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Brett de Hoedt hosts The Hardest Word. The unique podcast airs and dissects real apologies from real people from across the globe. Funny, serious, heartbreaking, befuddling - but always sincere - apologies make for great listening. Launches March 2019.
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These are cross-border stories that connect us. Border people often inhabit this in-between place. From KPBS and California Humanities “Port of Entry” tells personal stories from this place — stories of love, hope, struggle, and survival from border crossers, fronterizxs, and other people whose lives are shaped around the wall. Rooted in San Diego and Tijuana, we are a transborder podcast for transborder people. We live life on la linea. Hosted by Alan Lilienthal and Natalie Gonzalez, writte ...
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Welcome to "Courage to Success," the podcast where you redefine what success means to you. I'm your host, Igor Vilusic, a hypnotherapist and business coach committed to guiding you on the path to authentic success. In each episode, we'll dive deep into the concepts of self-realization and personal achievement beyond conventional metrics. This is a place where you can shed societal expectations and uncover your true potential. We'll explore how to: Embrace Your True Self: Discover and align w ...
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show series
Send us a text Self-Sabotage: Demand More from Yourself Today We all have that nagging inner voice that whispers doubts and insecurities whenever we step out of our comfort zone. "You're not ready," it says. "You'll just embarrass yourself." Have you ever let that voice keep you from pursuing a goal or trying something new? Well, it's time to silen…
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Send us a text In this poignant episode, I delve into the profound loss of my mother and the complex journey of managing grief alongside running a business. It’s a raw and intimate exploration of life’s ultimate challenges and how they can dramatically shift our understanding of what really matters. Here are some key insights you can expect: Embrac…
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La congestión vial es un problema enorme en Tijuana y San Diego. Si conduces durante el día, seguramente te tocará estar en algún embotellamiento de tráfico. Entonces, ¿deberíamos construir más carreteras para aliviar la congestión del tráfico? En este episodio, quisimos explorar qué es lo que impide a los Tijuanenses obtener una mejor calidad de v…
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Traffic is a huge problem in Tijuana and San Diego. If you drive around during the day, you will most certainly be caught in a traffic jam. So should we build more roads to ease traffic congestion? In this episode, we wanted to explore what is keeping residents of Tijuana from a better quality of life. The answer took us by surprise. Join us in our…
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Send us a text Have you ever wondered what paths your life could take if you had unlimited courage? This powerful hypnosis session guides you on a journey to visualize courage flowing through you. By focusing closely on your hand, you’ll discover how the unique lines in your palm represent the many possible directions your life can unfold. As you i…
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Send us a text The Overthinker's Escape: Unlocking Inner Peace Through Mindful Pauses Have you ever felt paralyzed from acting on something you want to do? This client had it all—a successful career and a good life. But he had been stuck overthinking about starting his own business for five long years. What was holding him back? Our minds can betra…
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Send us a text Have you ever felt held back from pursuing your biggest dreams and being your true self? What if the main obstacle was your own limiting beliefs? Igor powerfully opens up this new podcast by guiding us to explore where we may be unconsciously blocking our potential bravely. In this vulnerable first episode, Igor encourages us to gath…
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Iniciamos nuestra nueva temporada con la historia de cómo Tijuana y San Diego ganaron la designación de Capital Mundial del Diseño 2024. Hablamos con Jorge Francisco Sánchez y Catalina Silva, dos colaboradores del equipo de Tijuana sobre cómo lograron la designación en conjunto con el equipo de San Diego y qué hizo que su propuesta destacara.¡No te…
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We kick off our newest season with the story of how Tijuana and San Diego won the designation as World Design Capital of 2024. We spoke with Jorge Francisco Sanchez and Catalina Silva, two contributors of the Tijuana side of the team as to how they landed the designation as well as what made their proposal stand out.You won't want to miss the first…
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En este episodio bonus, Natalie nos lleva a través de la marcha del Día Internacional de la Mujer en el corazón de Tijuana. En esta fecha, mujeres de todos los ámbitos se reunen para exigir justicia, igualdad y el fin de la violencia contra las mujeres en México. Acompañamos mientras navegamos los sonidos y testimonios de resiliencia y solidaridad …
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On this bonus episode, our host Natalie takes us on her journey through the International Women's Day march in the heart of Tijuana. On this special date, Women from all backgrounds gathered to call for justice, equality, and an end to violence against women in Mexico. Join us as we navigate the sights and sounds of the collective spirit of resilie…
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Hola Amigoooooos!!Port of entry has a fresh new season for you with more rich stories of our border region. This time around, we are spotlighting Shapers and Visionaries of borderlands. Stories of People who are impacting the region and in some cases the world with their work and research. From urbanism to architecture to education and politics and…
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¡Que shouuuuu amigos!Actualmente estamos en receso de producción trabajando en nuestra próxima temporada. Pero no queríamos perder la oportunidad de hablarles sobre Amal, un títere gigante de 3.5 metros de altura que anda esparciendo un mensaje de esperanza donde quiera que va. ¡Acompáñenos para escuchar sobre el impacto que esta marioneta tuvo en …
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Hola Friends!We are currently on a production break working on our next season.But we didn't want to miss this opportunity to talk to you about Amal, a 12-foot-sized puppet girl who spreads a message of hope wherever she goes. Join us to listen to find out the impact she made on the locals and us while she was here! Nos vemos pronto!@portofentrypod…
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¡Hola amigos!Antes de cerrar esta temporada y tomar un pequeño descanso, queríamos dejarlos con la historia de Jardín de las Mariposas, un albergue en Tijuana exclusivamente para migrantes queer. Este albergue ha impactado las vidas de miles de personas queer que huyen de la violencia o que enfrentan discriminación en su país de origen, siempre con…
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Hola Friends!Before we close this season and take a little break, we wanted to leave you with the story of Jardín de las Mariposas, a shelter in Tijuana exclusively for queer migrants. This shelter has impacted the lives of thousands of queer folks who are fleeing violence and face discrimination in their land of origin and is helping many more fig…
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¡Hola friends!Ya casi terminamos de contar historias LGBTQ+ de la región fronteriza. En esta edición, hablamos con Andrés Hernández, una escritora y artista visual transgenero no binaria de Tijuana, quien nos cuenta la historia de cómo el arte le ayudó a lidiar con las difíciles realidades de ser queer en Tijuana y nos compartió parte de sus luchas…
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Hola Friends!We are almost done showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, we talk to Andres Hernandez, a Non-Binary Writer and visual artist from Tijuana. She retells the story of how art helped her cope with the difficult realities of being queer in Tijuana and shares part of her struggles of coming out to her family and figuring o…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry anda con todo y esta temporada estamos compartiendo historias LGBTQ+ de la región. En este episodio bonus, Natalie y nuestro productor Julio se sientan con los protagonistas de nuestros dos primeros episodios, Alejandro Sánchez y Meritxell Calderon para conversar sobre algunos temas que no lograron salir al aire ; desde a…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry is in full swing showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, Natalie and our producer Julio sit down for a video conversation with the features of our first two episodes, Alejandro Sánchez and Meritxell Calderon. They discussed a wide range of issues facing the queer community in Baja that didn't make it int…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry continúa su temporada mostrando historias LGBTQ+ de la región. En esta edición, nos sentamos con Xaime Aceves Equihua, un terapeuta y artista Drag de la región de San Diego Tijuana. Debido al rechazo que enfrentó desde temprana edad, Xaime encontró difícil permitirse ser quien era hasta que encontró una manera de poder ex…
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Hola Friends!Port of Entry is showcasing LGBTQ+ stories of the region. In this edition, we sit down with Xaime Aceves Equihua, a therapist, and Drag Artist from the San Diego Tijuana region. Due to rejection he faced early in his life, Xaime found it challenging to allow himself to be who he was until he found an outlet: Drag. He now leads a series…
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¡Que onda amigos!Continuamos nuestro inicio de temporada con la última parte de nuestro primer episodio: La lucha por el Matrimonio Igualitario en Baja California. En esta segunda parte, nos unimos a Alejandro, un analista de políticas públicas y activista de derechos queer de Mexicali. A través del poder de las redes sociales, Alejandro logró movi…
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Hola Friends!We continue our season kick-off with the second part of our two-part series: The Fight for Marriage Equality in Baja. In this second part, we join Alejandro, a policy analyst and queer rights activist from Mexicali. Through the power of social media, Alejandro was able to mobilize the masses in favor of an initiative that successfully …
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Hola Friends! Lanzamos nuestra nueva temporada destacando historias LGBTQ+ de la región con un episodio de dos partes: La lucha por el matrimonio igualitario en Baja. En esta primera parte, nos sentamos con Meritxell y Nancy, una pareja queer de Tijuana que ha luchado por los derechos LGBTQ+ en el estado de Baja y en México. Nos comparten su histor…
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Hola Friends!We kick off our new season highlighting LGBTQ+ stories with a two part series: The Fight for Marriage Equality in Baja. In this first part, we sit down with Meritxell and Nancy, a queer couple from Tijuana who have fought for LGBTQ+ rights in the state of Baja and Mexico. They share their story of how they fought to have marriage equal…
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Hola Friends!KPBS’ Port of Entry is back with a new Season and this time we want to highlight LGBTQ+ stories of the region. We sit down with activists, artists and academics to share their stories about what it means to be queer in the borderlands. Our guests share stories of coming out, accepting oneself, and learning to navigate in a world that c…
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¡Hola amigos! ¡Port of Entry tiene noticias para compartir con ustedes!Cuando lanzamos versiones en español de nuestros episodios, nos sorprendió descubrir que tenemos casi tantos oyentes de español como los de ingles. Que chido no? ¡Se rifan!Así que nos preguntamos... ¿quiénes son estos oyentes de habla española y desde dónde nos escuchan?Eeeeeeen…
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Hey amigos! Port of Entry has some exciting news to share with you! When we released Spanish versions of our episodes, we were blown away to discover that we have almost as many Spanish-speaking listeners as we do English-speaking ones! How incredible is that? You guys rock!So we are wondering… just who are these Spanish listeners and where are the…
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Hemos terminado oficialmente con la temporada 4 y estamos en receso preparando la próxima temporada. ¡Pero, queríamos dejarles a ustedes, bellos amigos, con otra razón para sintonizar! ¡Otro episodio bonus! En este episodio, conversamos con nuestros nuevos productores, Julio y Luca, mientras reflexionamos sobre los altibajos de su primera temporada…
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We are officially done with season 4 and are on hiatus preparing our next season. Buuuuut, we wanted to leave you beautiful folks with another reason to tune in! Another bonus episode! In this bonus episode, We sit down with our new Producers, Julio and Luca, as we look back on their debut season and they share stories about growing up in Tijuana a…
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En este producer’s takeover, Julio se encuetra con Ibragim y Yernur, dos migrantes eurasiáticos que llegaron a Tijuana después de huir de sus países de origen; Rusia y Kazajistán. Nos unimos a ellos y otros refugiados en un intercambio culinario improvisado mientras nos cuentan la odisea que atravesaron para solicitar asilo en Estados Unidos.No se …
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In this producer's takeover, Julio talks to Ibrahim and Yernur, two Eurasian migrants who reached Tijuana after they both got into hot water in their native countries of Russia and Kazakhstan. We join them and other refugees for a meal as they talk to us about their journeys to request asylum in the US.Tune in!@portofentrypod**************Port of E…
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En este breve episodio, nuestro productor Julio se sentó con Rito Zazueta, un cineasta independiente de Tijuana/Chula Vista, para discutir la representación de Tijuana en los medios y el impacto y la recepción que ha tenido su documental, Tijuana Dream.Acompañenos! @portofentrypod¡Muchas gracias a Rito Zazueta por permitirnos incluir trozos de su m…
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In this brief episode, our producer Julio sat down with Rito Zazueta - an independent filmmaker from Tijuana/Chula Vista to discuss Tijuana's representation in the media and the impact and reception Rito’s documentary- Tijuana Dream- has had.Tune in!@portofentrypodBig thanks to Rito Zazueta for letting us include bits and pieces of her monumental s…
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Ruby y Javier son dos migrantes centroamericanos que operan Pura Vida, un food truck en Playas de Tijuana que ofrece una amplia selección de platillos salvadoreños y costarricenses. Después de que una oportunidad les permitió reubicarse en Tijuana, evalúan la vigencia Sueño Americano y consideran una nueva opción: el Tijuana Dream. Acompáñenos! @po…
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Ruby and Javier are two Central American migrants that own and operate Pura Vida a food truck in Playas de Tijuana that offers a wide selection Salvadorian and Costa Rican dishes. After an opportunity saw them to uproot and make it to Tijuana, they reexamine the pull of the American Dream and consider a new option; The TIjuana Dream.Tune in!@portof…
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Moumen Nouri dejó Marruecos en busca de nuevas experiencias en los EE. UU. Su sueño americano pronto se convirtió en una pesadilla después de meterse en serios problemas financieros para mantener su restaurante en San Diego a flote. Moumen nos habla de su vida en Marruecos y de cómo un traslado a Valle de Guadalupe le dio una segunda oportunidad pa…
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Moumen Nouri left Morocco in search of new experiences in the US. His American dream soon turned into a nightmare after getting into some serious financial trouble in order to keep his San Diego restaurant above water. Moumen talks to us about growing and Morocco and how a move to Valle de Guadalupe gave him a second chance to fulfill his dream of …
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Exxe Caivano es uno de los primeros emprendedores gastronómicos del Valle de Guadalupe. Su vocacion es mostrar de qué se trata el Asado Argentino. Exxe nos habla de cómo fue crecer en la zona rural de Buenos Aires, migrar a Ensenada y comparte una sorpresa inesperada que sólo el fútbol pudo traer a la luz. *********Port of Entry está de regreso ¡Ah…
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Exxe Caivano is one of Valle de Guadalupe’s early food entrepreneurs. His passion for life is to show people what the Argentinian Asado is all about. Exxe talks to us about growing up in rural Buenos Aires, migrating to Ensenada, seeing the region grow, and shares an unexpected change that only fútbol could bring out of him. Tune in!@portofentrypod…
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Alec y Josefina son una pareja la cual el giro de sus vidas es cruzar fronteras; internacionales, financieras y culinarias. Juntos abrieron Berlin 89, un bar y salchicheria en el centro de Tijuana que también opera como una embajada de criptomonedas. Acontecimientos recientes han hecho de su establecimiento un faro de esperanza para aquellos que hu…
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Alec and Josefina are a couple whose whole spin on life is to breach borders; international, financial and culinary. Together they opened up Berlin 89, a sausage deli bar in downtown Tijuana that doubles as a cryptocurrency embassy. Recent world events have turned their shop into a beacon of hope for those looking for a way to bring a sense of norm…
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El 12 de enero del 2010 un terremoto devastador azotó Haití provocando que millares de sus ciudadanos dejaran sus hogares para buscar un mejor futuro en otras partes del mundo. Elena y Petiane son dos refugiadas Haitianas que salieron de su país de origen para encontrar trabajo en América del Sur. Eventualmente llegaron a Tijuana ya que tenían como…
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In January 12, 2010 a devastating earthquake hit Haiti that caused a massive exodus of Haitian nationals to look for a better future in other parts of the world. Elena and Petiane are two Haitian refugees who left their home country for South America to find work. They eventually made it to Tijuana as they set their sights on getting to the US, but…
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Hola Amigos!We are back after a long hiatus ready and super excited to share a whole new set of stories with you.This March 15 we kick off Season 4! And this season we will be showcasing stories of newcomers to the borderlands who have impacted the culinary Landscape of Baja. We also have two important announcements we want to share with you.New te…
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In this episode we profile a bilingual theater experience called The Frontera Project. It is a company of Mexican and US artists that use theater, music, movement and play to actively engage the audience in conversation about life along the US/Mexico Border. Their mission is to encourage audiences to recognize each other across differences and to s…
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Thousands of people cross the U.S.-Mexico border every year to take a psychedelic known as ibogaine. But this isn’t for pleasure, this drug spins most people into a terrifying psychotic trip…but it’s a trip that may help some kick opiate addiction. We follow one man with an addiction issue as he takes this trip, and meet others that are trying to o…
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Cannabis advocates in Tijuana work with the legalized scene in California and get themselves ready for a future where adult-use cannabis is finally legal in Mexico. Not only are they working to get the laws changed in Mexico, they also have to find ways to change the perception of cannabis at the border, which has long been associated with Mexican …
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Cannabis on the border is nothing new – for decades, weed moved north from Mexico into the U.S., an illegal trade that fueled drug cartels and drug violence. But with the legalization of recreational and medicinal cannabis in California and other U.S. states, all of that has changed. In Episode 1 of a new series from Port of Entry, we profile a Tij…
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