the kingdom. Some of these questions will be answered and some are left a mystery. We know that there will be 2 groups that receive resurrected or glorified bodies…the…
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Did Mary (Jesus’ mother) have any idea of the depth and breadth of what Jesus said to her when He said, “I make all things new again”. Did she realize how far that statement extended. The earth is in shambles upon His return and in preparation for the Kingdom, He made things new again in several ways. One of those ways is the redesign of the landsc…
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As we begin to look at the details of the Millennial Kingdom, you will notice that in Revelation 20:6-7 there is only mention of before and after. The entire 1,000 years lies between those 2 verses. However, we can find details on the Kingdom in the Old Testament and the New Testament. They are spread out from Genesis to Malachi, and in the New Tes…
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We pick up with the Revelation chapter 20, as well as some of the prophets, as we finish out the 75 day interval period leading up to the Millennial Kingdom. Last time, we discussed how the interval period was broken into 2 blocks of time. First is a 30 period and the other is a 45 day period. Previously, we covered the 30 day and began the 45 day …
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Upon Jesus’s return the temple stands unclean, and the abomination of desolation (which is the image or statue of the beast) is still in the temple. The temple must be cleansed if Jesus is to enter it and make it the center of life for the kingdom. In addition to all the destruction of the judgements, there is a massive amount of dead bodies everyw…
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Today we pick up with what John describes or summarizes regarding his vantage point in Heaven. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb/ celebration has finished, and Jesus is given the go ahead by the Father to return with His bride (the Church) to earth. The first time He came as a servant, a gentle lamb, bringing salvation and redemption to mankind…the g…
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This final battle is not a single moment where Jesus returns on the Mt. Of Olives and destroys the armies of the Antichrist. He does do that but there is so much more happening over days and weeks. There are a series of events leading to that final moment when the Antichrist and his armies are confronted head on by Jesus and they subsequently meet …
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We are now at a point where Babylon has fallen completely. The spirit of Babylon, represented by the woman known as the harlot of Babylon, has been destroyed along with the physical city and governmental and commercial structure of Babylon. God is the greatest chess player of all time, brilliantly moving all the pieces on the board, forcing all His…
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This episode is about the rebellion against Babylon just prior to the completion of the 7th bowl judgement. At the fulfillment of God's word regarding Babylon He gathers an army from the north and prompts them to lay siege to Babylon while the Antichrist is away. This army destroys the land and kills anyone they come across. God uses His enemies to…
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Today we finish up chapter 18 covering the threefold woe over the fall of Babylon, and the finality of Babylon’s doom. Then, we have one more short scene showing all of heaven rejoicing over the destruction of Babylon. After that comes the return of the King at the battle of Armageddon, and the triumph over the unholy trinity and his armies. That’s…
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As we pick up with chapter 18 we will see the fall of the actual city or government of Babylon where the Beast ruled from. Babylon falls as God’s judgement is poured out destroying the great city along with all the others minus Jerusalem. God will call His people out of Babylon so they do not share in her destruction. Everything is leading us to th…
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Join me today as we finish up the rest of chapter 17, and unpack some important details to understanding this chapter and the book of Revelation. We now know that the symbolic woman here in chapter 17 is the Harlot of Babylon, the Mother of all false religions and idol worship. She is the essence of Babylon…an evil nature spawned from the devil him…
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Today we will take a look at what the angel shows John regarding this spiritual Babylon known as the Harlot of Babylon. This woman is symbolic of the ungodly immoral nature or culture that Babylon gave birth to. It is the same immoral ungodly spirit that has corrupted practically every nation on the planet throughout history. It is an ungodly wicke…
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Today we finish up the last 3 bowls of wrath bringing God’s judgements to completion. Once all 7 bowls are poured out you will see that God, in fact, gives man a preview of hell itself, and what eternal torment will be like for those who reject God and Jesus and follow the beast and worship his image. Thank God, as believers, we will never have to …
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Chapter 16 begins with the command from God instructing the 7 angels to go and pour out His final judgement on the earth. These judgements are intense, and are very much focused on those who followed the beast and took his mark. These bowls filled with God’s wrath will be like nothing the world has seen before or will ever see again. You will see t…
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Today we take a look at chapter 15 where we see John describe another sign that he sees in Heaven. Now, this sign is significant because it sets the stage for the final act. It lets us know that the end of God’s judgement is near and the return of Christ is almost here. John sets the stage for the final act by introducing us to the 7 Angels that ca…
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Today we look at the message of the 3 angels, and the soul harvest that begins as we continue through chapter 14. A line has been drawn, and man can no longer remain on the fence or be neutral. Everyone must decide which side they are on. Either you accept the mark and follow the beast, or you chose God and trust in Him. After removing all the evan…
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Today we move into chapter 14, and we see the scene shift again. We move away from what the devil is doing and focus in on something God is doing or has done. There are a few groups in the Tribulation period that we have been following: the gentile believers, the Orthodox Jews that hold fast to the Law of God, the Remnant of Israel (all the Jews th…
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Today we introduce the the final character or piece to the unholy trinity that Satan is putting together. Remember, Satan loves to mimic or try to reproduce things that God or Jesus have said and done. When it comes to God…Satan loves to imitate, but he can never recreate. There is only one God, one Messiah, and one Holy Spirit…but Satan will do hi…
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Today we move into chapter 13 where John will now describe the beast of the sea and the beast of the earth. This episode will focus on the beast of the sea and Monday we will pick up with the beast of the earth. As John begins what we know as chapter 13 the scene cuts away to another story line that will explain what we read in chapter 11 about the…
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Today we begin by discussing a battle that breaks out in heaven between the good angels and the fallen angels. The result of this battle leaves the devil or dragon enraged and angry. This causes him to lash out at something that is close to God’s heart…the Woman or the people of Israel. When that becomes a dead end he turn his wrath toward the only…
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Now we can jump into the first part of chapter 12 regarding the woman and the dragon. This chapter is intense and rich with content, so we will break it up into 2 parts. Today we will identify the woman, the child, and the dragon while helping to make sense of what it is happening and where it fits in the timeline. We will look at how the woman is …
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And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” They are “the two olive trees” and the two lamp stands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. In other w…
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Today we take a look at an odd segment of John’s revelation. We see a mighty angel with a little scroll that John is later told to take and eat it. The scroll tastes sweet at first, but becomes bitter to the stomach. This is an interesting passage with a lot of imagery, and I will do my best to make it clear. We will look at this passage’s connecti…
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The 6th angel steps up, and blows his trumpet unleashing the 2nd woe judgement. Verse 13-16 says…The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God. 14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And t…
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Today we take a look at the 5th trumpet being sounded, which is the first woe judgment. Here John describes seeing a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. It is common for the Bible to use the word “star” when referring to angels. In this case, the star who had fallen refers particularly to a fallen angel. Some say that it is referring to…
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Today we see the first 4 trumpets being sounded. When these trumpets are sounded they unleash a particular judgement that results in massive devastation to specific parts of the earth. The angels play a big role in carrying out the judgements, and here we see that when something happens in heaven symbolically or literally it results in a cataclysmi…
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Today we pick up with Jesus opening the seventh seal, and revealing the next series or wave of judgments known as the seven trumpets. Something unique happens when Jesus opens this seal that is different from the others. Also, there is a precursor to the trumpet judgements beginning. It is called the Golden Censer, and it brings a warning judgement…
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I truly believe the message today regarding the great soul harvest will bless you immensely. It shows the power, grace, mercy, love, and compassion of the God we serve. His judgements may seem big but His mercy and grace is even bigger…as you will see today! Please take a moment and subscribe to this podcast and add it to your favorites...also plea…
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Ok…So now we move on to chapter 7. This chapter takes a break from the devastating judgements, and shows us some really important details that should inspire, encourage, and motivate you in your faith. It is a picture or a glimpse of what is to come, things we long for, and a reminder that God’s plan won’t be stopped and the gospel will go forth in…
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Today we are going to take a look at the opening of the 5th and 6th seal on the scroll. We see the souls of the saints, martyred for their faith, crying out to God for justice. We will also see a picture of world wide natural disasters like never before, and it will rock the planet to the point that all people regardless of money or status will hid…
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Today we jump into chapter 6 where Jesus begins opening the seals on the scroll and dispensing God’s judgement. The portion that we will focus on is the first 4 seals. These 4 seals release what has come to be known as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Here we see the introduction of the 4 Horsemen, and 1/4 of the world will fall to their devastati…
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Today we continue on with what John sees next in chapter 5. He sees Jesus standing at the center of the throne looking like a lamb that was slain and surrounded by the 4 beasts. The Lamb had 7 horns and 7 eyes which were the 7 Spirits of God. This chapter really is trying to convey why Jesus is the only one worthy to dispense God’s final judgment a…
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In chapter 5 we see, once again, the presence of the Godhead or Trinity. However, the focus quickly shifts to Jesus from this point on. In this chapter we see the culmination of all scripture coming to fruition. God’s plan is coming to fulfillment and the truth of who Jesus is and has always been becomes very evident. Scripture has been building up…
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