Our weekly messages recorded LIVE each week and made available Free of Charge to the World from Soul Purpose Evangelical Church, located at 11 Certified Dr. Middletown, NY 10940. Office: (845) 956-0133 Cover art photo provided by Jason Leung on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ninjason
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The Fruits of the Spirit Pt. 2 - JOY
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1:02:33The Joy of the LORD is our strength! The JOy of the Lord can never be removed! Even in the midst of Trila, your Joy can remain full! Tune into today's message and be encouraged!
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The Fruits of the Spirit Pt. 1 - LOVE
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1:09:53New Series on the 9 Fruits of the Spirit begins today. This is a representation of how every Christian looks like. Jesus said a tree is known by its fruit. Let's look at the 9 fruit and break them all down.
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3 Questions to Crush the Fear of Witnessing
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1:02:34Strange title for today's message. But once these three questions are answered, your fears of witnessing to others should slip away. Jesus calls everyone of us to "Go," and most do not go anywhere becasue of fear. Let's break that today!
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Jesus said: "Behold I Make All Things New!" You are a New Creation in Christ Jesus. what does this mean? How should we live? What should we share? Tune in for more on this powerful subject.
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Evangelism - The Watchword for the New Year
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1:08:55Jesus said: "Follow Me and I will make you Fisher's of Men." Why is this statement super important for every Christian on Planet Earth? How will this affect us? Our family, church and region? Please tune in to this most important message for 2025 and beyond!
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Our Final Episode of 2024, Growing Wiser! We all need Wisdom! Solomon Asked God for Wisdom. Prov. 4:7 - "Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore, get wisdom."
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We all seek God in the Midst of Storms or Crisis. However, how do we respond to Him when He answers or Prayers? When He saves the Day? are we grateful, or forgetful? This message is truly sobering and challenges every believer to self-examine the closeness of their Walk with Jesus.
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We must all know that time is running out! We are certainly in the last days! Many think there is still time to serve the Lord. Still time to reach others. Still time to take it easy. However, soon, it will be TOO LATE! Don't miss this one!
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Grieve Not The Holy Spirit! Pastor Daisy Feliciano
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53:56"Fireproof your Relationship With God!" Wow! What a word Pastor Daisy delivered on Sunday. you don't want to miss this one. God's word will meet you right where you are! Deliverance in the house!
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There is so much to be grateful for that is often overlooked. God is faithful, loving, merciful, longsuffering, and full of Grace. The Psalmist knew how to express gratitude! Today's message will inspire to appreciate all God continues to do for you!
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The Trials & Testing's of Perseverance
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1:07:58"Count it all JOY when you face trials of many kinds!" Easier said than done right? But it is possible to find Peace and Joy even in the midst of your storm! Stand firm! Pass the Test! Receive your reward! Persevere!
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After such a huge red wave election of 2024, it seems that America has a last chance at Righteousness or Reproach. This is a strong yet clear word from the Lord on the future fate of America and its people. Choose Life!
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When A Man Trust God - Pastor Shadreck Muchuwa
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1:23:24Pastor Shadreck delivers another on time word about how important it is to place your complete Trust in God.
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In this season of Political upheaval, where so many of us need to make the right decisions, here is some biblical precedence to help us all.
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On this Halloween Day of 2024, it is super important that Christians all over the world be informed as to this holiday's origins. Does it glorify God? Is this something we should be celebrating? How should we as Christians respond to this day? This is a small teaching to help every believer make the right choice and Honor God on this day.…
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"For by Grace we have been saved through Faith..." The Bible is clear about this fact. However, many are NOT clear about their Faith. IT could be a dangerous thing to believe that we are in right standing with GOD and be completely lost. Tune in to find out what is REAL and AUTHENTIC FAITH.
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Reclaiming the Royal Priesthood - Sis. Cynthia Roman
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1:10:51Guest Speaker Sis. Cynthia Roman delivers an on time powerful word to the body of Christ! An encouraging word to get every believer to take back what the enemy stole from them! Reclaim your Land, your purpose, your ministry! IT's yours! You are Kings and Priest and have authority over ALL works of darkness!…
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In this weeks message, every Christian is encouraged to Be Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. You are on the Winning team! Trials and conflicts are always temporary. God always begins and ends in the positive.
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What does it take to endure, persevere, or stand through trial and sufferings? Is this abnormal? Jesus had given great counsel to the church of Smyrna and He saw them as being Rich! Suffering is never permanent! This is an encouraging word for every believer!
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Pastor Shadreck takes us back to the beginning in Genesis 1. We cannot forget the beginning in order to move forward. God has had a plan right from the beginning.
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The Third Day Significance - Bro. Albert Feliciano, Jr.
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1:23:06What exactly is the significance of the Third day in scripture? The Number 3 is all throughout the bible. For such repetitiveness, there must be something deeper to explore. Bro. AJ give numerous parallels and teaching from this topic in today's powerful message.
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Pastor Daisy challenges every believer to examine themselves as to where they are in their walk with God. She goes through the lives and challenges several bible figures had to encounter and shows us that with Christ, we can also overcome.
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The Spirit of Intercession - P. Shadreck Muchuwa
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1:13:41Another dynamic and powerful message we all need to hear on the subject of intercession. Pastor Shadreck doesn't hold back and engages us all with Holy spirit boldness.
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Pastor Shadreck delivers a message on God's seasons and His timing. A NEw Season is upon us.
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Remembrance Upon The Shoulders - F. Leonetti
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55:07Guest Speaker Missionary Frank Leonetti delivers another powerful meesage this Sunday morning. The message deals with the parallels of the priestly garments and how it affects God's plan in our lives. Enjoy!
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There is always Power released in the Go! Jesus never called us to be professional Sitters, or Sitting Saints. It seems in many ways, that's what most churches produce. But that is NOT what the church should be! The Early church wasn't that. Neither should we be. Time to Move. Go. Become.
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Our Belief's change our behaviors. We will only ever act upon or serve what we believe to be true. This message will challenge what you really believe. It will examine if you truly walk in that which you believe.
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For too long the church has sat idly by while masses go without hearing the good news of the Gospel. It is time for God's people to Arise, Get Ready, and Go! Don't miss this one!
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God wants a mature, built up and complete church. Not one that is tossed to and fro with False Doctrines and compromised Gospel messages. He has given us all we need to be equipped, trained up, and prepared to reach the world for Jesus. A United Church is unstoppable!
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What a Dark and Evil Day we currently all live in. God see's everything and is not asleep at the wheel! He has a plan! The Church is the light of Christ in Darkness! IT's time for the Church to armor up, gird up, stand up, and be the light in this dark world! Expose the Darkness!
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IT is so very important to know that God wants us ALL to Flourish! The Rain falls on the Righteous and Unrighteous. However, exactly how do the righteous and the unrighteous flourish? Is there a difference? What about our Faith? Should this also be flourishing always? This is a can't miss message that will change your life!…
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The Lord's Prayer for Father's - Father's Day
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54:17The Lords Prayer is a very well known Prayer Jesus taught His Disciples. What is it about this prayer that gives Father's Wisdom, Insight, and Hope for the Future? Tune in to hear great counsel from the Best dad in the Universe.
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Today's episode was given at Blue Mountain Christian Retreat Center in PA on the Last day of our Family Conference. This message ties everything together from the theme of oue conference. Tune in and enjoy!
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Bro. Albert Feliciano, Jr. delivers an on time word with parallels of the evils in our day as was in the Days of Elijah. AJ gives us warnings of False Prophets and Doctrines to be weary of and how to avoid them.
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Proving God - The Gift of Obedience
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1:09:43One of the Most Difficult topics to discuss in the church environment is on Tithes and Offerings. But the Bible talks more about Giving then both Heaven and Hell combined. Why is giving so important to God? Why should it be so important to us? This is a powerful no holds barred message that will set your life free if you can apply God's Kingdom pri…
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You don't want to miss this one! If you aer downcast, weary or heavy laidened, this message is for you! We must be able to see through all the distractions of the enemy and all those things that try to steal our joy, and Praise God through it all! So many benefits to Praising God! You are on the Winning Team!…
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Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit - Pt. 8 ( Mother's Day )
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1:07:13Our Final Part in the Holy Spirit Series is now complete. We also end with some encouraging words for all the Mom's on Mother's Day 2024. God Bless you!
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Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit - Pt. 7
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1:06:49There are many ways that the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Many people don't know what they are. Scripturally, the bile gives us several examples and reveals how the spirit communicates with us. This message will explain some of the most common ways of dialogue with the Holy Spirit. By no means an exhaustive list.…
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In this sixth part of the Holy Spirit series, you will gain some deep insight to what it means for you to be filled with the Spirit of God. What are some of the setbacks, pitfalls and shortcomings that hinder your walk with God, and how do we fix it? Let us walk in and under complete control. Be filled with the Holy Spirit!…
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The Holy Spirit In the Church - Pt. 5
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1:04:46We continue this week in our Holy Spirit series on the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church. What would the church look like and live like if we were all filled with the Holy Spirit? What Key roles does the Holy Spirit do for His church and in it?
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The Holy Spirit & The Christian Life - Pt. 4
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1:02:08Part 4 of this series deals with the reality and necessity of our relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT. Our Partnership with Him is vital to our sucess in all areas of life and ministry.
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The Holy Spirit At Conversion - Pt. 3
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1:08:04What exactly takes place at the New Birth of the Believer? Why is it so important to understand what has now been made available to you by God? Enjoy Part 3 in this series and grow in your understanding of the Holy Spirit's work in your life.
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The Greatest Day In History! ( Resurrection Sunday )
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51:22Resurrection Sunday is so often overshadowed by the pagan celebration of Easter with the little bunny rabbits and decorated eggs! But even the devil himself cannot overshadow the Greatest Day in the History of the Universe, The Resurrection day of Jesus Christ from the Grave! What a Glorious and most powerful Victory was won that day! The Implicati…
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The King is Coming! Are you ready for Him? How will you receive Him when He arrives? What should we be doing while we await His return? Tune in to find the answers to these questions and more.
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What was it about the Early Church that drove thousands to Christ in a single day? What kind of power did it take for those being martyred to pray for their executioners and forgive them before they died? This message will absolutely challenge your attitude about reaching lost souls for Jesus Christ. Buckle up! This one will make your heartbeat str…
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The Holy Spirit: Who He is and What He Does - Pt. 1
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1:12:19We begin with a series on the Holy Spirit. For the next few weeks, we will go through some key foundational truths of who the Holy Spirit is, What He does, and Why it is so important to be Filled with the Holy Spirit of God. These messages will change the lives every believer!
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What exactly is the Goshen Blessing? Is it available to all believers? In scripture God speaks about a land that is exempt from the plagues and judgments of God. A Place of Separation and Preparation. It is a Pathway to the Promise of God. Are you ready for your Goshen Blessings?
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What does it take to become ONE in the body of Christ? Is this attainable? Does God expect this from us? What are the benifits of being a church of One Accord? This message will answer these questions and more. Enjoy!
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Who Do You Say That I Am - Bro. Albert Feliciano, Jr.
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1:26:54After 8 weeks of the "I Am" series, now the question is asked from the Lord Jesus to His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" This week, Brother AJ challenges us to answer this question for ourselves. In addition, knowing who Jesus is also comes with great power and authority to heal, cast out devils and Deliver the captives. Enjoy.…
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Alas, we have reached the end of our "I Am" declaration series. This one ends with Fireworks! What exactly did Jesus mean when He addresses Himself as Alpha and Omega, and how exactly do we apply this to our lives? tune in for the climactic conclusion of the I Am series.
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