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Hebrews tells us to "run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." We all have a race that we run, a marathon race of this life. Each of our races is different, but the goal is the same, to finish the race. Jesus helps us fin…
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Do you ever feel like you're not good enough? If so, how does that make you feel? Unworthy? Unloveable? Not worthy of the love of other people? Not worthy of the love of God? Even though we know the difference between right and wrong, we never are good enough for God, because we are not perfect. So, God sent His perfect Son to be perfect for us. An…
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The high priest would enter the Mosty Holy Place once a year, on the day of atonement, and offering forgiveness of sins for himself, and on behalf of the people. The way to receive forgiveness was through the sacrifice of animals, the practice God established for His people. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Jesus b…
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As we think about the world that we live in and sharing the Word of God with those around us, what exactly are we asking people to do? Consider Jesus. Consider Jesus who bled and died for you. Consider Jesus who won your forgiveness on the cross. Consider Jesus who rose victoriously from the dead triumphing over sin, death, and the devil. Consider …
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We often tell stories to things we were witnesses to. Those stories sometimes begin with something like, "back in my day... A long time ago... When I was your age..." Hebrews tells us that a long time ago God used prophets to speak to His people, but now He speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. And those witnesses to Christ and His work wrote…
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As Paul heads to Jerusalem he spends time with the Ephesian elders, he commends them to God and the Word of His grace, and he encourages them to take care of themselves and the flock because after his departure wolves will come to attack the flock and wolves that look like sheep will twist things to draw them away from Christ. Does this happen in o…
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As Paul wanders around the city of Athens, a city full of idols, he finds an altar to an unknown god. Having had conversations in the synagogue, marketplace, speaking about Jesus' death and resurrection, he is brought to the Areopagus, and Paul takes the opportunity to witness to the people, to take this unknown god, and make Him known to them: the…
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After an earthquake, Paul and Silas are freed from their chains in prison, and the jailer thinks they've escaped. After announcing all the prisoners are still there, the jailer asks, "what must I do to be saved?" This question is still important for us today. What must WE do to be saved? How do Paul and Silas answer the jailer? How do answer you? T…
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As the Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, spreads throughout the world, many people, Jews and Gentiles believe. Some Christian Jews thought that the Gentiles needed to be circumcised (a sign of God's covenant with His people) in order to be saved. After much debate it was decided the Gentiles did not need to be circumcised, because it is Jesu…
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Saul, the one who persecuted the Christ followers, was there approving the stoning of Stephen, goes from persecuting the Church of Christ, to being persecuted himself. What would make someone change their entire way of life? Nothing less than meeting Jesus Christ, the One whom he also persecuted. But this isn't really a come-to-Jesus moment, it's a…
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On Father's Day, we give thanks for the fathers or father figures that God has placed in our lives. We might even thank them by allowing them to sleep in. We may also think about the impact they have had in our lives, and the message they would leave us with. As we read the story of Stephen, he addresses fathers and brothers giving them a message t…
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What are you willing to stand up for in this life? Is it the things that you believe in? Is it things you don't believe in? I mean, who would stand up for things they don't believe in, or things that go against God's Word? Sinners. Like me. Like you. And so we need somebody to stand in our place, to succeed where we fail. That's Jesus, who dies on …
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The Christ-followers of the early Church, that expanded rapidly at Pentecost, devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, to the breaking of bread, to prayer, and to fellowship. As we take a look at the Church of our world today, is it characterized by those same things, or is it different? And as we think about the Church expanding, numbers incre…
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God is Trinity, Triune, Three-in-one, one God yet three persons. That means 1+1+1=1. That's how the Trinity works. On this Trinity Sunday, we don't just confess our faith in the Trinity, we get to hear the Confirmation class confess their faith in the Trinity. That faith that was planted in them at their Baptism, through the water and the Word by G…
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Can you imagine what it must have been like that first Pentecost? The feeling of the Holy Spirit allowing you to speak in other languages. Hearing the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ in your own language from someone that couldn't speak it before. Having 3,000 believe that life-saving message. But Pentecost is more than just feelings. And the…
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As we read the story of Jesus' birth we hear of the virgin Mary being visited by the angel and told she will give birth to the Savior. Mary visits Elizabeth, a woman previously barren, who is pregnant as well, and confesses her faith in the child that is in Mary's womb. Mary and Elizabeth, become mothers during unusual circumstances. Mothers who be…
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As we move from the Old Testament to the New Testament, we look at the genealogy of Jesus, going all the way back to Abraham. What we find is that there are many names that stand that Matthew mentions, as we remember stories of the Old Testament. Names like "Father" Abraham, Jacob, Judah, Tamar, Rahab, and "the wife of Uriah." All this is to say: G…
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The name Habakkuk means to "embrace." The prophet Habakkuk has a conversation with God about the sin of the people and how God will deal with it. While Habakkuk does not expect the response God gives him, he embraces who God is even amidst God's answer. As we think about our lives and the answered prayers that maybe aren't the answers we want from …
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The story of Jonah is one that we might all be familiar with. We often picture him being swallowed by a whale. But the part of the story that is more important is what happens after he's no longer in the belly of the fish. The people of Nineveh repent, and God spares them from destruction, but this doesn't make Jonah happy. While he may not wail, h…
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The story of Jonah is one that we might all be familiar with. The prophet called by God to go to Ninevah runs away from God's calling. In the end, he's swallowed by a whale. Is it a whale? And while he's in the belly of the "whale" he repents. Does he repent in the belly of the "whale"? And because he repents the "whale" throws him up back on shore…
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In the Old Testament, sometimes God's messages to His prophets are clear. And sometimes they make us scratch our heads. So, when God tells Hosea to go marry an adulterous woman, we might find that odd. This adulterous woman, who also indulges in prostitution, ends up leaving Hosea. Hosea is then called to buy her back, bring her home, and love her.…
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Text: Daniel 6:6b-23, 25-27; John 20:1-10; Mark 16:1-8What does Daniel and the lions' den have to do with the empty tomb on Easter Sunday? So much! As we walk this two-year journey of reading through the Bible, we can see many parallels to the story of Daniel and Jesus, lions, Satan, and the miracles that God works through the lives of His people. …
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Text: Matthew 27:11-14, 24-26, 28-31, 38-44; Luke 23:34-45a; John 19:23-37On Good Friday, Jesus is beaten, mocked, scourged, abused, and ultimately crucified. As He looked on at all those who were responsible for Him being on the cross, He loved them. As Jesus hung on the cross, He loved us until the end. He loved us until He breathed His last brea…
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On Maundy Thursday, as we celebrate Jesus washing the disciples' feet and instituting His Supper, we see that Jesus "loved them to the end." Judas who would betray Jesus, Peter who would deny Jesus three times, and all the other disciples who would flee in the Garden of Gethsemane... He loved them to the end. Jesus loves us to the end, and He invit…
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As Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego remained faithful to God, ready to face death, they were cast in the fiery furnace, only to go unharmed, while a mysterious fourth person (Jesus?) appeared with them. King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges that their God is the only one who can rescue them like that. As Jesus heads into Jerusalem, He’s heading into the …
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Ezekiel is brought before the Valley of Dry Bones. And the question is, "Can these bones live?" In other words, can life come from death? The answer: God can. And by His Word the dry bones came back to life. This is just like we, who are dead in our trespasses and sins, can be brought from death to life. This happens through Christ's death and resu…
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As the Israelites are in exile, God promises that He will rescue the people, who are like sheep scattered. He will be their Shepherd and will seek out the lost and the strayed sheep. Fast forward many years, and we know that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who seeks out the lost and straying sheep and rescues them through His death and resurrection, so …
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God told Jeremiah that He was going to give His people a new covenant. We think about the covenant God made with Noah, sending the rainbow as the sign never to flood the earth again. Jesus comes along as the fulfiller of the new covenant and the Lord’s Supper He gives as a new covenant in His blood for the forgiveness of sins. Whereas we do not alw…
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Jeremiah was chosen by God to be a prophet, even though he was just a youth. And the message he would bring to the people is not one that they would want to hear. We are chosen by God, called by Him in Baptism, and we can be like Jeremiah and bring God’s Word to His people. It might also mean that they don’t want to hear it, but it is the most impo…
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In God's call to Isaiah, He asks the question, "who shall I send?" To which, Isaiah responds with, "Here am I! Send me." When we think about our own lives, and God's call in our lives, do we respond to God in the same way? Do we excitedly say, "Here I am, Lord!" Or do we respond in a way that makes it seem like we do not want to go, do not want to …
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Solomon speaks of wisdom and Solomon also speaks of love. Yet even the wise King Solomon also makes mistakes when it comes to love. So, what does the recipe for love and marriage look like? We turn not to Solomon for that, but to God. And the picture of a husband and bride is also a picture of Christ and His Church. And it's in Jesus where we see w…
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Jesus invites the little children to come to Him. Tells us that the kingdom of God belongs to them. Proverbs tells us to train our children in the way they should go. That way is the way that leads to Jesus. So, where should children be? In worship, with their parents, following their example, following their lead, where Jesus and His Word and Sacr…
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As Job suffers through the loss of his children, his livestock, and his health, he is tempted by his wife, and Satan, to "curse God die." His friends come and sit with him, supporting him in silence for seven days. As we go through suffering the question is how do we deal with it? How are we supported in our suffering? And how do we support those w…
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God offers up to Satan his servant Job, someone who is upright and blameless, who fears God and turns away from evil. Satan tempted Job to sin, to curse God to His face. What about you? Does God see you as His servant, upright and blameless, who fears God and turns away from evil? If not, we can look to the suffering, faithful servant Himself: Jesu…
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What are you willing to do for those you love? What are you willing to do for those you do not know? What would you be willing to do when your entire race is faced with destruction? This is what Queen Esther faced with the potential Jews being wiped out. She had to face to the king and the potential of death for seeing him without an invitation. In…
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As the Jews return to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, they faced attacks from those who did not want them to rebuild. So with one hand they rebuilt the walls, and with one hand they defended against their enemies. In the church, we are also in the business of building and defending. Building up the body of Christ through the Word and Sacraments. De…
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With a New Year comes new beginnings. In the story of Ezra, the people are building anew the temple of God that had been destroyed. As we look ahead to the year to come, we also remember what led us to this point. It’s easy to focus on the things that tear down and destroy, but we focus rather on the building up of the body of Christ, and the One o…
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Genesis tells us that in the beginning God created light. John tells us that in the beginning Jesus was there and that He is the light. The light that shines in the darkness, the light of men. The light in us to help us be lights in this world, sharing the Good News of Great Joy with them.By Pastor Brad & Pastor Glenn
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As we gather together this Christmas and give gifts to one another, we may remember gifts we have received in the past. We may remember how we used to celebrate Christmas with our family. These memories may be joyful, these memories may be ones we’d rather forget. Today, as we gather in the present, we remember the greatest gift we’ve been given at…
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In the story of Naaman the leper and Elisha coming to heal him, Naaman’s expectations were not met by Elisha and as a result he almost did not get healed. Sometimes our expectations of God are not met, and as a result we can be disappointed. Yet, through it all, God deals with us not necessarily in how we expect, but in how we need Him to.…
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God is a God who punishes sin, but He is also a God who makes the promise to save us from sin. The wages of our sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Whereas our but’s and promises are often conditional, God’s but’s and promises are unconditional.By Pastor Brad & Pastor Glenn
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Elijah flees for his life after God’s incredible display of power against those who followed false gods, like Baal. God comes and speaks His Word to Elijah not in the extraordinary, but in the ordinary, in a whisper. God uses us in our own lives, wherever we are, that we may speak His Word to those who needs to hear it, and today we hear real life …
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God had worked many times in the history of Israel to lead them through the impossible. Sometimes we have this idea that if God brings us to… something, whatever it is, God will bring us through it. While that phrase is not found in the Bible, that doesn’t mean that it’s not true. The truth of God’s Word is that God can lead you through the impossi…
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King David wanted to build a temple for God. God said no. It is his son King Solomon that ends up building the temple of God. The place where God would make His dwelling place. Each part of the temple is important and many parts have meaning for us today, some of which is still in use in our very own worship, where God dwells with us.…
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Sin leads to death. Because of David’s sin, the child born to him and Bathsheba dies. Sometimes we don’t always understand God’s ways, especially when someone we love dies. On this All Saints’ Sunday as we remember those who have gone before us in the faith, we remember that where there is sin and death, there is also God’s grace.…
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David does great things for the Lord. But he is also a sinner like everyone else. And much like he made a giant fall, he also fell into sin in giant ways. And his sin had consequences. Our sin has consequences. Yet, where sin increases, so does God’s grace, and on this Reformation Sunday we remember that we are saved by God’s grace.…
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