Podcasts from The Red Door Community Church, Perth Western Australia. www.thereddoor.cc
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A community of people helping people make all of life all about Jesus.
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We exist to impact the world by engaging our community spiritually, culturally, and socially.
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Generosity - Greed & Contentment. Message by Dale Meredith at The Red Door Community Church.
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The Goal of Willy Nilly by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Levi DacionPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh & BekToday Pastor Jonathan is looking at Psalm 39. Our society today does whatever it can to avoid talking about death. Jonathan even spoke about where in the past he has spoken about death in sermons, some people reomstrated with him.The bible, however, is full of death, and this psalm is no d…
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One Another Essentials by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: John HargravePreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Bek, Josh & SusieToday Pastor Jonathan is looking at Psalm 4. David, the all powerful king, realises that he does not have the power to solve all problems. So many of our leaders today try to make us believe they can solve society's problems - economic, housing, employment, law and order. Instead,…
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Accepting Others by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Judy CarrPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Red Door Worship TeamToday Pastor Jonathan is looking at Psalm 46. This psalm opens with the verse "God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble". At certain times in our lives it feels like God is not there, but he is. God also commads us in verse 10 to "Stop fight…
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Behold - Looking Up. Message by Adam Meredith including Redkids movie message from the movie Meet the Robinsons at The Red Door Community Church.
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Behold - Looking Up. Message by Dale Meredith and RedKids movie message by Adam Meredith from the movie Inside Out #1 at The Red Door Community Church.
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Love Practice by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Daniel YongPreacher: Josh HennessyMusic: Josh Hennessy & Bek HudsonToday Josh is teaching from Psalm 36. It seems that this psalm is telling us that evil people will be punished and those who follow God are blessed, however Josh asks us to look deep into this psalm. Jesus told people that many who claim to follow him will be rejected becaus…
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My New Year's Resolution: People by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Gehan PereriaPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh HenesseyToday Pastor Jonathan is teaching from Psalm 146, a psalm which starts with the command Hallelujah! Literally, this word means "All of you, praise the Lord", and with the exclamation point, it's a command.When we read this, we often take it one of two ways - with pride because we are …
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Behold - Looking Up. Message by Luke Bates and RedKids movie message by Adam Meredith from the movie Up at The Red Door Community Church.
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Why Church? - Crossing the Jordan by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Danita O'LoughlinPreacher: Jonathan SmithToday we start our twelfth year of exploring the Psalms during the summer break. Pastor Jonathan is teaching from Psalm 30, a psalm where David looks at how great things are when he's walking with God, but also how bad things are when he turns from God.The message from this psalm is that even though …
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Behold - Looking Back. Conversation with Dale Meredith, Adam Meredith and Luke Bates at The Red Door Community Church.
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Preacher: Josh HennessyToday is Christmas Day, and in this message Josh goes back to the start of creation. This seems like a strange place to start when it's Christmas. Shouldn't we start at the birth of Jesus? No, Josh wants us to understand why Jesus was born, so we can marvel more at what God has done for us. Red Door is an Anglican Church in M…
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Reader: Jonathan SmithPreacher: Doug CarrMusic: Josh HenesseyToday is Christmas Eve, and in this final message from our series of The Women Of Advent, Doug tells us of the story of Mary, a young woman who would have been ostracised by her culture for being unmarried and pregnant. Yet throughout this whole series we have seen how God has incorporate…
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The Gift of Peace - message by Dale Meredith on Christmas Day at The Red Door Community Church.
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The Real Christmas Story (Better Together)
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34:34The Real Christmas Story (Better Together) by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Marios KyriakouPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey & Bek HudsonThis week is the fourth week of Advent for 2024. Today Pastor Jonathan is looking into how Bathsheba fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken people are in their behaviour, God can and does use these very people to bring about his plans.We can take c…
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I Like To Eat Alone by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Graeme MillerPreacher: Josh henesseyMusic: Leslie Edis, Josh HenesseyThis week is the third week of Advent for 2024. Today Josh is looking into how Ruth fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken people are in their behaviour, God can and does use these very people to bring about his plans.We can take comfort in this, part…
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Path of Peace, message by Luke Bates and Kieran Burne at The Red Door Community Church.By Luke Bates and Kieran Burne
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Reader: John Hargrave Preacher: Tibor TumbasMusic: Bek & John Hudon, Josh HenesseyThis week is the second week of Advent for 2024. Today Tibor is looking into how Rahab fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken people are in their behaviour, God can and does use these very people to bring about his plans.We can take comfort in th…
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Prince of Peace, message by Adam Meredith at The Red Door Community Church.
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An Olive Branch (The Gentile Test) by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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An update from Israel and the Middle East, with Dr Erez Sorewf and Pastor Jeffrey Cranford
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39:03An update from Israel and the Middle East, with Dr Erez Sorewf and Pastor Jeffrey Cranford by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Levi Dacion Preacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey & Joanna JustusThis week is the start of Advent for 2024. In this series, we look at the women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in the first chapter of Matthew's gospel.Today Pastor Jonathan is looking into how Tamar fits into the birth of Jesus, exploring no matter how broken peop…
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Young Adults Red Talks presents: Stories of Sexual Brokenness hosted by Dale Meredith with Summah Hughes and Caleb Gomez at The Red Door Community Church - apologies for the audio quality.
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How Does Loving Jesus Really Work? by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Gehan PereiraPreacher: Jonathan SmithThis week Jonathan is preaching from Luke 18:1-8. This short parable reveals that as we wait for Christ's return, Christians will suffer injustice. Unlike the judge in the parable, God is just and will eagerly hear and answer our pleas for help. Our part is to persevere in prayer.Today we are doing somet…
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The Art of War. Deliverance - A Panel Discussion on Models of Deliverance at the Red Door Community Church.By The Red Door Community Church
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The Art of War . A New Humanity - HouseChurch Sunday message by Dale Meredith and The Bible Project at The Red Door Community Church.
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Why Church? by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Doug Carr Preacher: Jonathan Smith Music: Leslie Edis & Josh Henessey The Parable of the Prodigal Son reveals that God’s love and grace is immense beyond our wildest dreams. Irrespective of the mess we have made of our lives, his overwhelming desire is to welcome us home with open arms. However, as per all of Jesus's parables, there is more…
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The Art of War . Strongholds - Message by Dale Meredith at The Red Door Community Church.
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A Retrospective by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Reader: Anne MillerPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh Henessey, John Hudson & Bek HudsonToday Pastor Jonathan looks at the parable of The Grand Banquet. Jesus turns the social norms of the first century ancient world upside down when he says that we shouldn't invite people to our social events because they can return the favour to us.Instead, we s…
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The Art of War . Truth - Message by Dale Meredith at The Red Door Community Church.
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Reader: Danita O'LoughlinPreacher: John HudsonMusic: Josh Hennessy, Joanna Justus & Bek HudsonToday John looks at the parable of The Good Samaritan. Often times we look at this parable and hope we can be like the Good Samaritan, but John wants us to look at this parable from a different perspective.What if we are the person who was robbed, the vict…
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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Love Attack 2024 by Luke Bates and Adam Meredith in partnership with Open Doors Australia at The Red Door Community Church.
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The Art of War . Authority 2.0 - Message by Adam Meredith at The Red Door Community Church.
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The Fall Feasts and God's Prophetic Time Clock
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49:17The Fall Feasts and God's Prophetic Time Clock by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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Preacher: Jonathan SmithGod’s forgiveness is vast and extravagant, and he calls the forgiven to exercise grace in forgiving others from the heart. The consequences for unforgiveness are dire.This week Pastor Jonathsn look at Jesus’ convicting parable of the unforgiving servant. Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.We exist to be a…
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The Art of War . Authority - HouseChurch Sunday message by Adam Meredith at The Red Door Community Church.
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Jesus is Coming Back for Sure by Church at the Red DoorBy Church at the Red Door
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The Art of War . Deliverance. Message by Dale Meredith at The Red Door Community Church.
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Reader: Daniel YongPreacher: Jonathan SmithMusic: Josh HenesseyToday Pastor Jonathan starts a new series on The Parables Of Jesus. This first message looks at the parable of The Sower, and Jonathan explains to us why Jesus taught in parables. message for us is to investigate for ourselves the underlying truth and message of the gospel that is found…
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